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HIGH WATER. TO-MORROW. St, Clair : 11.1 a.m., 11.25 p.m. Taiaroa Head : 11.11 a.m., 11.35 p.m. Port Chalmers ; 11.51 a.m., p.m. Dunedin : a.m., 12.21 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-day, 7.52 p .m.; rises to-morrow, 4.45 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.

Poso to-day, 2.34 p.m.; sets to-morrow, 1.4 a.m. WEATHER REPORT, Tlie Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day :

Wind.—L, light; b, breeze; fb, fresh bre,sze; mg, moderate gale ; g, whole or heavy gale; w, galo of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, be the atmosphere dear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; IT, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing’ showers; Q, scmally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow, T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. ARRlVED.—January 16. Waipori. e.s. (7.30 a.m.), 1,976 tons, Chatficld, from Auckland via ports. SAlLED.—January 16. Trofusis, s.s. (5.20 a.m.), 5,299 tons, Hcmmett, for Melbourne. Kent, s.s. (10.20 a.m.), 9,857 tons, Jarvis, for Lyttelton. VESSELS EXPECTED AT DUNEDIN. —Coastal.— Oreti, Port Craig, to-day. Storm, Wanganui via ports, Jan. 17. Calm, Wanganui via pork, Jan. ,18. Opihi, New Plymouth, 18. Holmdale, Wanganui via ports, Jan. 19, Kamo, Gisborne, Napier, Jan. 18. Breeze, Wanganui via porta, Jan. 21. Karori, Auckland via ports, Jan. 22. Rira, ketch, Auckland Jan. 23. Komata, Auckland via ports, Jan. 24. Coriuna, Wellington, Jan. 25. Rotorua, Lyttelton, Bluff, Jan. 25. Kiui, Greymouth via ports, Jan. 25. Gale, Wanganui via ports, Jan. 28. Wingatui, Auckland via ports, Jan. 28. Waipori, Auckland via ports, Feb. 2. —lntercolonial and Oversea.— Nuddea, Now York via, ports, Jan. 17. Moeraki, Melbourne via Bluff, Jan. 19. Cornwall, Liverpool via ports, Jan. 22. Australind, St. John via ports, Jan. 22. Whangape, Sydney via ports, Jan. 23. Kotow, Port Stephens via ports, Jan. 24. Mowshera, New York via ports, Jan. 25. Suffolk, Liverpool via ports, Jan. 26, Sussex, Calcutta via ports, Jan. 26, Waitomo, Nauru Island, Jan. 29. Canadian Cruiser, Melbourne, Jan. 29. Waikouaiti, Sydney via ports, Jan. 30. Port Sydney, London via ports, Jan. 31. Westmoreland, Liverpool, Fob. 3. Durham, St. John via port's, Feb. 4Westmeath, New Y’k via ports, Fob. 12. Hartford, London via ports, Feb. 22. .Matakana, Liverpool via ports, Feb, 22. Paparoa, Liverpool via pork, Fob. 25. Otaki, Liverpool via ports, Mar. 1. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Niagara, left Auckland January 15 for Vancouver via pork; due Vancouver February 2. Tahiti, left Wellington January 1 for San Francisco via ports; due San Francisco January 21. Makura, left Vancouver January 4 for Auckland and Sydney via ports; due Auckland January 25. Maunganui, leaves Sydney January 24 and Wellington January 29 for San Francisco via ports. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. —Coastal. — Oreti, Invercargill, Fort Craig, Jan, 17. Gale, Wanganui via ports, Jan. 17. Iwutanaata. Westoort via ports, Jan. 17. \wnpori. Auckland via. ports, Jau. 17. Calm. Vvaneamu via ports, Jan. 18. Kama, uisborne via ports, Jan. 18. Storm. \V aneanui via, ports, Jan. 18. ('inhi, New TTym. via ports, Jan, 18. 'Waimana.. Bov/ Plymouth, Jan. 19. Hi 11 \\ -fa ports, Jan. 19. It PI t I rgill, Jan. 21. 1 \\ ports, Jan. 21. Rira, ketch. Auckland. Jan. 24. ( \ I a porta, Jan. 25. K ( l ; oils, Jan. 26. I t \ I 1 1 ports, Jan. 26. K W II to in. 26. )\ n t A 1n 1 a ports, Jan. 29. C i c \ kland, Jan. 30. —lntercolonial. Nuddea. .Melbourne. Jan. 17. Moeraki. Melbourne via ports, Jan, 19. Australind. Melbourne. Jan, 24. VVhamrapo. Svdnev via ports, Jan. 24. Nowshera. Aleliooirrne. Jan. 26. Waikouaiti. Sydney via Bluff, Jan. 31. llio New Zealand Shipping Company ad' ih t ( baggage, ox the Suffolk from Liverpool, will reach Dunedin by the Wamon early next week. 1 he llolmnalo is now due boro on Saturday mornimr from Wellington, and is fixed to sail on Saturday night for Wellington and Wanganui via ports. The Westmoreland In duo at Auckland on January 21 from Liverpool. Her other ports of cal! are Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin, and New Plymouth. The Ta-iroa is expected at Bluff about the end of this week from Australian ports to load for London. Afterwards she will go to Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, and Lyttelton. from which last-named port she is to sail on February 9 for London via Montevideo and Teneriffe. Tim Kia Ora, en route from London’to Australia, passed the Capo of Good Hope on January 11. The Kniknura is to sail from Wellington to-morrow for Nattier. Gisborne, Tbkomarn Bay, o»na, and Auckland, and will leave Auckland finally at the end of this mouth for London, via Montevideo. T’.io Trofusis. which was detained in port yesterday owing to bed weather, soiled pcrlv this morning for Melbourne ami Sydney, nt which peris the ba-lanc'* of Ir'r cargo from Montreal will ibo discharged,’ r r’,, it.-,Oenmiiv’s M’ainui. after cvtemiive overhaul mi the Wellington patent slip, came off on Wtnrdnv. the has reentered the Wcllington-Picton service, in place of the Mararan. The Kent, having discharged her Liverpool cargo, sailed this morning for Lyttelton to commence Homeward loading. She "•ill also load nt, Wellington, Napier, Whakatane, and Auckland.

The Waipori, from Auckland via ports, arrived this morning. The vessel encountered heavy weather on the run from Lyttelton, which delayed her progress considerably. She was berthed at the cross wharf to discharge and load a largo quantity of general freight. Her cargo from Auckland includes sugar and transhipments ex the Niagara from Vancouver, and from Wellington transhipments ox the Maunganui. The Waipori is to sail tomorrow for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland. The Kamo left Napier at 3 p.m. yesterday for Dunedin direct. She is due on Friday morning, and is listed to sail the same day for Napier and Gisborne via ports. The Kaitangata, which has been recommissioned at Port Chalmers, is to sail tomorrow afternoon for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Westport, The Whangape is expected to leave Sydney to-morrow with general cargo for discharge at Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. The Karori left Auckland oi Monday night for Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Cam am, Dunedin, and Bluff She is due here early next week. The vessel will subsequently load at Bluff for Auckland. The Gale, having completed her overhaul, came up to Dunedin this afternoon from Port Chalmers to load for way ports and Wanganui. She is to sail to-morrow. The Storm is due to-morrow from Lyttelton, and is listed to sail on Friday for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. INCOMING VANCOUVER MAIL. The Royal mail steamer Makura, which sailed from Vancouver on Friday last with passengers, mails, and cargo for New Zealand and Australia, has on board 209 passengers, including eighty for Sydney. She is due at Auckland on January 25. MAHANA LOADS AT LIVERPOOL. The Shaw, Savill and AKbion steamer Mahana has been fixed to load at West of England ports during January for New Zealand. She is to clear from Liverpool on February 9 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. TAINUI TO LEAVE ENGLAND. The next Shaw-Savill liner to leave Southampton for New Zealand is the Tainui, which is duo to leave the above port on January 17. She is due to arrive at Wellington on February 23. ARAWA LEAVES MONTEVIDEO. A cable message received by the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company announces that the Arawa loft Montevideo on January -U for Southampton and London, in continuation of her voyage from Wellington. She sailed from Wellington on December 21. WAIMANA'S LOADING PROGRAMME Cargo for New York, Boston, and London will be taken by the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company’s steamer Waimana, now discharging and loading at Dunedin. The Waimana will proceed from Dunedin to discharge and load <i.t New' Plymouth. She is to load subsequently at Wanganui and Wellington, arriving at the latter port on January 28. The vessel will leave Wellington on February 1 for Napier, Gisborne, Hicks Bay, and Auckland. The Waimana, is to sail finally from Auckland on February 15 for New York, Boston, and London. WIRELESS ON LIGHTSHIPS. A system of communication by wireless telephone has now been established between the Fonn-by, as well as the bar lightship in the Mersey Estuary and the Mersey Docks and Harbor Board head offices at Liverpool. The Mersey Board has decided to allow messages between the lightgliips and their offices for the convenience of shipping. SCHOONER LOTTIE BENNETT. At midday on Saturday the three-masted schooner Lottie Bennett, which arrived at Wellington on Friday after a sixty-five days’ passage from Seattle, berthed at the Clyde quay wharf. At Wellington the vessel will unload 120.000 ft of Oregon pine, and will afterwards go to Wanganui to put but 671. ,000 ft, the remainder of her cargo. On Sunday, January 6, the Lottie Bennett was off the Wellington Heads, but at 10 o’clock on that night a strong northerly, which increased to a heavy gale, carried the ship off land. The inizzen and iib sails were blown away. The Lottie Bennett subsequently beat her way slowly up to the entrance, and was towed into port. Contrary' and light jvinds provailed til! crossing the Lino, and very little improvement was experienced afterwards. Captain Wikander is master of the schooner. ROUND THE WORLD. The steamer Ika-la. under charter (by Andrew Wear, arrived at JMewnastlo on December ‘AB. and alter taking in bunkers sailed direct, for the weet coast ol South America. When she arrives there she will have been completely round the world in eight months. The vova.iro commenced when the steamer Newport (England) f"r Antofagasta (Chilel via tne Panama Canal. From there she proceeded via Magellan Straits to Durban and Delagoa Bay, thence to Djibouti, in French Somaliland, afterwards to Aden, Rangoon, and Calcutta, and nn to Newcastle via Torres Strait and Great Barrier Reef. LARGE VEHICULAR FERRY. Messrs Hawthorns and Co,, Leith, arc the contractors for the building of a’ fast and powerful forrv steamer, of the doubleended type, for the Sydney Ferries’ vehicular traffic. The now vessel will bo fho largest of tho kind in Sydney, and is for the Milson’s Point service. Mr J. W. Kidd, superintendent for the company, is supervising the construction of tho vessel throughout. She, will have the long ocean voyage to make under her own steam. The technical particulars and dimensions of this vessel, after careful consideration of maximum length, beam, and draft permissible, have been decided upon as follow ;— overall, 199 ft; breadth overall. 38ft 41,in; deuth, moulded, 14ft; draught, extreme, 10ft 4in. Triple-expan-sion engines will ly> fitted of sufficient power for a laden speed of 13-131; knots, steam being supplied bv two navy-tvpe hoTtors. .The veo-sel will be of the doubleended type, with a propeller and rudder at end. Save •for' a central house, which will afford access to the engine room, tho deck will he clear all fore and eft to facilitate Cm rapid loading and discharge of tho vehicular traffic. Hinged prows will be fitted nt cither end of the vessel. NUDDEA FROM NEW YORK, . M'-s'rs Turnbull, Martin, and Co. advise that the steamer Nuddea left Timaru earlv this morning for Dunedin. She rtmjd arrive off the Heads this evening, v.-hr-rc rim will remain unt’l to-rnorrow The v'-ss”! will be berthed at ibo Victoria wharf about 11 a.m. to dis•'■"’rge I'M tons of general cargo from Now York. THE FERRY SERVICE The Maori arrived at Lyttelton at 10.20 a.m. to-day from Wellington, and mails and passengers connected with the express for the south.

MOERAKI LEAVES MELBOURNE. Coble advice received by the Union Company states that tho passenger steamer Moeraki left Melbourne at 4 p.m. on Monday for Bluff and Dunedin. She ie_ duo here on Saturday morning, and Is timed to sail on Saturday evening for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Melbourne. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, January 15.—Arrived ; Ysalbel, sch (1 p.m.), from Nine Island; Athenio (6.30 p.m.), from Timaru. Sailed: Niagara (10.45 p.m.). for Vancouver. WELLINGTON, January 15.—Sailed : Port Victor (10.55 a.m.), for Wanganui roadstead ; Rotorua. (5.5 p.m.), for Lyttelton. January 16—Sailed : Port Kembla (6.55 a.m.), for London. LYTTELTON, January 15.—Sailed : Canopus (11.30 a.m.), for Westport. TIMARU, January 16.—Arrived : Ruapehu (9.45 a.m.)., from Port Chalmers. Sailed-; Nuddea (6.45 a,.m.), for Dunedin. NEWCASTLE, January 15.—Arrived : Dnndrenna.n, from Auckland. SYDNEY, January IS.—Arrived : Maunganui, from Wellington; Mamma., from 'Auckland; Ulimaroa, from Wellington. MELBOURNE. January 14.—Sailed ; Moeraki, for Bluff. (For continuation see Late Shipping.) 1

Full moon Jan. 22 12.27 p.m. Last, quarter Jan. 29 5.23 p.m. New moon Fob. 5 1.8 p.m. First quarter Feb. 13 7.39 p.m.

Bar. Thcr. Weath. Wellington—S., f b ... 29.92 53 C Greymoutb—E., Christchurch—S f 1> 29.89 66 B .W., 1 30.03 50 op Timaru—S.W., • f b ... 50,11 54 BO Oaraani—S., f b ... 50.09 56 O Dunedin—S.W., I ... 50.03 SO O Queeiistov'.-rn—N .E., 1 30.08 51 B Nnggetc?—S., 1 Bluff- -Calm — 46 O 50.09 53 oz

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Evening Star, Issue 18533, 16 January 1924, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18533, 16 January 1924, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18533, 16 January 1924, Page 1