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HIGH WATER. TO-MORROW. St. Clair : 2.25 a.m., 2.52 p.rn. Taiaroa Head ; 2.35 a.m., 3.2 p.m. Port Chalmers : 3.16 a.m., 3.42 p.m. Dunedin : 3.45 a.m., 4.12 p.m. THE SUN. Sots to-day, 5.3 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 7.9 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.

Rises to-day, 4.56 p.m.; sets to-morrow, 6.3. i a.m. WEATHER REPORT. Tho Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied tho following at 9 a.m. to-day Bar. Thor. Weath.

Wind.—L, light; b, breeze; fb, fresh breeze; mg, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy gale; w, galo of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, be tho atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; I*, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast, The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at norm to-day ;—The indications are for northerly winds (moderate) prevailing; there is a prospect of fair to cloudy weather, and there will probably bo a hard frost tonight and a foggy morning; barometer falling; sea moderate, tides good. ARRIVED.—ApriI 29. Whangapo, s.s. (0.25 a.m,), 2,931 tons, Williamson, from Sydney via Lyttelton. Tainui, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 9,965 tons, Kelly, from London and Southampton via Wellington and Lyttelton. April 30. Holmdalo, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 810 tons, Williams, from Wanganui via Wellington. SAILED.—ApriI 28.

Rakanoa, s.s. (4 p.m.), 2,246 tons, Platts, for Timaru. Kotarc, s.s. (5 p.m.), 147 tons, Mumby, for Bluff.

Wanaka, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 2,495 tons, Waison, for Auckland via ports.


—Coastal.— John, Wellington, to-day. Cairn, Wanganui via ports, May 1. Cormna, Wellington, May 2. Breeze, Wanganui via ports, May 3. Katoa, Auckland yia ports, May 3. Kamo, Westport, Slay 4. Kolare, Bluff, Invercargill, May 4. Storm, Wanganui via ports, May 6, Wingatui, Auckland via ports, May 8. Gale, Wanganui via ports, May 9. Holmdalo, Wanganui via ports, May 10. Kahika, Wellington, May 11. Kurow, Auckland via ports, May 12. Wanaka, Auckland via ports, May 18.

—lntercolonial and Oversea,— City of Bombay, New York, May 5. Port Melbourne, Liverpool, May 4. Kaikorai, Newcastle, May 8. Waikouaiti, Newcastle, Sydney, May 8. Enroll, St. John via ports, May 10. Rotorua, London via jrorts, May 10. Tromere, Now York via ports, May 12. Canadian Seigneur, Halifax, May 16. Moeraki, Melbourne via ports, May 20. Wairuna, San Francisco, May 22. City of Batavia, New York, May 22. Middlesex, Liverpool, May 22. Port Hacking, New York, May 28. Whangape, Newcastle, Sydney, May3l. Trcdinnick, St. John via ports, Juno 2. Rimutaka, Liverpool, Juno 5. Devon, London via ports, dune 10. Tairoa, Liverpool via ports, June 13. Canadian Ranger, Halifax, June 15. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Maunganui, left San Francisco April 13 for Wellington and Sydney via ports; due Wellington May 5. Makura, left Vancouver April 27 for Auckland and Sydney via ports; due Auckland May 18. Tahiti, left Wellington April 25^ for San Francisco via ports; due San Francisco May 14. Niagara, leaves Sydney May 3, and Auckland May 8, for Vancouver via pons; due Vancouver May 26. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. —Coastal.— Hplmdale, Wanganui via ports, to-day. Calm, Wanganui via. ports, May 1. Mahia, Timaru, Lyttelton, May 1. Corinmi, New Ply’m. via ports, May 2. John, Wanganui yia_ ports, May 2. Breeze, Wanganui via ports, May 3. Tainui, Lyttelton, Wellington, May 3. Katoa, Auckland via ports, May 4.

Kotaro, Bluff, Invercargill, May S. Storm, Wanganui via ports, May 5. Kamo, Westport via ports, May 7. Gale, Wanganui via ports, May'9. Wingatui, Auckland via ports, May §. Kahilca, New PJym, via ports, May 11, Kim, Gisborne via ports, May 12. Canadian Seigneur, Timnru, May 16. Wana-ka, Auckland via ports, May 19. —lntercolonial. Moeraki, Bluff, Melbourne, May 3. City of Bombay, Melbourne, May 4. Krroll, Melbourne, Sydney, May 12. Whangape, Sydney, Newcastle, May 15. The steamer Berwickshire, which berthed at Bluff last Tuesday afternoon to complete loading, is to sail from the southern port to-day for West Coast ports of Great Britain and London. Captain ,T. E. Walker has taken command of the Corinna temporarily, vice Captain F. Edge, who lias come ashore for instructions. Mr C. M'Leod, late chief officer of the Kaj’ori, has joined the Komata in a similar capacity, vice Mr G. W. Godfrey, who has been granted holiday leave. Mr I). S. Kerr has left the Gale, and Mr 8. C. Cumberland has taken his place ns chief engineer. Mr C. F. H. West, a former engineer in the Union Company’s service, who lias been absent from Now Zealand for .six years, is on a visit to his relatives in Wellington. Mr West has been for some time employed on the vessels of the Cana-dian-Pacific Line. Ho left New Zealand as second engineer of the ITaupirii for Home during the war period. Mr H. White, chief steward of the Wahine, has transferred to the Maranu, in a similar capacity. Mr F. Stafford, second steward on the Wahine, is now acting n.s chief. Mr A. Macdonald has signed on the Knitangata as chief engineer in place of Mr E. Mackley, who lias como ashore. Mr L. Dee lias signed on the. Manama as third officer, while Mr W. Willis has come ashore. Mr W. Duncan has joined the Kalian gat a as second officer in place of Air English. An arrival at Wellington*last Wednesday was the four-masted wooden schooner Forest Home, with about 870,000 ft of timber from Nanoose Bay, Vancouver. The Forest Home, which is ou her first visit te Wellington, left Vancouver ou February 1, and made a voyage of eightyfive days in moderate weather. On April 21 the schooner encountered a heavy north-easterly gale with considerable seas, which lasted till nearing port. Captain A. Wewctzer is in command. The Forest Homo will discharge part cargo at Wellington, and will then proceed to Wanganui te complete discharge. NEW STEAMER AGE. Tho now steamer Age, which was recently purchased by Howard Smith, Ltd., for the interstate cargo trade, left Barry on March 1 last for "Melbourne, and was due at Bassein on April 16, The new vessel is a sister ship to the Cycle, at present engaged in the coal trade. She is of 6,780 tons dead-weight, and > is equipped for the consumption of cither coal or oil fuel. She is of the well-dock design, and was built by Thompson and Co., of Sunderland. OCEAN-GOING TUG ONTARIO. Tho U.S.A. naval ocean-going tug Ontario, 1,120 tons, which has been stationed for some time at Pago Pago, Samoa, _ arrived at Auckland (on Sunday morning. The vessel is to undergo overhaul, and will be docked at Auckland for about five days. The Ontario was built in 1912, and was employed during the war as a naval tender and mine sweeper. She is 175 ft long, with a 24ft beam, and _ a depth of 171 ft. Her speed is about thirteen knots.

The Opawn left Port Chalmers on Saturday for New Plymouth to discharge the remainder of her cargo from Liverpool and commence Homeward loading. Sho will afterwards go to Wanganui roadstead, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington to complete loading. The Rakanoa, after undergoing periodical survey and overhaul, sailed from Port Chalmers on Saturday afternoon for Timaru and Lyttelton to load produce for Auckland. The Whangape arrived here shortly after midnight on Saturday from Newcastle and Sydney via Lyttelton, and was berthed at the Birch street wharf to discharge the remainder of her general cargo. Her crow were paid off to-day. The Whangape will go to Port Chalmers to-morrow afternoon to undergo survey and overhaul. The Kauri, with a full shipment of produce and general cargo, left Lyttelton on Saturday afternoon for Auckland. The ilolmdale. which arrived at Dunedin this morning from Wellington, is to sail to-night for Wellington and Wanganui via ports. The Calm is due here to-morrow morning from Bluff, and is to sail to-morrow nicht for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, ami Wanganui. The Mocraki is expected to complete Imr survey on Wednesday at Port Chalmers. Plie will come 'to Dunedin on Thursday morning, and will sail that afternoon for Bluff and Melbourne. ■The Katea is duo boro on Thursday from Auckland via ports. Sho is listed to sail the following day for cast coast ports and Auckland. The Wingatui j,s to leave Auckland tomorrow for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. The was loading at Westport toil-’/ for Onmaru and Dunedin. The Kaikcrai left Newcastle on Friday, r-wl ].-;don, for Wellington and Dunedin. She is dim hero early next week, and after dm char go will undergo survey -it Port Ch-.Viera. A ra We tram from London states that the steamer Port, Darwin, en mute from London to Australian ports, passed Las r.nbnaa on April 27. The steamer Trcvorhvn, hom'd from Australian ports to the ’United Kingdom, passed Perim on April 27. MESSAGERTEP MARITIMES SAILINGS. A regular cargo service will bo inaugurated from Dunkirk, Havre, Bordeaux, Marseilles. Port Said. Aden, and Colombo to Fremantle. Melbourne, and Sydney by the Messapcrics Maritiraes Lino. The homeward ports of call include Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Marseilles, Dunkirk, Antwerp, and Havre, if necessary. The steamers will call at, any port in Australia for the wool freight, and should they be approximately full when leaving Australia fill sail direct from Fremantle to Aden. The steamer to commence the service will 'bo tho Cepheo, which in scheduled to leave Dunkirk on May 23. PASSENGERS FOR ENGLAND. Following is a list of passengers on board the New Zealand Shipping Company’s liner Ruahine, which loft Wellington on Friday morning for Southampton and London via Panama :—First saloon : Misses K. G. Kcrnot. F. A. Murray, E. M, Newton, A. Rathbono, H. B. Rutherford, Lady Eveline Maude, Mesdames 11. M. Allan, M. J. Boyd, K. Crow, A. Wigram, M. Walter, A. B. Hind sou, E. Hardwick-Smith and son. E. H. Hutton, B. Westerns, M. Hawkes, E- F. Meek. M. Murray, M. Meek, Kate Mock, E. H. Nicholls, E. S. Rutherford, lion. H. F. Wigram, Sir George Stevenson, Major S. Walter, Major 0. Bavin, Dr Hardwick-Smith, Messrs David, Allan, J. C, Buckingham, T. F. Gibson, Alex. Macintosh. A. R. Meek, John Meek, A. P. A. NiclioHs, G. L. Rutherford, 11. Van Licw. T. H. Watson. Second saloon : Misses A. C. M. Ashley, M. A. Asher, E. Spooner. L. Battersby, R. W. Batter,shy, U. C. Battersby. M. M. Bell, J. Stratton, C. Torrance, Balfour (6). 8. I. Gonwav. B. K. Donny-Oooko, 11. ML Edwards,' A. D. Hood, C. H. HoldcrncsK. M. C. Holclemcsß. A. Keyte, E. Lemon, C. Leathern, A. Martin, A. Marpis, E. E. Morrison, N. Morrison, T. G. Morrison, Tv. M‘Kibbin. A. C. Palloson, F. iff. L. Rces-Mogg, M. Shcldon-Smith, Mesdnmes S. J. Bass, M. E. Battersby, E. A. Binlling, A. W. Bell, A. Barfett, C. M. Balfour, J. Brag,go, A. S. Crouch. J. G. Conway, P. Duns, E. Firth, E. Tterd. J. C. ITnldcrness, M. A. Jaffray, J. Lambic, M. J. Mayne. E. J. Malins. A. Palleson. F. A. Spooner. M. Swan-wick, ft. Sutherland. C. S. Torrance, E. A. Thomson. F. C. Willis. Rev. Dr J. T. Pinfold, Rev. Cr. IT. Balfour. Dr H. B. Leatham, Captain Pa,Boson, Messrs J. B. Akel. E. Battersby, C. D. Bell, T. C. Brnggo. R. 0. Bennett, AT. A. Conway, M. A. M. Conway. A. J. Campbell. R. Dockrav. C. Horsley. R. Marsh. B. Morrison, R. B. Morrison. A. E. Matins. T. Phillips, L. Stowe. J. Spooner, J. Torrence,’ R. M. Thomson. Tt. Tregoninp, E. Willis: and 128 third class. PASSENGERS BY THE TAHITI.

Tho mail steamer Tahiti, which left Wellington last Wednesday morning for Pan Francisco via ports, has on board the following passengers : —-First saloon : Mirscs A Ren. K. and 0. Calvert, Ivingsbur'', yDonald, M'Qneen, E-ndd, V. and W. Tay’or, Trotter, Wire. Wilson, Mesdatnos Wentman, Andrews-Wilson. T. Wait-. G. Warn, Wohb. Wise. Walker, .-Mien, Andrago and child, J. W. O. Rrodio. R. Bums, Burgees. T. Campbcil, G. C’a-bbum. Davenport, J. D. Downio, J. W. Fraser. J. B. Groen, J. L. Holland, A. Hamilton. Hawkins, S. 0. Irvine, M. Jackson and two sons, A. F. .Tagger, A. F. Knox. J C. Knapp, Kings-h-i-y. M'Dona’d, M'Kcgg. Osterberg, T. Rhodes. IT. B. Smith.' W. R. Stevens, Far ill and bov, A. Shore, R. Storm, F. R. Stafford, K. E. J. Taylor, Trotter, Townsend, Vandorkellen, H. F. Hickory, Hon. S. K. Gnkwa-d, Captain Duder, Colonel J. C. Hartley. Messrs Allen, G. BmnbelH, R. Burns, F. D. Burnott, A. W Bull, L. A. Blok, T. Campbell, R. 0. Carlyle, C. Clabbum, J. D. Downio, Dud or, W. J. Forbes, J. W. Fraser, A. J. Condos, J. B. Groen, Condoy, F. D. Holmoro, A. Hamilton, Hawkins, fi. 0. Irvino, A. F. Jarirm-, IT. Spencer, Jones, A. F. Knox, J. G. Knapp. J. Martin, M. Mocklewilz, M'Dona.ld, H. H. Newton, C. Parker, R. A. Smith, Stevenson, 11. B Smith, L. W. Sutton, Savill, A. Shore, R, Storm. 11. E. J. Taylor, Townsend, Vemlcrkellen, H. F. Yickerv, G-. Ware, Webb. Wise, T. Watt, W. E. Wilks, An-drows-Wilsnn, A. C. "Wallace. Second saloon. ; Misses E. M. and A. K. Anderson, L. C. Barrio go, Boothe, J. Bertram, Bonth-Rcott, E. Callaghan, K. Coleman, R. E, Gilbert, Greene, M. Holmes, JI. Kelly, F. Little, Mace 1 21, A. Pier, M. Peacock, Rikhter (2), Rex, A. Relig, ESomnor, Stanford, Mer. damcr, Allwoll, Brcarloy, T. Boothe, Cock-burn, Egan, G. Cilsenn, W. Gimson, F, Lawrence ond three children, Millar, St. Mare, 0. Miller. Morrison and child. Mount-ford, M'Clclland and children, Powis and infa.nt, Perse! vat, J. M. Pirie and infant, R.ichter and son. W»st, Messrs Alston, Barbour. Broarlcy, T. Rootho, Hilto'iBurn, W. D. Canale, Coddmrn, D. J. Davis, Flanagan, G. Gilzcan. W. Gimson, Holman, B. T. Hart, Higgie, James, -Knowles. H. W. Loney. F. Lawrence, Millar, Ft. Mare, A. M’Kcnzie. D. M. Moir, 0. Miller. Morrison, Mountford, G. MTCenzio. M’CWland, F. M‘Don aid, Praxis, Percival, Putman, J. Rowe, J. Beyer’s, Savill, H. E. White, and L. Worrn.ll. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vassals are expected to be within range of tbs undermentioned wireless station.'! to-night : Auckland.—H.l.l.S. Veronica, Hauraki, Ventura, Kaitoke, West Islip, Sussex, Tofua, Canadian Spinner, Marama, Flora, Fiona, Knrow, Westmeath. Wellington.—Wahine, Mararoa, Ngaio, Whakatane, Lingam, Katoa, Port Nicholson, Ulimaroa, Wanaka, Maunganui, Admiral Codrdngton, Kauri, Koromiko, Tahiti, Manuka. Ctettea JteiiSfc

TAINUI FROM ENGLAND. Tho Shaw, Savill, and Albion liner Tain id arrived at Dunedin yesterday afternoon from London and Southampton via Panama, Wellington, and Lyttelton. The vessel, which comes to the agency of Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co., was berthed at the Victoria wharf to discharge the remainder of her Horae cargo. Tho Tainui left London on March 7 for Southampton to embark passengers. She sailed from Southampton on March 8, and e>perienccd rough weather for several days in tho Atlantic. Tho run across tho Pacific was made under fine weather conditions until the evening of April 10, when strong head winds and heavy seas were encountered for three days. Captain R. A. Kelly retains command of the Tainui, and his officers are:— Chief, Mr P. F. Chowles; second, Mr H. V.; third, Mr T. Oliver; fourth, Mr IT. Lockhart; surgeon. Dr G. Fleming; purser, Mr W. .t. Carpenter; chief steward, Mr C. J. Ilohden; first wireless operator, Air 0. IT. Brett; second, Mr A. J. W. Bloxham; third, Mr N. Gregory; chief engineer, Mr G. Arthur; second, Mr J. M'Kersie; third, Mr P. Morrison; fourth, Mr W. A. Crawford; fifth, Mr N. W. Thomas; sixth, Mr T. W. Beck: first refrigerating engineer, Mr S. R. Loftus; second, Mr W. E. Brown; boilermaker, Mr S. Wood; electrician, Mr G. Harrison. Tho Tainui will load at Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, and Wellington. She is listed to leave Wellington at daybreak on May 15 for Southampton and London via Panama. WHAKATANE PUTS BACK.

A telegram from Wellington states that the New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Whakatane, which left Wellington at 7 a.m. yesterday for Avonmouth, put back to port at ‘1.45 a.m. today, owing to engine trouble.

SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, April 28.—Sailed i Katoa (12.25 p.m.), for Dunedin via ports; Tofua (L4O p.m.), for Fiji. April SSL-Ar-rived : Opihi (6 a.m.), from Wliangarei; Ontario (9 a.m.), from Pago (Pago. Sailed : Canadian Spinner (7 a.m.), for Brisbane. WELLINGTON, April 23.—Arrived ; Canadian Constructor (9.45 a.m.), from Lyttelton. April 29—Arrived : Wahino (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Port Melbcrarno (7.30 a.m.), from Auckland; Whakatans (7 a.m.), for Avonmoutb. WESTPORT, April 29—Arrived; Kamo (4.15 a.m.), from Dunedin. LYTTELTON, April 28.—Sailed : Onpukl (11 a.m.), for Greymonth; Kauri (1 p.m.), for Auckland; Parangs. (4.40p.m.), for Wellington; Breeze, (7.35 p.m.), for Plcton and Wanganui. April 29—Arrived ; Orari (7 a.m.), from Timanij Canopus (8.30 a.m.), from Westport; Mararoa (9.25 a.m.), from Wellington; Dorset, (11.20 a.m.), from Dunedin; (10.50 a.m.), from Westport. TIMARTI, April 29.—Arrived : Rakanoa, from Port Chalmers. SYDNEY, April 28.—Sailed : Ulimaroa, for Wellington. HOBART, April 28. —Arrived : Mapu, , Ecb, from Auckland. COLOMBO, April 27.—Arrived ; Ba- . kara, from Malboumo. Sailed i Hunting* ■ don, for Adelaide. v/, VANCOUVER, Apr! 27.—Sailed H Makura, for Auckland.

For Conti

Full moon May 1 9.0 a.rn. Last quarter May 8 5.48 a.m. New moon May 16 10.8 a.m. First quarter May 24 1.55 a.m.

Wellington—N., 1 ... 30.43 54 B Greymouth—E., f b 30.35 42 B Christchurch—Calm... 30.28 45 Z Tunaru—Calm 30.42 44 B Oairsarn—W., 1 30.41 46 B Dunedin—Calm 30.45 47 BZ Queenstown —N.W., 1 30.35 41 C Nuggets—N.W., 1’ ... 30,58 49 C Bhifl— Calm 50.34 41 oz

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Evening Star, Issue 18262, 30 April 1923, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18262, 30 April 1923, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18262, 30 April 1923, Page 1