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PROFICIENCY AND COMPETENCY RESULTS. SOME OF THE TOWN SCHOOLS. The Otago Education Board has snpplied the following further liftt. of tho sue* cessfnl pupils for proficiency anil conijietency certificates : GEORGE STREET.— Anderson, Leonard Ohas. ; Anderson, Manley Arthur; Be-rteushaw, Norman; Bingham, Arthur Ed. ; Bolting, Stuart If. ; Brown, Alfred E.; Buchanan, Finlay; Burgess, Jack M. 1).; Clark, Frank _ Robert; Currie, Robert I).; Gray, William David ; Harris, Leonard Wm.: Hobbs, Eric Arthur; Homal, Alex. Alarms; Lake, Donald A,; Lake, William <5-; Lawson, Stanley; Mold nun, Frank It.; Aleikle, Colin Blair; Miller, Robert G.: Newman, Francis Wm. i Russell, Leslie J.; Smith, Lindsay Q. ; Starkey, Stanley; Stone, Frank W, W.; Tinker, Wm. Lloyd; Thomson, William; Varcoo, Stanley F<.; Williams, Owen M. ; Wilson, John James; Banj norman, Eveleen D. ; Crooks, Phyllis M.; • Doig, Marjory W.; Hancock, Dorothy S. ; L«cg, Marion, E. ; Lindsay, Esther I.; MLKenzio, Dennice 1a ; Ml Kersey, Ellen ■ E.; M'Leod, Jessie- AL A. ; Pearce, Emily ' 0.; Skene, Jean I. H.; Sprague, Myra L.; Walker, Agnes H. ; White, Hazel (L Ocmpotency: Rogers, William E. ; Brewerter, Olivo F.; Jbwiss, Ivy M. , MORAY PLAGE,—Proficiency; Ed--1 wards, Gecrra W. ; Edgar, Frederick: ' Granpataes, Edward ; Gale, Philip; Gunning, David J.; Hall, Harry; Hyder, Sheet. i Kinnaird, Jas. ; A fort, Willi am E,; Maim, Wallace; APKcchnio, Arthur; Murray, John F.; Quin. Edward AT. ; Rodgers, Richard; Russell, Alex.; Shalliah, William J.; Stanton, Gordon; Tinfey, Alurcay; Young. William; Bachop, lorence; Baxter, Rita Jane; Drew, Marina Avia; Kilgour, Edna: APKcnzie, Vida; Shepherd, Jean; Stanton, Joy; ■’Williams, Gladys; White, Grace. Competency j A leek, James M.; D reaver, V r era E. i Knights, Victoria. ALBANY STREET. —Proficiency; Barton, Charles F.: CVookshanks, Jamas D.; Curran, Reginald AI. ; Fox, Jack; Frost, Ivan B.; Graham, Arthur J. P. ; Graham, Geo. T.: Gray, Reginald W.; Hill, (k Bernard; Bradman, Alexander A. W. ; Jarvis, Thos. H. : APLac.hlan. D. Gitirtonr; AT oil son, Lindsay; Paterson, Leslie J. A.; Ramsay, Cyril J.; Sinclair, Alex. C.; Simpson, i>. Stewart; Twose, .Albert. 0. ; Baxter, Elizabeth S. ; Black, Eleanor L,; Block, Marguerite S.; Cullender, Lily At.; Downes, Violet N.; Duggan, Aileen V.; Edwards, Helen E. ; Eustace, Ethel AI.; Fleming, Gladys A.: Howie. AVinifred L. D.; Hughes, Gladys K. ; Jenkins, Poggv G. : Latimer, Doreen G. ; Aloore, AI. ftittv E. ; Martin, Isobnl 0.; APLcan, Phyllis ft.; Simpson, Alurna A.; Shearer, Kathleen A-; Thomas, Phyllis R.: Viney, Gwen da AI,; Wallace, Olivo; White, Hazel A.; Walker, Marguerite 0.: Williams, Catherine AI, E.; Wyllie, J. Marie: Brasier, Doreen: Downes, Winifred; Frood, Margareti Graveson, Dorothy; Johnson, Nellie; Jlacauley, Alarjory; M.'luiy, Audrey; JFLean, Janet; Phelan, Nellie; Stewart, Kathleen. Competency: Alillor, Andrew XV. ; Dawson, Constance E.; Fox, Kathleen; lice, Irene; Payton, Afuriel. NORTH-EAST VALLEf.—Proficiency ; Aitchison, Selwyni; Aitken, William: Anpoll, Errol: Bell, Arthur; Bell, Basil; Brough, John; Brown-, Samuel; Bus well, Charles; Cheshire, Clarence; Clarke, Al- , herb; Finlay, Marbyn ; Sydney ; Hayward, ftharles; Heriderson, Gordon; Horne, Ronald; Morris, James J.; Jones, ; Ralph; Medlin, Frank; APStay, Samuel; AfTx>.an, Norman; Hackman, Lewis; Peart, William; Reid, Robert; Robb, George; Turner, Charles; Turner, Fred.; Watt, Alexander; Warlick, Ralph; Budge, Lorn a; Cannon, Daisy; Drake, Dora; Fowler, Gertrude; Ferguson, Dorothy; Graces Olwens Hamilton, Dorothy: Hamilton, Jessie; Letts, Elsie; Marshall, Noelimyj Mason, Hazel; Alii low, Cecilia; , APLfS-cn, Emma; Alarks, Elizabeth; ADunro, Jessie; Ogg, Ethel; Pottet, Maud; Pearce, Eleanor; Rigby, Emily-, Stuart, Margaret; Shepherd, Millicenl; Terry, Elsie; AVilhelmscn, Doris. Competency; Baxter, Thomas: Cnitohley, Frame; Robb, Jack; Alcorn, Elizabeth; Bunting, Grace; Hutchinson, Jean; Wills, Ena. , KAlKOßAl.—Proficiency: Allan, John; Hews, William; Brough, John; Gayzer, Sidney; Cook, Robert; Bowie, Tasman; Dawson, Robert; Didha-m, William; Eccles, John; Ellis, Ernest; Fitchett, .Mian; Gonrley, Sco-nlar; Holden, Alan; Hopper, lan; Ilaigh, Herbert; Johnson, Wilson; Lorimer, David;, James; Allies, Herbert; Miller, William; Morrison, Harold; Morrison, Ken-

neth; Paterson, Stanley; Pybus, Arthur; Spiers, Hudson; Stevens, Colin; Stricken,; Shekleton, Athol; Venables, Walden, Edward; Woott-on, John; Yonngman, Frederick; Allen, Francis; Andierson, Alary; Bailor©, Alary; Benzoni, Norma;, Edith; Chappell, Dorothy; Chisholm, Susan; Cohen, Eileen ; Dallas, Gwendolen ; Green, Gwendoline; Hunter, Winifred; Jameson, Alary; Jones, Eleanor; Lee, Constance; ATGuire, Evelyn.; Al.Tntosh, Vera; A filler, Nancy; Afitcholl, Helen; Alorton, ■Olive; Scott. Dnlcio; Sinclair, Una.; Sinclair, Afarjorie; Southey, Rua; Stewart, Iris; Stoddard, Jean; Stokes, Loma; War-drop, Elizabeth ; Watt, Afar. Competency ; Brown, Thus.: Cooper, Campbell; Scott, Owen; Gordon, Flora; Wood, Corn.

NORMAL.:—Proficiency; Arthur, Clive AI. ; Bowron, Harry Johnston; Carson, AVm. Alatthcw; Chisholm, Wm. Leslie; Foster, Harry G. ; Froggart, Alex. E. ; Graham, Archie; Grant, David R.; Howes, Russell A.; Hunter, William ; Larkins, John S. N.; AHElroa, Frederick W.; MTarlane, John U. R.; Alichie, George AI.; Nisbet, Arthur E.; Osborn, Henry C,; Palmer, John ; Powell, Walter; Roberts, John AL ; Sanderson, Walter F.. ; Silver, R. 0. D.; Smith, William J. 1,; Smith, AVilliam D.; Slrachan, W. N. ; Walker, Hugh A.; Wilson, Thomas A.; Wills, -Stanley W. G.; "Wood, William; Anderson, Jessie A.: Bannatyno, Agnes D. O. ; Blamires, Winifred B.; Bums, Elsie Catherine;; Backhand, Lorna G.; Campbell, Elizabeth A. ; Gov, Evelyn Rose: Etheridge, Alarguerlte E.; Farrell, Ethel T. ; Fraser, Georgina IT.; Gemmell, Thelma AL E.; Howie. Eleanor F. ; Isaacs, Norcen L. J.; AUCabe, Sylvia G. W.; Powell, Nora L.; Robertson, Edna S.; Thompson, Ruth AT.; "Warren, Aln-r----garet F. ; Hossack, Jack F.; Maskall, Reginald) W.; Eggers, Davina J.; Walker, Alinnie. Compotcpcy; Blee, Samuel J, ; Knowles, Ellon J.; AUQiteen, Isobel AT.

ST. HILDA’S COLLEGlATE.—Proficiency: Burton, Bona; Branch, Lesley; Oottcrill, Margaret; Drake, Betty; Hammond, Florence; Napier, Mary; North, Jocelyn; Pickerill, Kathleen; Rowntreo, Phyllis; Rowntreo, Nancy; Wilkinson, Beatrice; Conn, Chrystabel; Upham, Esther; Wrightson, Patricia. Competency: Braithwaite. Rua; Dreavor, Kora; Fenwick, Helen; Hanlon, Eileen; Nelson, Ailsa; Smith, Prudence. TOKOMAIRTBO DISTRICT HIGH— Proficiency: Burn, Leslie; Chalmers, David; Elliott, Wilfred; Gordon, George; Hawke, William ; Melville, George ; Michelle, Alan; M‘Donald, John; MTvcchnic, Adrian; Murray, Henry; Russell, Leslie; Smith, Walter; Bedford, Emily; Coomhe, Gwenda; Corston, Marjory’; Krept, Mary; Littlejohn. Lucy; Lochart, Isabella; Lockhart, Moira; Logan, Thelma; Martin, Edith; Martin, Pearl; Murray, Elizabeth; Savage, Grace: Scott, Mary; Sutherland, Margaret; Thomson, Margaret; Thornton, Ellen; Vidal, Gwynedd; Wilson, Valerie. Competency: Begg, Norman ; Brown, Raymond; Kennard, James ; M'Elrca, David; Strain, William. LAWRENCE DISTRICT HlGH.—Proficiency : Brown, Arthur; Chileo, Charles; Dwyer, Walter; Gray, Lawrence; Hore, William; Marshall, Allan F.; Simpson, William; Wool ford, Clarence; Asher, Marjorie; M'Kinlay, Mary; Rudd, Stella. BALCLUTHA DISTRICT HIGH— Proficiency; Arhuthnott, Richard A.; Dawson, George SL; Fallowfield, Leslie E.; Gould, Gilbert,Horace; Guest, Francis W.; Guest, Ronald J.; Hurring, Alexander; Jory, Thomas H.; Middlemans, William L.; Muir, Lin wood M.; ; Roy, Alan B. N.: Watson, Bryce W. ; Hislop, Ml, Se^tkJDorif

I.; Catrons, Mary J.; Duckworth, Winifred; Gillespie, Nocleen AL; Gormack, Elizabeth;' Hair, Dosdemona J.; Kcach, Emma F. ; APCutchcon, Hazel G. ; APKay, Margaret 8.; APKinlay, Alice M.; Ronton, Lena P.; Ryan, Ellen T.; Sinclair, Amelia P.; Sloan, Edna B. F. ; Smith, Ellen C.; Smith, Lillian, Y.; Sutherland, Aland E. ; White, Lillian J. Competency: Johnston, Eileen H. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS.—Proficiency: Austin, . Francis; Beard, John: Boyle, Marlin; Brown, Arthur; Campbell, Robert ; Dcunchy, Bernard; Donnelly, Alexius; Dougherty, Leo; Drumm, Bertram: Hall, John; Harridge, William.; Lauren, James; lowo, William; Alason, Edward ; APGottigan, Neil; Milos, Owen ; Aloran, John; Murphy, Richard; O'Connell, George; Parsons, Joseph; Qnill, Raymond; Riley, Denis; Russell, John; Sim-

monds, Francis; Smolensk!, Charles; Stapp, Francis; Todd, Leonard; Whitty, Arthur: Wilson, Robert; Wiudle, Nicholas; Woods, William. Competency. Daniel, Gabriel; Gallagher, Wilfrid; Josephs, Joseph. ST. PATRlCK’S.—Proficiency : Cor-xna-ck, Alona; Gillies, Alanreen; Hum, May; Smith. Eileen; Wilson, Nona. ST. PHlLOAlENA.—Proficiency; Berwick, Louisa; Campbell, Shield; Isaac, Irene; Mee, Loonore; Toomey, Patricia.

ST, JOSEPH’S (Port Chalmers).—Proficiency ; Albertson, Wilfred A.; Connor, Kathleen: Dougherty, Evelyn E. ; Flynn, Terence W, ; King, Eileen V. ; Afontgomery, Henry J. ; Montes, Denis : Afiddleditoh, William A'. : M'Kowen, Stanley B. ; APDowall, George W.; Oswald, Nellie J. ; Oswald. Joseph V.; Shanks, Alice AL UPPER JUNCTION. Proficiency ; APDonnell, William; Ogilvie, Doris; Ross, AlaryHIGHCi.IFF. —-Proficiency: Aitken, Florence 0.; Bell, Alarion R.; Boyles, .Maurice A. ; Donaldson, .Margaret E. EAST TATKRl.—Proficiency ; Allan, Annie S.; Imrie, Tui; M’Nab, Lexie; Turnbull, Mavis I).

WATPORl.—Competency : Gave, Laura.

OUTRAAL—Proficiency : Campbell, Robert: Gibson, Hugh; Walker, Howard; Ferguson, Annie; APCann, Elizabeth J.; ADLaven, Mary ; Petrie, Constance Louisa; Shurtill, Jean; Snow, Nancy. WAlHOLA.—Proficiency; -Sinclair, Archibald If.; Stanger, Eileen L. Competency ; Smith, Eli.

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER’S CONVENT (Mornington). Proficiency; Bradley, Imekla li. ; Stapp, Eileen E. ; Stewart, Phvllis J. ; Pettit, Lawrence T. WAIPAHI. Proficiency : APKcnzie, Alargaret A. ; Whiteside, Thyrza. Comjictencv: Truster, Alargucrito A. AI. AVAITAHUNA.— Proficiency: _ Blaikie, Evclcua Jane ; Crane, Doreen Elaine Lop ; Cutler, George; Hogg, Donald; Alncartnoy, Francis V. : APCoskcry, Jessie Catherine; APKcnzie. Fay; Ryan, John Joseph C. Competencv : Lvtich, Johanna. WEST TAIERI.--Proficiency ; Harvey, George G. WATHEAIO. Proficiency; Bayly, (rcorgo I). Competency; Pnnglo, Isabel

BRIGHTON. Proficiency: Braid, Doris; Connor, Alargaret. TAIERI BEACH.—Proficiency: Grcllct, Fred. ; Joseph, James.

AIAUNGATUA. —Proficiency Forsyth, David; Here, Robert Lanncclot; Leask, William John; Richards, John Wm. ; Weatlierall. Edna Amelia. oTAKoU.—Proficiency ; Ellison, Mor?; Kaahn, Pencamine; Hardman, Annie, Competency T’atrick, Hazel. SHAG POlNT.—Proficiency: Dunn, Elsie H.; Hughes, Elizabeth. Competency ; Brooke, Rupert, LEITH VALLEY. —Proficioncy ; East, Lilian Lottie; Hobbs, Richard James; Ryan, Arthur James. Competency: Gray, Arabella Ixniisa ; Kearney, John Thomas ; Kearney, Stewart Albert; Rvan, Hazel Ethel. '

PURAKANDI. Proficiency: Baird, John; Larkins, Bichard ; Stevenson, Alurrav A. Com;iotency: Driver. Annie. DUNBACK. Proficiency : Fratev, Alan; Read. Charles. AIOUNT STUART.—Proficiency : Bartlett, Myrtle. AIOERAKT. Proficiency - Cormack, Myrtle; Page!, Bobcrt. Competency: APKav. Kittv, PORTOBIiIHO. Proficicncv ; Arnott, Winifred ; Hanson, Victor H. Competency : Moore, David A.; Pcppercll, J.ouis 'FLAG SWAAlP.—Proficiency: Dempster, Bonald C. ; Lee, Sloven: Baird, Myrtle; Dempsey, Florence; Thomson, Phvllis Afa.v. (.bmpctency: APGrogor, Neil M. WYLLIE'S CRoSSlNG. —Competenev: Bradbury, Afarjorie ; AlitcJicll, James ft. SE.ACLIFF. -—Proficiency: Aitcheson, Rosalind; Hughes, Edith ’AI. EVANSDALE.—Competency; Ferguson, Alona.

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Evening Star, Issue 18812, 10 December 1924, Page 10

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THE SCHOOL YEAR Evening Star, Issue 18812, 10 December 1924, Page 10

THE SCHOOL YEAR Evening Star, Issue 18812, 10 December 1924, Page 10