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.— ■<- HIGH WATER. TO-VOUHOW. St. Glair: 3.43 a.rn., 4.6 p.m. Taiaroa Head : 3.63 -a.m., 4.16 p.m. Port Chalmers . 4.33 a.m., 4,56 p.m. Dunodin : 5.3 a.m., 5.26 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-day, 5,5 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 7.5 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON. First quarter May 5 0.26 a-m. Full moon May H 5-36 p.m. Last quarter May 10 5.47 p.m. New moon May 27 5.34 a.m. Sets to-day, 5.57 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 8.35 a.m. WEATHER REPORT., Tiro Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. 0. Bates) supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day : Bar. Thor. Wcath.

Wind L, light; hr, breeze; fb, fresh breeze; mg, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy gale; w, gale of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, bo tho atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; Q, gloomy, dark weather; 11, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. Tho Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied tho following at noon to-day ;—The indications aro for northerly winds, strong to gale, and backing by north to west; the weather appears likely to be cloudy and unsettled, with rain following; barometer falling, but will rise after aibnut sixteen hours; sea rough, tides good. ARRIVED.—ApriI 28. Paloona, s.s. (8.5 n.rn.), 2,798 tons, Doorly, from Melbourne via ports. Passengers— Intercolonial : Mcsdamos G. H. Callahan, H. Crawford, F. 15. Maher and two children, 11. E. Mortimer. Messrs G. H. Callahan, F. E. Maher, G. M'Lachlan, R. M‘Murray, V. and R. E. Robinson, IT. Hemming. Coastal : Mesdamoa Arnold, Wright, Coates, Muir, Cherry, Messrs M’Nab. Long; and uireo in the steerage. SAILED.—ApriI 27. Kotare, s.s. (3.15 p.m.), 141 tons, Mumbv, for Bluff. Kahika, s.s. (5.10 p.m.). 1,173 tons, Knowles, for New Plymouth via ports. April 28. Tainni, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 9,965 ions, Kelly, for Timavn and' Wellington. VESSELS EXPECTED AT DUNEDIN. —Coastal Breeze, Wanganui via ports, to-day. Cairn, Wanganui via ports, April 29. Karori, Westport via ports, April 29. Kini, Gisborne, via ports, April 29. Kotare, Bluff, Invercargill, April 30. Wingatui, Auckland via ports, April 30. Cormna. Wellington, May 3. Storm, via ports, May 3. John, Wanganui via ports, 3! ay 3. Gale, Wanganui via ports, May 4. Holmdale, Wanganui via ports. May 5. Wan aka, Auckland via ports, May 6. Kahika, Wellington, Lyttelton, May 9. Katoa. Auckland via ports, May 11. Dovnn. Wellington, Blulf, May 14. —lntercolonial and Oversea.— City of Winchester, New York, Ap. 29. Cornwall, Liverpool via ports, April 30. Pori Pine, Livernool via ports, May 7. Canadian Constructor, N. York, May 8. Huntingdon, London via ports, Mav 11. Waikouaiti, Newcastle, Sydney, May 12. Wahnarino, Calcutta, May 12. Tekoa, Liverpool via ports. .Mav 14. Paloona, Melbourne via ports, jtfay 17. Ruahlnc, London via ports, May 20. Canadian Miller, New York, May 31. Port Augusta, New York, June 3.

OCEAN MAIL SERVICES. Niagara, left Auckland April 25 for Vancouver via, ports; duo Vancouver May 10. , Makura, left Vancouver Apnl 14 tor Auckland and Sydney via polls; duo Auckland May 5. Mamma, leaves Sydney May 4 and Wellington May 9 for San Francisco via ports. Tahiti, left Wellington April 11 for San Francisco via ports; duo Ban Francisco Slay 1. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. —Coastal.— Breeze, Wanganui via ports, April 29. Kini, Napier, Gisborne, April 29. City of Winchester, Timavn, May 2. Kotare. Bluff, Invercargill, May 2. Cornwall, Timaru, Lyttelton, hi ay 2. Corinna, New Plym. via jorts, May 3. Storm, Wanganui via ports, May 3. John, Wanganui via ports, May 5. Gale, Wanganui via porta, May 4. Holmdale, Wanganui via ports, May 5. Wingatui, Auckland via ports, May 6. Kahika, Nw Plym. via ports, May 9. Wanaka, Auckland via ports, May 9. Port Pixie, Lyttelton. May 10. Katoa, Auckland via ports, May 13. Devon, Timaru, Lyttelton. May 16. —lntercolonial and Oversea.— Waikouaiti, Sydney via Lytt., May 15. Paloona, Melbourne via Bluff, May 17. The Wingatui is duo at Dunedin on Sunday from Auckland via. ports. After discharge she will undergo survey .at Port Chalmers. The vessel will be recommissioned towards the end of next week, and will then load at Dunedin for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland. Tho Karori is due at Dunedin to-mor-row from Westport via ports to discharge the balance, of her coal cargo. She will load boro early next week for Westport and Grevmouth. Tho Union Company advise that tho Wanaka is now expected to leave Auckland to-morrow for Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dune’Hn, mid Bluff. She- should arrive hero about tho end of next' week. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company advise- that the Zoalandic is expected to sail from Wellington to-day for London via Cape Horn. The Union Company lias received advice that tho Flora left Rarotonga on Saturday morning last for Auckland, en route from Papeete. The vessel is duo at Auckland on Sunday. Tho C. and D. .Lino advises that the Port Denison was to leave Svdney yesterday for Wellington, wheo'o she is due on Mondav or Tuesday for Homeward loading. Tho vessel is to load subsequently at Gisborne, Tokornarn Bay, and Napier, and will -proceed thence to Australia and London. Tho Poverty Bay Farmers’ Me,at Company’s steamer Admiral Codrington, with frozen meat and 2,000 bales of wool for Manchester and London, left Gisborne on April 18, making the voyage via Capo Horn. Her only stop will be Montevideo, where she will replenish her ‘hunkers. Tho Commonwealth and Dominion-Line’s, chartered steamer Muk-alla- is -due, at Auricland to-morrow from London with explosives and general cargo. After discharging the Auckland nort-ion of her cargo she will proceed to Wellington and New Plymouth to complete. Under charter to J. A. RedpntTi and Sons. Ltd., the Melbourne Steamship Company, Ltd., now steamer, the Coolana. left Newcastle on April 22 for Lyttelton. The steamer has on board a full cargo of real, which will bo discharged at tho Canterbury port. THE FERRY SERVICE. The Mararon. arrived at Lyttelton at 9 n.rn. to-day from Wellington, and mails ami passengers connected with iho express for the. south, PORT AUGUSTUS FROM NEW YORK. The Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer Port Augustus has sailed from New York for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. She is expected at Auckland toward the end of May. TONIC LEAVES BALBOA. Advice has been received by (he Blia-w-Savill Company that the lonic, en route from Southampton to Wellington, leftBalboa on April 13. The vessel is expected to arrive at Wellington on May jo. end after discharging ihere will proceed to Lyttelton and Port Chalmers for discharging and loading purposes, finallv reluming to Wellington to complete loadinf for London. PORT PIUTE'S LOADING. The C. and D. liner Port Pine, due at Wellington, on .Sunday from Auckland, after discharge of cargo -at Lyttelton and Dunedin, will load for the United Kingdom at Lyltelton. Wanganui roadstead, and Wdllinetnn. Kho is to leave Wellington about .May 28 for London via. Montevideo. TEKOA FROM LIVERPOOL, Tim New Zealand Snipping Company's steamer Tekoa, on route from Liverpool to New Zealand, arrived at Colon on April 10 and cleared Panama on the following day. She is dno at Auckland about Mav 4, and after discharging there and at Wellington, Lyttelton, ami Dunedin she will load for west coast of England port-sat Dunedin, Tim,am, Lyttelton, ami Wellington, leaving the. laitcr port about tho middle of Juno for Avnninnuth. The Tekoa is a new vessel on her maiden voyage. DEVON TO LOAD. The Federal Line advises that the Devon, left, Newcastle on Wednesday for Wellington. where she is due, on Tuesday for Homeward loading. The. vessel will subsequently load at Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru, and Lyttelton, and is to sail finally from Lyttelton on May 19 for Avon-mouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. HUNTINGDON REPORTED, The New Zealand Shipping Company has received a wireless me-sago from (ho captain of tho steamer Huntingdon, en route from London, stating that the vessel will arrive at Wellington to-morrow. Tho Huntingdon has cargo only, and will discharge at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. S-ho will subsequently load at Now Zealand ports for London. CORNWALL DUE TO-MORROW. Turnbull, Martin, and Co, advise that the Federal steamer Cornwall, from Liverpool via north New Zealand ports, is due hero to-morrow. Owing to her deep draught tho vessel will not come up to Dunedin, but will bo berthed at Port Chalmers, where her local cargo, amounting to about L4OO tons, will bo discharged. PALOONA FROM MELBOURNE. Completing a voyage from Melbourne via Wellington and Lyttelton, tho Union Company's passenger steamer Paloona entered the Heads early this morning, and was berthed at the cross wharf at 8 o'Vlock to discharge a quantity of cargo. This includes a quantity of fruit and transhipments ex several oversea vessels. The Paloona sailed this afternoon for and Meibomm

THE CITY OF WINCHESTER. Turnbull, Martin, and Co. advise that the A. niwl A. Line steamer City oi: Winchester is dun at Dunedin to-morrow iron) .New York via north New Zealand ports. The wv-el is expected in berth nl. the Victoria '.’.'hart io-morrow afternoon to discharge 50’) ions of general freight. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night Awanni.—Mu indy Lodge, Waiionio, Maand.—Tutanekni, Canadian Miller, Ramnga. Flora, Wailiom, Oniaua, -MaIcura, 'Malca.Ha, Kaltokc, Mocraki, Niagara , Devon, Marama. . Well inglon.— Maori, Mararoa, Ngam, Durham, Huntingdon, Arahura, Katoa, Tasmania, Koromiko, Ulimn-roa. Chatham Islands. —Tekoa (Liverpool to Auckland). SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, April 27.-8 p.m., Batenoa. from West-p0rt.—12.55 p.m.. Easterner. for Newcastle. WELLINGTON. April 27—ILL) a.m., Waipnri. from Auckland. —2.45 p.m., ■V'-D hero, from Grcymouih. —4.10 p.m., '*■'* katu. for Kaikonra.—4.4s p.m.. Ivaimona, for New Plymouth. —6.20 p.m,, \V;ngatm, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. LYTTELTON. April 27.-6.45 am.. Gnlo, from Wellington—7.3o iun., Kfwenrai. from Timani.—ll mm., John. lor Wellington and Waiiganni.—o.L) p.m., Orepuki, for Groymoulh. —5.25 p.m., Breeze, for Dunedin. OAMARU. April 23.-0.10 a.m.. Ka-hik-a, from Dunediin. NEWCASTLE, April 27.—Devon, for Wellington. ~ , . SYDNEY. April 27.-5 p.m., Mccrrdu, for Auckland. COLOMBO, April 26.—Mantua, for Lon don.—Orsova, for F remantte—Austraimonnt. for Hull. ~ PORT NATAL, April 26—City of Birmingham. for London. SAN FRANCISCO, April 26—Hauraki. motor ship, from Glasgow. NORFOLK (Vn.). April 26.—Australbrook, from Newcastle. . HULL. April 26.—Port Lincoln, from Melbourne. . PANAMA, April 26.--Maiwere, from Wellington. LAS"PALMAS, April 26.—Wangaratte, for London. , , LONDON, April 26.—Rinnitaka, for Auckland. (For continuation see Late Shipping.)

Auckland—N.E., 1 ... 30.37 61 BC Napier—Calm 30.31 54 B Well’ton—N.W., f b 30.23 60 BO Westport —N., 1 30.22 52 OF Greymouth—N., b ... 30.16 49 B Boa,ley—N.W., 1 30.37 45 O Christcluircli—Calm ... 29.97 45 BO Tim-aru—‘N., 1 29.85 43 O Camara—N.E., 1 ... 29.09 47 O Dunedin—N.W.. 1 ... 29.74 52 O Queenstown—Calm ... 2-9.76 47 BC Nuggets—N.E., 1 29.30 50 O • Bluff—N., b 29.67 49 O P. Chalmers —N., f b 29.82 54 0, Roxburgh—NAV.,1 ... — 54 0 Clyde— — 55 BC Pembroke —N. W., 1 ... 29.63 55 BC Kascby—Calm 29.95 48 O BaMutba— Calm 29.93 43 0 Invercargill—S.W., 1 29.70 58 BC

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Evening Star, Issue 17955, 28 April 1922, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17955, 28 April 1922, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17955, 28 April 1922, Page 1