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UNIVERSITY A AGAIN BEAT KAIKORAI. A NINE-POINTS VICTORY. There were about 7,0C0 people present at Carisbrook on Saturday to witness the return contest between University A (the leading team) Kaikorai (last year's premiers). It -was a poor game in the first spell, neither side showing its true form; but it livened up considerably in the second half, when the play became more open, with some sensational lonehand gallops by the University backs. On the whole, however, the play fell short oi the displays given at Carisbrook in the last two or three matches there. The Kaikorai forwards were always a source of worry to the Blues, but the pace of the latter's backs beat the Colors in the closing stages of the game. In. the first match between these two teams University won by 16 points to 8. To-day they got home by 17 points to B—very close scoring. The ground was in excellent order. Tire Light Blues won the toss, Kaikorai kicking off with the sun in their eyes. No sooner had the game started than the students swept dtown the field with a passing rush, which ended in Mackereth running to well inside the twenty-five. The Blues were pressing, but the Colors’ forwards were hard to heat in the thick stuff. The 'Varsity backs were passing somewhat wild, and the Colors were getting to them. Sinclair waa well tackled by Perry (Kaikorai) inside the Bines’ twenty-five, and the Colors were now attacking strongly. Cabot got off-side, and Crewes from a long, straight kick in front goaled. Kaikorai 3, University 0. 'Varsity’s passing was going straight across ■ the field, and the hacks were being hauled down in rapid succession. Sinclair had two shots at goal from near the line, but they both fell short. Then Lusk charged down Crewes’s kick, and from some loose play the 'Varsity backs sent out the ball quickly, it eventually reaching the hand's of Mackereth, who passed to Murray, this player running over near the corner. Sinclair's kick failed. University 3, Kaikorai 3. The Blues’ hacks continued to throw the ball about, taking their usual chances, Crewes when pressed got in a good saving kick, and mulling by the Blues’ backs had them in serious trouble near the peats. Kaikorai had) no luck, and the Blues’ pace let them away again. Mackereth made a good ran, finishing up with a kick to the twenty-five. The Blues’ forwards got away well, 'and in-and-out passing carried! the play to the Colors’ line. Stewart was asked) to take several wild and impossible passes. A fine Kaikorai rush ended in Crewes being tackled near the line. Knight was now playing five-eighth for the colors, Owles taking his place on the wing. Denham was playing a solid game on the other wing in place of Poole, who had been injured in a match during the week. Infringement® were the game, which so far, had not 'been up to the standard) of the past few matches at Carisbrook. The Kaikorai forwards kept up the pressure, and were giving the backs opportunities, but they were not clever enough to push home the attack. A dever mark by Fea and a nice cut through by the same player livened up the game towards the end of the spell, which bad been evenly contested. The second spell opened with uninteresting play until after a hard kidc In the twenty-five Stewart followed up, and, picking up deadly, ran for about-twenty yards and then passed to Mackereth, who threw, back to Stewart, who had a clear run over under the posts. Sinclair took the kick, but the ball touched the hands of Knight before going over the bar. University 6, Kaikorai 3. Kaikorai next broke away, Knight badly bearing the oppositioiii, arid passing to-get

there, Crowes converting. Kaikorai 8, University 6. From a penalty Sinclair just missed goaling. Inn play was now much faster,. with Ivnakorad usually aggressive. G° od play by Owles placed the Blues hard on the defensive. The Colors were keeping their opponents well in hand -and throwing no chanoos away. Stewart, made a great ran through on his own. lie swerved to boat the full bnck ( only to bo tackled from behind by Knight, who was hot on the chase. Lusk next got away in nice stylo from a scrum, but had no one to pass to. It was a good opening thrown away. The, Blues were now handling better. Mackereth, when taokled, passed in to a forward, who transferred to Forty, who ran over, scoring a somewhat easy try. Sinclair tins time converted with a fine kick. University 11, Kaikorai 8, The Varsity wore now making the pace hot, A foolish cross-kick went to Owlos, who, on being tackled after a good run down the line, passed in to a 'forward, who was' dragged down on the line. It was a narrow shave for tno Blues, who were attacking as strong as ever a for; minutes later. From some loose work near tho, line Crowes passed back, and Fea got the ball, which went through several hands until it came back again, to Fea ; -who scored. Sinclair’s icicle missed. University 14, Kaikorai 8. Fea was injured, and had to retire, Townsend coming on in his place a few minutes to time. From some loose play near the centre Cabot beat and passed to Stewart, who ran over after a dear field down tho lino. Sinclair’s kick missed. Final: — University A Kaikorai 8 Mr G. M’Kenzie refereed well. ZINGARI v. PIRATES. Zingari-Richmond, who were beaten by Pirates in tho first round of the competition by 12 points to 9, equalised things on Saturday by winning by 12 points to 8. Throughout the game Zinzari did the hulk of the attacking, and well deserved their win. Their forwards were superior to the opposing pack both in the scrums and in tho loose. Pirates, however', it must bo admitted, did not play up to form. Their forwards seemed to lack their usual dash, and the backs handled the ball badly. Play was even in the early stages of the game, a lot of interchanges of kicks taking place. Twice Ringer (Pirates fullback) returned kicks well, and by fast following up put his side in an attacking position, Spillane (Zingari centre) got his side out of trouble in tire face of a brisk Pirates forward attack. Ringer opened the scoring by putting over a free kick for Pirates. Pirates 3-0. Good play by Wtason (full-back), who followed up a return kick, and Johnson (forward) put Zingari within striking distance, and their backs attempted some passing. Good tackling, however, kept Diem out, although Wills (five-eighth) was nearly over twice with good cut-ins. Through Ringer hanging on to the hall when tackled, Zingari were awarded a free kick, and Watson’s kick just went outside. The next incident of note was a break-away by Jacobs (Zingari five-eighth), but ho gave a wide pass, which wont to Wise, who was playing as centre for Pirates. A free kick to°Pirates led to play going to midfield. Zingari forwards were proving more aggressive than their opponents, and for a spell of about ten minutes kept play within Pirates’ twenty-five. Cameron (wing) took a good mark, and made a good attempt to goal. Pirates again took ■a share of attacking, but their forwards were not playing up to tho form of previous matches. Their back play, too, was ragged, and invariably broke down. Just before half-time a bad miss by Ringer to take the ball let Connolly (Zingari wing) through, and this player raced over. Watson’s kick went very close. Zingari 3, Pirates 3. The game became a good deal faster in the early part of the second spell. A good try for Zingari was scored by Jacobs (now playing on the wing), who picked up near the corner, and flung himself over. Watson’s kick fell snort. Zingari 6-3. A few minutes later Zingari were awarded a free kick in a good position, and M. Cameron landed a good goal. Zingari 8-3. Zingari forwards were -making all the play at this stage, and gave their backs many chances. Spillane, who had shifted up to five-eighth, was _ cutting-in a little too much instead of letting it out. Zingari continued to make all the attack, and by fast following up_ several times chargetl down the return kicks of the opposition. Pirates, when they did break away at intervals, always seemed to do the wrong thing. Another score came to Zingari, when Watson put over a good goal from a free kick. Zingari 12-5. A Pirates forward rush took play to Zingari’s territory just before time, and Ross (forward) forced himself over. Ringer converted. Final score: Zingari-Richmond 12 Pirates 8 Mr A. Eckhold was referee.


Fine weather, a good ground, and a “sporty go” made this,match attractive at Mussel Bay. The first item to arouse interest was Mucky securing the ball from a scrum on the Port lino. The ball passed right across the field to A. Porritt, who scored the try; but Allen’s kick was inaccurate. The Port then carried play to the other cud, but were held up until Blues’ backs got a passing rush, on and the home team’s end was approached. They cleared their territory, and, extending the effort, endeavored to score. Percy essayed a pot, but the referee ruled a good shot resultless. Play was open and interesting. Fountain made a good run, .but was brought down near the Blues’ line. The Port were attacking now, and hadi a shot or two at goal from penalties, but, without result. From a scramble Finlay got over and scored for the home team, Wilson adding the major points. ’Varsity spurted { and A. Porritt scored a second try, Aitken converting just on half-time. The score was now showing : ’Varsity 8, Port Chalmers 5.

The second spell saw Greens again aggressive, and- ’Varsity forced down. B. Porritt, in the forwards, secured, and making a good run, took play to the Port’s end, but the latter soon succeeded in shaking off the assault. Hannan started a passing rush, in which Ross and Millar participated, but a pass forward nullified the effort near the Port line. Play was now faster, and was more up and down the field, the schoolboy spectators expressing by louder applause approval of increased effort. From midfield I). Dougherty, with a long kick, found the line near the corner flag, and from the throw-in a probable score was lost to a force down. Tho match ended a few minutes later, the score being; University B ... r . 8 Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 5 Mr J. Sutherland refereed. ALHAMBRA v. DUNEDIN. Played at Tahuna, 'Alhambra kicked off, and carried play to the Dunedin line, where the Blues forced. Tho Reds kept up the pressure, and Webber scored. Smith kicked a good goal. Alhambra 5, Dunedin 0. The Blues then took a turn at attack, but Glengarry cleared with a nice lack. The Bamas’ forwards were playing with plenty of dash, while their backs were throwing the ball about at. every opportunity. A rally by the Blue forwards resulted in Murphy scoring. Collins’s kick missed. Alhambra 5, Dunedin 3. Stung by this reverse, the Reds attacked vigorously .for some time, but were enabled to break through tho Blues’ defence. Dunedin cleared), but Bamas came back again with a passing rush which looked promising. However, a wild pass to the wing spoiled the effort, when a score seemed likely. A period of ragged Elay ensued. Then Gillick and 0. Knox roke away, and forced the Blue full-back over his line, where ho dropped 'the ball, and Coombes, who was handy, dropped on it M‘Dongall's kidc missed. Alhambra 8, Dunedin 5. Half-time was called a few minutes’ later.

On resuming, Smith (Alhambra) bad a shot, which dropped under the bar. Wills ' made a nice run, then passed to W. Knox, who was. held up on the, line, but Webber got across. Smith kicked a fine goal. Alhambra 13, Dun-, odifl 3, Dnnedm replied with a vigorous feh. to .Alhambra ' tecritwy, hut the Red!

forwards, headed by W. Knox, relieved tho situation. Thp llamas’ .forwards wexo showing up well, in tho loose, while tho Blues wero having tho better of the heavy stuff. After being on the defence for Some time, the Colors broke away; and W. Knox, securing from a higb punt, went across to score a fine try. Smith coaled. Alhambra 18, Dunedin 3. W. Knox was playing a. great game for tho Reds, being in front of every rush. A period of pky in Dunedin’s favor followed. Then Jones 'marked and dropped a nice goal from just outside the twenty-five. Alhambra 18, Dunedin 6. Shortly afterwards tho Blues had two rosy opportunities of scoring, but couldn’t put on the finishing touches. Alhambra were attacking when time was called, and tho game ended: Alhambra ... 18 Dunedin ... ... ■-« ° Mr W. M‘Noill was referee. SOUTHERN v. TAIERI ROVERS. These teams met at Mosgiel. Taieri had the advantage of the. sun at their bucks and made good use of it. Very soon tho ball crossed Taiori’s _ line, but only a force resulted. After giv£-and-tako play Southern were compelled to force in turn. Second spell Southern showed more dash, hut Taieri hacks were equal to tho occasion. Taieri were forced three times, and Southern had also an unsuccessful penalty. Alex. Chambers played ns substitute for Southern. Mr Torraneo was referee. As a mark of respect to the memory of vice-president and life member the late Mr E. R- Briggs, tho Southern men wore a white band. Final: Southern ... ... 0 Taieri ... 0 SECOND GRADE. Alhambra beat Port Chalmers by default. Pirates B 16, Pirates A 0. Training College 16, Kaikorai 5. Union 19, Taieri 0. ’Varsity 6, Ravenabourno 4. Zingari 18; Dunedin 3.

THIRD GRADE. Port Chalmers 6, Dunedin 5. Southern 6, Taieri 6. Zingari A 27. Pirates A 0. ’Varsity 3, Kaikorai 3. Zingari B beat Ravensbourne by default Training College beat High School by default.

FOURTH GRADE. Kaikorai A 14, Ravcnsbourno 0. Kaikorai B 9, Dunedin A 5. Pirates A 3, Zingari B 3. Alhambra 11, Y.M.C.A. 3. Pirates B 42. High School 0 0. Technical College 'l4, Taiori 0. M'Glashan _l4, High School A 5. Zingari A 3, Union 0. Southern 15, Port Chalmers 3. FIFTH GRADE. Zingavi A 48. Zingari B 0. High School E 14, Kaikorai 6. High School D 11. Alhambra B 3. High School E 21, Green Island 0. Dunedin 13 Alhambra AO. ]a avon?b our no boat Y.M.C.A. by default Southern 24, Technical College 3. SEDDON SHIELD. Following is the result of the Seddou Shield game, played at Blenheim Kelson , Marlborough " Tho match resulted in the visitors securing tho shield for 1 the first time since it "was instituted in 1906, the final score being 15 to 3. There was a very large crowd. The weather wna cold but fine. Tire Nelson forwards were far superior *. O the local men, and again and again ran right through. Tho Marlborougn backs’ " efforts were entirely stultified. Nelson drew first blood, Peart getting over, and Byrne converting. Ken Barr scored for Marlborough in tho second spell. Bvrne kicked a. penalty goal for Nelson, and Reed scored a try, Byrne converting the latter. Byrne also scored a try, " AT OTHER CENTRES. Auckland. —Grammar 11, Marists 8: University 33. Newton 16; North Shore 30. Eden'O; College Rifles 12, Grafton 6. Grammar win premiership. Wellington.—University 12, Marists 5; •Petono 13, Berhampore 3: Ponekc 11, Athletic 6; Oriental 15, Wellington 3; Selwyn 12, Old Boys 6. Christchurch. —Tho Canterbury team which tours south ibis and next week boat the second fifteen by 17 points to 13. OTHER GAMES. West Coast (14 points) beat Buller {l2 points) at Groymonth. Tho Maori Rugby team was defeated at Wairoa by the Wniroa Sub-uninn representatives by 11 points to nil.

w r § o to U-i cj o •i to .2 & c to o & o 1-3 1 o *5 P* rt £

University A 12 11 1 0 212 82 22 Pirates 12 3 3 0 145 85 18 Z i n gari -Richmon d 12 9 3 0 137 88 18 Kaikorai 12 8 4 0 159 99 16 Alhambra, 11 7 4 0 139 54 14 University B 12 6 6 0 148 105 12 Dunedin 11 5 6 0 75 96 10 Southern ... 11 4 6 1 67 04 9 Taieri Rovers ... 12 3 8 1 62 111 7 Port Chalmers ... 12 1 11 0 65 142 2 Union 11 0 11 0 41 295 0

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Evening Star, Issue 18034, 31 July 1922, Page 3

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END OF PREMIERSHIP Evening Star, Issue 18034, 31 July 1922, Page 3