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HIGH WATER. To-Monnow. St. Clair : 6.13 a.m., 6.41 p.m. Taiaro.a Head ; 6.23 a.m., 6.51 p.m. Port Chalmers ; 7.3 a.m., 7.31 p.m. Dunedin : 7.33 a.m., 0.1 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-dny, 5.1 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 7.10 a.m. PHASES OP THE MOON, First quarter May 5 0.25 a.m. Full moon May 11 5.36 p.m. Last quarter May 18 5.47 p.m. New moon May 27 _ 5.34 a.m. Sets to-dav, 8.12 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 11.24 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. Tho Dominion. Meteorologist (Mr D. 0. Bates) supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day':—

Wind.—L, light.; br, breeze; f b, froah brcozo; mg, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy galo; w, galo of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, bo the atmofsnhero clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; 1), drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. Tho Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at noon to-day :—The indications aro for northerly and freshening winds, moderate to strong; tho weather will probably bo cold and changeable; the barometer has a falling tendency; sea moderate, tides good. ARRIVED.—ApriI 30. Wingatui, s.s. (3.25 p.m.), 2,578 tons, Paul, from Auckland via ports. May 1. Kr.tarc. s.s. (9.20 n.m.), Ml tons, Mnmby, from Bluff. SAILED.—ApriI 29. Breeze, s.s. (4.55 p.m.), 553 tons, Venn, for Wanganui via ports. VESSELS IN' PORT (IN COMMISSION). Ciiy of Winchester. Victoria wharf. Calm, Rattray street wharf., Rattray street wharf, Wingatui, cross wharf. Karnri, Birch street wharf. Cornwall, Port Chalmers. VESSELS EXPECTED AT DUNEDIN. —Coastal Storm, Wanganui via ports. May 3. John, Wanganui via ports, May 3. Gale, Wanganui via ports, May 4. Holmdalc, Wanganui via ports, May 4. Kotaro, Bluff, Invercargill, May 4, Connna, Wellington,_May 4, Wanaka, Auckland via ports, May 6. Breeze, Wanganui via ports, May 6, Calm, Wanganui via ports, May 9. Kahika, Wellington, Lyttelton, May 9. Lira, ketch, Auckland, May 10. Katea, Auckland via ports, May 11. Kini, Gisborne via ports, May 12. Devon. Wellington, Bluff, May 14. Wingatui, Auckland via ports, May 26. Port Auguste, New York, Juno 6. Tairoa, London direct, June 7. Port Pirio, Liverpool via ports, May 1. Huntingdon, London via ports, May 11. Wnikonaiti, Newcastle, Sydney, May 12. Tekoa, Liverpool via ports, May 14. Canadian. Constructor, N, York, May 16. Paloona, Melbourne via ports, May 17. Wfiimarino, Calcutta., May 18. Ru.Tnine, London via ports, May 20. Canadian Miller, Now York, May 31. OCEAN MAIL SERVICES. Niagara, loft Auckland April 25 for Vancouver via ports; duo Vancouver May 10. Makura, left Vancouver April 14 tor Auckland and Sj’dney via ports; duo Auckland May 5. Marama, leaves Sydney May 4 and Wellington May 9 for San Francisco via ports. Tahiti, left Wellington April for San ■ Francisco via- ports; duo San Francisco 1 Flay 1. _____ i PROJECTED DEPARTURES. —Coastal. — Kotaro, Bluff, Invercargill, to-day. City of Winchester, Timaru, May 2. Cornwall, Tinmni, Lyttelton, May 3. Storm, Wanganui via ports, Flay 3. John, Wanganui via ports, May 3. Corinna, New Plym. via ports, May 4. Galo, Wanganui via ports, May 4. Hobndale. Wanganui via ports, May 4. Breeze, Napier, Gisborne, Flay 6. Wingatui, Auckland via ports, Flay 6. Kah tit a, Nw Plym. via ports, May 9. Wanaka, Auckland via ports. Flay 9. Port Pirio, Lyttelton, May 10. Kini, Napier, Gisborne, Mnv 12. Katoa, Auckland via ports, May .1.3. Devon, Timaru, Lyttelton, Flay 16. ; —lntercolonial and Oversea. — Waikouaiti, Sydney via Lytt., May 15. Paloona, Melbourne via Bluff, Flay 17. Tho Breeze is duo at Dunedin on May 6 from Lyttelton to load for Napier and Gisborne ‘(inner harbor). Tho steamer Makalla, running under tho auspices of tho C. and D. Lino, arrived at Auckland this morning from London via Panama. She is ladon with general cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, and New Plymouth. Tho Wingatui, from Auckland via Wellington and Lyttelton, arrived at Dunedin yesterday afternoon. After discharge she will undergo overhaul at Port Chalmers, and will load at Dunedin about the end of this week for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland. The Wanaka loft Auckland on Saturday afternoon for Wellington, Lyttelton, Timant, and Dunedin. She is duo bore about tho ond of this week. After having a heavy growth of barnacles removed and her hull painted the ■ Mor.owai came out of dock at Port Chalmers on Saturday and rejoined the idle fleet at the railway wharves. The Corinna is duo at Dunedin on ; Thursday from Wellington to load, for Nelson and New Plymouth. _ 1 The Union Company’s freighter Waiterno is due at Newcastle to-day from Timaru to bunker. She will proceed thence In Nauru to load about 6,000 tons of phosphates for Auckland.

Tho steamer Errol, from Nr pier, is duo nt .Auckland to-day to complete loading for Boston, Mew York, {met West Coast ports of Great Britain. Tho West Mali wall, which left Ran Francisco on, April 5 for Australian ports via Honolulu and Auckland, is due at tho northern ports shortly to discharge about 460 tons of general cargo. The Union Company's steamer Navua arrived in Auckland last Tuesday from the Fiji Islands. She brought sixty-eight passengers and a cargo of fruit, including 15,450 cases and 893 bunches of bananas and 118 cases of mandarins. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion liner T;unui is duo bark at Wellington on May 4 from Timaru to complete Homeward loading. She is limed to leave Wellington at daybreak on hi ay 10 fur Southampton and London via Panama,. A cable message received by tbo New Zealand Shipping Company reports that Hie Piako left Panama on April 12 for Auckland, on route from St. John and New York with general cargo. Tho vessel is due at Auckland About- Way 5, Tho New Zealand Shipping Company advises that the liner Dorset is to leave Bluff to-day for Wellington to complete her Homeward loading. Tho vessel is timed, in (be meanwhile, to sail finally from Wellington on Way G for London via Panama. Canal. WATMARINO FROM. CALCUTTA. Tho Union Company’s freighter Wnimarino was duo at Thursday Island on Sunday from Calcutta via Singapore and •Samarang, on route to Auckland, Wellington. 'Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She will call at Newcastle for bunkers, and is due at Auckland about May 12. ATIIENIC REPORTED. Tho Shaw, Ravil], and Albion Company iias been notified by cable that tho liner Aihcnic left Colon on April 21 for Southampton and London, on route from Wellington. Tho vessel wiled from Wellington an March 29. ORARI HOMEWARD BOUND. Cable news has been received by the New Zealand Shipping Company stating that Hio Oraii arrived at Montevideo on April 25 from Wellington, en route to London. The vessel left Wellington on April 2. HAURAKI LOADING. Cable news has been received by tbo Union Company that the new motor ship Hanraki arrived at Ran Francisco on April 25 from Glasgow via Colon, The vessel loads at Ran Francisco ami Vancouver for New Zealand and Australian ports. POET PIRIE FROM LIVERPOOL. Tbo C. and D. Line advises that tho Port Pirie left Auckland on. Saturday morning for Wellington, in continuation of her voyage, from Liverpooj. After putting cut pari, cargo at Wellington; tho vessel will proceed on to Lyttelton and Dunedin to complete discharge. The Port Pino will subsequently load in New Zealand for London, sailing finally on May 28 via Montevideo. PACIFIC VLAIL STEAMERS. The Mamma-, whidi left Wellington on Monday for Sydney, is expected back at Wellington on May 8, and v. iltya.ii en tho following day for Ran FnneUco via, Papeete and Rarotonga. The Tahiti is due at San Francisco today from Wellington, She is to leave San Francisco on May 5 for Wellington and Sydney, and is due at the New Zealand port on May 27. Tho Niagara left Auckland last Tuesday morning for Vancouver via Suva and Honolulu. 'She is due nt Vancouver on May 13. Tho Makura is due at Auckland on Tiny 5 from Vancouver via. ports, and will continue her voyage, to Sydney on (bo following day. She is to leave Sydney on hi ay 18 for Auckland, Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver. ■* CANADIAN GOVERNMENT LINE. Messrs H. L. Tapley and Co. have received cable advice that (be- Canadian Leader is to take (bo place of tho Can nr .Ginn Planter, sailing from Halifax to-day for Australian and Now Zealand ports. Tho Canadian Transporter left Vancouver on April 15, cargo laden, lor Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. The vessel is duo a,l Auckland about -May 14. Tho Canadian Seigneur, on routs' from Halifax, left Norfolk (U.S.A.I on April 17, cargo laden, for Auckland, Wellington, Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Tho vessel is duo at Auckland on May 20. TRANSPACIFIC CARGO SERVICE. The Union Company announces the following movements of vessels of its transpacific cargo fleet ; Tbo Wa.iota.pu arrived at Sydney on April 16 to complete discharge of cargo from Pacific Coast. She will load coal at Newcastle this week for Honolulu or Ran Francisco. Tbo W alternate arrived at Melbourne on April 15 to complete discharge of her cargo from Pacific Coast. Rbe loads n, cargo of wheat for Japan, and proceeds thence to Vancouver to take tho July loading southwards. The Waikawa is loading .at Pacific Coast ports for Napier, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. She will leave Ran Francisco during tho second week in May. Tho Wnihemo, from Melbourne, arrived at Sydney on April 24, ami proceeds I,bonce to Newcastle to disclwgo tbo bnlanco of her cargo from Pacific Coart. Tbo Wairima, from Pacific Coast port:-,, cleared Ran Francisco on April 15 for Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. She is duo at Auckland about May 7. HUNTINGDON FROM LONDON. Tiro steamer Huntingdon, 11,305 tons, arrived at Wellington on Saturday afternoon from London via Panama. Tho vessel, which is running under charter to tho New Zealand Shipping Compa-nv, bar. general cargo for discharge at, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers, fcho is duo hero about the end of this week. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. Tho following vessels are expected to be. | within range of tho undermentioned wire- j less stations to-night _ j AwatmL —Fiona, Waihora. Ircmalon, | Ullmaroa, Kurow, _ _ j Auckland. —Moeraki, Navua, Arahura, Tutanokai, Canadian Miller, Tekoa, Mukura. Omana. „ , Wellington.—Maori, Mararoa, Kgaio, Port Denison, Zcnlandic, Devon, Dorect, Waipori, Katoa, Wanaka, Durham. Ghat ham Islands. —Piako (Now York to Auckland). SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, April 29.-4 p.m., Tutanekai, from Wellington,—lo,ls p.m., Flora, from Rarotonga.—6.4o a.m., Port Pirie, for Wellington.—4 p.m., Wanaka, for Dunedin via ports. April 30; 7.15 a.m., Whangape, from Lyttelton.—ll a.m., Amaryllis, yacht, fof Noumea. May 1 : 7.20 a.m., Makalla, from London. WELLINGTON, April 29.-6.40 .-urn., Ngakut-a, from Greymoath.—4.3s p.m., Holm-dale, from Lyttelton.— p.m., Storm, for Lyttelton and Dunedin.-—7.50 p.m., Pari tutu, dredge, for New Ply-

mouth. April 30 : 6.40 a.m., Kates, ihvm Tiraani. 7.15 a.m., Maori, from i.yliylton. — 4.20 p.m., Corinua, from New Plymouth, LYTTELTON, April 29.-5 p.m.. Canopus, for Westport. April cO : 0.30, Kakapu, from Groymouth.—6 a.m., Kniiika, frn.m Timaru.—9.2s a.m., Muraroa, from Wellington. TIMARU, April 30.-0.15 a.m,. Bnv:v. from Dunedin. NEWCA STLE, April 29.—Trcm.4 .m. from Wellington.—Kurow, for Lvitehm. SYDNEY.' April 29.—Canadian Scottish, from. Lvl (niton. MELBOURNE. April 29.—Kaitek.',. from Auckland. HONGKONG, April 28.—St. Album;, for Melbourne. SINGAPORE. April 23. Mon torn, fop S'vdncv. "PORT NATAL. April 28.—Apolda. tor Butibniv, MANCHESTER, April 23. Kallmmm from Wellington. HULL, April 28.—(Tan Monroe. iVv. Sydney. LONDON. April 28,—Telamon, from Melbourne.—Runic, for Melbourne. (For continuation coo Late Shipping.)

Bar. Thor. Weath. Auckland—S., f b ... 30.15 53 BG Napier—S., 1 30.33 53 CD Wellington—S.E., b 30.40 53 O Westport—E., 1 30.34 52 EG G-rcymouth—E., il> ... 30.30 50 B Beaky—S.W., lb ... 30.38 53 B—Calm ... 30.36 49 O Timaru—N., 1 30.30 49 O Oamaru—Calm 30.30 49 O Dunedin—Calm 30.37 49 V. Queenstown —N.W., 1 50.31 41 o ■ Nuggets—Calm Bluff—Calm 30.35 30.20 47 49 0 0 Roxburgh—N.W., f b — 50 — Pembroke —'Calm 29.95 — 0 Clyde—Calm — 49 F Nascby—Calm 30.35 • 45 F Balclntha—Calm 30.30 45 o ■ Invercargill—Calm ... 30.35 48 BC P. Chalmers—N.E., 1 30.30 53 0

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Evening Star, Issue 17956, 1 May 1922, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17956, 1 May 1922, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17956, 1 May 1922, Page 1