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HIGH WATER. TO-MORROW. St. Glair : 4.58 a.m., 5.21 p.m. Taiaroa Head ; 5.8 a.m., 5.31 p.m. Port Chalmers ; 6.48 a.m... 6.11 p.m. Dunedin : 6.18 a.m., 6.41 p.m. THE SUN. ■Sots to-day, 6.21 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 5.28 a.m.

Rases to-day, 9.26 p.m.; sets to-morrow, 7.38 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. Tha Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied tho following at 9 a.m.

Wind. —L, light; br, 'breeze; fb, fresh breeze; mg, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy gale; w, gala of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, be the atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at noon to-day : —The indications are for variable and strong breezes, but westerly prevailing shortly, and veering by west to north ; the weather appears likely to bo cloudy and unsettled, and much rain is expected ; barometer falling fast again shortly; sea rough off shore, tides good. ARRlVED.—October 8. Paparoa, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 7,697 tons, Ashworth, from London and Southampton via Panama, Wellington, and Auckland. SAlLED.—October 7. Waikouaitd, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 3,926 tons, Ryan, for Lyttelton and Sydney. Katoa, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 2,484 tons, Bruce, for Bluff. HolmdaJo, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 810 tons, Holm, for Wanganui via ports. Rira, ketch (9 p.m.), 105 tons, Haimainen, for Auckland. After discharging over 1,000 tons of general cargo from Sydney the Waikouaiti left Dunedin on Saturday afternoon for Lyttelton, where the remainder of her freight will be landed. She will leave tire Canterbury port about Thursday for Sydney and Newcastle to load again for Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyttelton. The Canadian Victor is to leave Auckland to-morrow for New York, Boston, and Montreal via Panama.. The C. and D. Line steamer Port Napier is scheduled to leave Auckland on Wednesday for London. The Katoa, which sailed on Saturday evening for Bluff, is due hade here on ■Wednesday morning to load for east coast ports and Auckland. Messrs Turnbull, Martin, and Co. advise that the steamer City of Dunedin, from New York via north New -Zealand ports, is due at Dunedin on Friday next to discharge part cargo, which includes a quantity of case oil. From here the City of Dunedin will go to Bluff. Melbourne, and Sydney to complete discharge. The Union Company advises that the R.M.S. Tahiti, now at Sydney, is duo at Wellington from that port on October 15. The vessel will leave Wellington on October 17 for Rarotonga, Papeete, and San Francisco. The Shaw, Snvill, and Albion Company’s steamer Corinthic, now loading at Auckland, is due at Wellington on, Thursday to complete loading. The vessel is timed to leave Wellington at daybreak on Tuesday, October 17, for Southampton and London via Montevideo and Tcncriffe. The Ramona is due at Lyttelton to-day from Westport and Grcymouth with timber. a portion of which will be discharged at Timam am] Dunedin. The ketch Rira, after being at anchor in the Lower Harbor for two or three days, took advantage of a favorable breeze and sailed on Saturday night for Auckland. The Breeze is due at, Dunedin on Friday from Lyttelton to load for Timaru, Lyttelton, Picton. and Wanganui. The harbor launch Moluraln, which had been lying idle at the Rattray street wharf for several months past, left port on Saturday morning for Oamaru and Lyttelton. When outside the Heads her engines developed a fault, and she returned to Port Chalmers. Arrangements were then made with the captain of the Holmdale to tow (he Moturata to Oamaru. and the vessels cleared the Heads late on Saturday night. It is understood that (he launch has been purchased by a, syndicate at Lyttelton for harbor purposes. WIRELESS FROM MAIIIA. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company received a radio message from the Mahia last Thursday night stating that the vessel will arrive at Auckland to-night from Liverpool. The vessel has cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. THE CANADIAN CHALLENGER. Messrs IT. L. Tapley and Co. have received advice that, the Canadian Challenger left Montreal on September 29 for Australian and Now Zealand ports via Sydney (C. 8.). The vessel is due in the dominion about the middle of December. RATES OF EXCHANGE. Consignees of cargo by the steamer City of Dunedin, which is expected at Dunedin towards the end of this week from Now York, are required to pay Customs duty on invoices at the rate of 4 dollars 50 cents to the pound sterling on Canadian goods, and 4 dollars 49 cents on United States goods. MIDDLESEX LEAVES COLON. A cable message received by the Federal Lino states that the Middlesex, en route from Liverpool to New Zealand ports, arrived at Colon on .Monday, and sailed again on the same day for Auckland, where she is due on October 26. The vessel should reach Dunedin two weeks later.

| OTAKI FROM NEW YORK. j The Federal Line has been advised by ■ cable that the Ota-ki, en route from New York to New Zealand and Amdrilhni ports, arrived at Colon on September 30, and sailed from Panama on the same day for Auckland. She ia cine at the northern port about October 26,'and at Dunedin about November 10. THE CANADIAN EXPLORER. The Canadian Explorer is expected at Bluff on October 18 from Montreal via Australian ports. She will load there for American and Canadian ports, and will later proceed to Dunedin, Lyttelton. Wellington, and Auckland to discharge and load! The vessel will sail from Auckland at the end of October for New York. Boston, and'Halifax. THE MELBOURNE STEAMER. From Melbourne direct with mails, passengers, and cargo the Union Company’s steamer Paloona arrived at Bluff at 4 a.m. to-day. The vessel is expected at Dun-edin'to-morrow morning, and is timed to sail ' to-morrow evening for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Melbourne. MONTROSE FROM MONTREAL. The steamer Montrose, with general cargo from Montreal, arrived at Auckland on Sunday morning. The .New Zealand Shipping Company advises the vessel will subsequently visit Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Melbourne, and Sydney to discharge the remainder of her freight. She iis due. hero about October 20. WAIMANA FROM LONDON DIRECT. The Shaw, Savill, -and Albion liner Waimana, (10,589 tons) arrived off the Heads this afternoon from London via the Panama Canal, after a voyage of under forty days. The vessel steamed to an anchorage in the Lower Harbor to undergo medical and Customs inspection, and is expected to berth at the cross wharf this evening. A wireless message received from the captain this morning stated that the health of all on board was very good. The Waimana is carrying several passengers and a large quantity of general cargo. She will discharge 1,550 tons here, and then proceed to Timaru to load dairf produce and other cargo for London. The Waimana will subsequently go to Lyttelton to discharge 1,500 tons of Home cargo and to continue loading. She will complete loading at North Island ports. Messrs Dalgety aud Co. are the local agents. PAPAROA FROM ENGLAND. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Paparoa arrived at Dunedin last evening from London and Southampton via Panama, Wellington, and Auckland, and was berthed at the Rattray street wharf to discharge 1,050 tons of cargo. After loading at London, the Paparoa left that port on August 10, and, calling at Southampton the following day, made a brief stay to embark her passengers, numbering 315. Particularly fine __ weather marked the passage to Colon. After passing through Panama Canal the Paparoa slopped at Balboa from 4 p.m._on August 33 until 2 p.m. on the following day to enable the passengers to have a run ashore. The vessel experienced fine weather in the Pacific Ocean, excepting on September 15, 16, and 17, on which dates a southwesterly gale was encountered with high seas and violent squalls, though_ little rain. The Paparoa stopped off Pitcairn Island, and the inhabitants came off in boats to sell fresh fruit and vegetables aud to exchange mails. On -September 18 a man, who was in the third class, jumped overboard at sea, but was rescued promptly. There were no deaths or infectious' sickness during the voyage. Captain F. Ashworth (la,to of the Suffolk) is now master of the Paparoa, and his officers arc -Chief. Mr J. Howell Price; second, Mr J. Lottington; tliird, Mr L. R. Parsons; fourth. Mr T. Beale; ship’s surgeon, Dr M. Palmer; wireless operators —Messrs T. Witsch, A. T._ Patterson. and W. A. Brown; chief engineer, :Mr W. Prophet; second, Mr J. Snell; third, Mr W. Steer; fourth, Mr G. Rodmill; fifth, Mr E. Nickolls; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr W. Russell; second. Air Le Grns; chief steward, Mr I. Brain; second. Air E. Maughau; electrician, Mr H. Samuel. After discharge the Paparoa will go to Lyttelton, Picton, and Wellington to complete Homeward loading. She is listed to leave Wellington on October 21 for London via Panama. THE OLDEST SHIP AFLOAT, The convict ship Success is at present lying at anchor in New York Harbor. This vessel was built in the year 1790 at Moulmein, India, aud is, no doubt, the -oldest vessel afloat. She is in a, wonderful state of preservation, -probably due to the fact that she is built throughout of solid Burmese teak, a wood that for resistance to decay is hard to equal. After going over her one realises that she was built ns a symbol of beauty and strength. Her solid sides arc 2ft 6in thick at the bilge, and her keelson is a solid teak baulk of tremendous thickness, with sister keelsons little less massive. In 1932 this vessel crossed the Atlantic under her own sail. Site made the passage- in ninety-six days, VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night Anckland. —N-avua, 11.M.5. Laburnum, H.M.S. Chatham, Homes, Durham, Kaiwarra-, Niagara. Manuka, Ruahino, Mahia, Dundula, Kawatiri, Kaiapoi, Las items. Wellington.—Maori, Mararoa, Ngaio, Wingatui, Whan gape, Ulimaroa, Eastern Planet, Karori, Waikawa, Chatham Islands.—Whakatane (Wellington to London). SHIPPING TELEGRAMS, AUCKLAND, October S.-Arrivcd : Montrose (5 a.m.). from Montreal. Sailed ; Maindy Court (9 a.m.), for Taa-run-ga. October 9—Arrived : Kaitoko (6 a.m). from Newcastle; Port Napier (8 a.m.), from Wellington. WELLINGTON. October 7.—Arrived : Progress (11.10 a.m.) and Wingatui (7.10 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed : Ngakuta (11.50 a.m.), for Greymouth; Breeze_(1.30 p.m.), for Picton. October B—Arrived : Maori (7.20 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Joan Craig (11.25 a.m.), from Bluff. WESTPORT, October B.—Sailed : Pn-ka-ki (11.5 a.m.), for Sydney. LYTTELTON, October 7.—Arrived : Storm (9 a.m.), from Timaru; Cygnet (4.25 p.m.), from Nelson. Sailed ; Calm 111.50 a.m.), for Bluff; Opua (5.55 p.m.), for Greymouth. October B—Arrived : Kini (6.50 a.m.), from Timaru; Mararoa (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington; Wnikouaiti (1.20 p.m.), from Dunedin. BLUFF, October B.—Arrived : Katoa (9 a.m.), from, Dunedin. October 9 Arrived : Paloona (3,45 a.m.), from Melbourne. SYDNEY, October 7.—Sailed ; Ulimaroa (1 p.m.). for Wellington. October 8 —Arrived : R-ona, bq. from Wellington. NEWCASTLE, October 7.—Sailed ; Fiona, for Fiji and Auckland; Kawatiri, for Auckland; Man wo. scow, for Wellington. PANAMA, October s.—Arrived ; Canadian Planter, from Auckland. (For continuation see Late Shipping ) j

PHASES OF THE MOON. Last quarter Oct. 14 9.25 a.m. Now moon Oct. 21 1.10, a.m. First quarter Oct. 28 0.56 a.m. Full moon Nov. 5 6.7 a.m.

to-day :— Bar. Thor. Wcath. Wellington—N., 1 ... 29.90 60 C Greymouth—S.W.,. fb 29.95 55 BC Ghri stcli urcli—N .E., 1 29.81 54 B Timaru—Calm 29.76 53 BC Oamaru—N.E., 1 29.73 54 BC Dunedin— N.E., 1 ... 29.75 53 EC Qaeemt’n—N.N.W., 1 29.78 56 C Nuggets—N.W., 1 ... 29.76 48 0 Bluff—N,W., I 29.65 53 OP

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Evening Star, Issue 18094, 9 October 1922, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18094, 9 October 1922, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 18094, 9 October 1922, Page 1