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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. TO HOONOMISS YOU SHOULD BEGIN NOW. BEIGES WILL EISE. ' ■‘PENROSE’S GREAT ECONOMY SALE SAVES YOU POUNDS. A HAPPY CHANGE FOR THE FRUGAL. FRIDAY'S SPECIALS. BLOUSES AND JUMPERS. 20 only White Voile Blouses, square and V-shaped necks. Usual [price, ISs 6d. Economy price, 5s lid. • • . Dainty White Voile Blouses, embroidered fronts. Usual price, 255. Economy pnos, 12s 6cl. Hand-embroidered White Voile Blouses. Usual price, 355. Economy price, 21s. Pretty White Voile Jumpers, round necks. Usual price, 425. Economy price, 23s M. Smart Woollen Jumpers, in cream, £awu, and dark brown. Usual price, 455. Economy Fawa 1 Gaberdine Raincoats, inset sleeve and belt. Usual price, 85s. Economy price, 455. Mole Heptonette Raincoat, Raglan sleeve; belt flixd collar of dark saxe gaberdsne. Usual price, £8 10s. Economy price. £4 4s. - . Fawn Silk Jersey, with collar, cuffs, and belt of rose-colored taib. Usual pnee, 70*. Economy price, 355. „ , . Black-snd-Whito Striped Silk Jersey, with collar and belt of blacs silk. Usual, piwe, 80s. Economy price, 55a. . , , , , ~ , ~ , Smart Crepe Rpbes, in ease, pink, and white; V,shaped necks, and smrt Slightly gathered'. Usual price, 37a 6d. Economy price, 15s 63. . Daini" Bine-and-White Striped 'Voile Robe, trimmed buttons; also Floral Voile Robes, in rose and saxc. Usual price, 455. Economy price, 355. , Handsome Woven Silk Frock, in pillar-box red, trimmed fancy Stitching. Usual price, £ll 11s Economy price, £5 ss. . Saxo Blue Woven Silk Robe, tunic effect, trimmed silk fringe to march. Usual pnO®, £l4 14b. Economy price, £5 ss. MILLINERY. MILLINERY,. Real Smart Ready-to-wear Hats, newest-colors and shapes. Gecntw on® •of these-at Hats are the best for spring weatha-. Get yours for the week-end, 255, A good selection of Cherries, in all the latest shades. Economy prices, Is 6d and Is i JfA’ of Colored Straw Plait, all shades. Economy price, 2s lid. A 'few only Ready-to-wear Straw Hats, trimmed with colored- ribbon. Economy-price, UntrimiiK-d Leghorn ££*. Tuscan- and black. Usual price, 30s. Economy price, 10s 6d. Straw Hats, in all tho newest shapes Economy price, 15s Dd. Smart Ready-to-wear Hats, slightly turned up all round; trimmed wita colored ribbon and ornament. Economy price, 15s 63. UNDERCLOTHING. UNDERCLOTHING, Very Pretty While Longcloth Camisoles, trimmed embroidery and loco. Usual price, White closed*shape, trimmed embroidery; for everyday year. Usual White*Ootton 6 Vests! :o fnTl I Yize tho very thing for summer wear. Usual mice 3s 6d. Economy priced 1b lid. , , , , ~ . Very Lar»® Size White Cotton Vests, fine make,- with shore sleeves or shoulder jjtraps. Usuaf mice, 5s lid. Economy price, 4s 6d. * Dainty While Silk Camisoles, trimmed Lace, and with shoulder straps of lace, to wear with pretty blouses. Usual price, 6s 6d. Economy price,. 3s lid. Whito Woven'Bloomers, elastic at waist and lines. Usual price, 4s 6d. Economy-pace, Longcloth'Nightdresses, good quality; round neck, trimmed embroidery edging.' ' Usual price 10s Gel. Economy price. 8s lid. , , , ~ . White Longcloth Underskirts, witk muslin frill, edged wito embroidery; to wear wtth light frocks. Usual price, 10s 6d. Economy price, 6s 6d. _ , . Strong-wearing Underskirts, embroidery frill at foot; new goods. Usual pno»,.-14a sd. Economy price, 10s 6cl. W. PENROSE AND CO. SECURE YOUR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS AT PENROSE’S ECONOMY PRICE. YOU NEVER WILL GET BETTER VALUE FOE YOUR MONEY. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, ALL THE TIME. , CURTAINS, DAMASK, AND SHEETINGS. ) pairs White Laco Curtains, 2iyds long; small designs, special borders. Usual price, ) 11-ed Reordered Damask Cloths, size 50in s 50in. Usual price, 11s 3d. Economy price, > Serviettes, for lunch; a cheap lot. Usual price, 15s 6d dozen. 2 pferTDL-k U Cotlon‘Tweed Shirting, 27in wide; a real good material forGJrla’Dresses , “iAiiiSiiiSS; «. 5 pieces* Strong good washable stripes, for Men’s and Boys’ Shuts. Usual price'’2s 6d. Economy price, Is 3d. , _ pieces 30iir Brown Holland, for Aprons and Tea Towels. -Usual price, xs 9d. Economy pieces' I ’Heavy Unbleached Table Damask, for kitchen tables. Usual pnoe, 4s 6d, pieccs I °Hea ; i^ ll UnWwhcd Table Damask, Irish manufacture. Usual price, 6s 3d. /bile Thrill Sheering" for double beds. Usual price, 5? 6d. Economy price, ae 6d. pieces Fine White Twill Sheeting, for double bea-s. Usual pnoe, 4s Hd. Economy Sin’Pure White Calico, special. Usual price, Is 64d. Economy price 9cl. 6iu Fine White Longcloth, soft finish; fi-te from filling, -usual puce, -s 2d, Economy Imbroidoreil White Tray Cloths, hemstitched edge; sue iOm x 30m. Usual price, 4s 5 dozen Lacralge^nciie^so 6 Sets, wiih insertion centres. Usual price, 3s 6d. Economy Washable Colored Bedspreads, for double beds; new designs. Usual il jwSe'?; i ll E S I SkS S single beds. Usual price, 57. 64. Economy nnice, 9cl. Double (size, 52s 6d. HYGIENIC BEDDING. HYGIENIC BEDDING, in-rie-bscii Buttoned Flock Mattresses, covered with best ticking. Usual price,-37. 6d. ~2STplSH«dri ! n 1! 0,, t 4 SIaU-rc ; «,, .i» » .«*» jgJMag ** «•*« * « mSa <£lltv<«s! licMns fiUod (A.M ‘ wool; size ’6ft 4in x 4ft 6in. Usual price, 955. Economy price. oss. BRITISH I9 AXMINSTSE CARPETS. BRITISH AXMINSTER CARPET.,-. UNDER TO-DAY’S LANDED COST. 10 VERY NICE SQUARES TO BE CLEARED THIS WEEK. •camlcss Axrainster Carpet Squares, special designs; size 9fb x 9ft. Usual price, £l6 lea vv'Axmi ns ter Seanil cs s' Carpet Squares, for bedrooms -and dining rooms; size 9ft x iOft- Gin. Usual price, '£2l. Economy price £12:10s. 7iu Axmiuslor Carper Runner, special value. Usual price, 25s 6d. Doon-omy price, perial Qualify 27iu Heavy Axminsler Carpet Runner. Usual price, 27s 6d. Economy 6in P :Umii!ster 9 Carpct Runner; scarce, but cheap. Usual price, 37s 6d. Economy price, ,ovrlv' Dining Room Seamless /.Minister Carpet 'Squares; a great (selection; size 9ft x 12ft. Usual price. £25, Economy price, £lo 10s. Iravy Floorcloth, for Bedrooms; equal to a linoleum; ..uls wide. Usual price, 12b 6 . Economy price, 8s Cd, w. PENROSE AND CO. ■ BUY NOW FOE FUTURE NEEDS. BEST VALUE EVER POSSIBLE NOW OFFERING AT PENROSE'S GREAT ECONOMY SALE. IE I AST SALE BEFORE THE INEVITABLE RISE. BELOW COST. HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS mlv Gents' Colonial All-wool Box Suits, in selected dark gm and check shades; Very smart well tailored, comet style. Omul price, £7 IC-3. Economy pi.ot- £3 lo». sc-nis’ Bo- Suit? in mid-grey and brown shadc-s; fashionable* cut; could not bo uMmul ll this price.' Usual price, £5 10s. bMf price £2 19s od. ienls' Odd Sac Working (bats, heavy-weight tweeds, for hard wax. pace, 55<. Economy pric:-. 29s Ctl. , ... , , . , tents' CVmi'ii'l All-wool Saddle Tweed Trouseie. extra heavy weight; ab-olutely thrown away. Usual price, 39s cd. Economy price, 27\s 6d uri-s Gcuts' Tweed Trouscis, smart grey and brown shades; ccucc.. sivix, fl.p pocket, iurn-up bottoms. Usual price, 29s 6d. Economy price, lbs ou. _ wiri Bovr’ E-sny-.veight Tweed Kmck.e.ia; an ideal school wear. Usual juice, iin hcavy-wright Bok Douims. Overalls, 9s lid. Jackets, 10s 64. Bibs, 12s Ctl. _ T . j ■? iij iters' Ovemlls. in heavy-weight DrilA Overall?, 7.3 60. Jaciwis, h lid. tents' llcaw Buckskin Vests, for hard wear; a good Vest tor cartels,, all size,.. Usual priiie', 18s lid Economy price, 10a Cd. _ lent s’ All-wool Tweed Eporte Coats; a largo selection to choose; hit<x-t shades, very smart. Usual price, 60s. Economy price, 52a Cd. MEN’S WEARING APPAREL. MEN’S WEARING APPAREL, is’ Shirts, with collars; while grounds, with woven strips; heavy material, suitable for tradvso.u-nk wear. Usual price, 12s 6cl. .Economy price, 8s 6-d. =' Flamiolcllo Sliiris, with collars; medium colors, with stripes; good school snirt;, sizß U io 13,t. Usual price, 6s Bd. Economy price, 3s 9d. s' While Tennis Shirts, sizes 11 to 14; made of strong-wearing Mate material. Usual mice. 7s Cd. Economy price, 4s 6d. : . 0 M i-s’ Colonial AR-wool Under. Flannels; full size, hast quality. Usual pr.Q M Hs 00. Economy price, 6s lid. . ~, •,. dozen Gents’. Fin® Cotton .Singlets, long rdeoves; tpkiiidid summer weight; exce.lcnt vaiuo. B Usual pric:, 7s 6d. Economy price, 3s 9d. . , is’ Piqainns, smart patterns; medium weight for summer wear; good wearing mawtrinl. ' Usual price, 15s Cd. Economy price. Or, lid. _ n , _ s’ Braces, good.-strong clastic and leathers. Usual pnoe, Is- ad. Economy pnea, 9-'l tiai** t - ! l;i Handkerchiefs, fine mercerised quality; good line for schoolboys’ use. Usual price, Is each. Economy price, 4 for Is. , . is’ English Velour. Hats, fashionable shapes and styles. Usual price, 1M od. Economy price. Ek< lid, , , . , ~ , is’ English Velour Hats, firsl-cla-ss quality; smart shades m beaver, ffroy, blade, and -fawn. Usual price. 35s 6d. Economy price, xzs 6d. ;h Strong Working Shirts, with collars; made of strong cotton shirting, ueuai price, 11s Gd. Economy price, 4<3 lid. , , . TT , ,’s Striped Grand rill Shirts, collars ettacood; real good wearing snirt. Usual pnoe, 13s 6cL Economy price, 6s lid. . , . . „ , , . . , dozen Gents' Neglige Shirts, smart colored stripes; made of strongUrabno material, Usual price, 12s 6d. Economy price, 6s 6d. V-L PENROSE AND CO. GEORGE STREET.

TO THE RESIDENTS OF NORTH-EAST VALLEY ■ CASH-0 VER-THE-COUNTER PRICES. Os Beef. \Vcther Mutt,on. Per !b. Por lb. Sirloin Sid Sides Mutton... 4^d Prime Ribs ... 7J<d Hindquarters Chuck Ribs ... 5d Mutton ... scl Corned Round-.. BRI Legs with chump 5Jd Corned Roll ... 7Ad Legs cut short 6i Boiling Beef ... 5(1 Forequarters Rump Steak ... lid Mutton'' ... 3|d Top-side Steak 8d Loin Mutton ... sid Skirt Steak .„ 8d Chops 6d Stewing Stoak... 7d Melbourne SaußMinco sd, 31b for 3 s * ages sd, 31b for Is Suet 6d Pressed Beef ... lOd Brawn ®)d Teal and Tongue . ... lOd, R. -1. FINNIE, MAIN ROAD, N.E. VALLEY. ryou Lose Anythin®, Advertise in the 'Star’ Lost and Found Column. ryou require Domestic Assistance, Advertise in the ‘Star,’

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Evening Star, Issue 17767, 15 September 1921, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Star, Issue 17767, 15 September 1921, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Star, Issue 17767, 15 September 1921, Page 5