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HIGH WATER. TO-MORROW. St. Clair : 6.17 a.m., 6.42 p.m. Taiaroa Head : 6.27 a.m., 6.52 p.m. Port Chalmers : 7.7 a.m., 7.32 p.m. Dunedin : 7.37 a.m., 8.2 p.m. THE SUN. Sots to-day, 7.41 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 5.2 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.

WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day ; Bar. Tlier. Weath.

Weather.—B, blue sky, be the atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy) G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates), supplied the following at noon to-day The indications are for northerly winds (strong to a gale) prevailing; weather fair u> cloudy; barometer falling soon : sea considerable, tides high. SAlLED.—January 27. Kahika, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 1,172 tons, Cameron, for Oamarn. John, s.s. (10.15 p.m.), 539 tons, Hawick, for Oamarn. ARRIVED.— J ami ary 28. Trekieve, s.s. (8.30 a.m.), 6.244 tons, Daniel, from Canada via New Zealand ports.. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Moeraki, Melb. via Bluff, —. Pori, Melbourne, Bluff, to-day. Trekieve, Sydney, Melb., to-day. Breeze, Wanganui via ports, Jan. 29. Navua, Auckland via ports, Jan. 29. Opihi, New Plym. via ports, Jan. 29. Oreti, Invercargill, port Craig. Jan. 20. Sussex, Newcastle. Ja\a, Jan. 29. Calm, Wanganui via ports, Jan, 31. Dorset, Wellington, Jan. 31. \Vhmigapc, Bluff, Sydney, Jan. 31. Molmdale, Wanganui via ports, Jan. 01. Kamo, Greymomh via. 'ports. Feb. 2. Micaf Mount, New Plymouth, Feb. 2. Morin, Wanganui via ports, Feb. 2. Leiliim. Newcastle.. Feb. 3. Tekoa, New Plymouth, Feb. 3, Ai.’glo t‘oluinbian, Jllmi, Feb. 4. dale, Wanganui via ports, Feb. 4. Ripa, Wanganui via. ports, Feb. 4. Karetu, Bluif, Sydney, Feb. 0. Kaloa, Auckland via ports. Fob. 5. Flora, Gisborne via ports, Feb. 6. Corinna, New Plym. via. ports, Feb. 6. Canadian Constructor, Bluff, Fob. 7. Waimana, Napier, Gisborne, Feb. 7.^ Wannka. Auckland via ports. Feb. 7. Manuka, Mclo, via. ports, Feb. It. Waiknuaili. Lyttelton, Timaru, Feb. 16. Wingatui. Auckland via ports, Fob. 10. 11.M.5. Veronica, f>l nft, Feb. 15. Port Denison, Tnnaru, Feb. 21. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Makura, leaves Sydney February 12 and Auckland February 17 for Vancouver via Sava and Honolulu. Niagara. left Vancouver January 14 for Auckland and Sydney via Honolulu ■on! Suva ; due Auckland February 2. Tahiti, left Auckland yestenlay lor Vancouver via Suva, and ifonohihi; due Vancouver February 13. Maunganui. leaves San Knmeisro today for Wellington and Sydney via Papeete and Rarotonga ; due Wellington February 16. Aoran'gi, leaves Sydney March 12 and .Auckland March 17 for Vancouver via Suva, ami Honolulu; due Vancouver April 3. THE FERRY SERVICE, The Maori arrived at Lyttelton at 10.10 a.m. to-day, and passengers and mails connected with the, second express for the south. The John sailed last nieht for Oamarn, Lyttelton, Wellington, Wanganui, and New Plymouth. The Kahika departed last evening for Oamavu, Tinumi, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, and Gisborne. The Sussex, discharging Eastern merchandise at the Victoria, wharf, is to sail to-morrow evening for Newcastle. Rain has delayed the Navua, coming from Auckland via Wellington. She is now due here to-morrow, to sail on Friday for Auckland via Lyttelton and Wellington. Tlie Kamo was timed to leave Auckland to-day for Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She is duo on Wednesday, February 4. The Opihi arrives to-morrow from Port. Chalmers to load, and sails in the evening for New Plymouth and Nelson via ports. With limber from Port Craig, the Oreti is expected here to-night or to-morrow morning. She should sail to-morrow night for Invercargill and Pork Craig. The Breeze is due to arrive from Lyttelton to-morrow, and is to sail then for Wanganui via ports.

The 'Federal Line's Dorset is to go to Port Chalmers this evening to load refrigerated and general cargo for west coast ports of England. On Saturday she will sail for Wellington to continue discharging. On Monday the Sydic loft Wellington for Lvttelton and Dunedin, where she will complete discharge of her hardwood cargo from Bunbury. The Waimana, from Liverpool via Auckland, is due to arrive on February 2 or 3. She will complete discharge, load wool and general cargo at Port Chalmers, and load for Home ports at Napier, Gisborne, Wellington, Nelson, and Auckland. The vessel is to sail finally from Auckland for London on February 26. TEKOA TO-MORROW. The New Zealand Shipping Company advises that the Tekoa, from London via Auckland, is duo here to-morrow morning from Wellington. She will continue discharge and sail for Now Plymouth on Tuesday to complete. MATATUA’S LOADING PORTS. The Shaw, Savlll and Albion Company s steamer Matatua, which left Brisbane on. Friday, will load at Picton, Lyttelton, Timaru, Port Chalmers, and Bluff. She is due here about February and is scheduled to sail for London on February 14. CARGO FROM NEW YORK. The A. and A. Line agency has been advised that the steamer Matoppo sailed from New Yprk on January 17 with cargo for discharge at Auckland, Napier, W ellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Brisbane. The vessel is due at Auckland about February 23, at Wellington ten days later, and about March 7 at Dunedin. PORT AUGUSTA FROM NEW YORK. The C. and D. Line advises tbat_the Port Augusta is to sail from New York early in'February with general carao to discharge at Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. SOMERSET TO LOAD. Advice has been received by the New Zealand Shipping Company that the Federal Line steamer Somerset is due at Auckland about February 24 to commence loading for England. She will also load at Napier, Wellington, Bluff, and Port Chalmers, and will bo finally despatched from New Zealand about the middle of March. TREKIEVE FROM CANADA. The Haiti Line steamer Trekieve arrived from Canada via Now Zealand ports this morning, and berthed at Iho Rattray street, wharf. The vessel had a cargo of steel products, paper, motor cars, tobacco, and general merchandise, which was loaded at Sydney (Cape Breton), Montreal, and Newport News. She sailed from Montreal on November 26 and Newport. News on December 6. Colon was readied on December 14, and next day the Trekieve cleared Balboa. Generally fine weather was experienced on the voyage until January 8, when strong south-westerly winds were encountered. the boisterous conditions lasting about, thirty-six hours. From hero she proceeds to Sydney and Melbourne to complete discharge. Captain T. E. Daniel is in command of the Trekieve. His officers are: - Chief, Mr F. 11. Parmce; second, Mr K. T. Browne; third. Mr R. K. Watson ; chief engineer. Mr W. Brown ; .second, Mr W. Johnston: third, Mr W. Stengel ; fourth, Mr T. A. Glisshold : wireless operator, Mr L. Stapleton; chief steward, Mr N. Eynon. The Trekieve conies a crew of thirty-eight all told. The stokehold hands afo West Indian negroes, and the remainder of the crew are whites, PASSENGERS FOR AMERICA. The Union Company's steamer Tahiti left Auckland yesterday for San Francisco via, Auckland. Mica, Honolulu, and Vancotr'cr, tailing the following passengers for America -First saloon :Mr and Mrs A. Manghan, Mr G. Jadkin, Misses Man- (2), Air and Mrs T. P. Quill, Air A. Dailey. -Mrs A. B. Storey, Miss B. Thomson, Air and Airs H, L. Everiiigham, Air ami Mrs Brunei. Air 11. .). H.avward, Mr H. G Iterley, Airs J. Wood, Miss E. G. Breaker. Mrs G. Al. Brown, Airs T. Cane, Mi’ and .Mi's S, Broome, Air Reg. Moses. Mr S. A. Alexander, Mrs H. Wales, Mis.; Haines. Aliss Nuismith. Mr and Airs Gumming. Air and Airs AV, M. Gregg, Mr and Mrs T. .1. Williams and infant, Mr W. R. Gharßon. Mr S. F. Gosh, Miss is. Mari’, -Mr and Mrs A. Naismith, Air ami Mrs R. Miller, Air and Airs L. T. Gosh, Mr and Mrs Newhinds, Aliss G. T. Robbins. Airs G. Bnryclowsky. Mv R. Harper. Mr F. G. Gveighlou, Miss Al. Hedge, Miss O. Northnm, Miss N. Harrington. AH A. Thomson. -Mr 0. Ilaigh. Air W. J. 11 evhring. Dr and Airs R. K. AA ilson. Airs Reuzilowsky, Mrs G. Greenhouse. Second saloon : Airs Evans and two children. Miss E. Heriinniigs, Mrs T. Hnhhs, Ah’,-. G. Marshall, Aliss Ai. Afarshall. Air and Airs J. H. Anderson. -Misses K, AT and IT. S. Card. Aliss E. I;. Green, Miss M. Winter. Air W. J. Froggatt, Mrs AV. J. and Miss 1). F. Frog.gatt, Air J. Atkinson. Air and Mrs Al. Davidson, Airs D. G. Kino and two children. Pastor D, P. Kmc, Mr James Tollev, Aliss I). Bremer. Airs Al. Milne and child. AH - R. B. Gray. Air A. Charles, Air and Mrs Roddick. Air O. Levy, Air H. E. Beddoes, Air and Airs N, ADMdlen. Mr and Airs V. R. Burgess, Aliss G. Roberts, Aliss S. Reid. Nurse AI. 1 Eambie. Misses ADGregor (Hi. Mr and Mrs L. R. Armstrong. Miss s. Aston, Airs F. Punch, Airs J. F. Si, Hnwrtnce. Mr Bnzz.n. Air and Airs F. S. kmhh and infant. Mr and Airs APGnier, Mrs A. Jarre) t. Air Max. George. Miss E. AI. AA il--on, Aliss M. F. damn bell, Mrs and Master Cameron, Dr Marsden, Mr A. C. Baume. Aliss J, Barron ; and seventeen third class passengers.

SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. January 27.—Arrived: Trewvn (1 p.m.), from Nauru Island: { Port Albany (8 p.m.), from Opna. Sailed: ! AVaiwera (12,45 p.m.), for New York; Tahiti (5.35 p.m.). for A'ancouver; Kurow (7 p.m.). for Newcastle. WELLINGTON. January 28.—Sailed: Tekoa (6.40 a.m.), for Port Chalmers. Arrived: Mnheno (8 a.m.), from Sydney. LYTTELTON. January 27.—Sailed: Pnreora, (1.45 p.m.), for Westport; Wootton (2.15 p.m.). Goritna (4.5), Holmdale (4.5), for Wellingtoi; Breeze (8.20 p.m. i, for Dunedin. TIMARU. January 27. Sailed- Trekieve, for Dunedin. OAMAF.U, January 28.—Arrived: Kahika (4.15 a.m.), John (5.30 a.m.), from Dunedin. RIO DE JANEIRO, January 26. Sailed: Athcnic, for London, on route Horn Wellington. . MALTA, January 26.—Sailed: Kia Ora, en route from Adelaide.

(For continuation sec Late Shipping.)

First quarter Feb. 1 4.13 a.m. Full moon Feb. 9 9.19 a.m. Last quarter Fob. 16 9.11 a.m. New moon Feb. 23 1,42 p.m. Set s today, 10.2 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 10.5 ; urn

Wellington—S.S.E., b 29.99 60 C Grevinouth-—.E., f b 29.85 66 B Christ’cli—S.W., f h 29.98 53 0 P Timaru—Calm ... 30.02 61 0 Oamani—N.E., :l> 29.97 61 B C Dunedin—N.E., h 29,95 57 B C Queenstown —W., 1 29.86 60 B Nuggets—E., f b — 57 C Blutt-N.E., 1 ... 29.88 57 Z Wind.—L, light; b, breeze ; fb, fresh breeze ; in e, moderate gale ; g, whole or heavy gale; \v, gale of exceptional severity.

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Evening Star, Issue 18851, 28 January 1925, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18851, 28 January 1925, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18851, 28 January 1925, Page 1