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HIGH WATER. TO-MOBHOW. St. Clair: 5.6 a.m.. 5.29 p.m. Taiaioa Head : 5.16 a.m., 5.39 p.m. Port Chalmers : 5.56 a.m., 6.19 p.m. Dunedin : 6.26 a.m., 6.49 p.m. THE SUN.' vSeta to-day, 6.28 p.m.; rises to-morrow 5.17 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON. First quarter Oct. 20 11.59 a.m. Full moon Oct. 28 1.39 a.m. Last quarter Nov. 3 7.5 p.m. New moon Nov. 11 3.35 a.m. Sets to-day, 9.49 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 7.26 a-m. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day : Bar. Ther. Weath. Auckland—N.E., 1 ... 29.95 59 BC Napier—Calm 29.91 57 BC Well'ton—N.N.W., br 29.74 57 G Greymoiith—E.. 1 ... 29.79 47 MR Bealey—N.W.; 1 ... 29.95 59 B Christcliurch—N.W., I 29.56 57 0 Timaru—S.. 1 ?.. ... 29.59 56 BC Oamaru—Calm 29.55 57 B C Dunedin—N.E., f b ...' 29.58 54 BC Queenstown—W., 1 ... 29.60 54 BC Nuggets—S.E., str ... 29.66 46 O Bluff—N., f b 29.38 56 C P. Chalmers—N.E., Lb Balclutha— Calm ... 29.46 61 B Roxburgh—N.W., 1 ... 29.25 59 BC Naseby—Calm 27.60 57 BC Clyde—S.E.. str ... Pembroke—N.W.. 1 ... 28.65 55 0 Invercargill—N.W.,str 29.40 59 BC Wind.—L, light; br, breeze ; fb, fresh breeze; mg, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy- gale; w, gal© of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue skv, be the atmosphere clear or heavy; d, clouds, passing clouds; D. drizzling rain ; F. foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0. overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at noon to-day : —Winds westerly, and backing bywest to south shortly; weather will probably prove very boisterous; heavy rain is to be expected, with rivers rising "shortly; weather will probably become colder: barometer falling, but rising after about 16 hours; seas, heavy off shore; tides good. ARRlVED.—October 15. Paloona, s.s. (6.20 a.m.), 2,798 tons, Doorly, from Melbourne via Bluff. Passengers : Mesdames Rhodes and two children, Jamiesion and child. Caird, Messrs Jamieson, M'Nkoll, Smith, Wise, Adamson ; and 11 in the steerage. Shinchiku Maru, s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 3,054 tons, Kanamura, from Newcastle. SAlLED.—October 15.

Trewellard, s.s. (6.20 a.m.), 4,202 tons, Kemp, for Melbourne. Kaikoura, s.s. (10.30 a.m.), 8.697 tons, Downton, for Melbourne.

VESSELS IN PORT at 4 p.m. TO-DAY. Paloona, Birch street wharf. Iceland, Victoria wharf. Rakanoa, cross wharf. Mararoa, Port Chalmeru Progress, sch, Port ChalmeTs. Pateena, Port Chalmers. Monowai, Port Chalmers. Kaitangata, Port Chalmers. Whan gape, Port Chalmers. Ma-unganui, Port Chalmers. Moeraki, Port Chalmers. Shinchiku Maru. Port Chalmers.

The U.S. and A. Line's chartered steamer Iceland will probably leave Dunedin on Monday for Bluff, where she will discharge part- cargo from Now York, and then proceed to Australian ports to put out the balance of her freight. The damage to her propeller blade is not deemed sufficient to necessitate her going into dock at Port Chalmers for repairs, and she will therefore steam direct from Dunedin to Bluff.

The steamer'Nitokris, which is reported to have sailed from Brisbane for Auckland last week, is en route from Safuga. Red Sea, with a cargo of phosphates. She is due at the northern port to-morrow. The White Star liner Runic will load 30,000 carcasses of frozen meat during her stay in Lvttelton.

The demand for passenger accommodation on the Now Zealand Shipping Company's steamers for the United Kingdom is so heavy that it is now necessary to make application for berths for passages between January and May next year. The. Shaw-Savill liner Otira was expected to leave Wellington yesterday for Lyttelton. Melbourne, and Sydney "with remainder of cargo from Montreal. The Aberdeen steamer Euripides left London on September 25 for Australian ports.

The Japanese steamer Bus.lm Maru. of the O.S.K. Line, from Japan, arrived at Sydney on September 27. She berthed at No. 23 wharf, Jones Bav, to discharge 2,600 tons of general cargo. During tho voyage the. vessel's propeller was damaged in heavy weather. She put into Saipan for repairs.

The American three-masted schooner W. F. Jewett, from Eureka with a cargo of redwood (600.000 ft), arrived at Sydney on September 29. The voyage, which occupied 80 days, was uneventful.

The Kaikoura sailed from Port Chalmers this forenoon to complete tho discharge of her general cargo from Montreal at Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane.

The Mararoa came out of dock at Port Chalmers this afternoon.

The Rakanoa-is loading tbout 1,400 tons of general merchandise at the cross wharf for Wellington and Auckland. The vessel shipped 25 railway trucks, last night for Auckland. She will probably get away tonight for Oamaru to complete her loading. The Koromiko has been fixed to load a cargo of produce at Lyttelton early next week for Auckland. The Corinna is now expected to leave Wellington to-morrow for Timaru and Dunedin. She is due here on Tuesday. and is timed to sail the same day for way ports and New Plymouth. The Ulimaroa left Sydney at 4 p.m. yesterday for Wellington with mails, passengers, and general cargo. She is due at the northern port on Monday afternoon.

The Stella, which is due at Wellington to-day from Dunedin with a cargo of coal, has been fixed to load general cargo and scrap iron at the northern port next week for Dunedin. The Breeze is due here on Sunday from Lyttelton. and is fixed to sail on Monday evening for Timaru, Lyttelton, Picton, and Wanganni. The mail steamer Marama left Wellington at 9.20 last night for San Francisco via RaTotonga and' Papeete. The Kowhai left Westport at 9.30 last night, coal laden, for New Plymouth. The Waitomo arrived at Wellington at 8_ a.m. to-day with a cargo of coal from Newcastle and Port Kembla. '

Reports received from the West Coast state that rain was falling there to-day. There was a considerable swell on the bar at Wcstport. anc 1 a iroderate sw-'l on ika Gfirymoutb. bae.

The Mokoia is due at Suva to-morrow from Tonga and Samoa. She is timed to leave Suva on October 20 for Auckland with a cargo of sugar. The coastal steamer John is due at Dnnedin on Monday evening from Wellington. She will load'here for Oamaru, Timaru, and Wellington. THE FERRY SERVICE. The. Maori arrived at Lyttelton at 8 a.m. to-day frdm Wellington, and mails and passengers connected with the second express for the south. ORAM FROM LIVERPOOL. The liner Orari, which left Liverpool on August 7, cargo laden (under the auspices of the Federal-Shire Line), will call at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers to discharge her freight. The vessel is due at Auckland about November 28, and should reach this port about the middle of December. THE CITY OF EDINBURGH. The A. and A. Line chartered steamer City of Edinburgh should reach Lyttelton in a few days from New York. She will continue discharge of her freight/ at Dunedin. and put out the balance in Australia. The vessel left New York on September 9. ) SURREY FROM NEW YORK. The Federal-Shire liner Surrey, which arrived at Auckland on October 9 from New Y T crk, left the American port on September 6, and arrived at Panama on September 14, passing through the canal the same day. H.M.S. Renown, Homeward bound,_ cleared the canal as the Surrey entered it. Leaving Panama, the steamer steered a course which enabled her to pass five miles off Henderson Island on September 27, and encountered good weather. She brought 2,000 tons of cargo for Auckland, including 13,000 cases of benzine, 250 tons of railway iron, and 400 motor cars and tractors. From Auckland the Surrey will proceed to Wellington, thence to Australian ports. NEW CARGO STEAMER TAIROA. On her first voyage to Australia, the Shaw,. Savill, and Albion liner Tairoa reached Melbourne on October 5 with general cargo from New York and Newport News. Built last year by Armstrong, Whitworth. and Co., Ltd., at Newcastle-on-Tyne, the Tairoa is 477 ft long, with a 63ft beam, and has a registered tonnage of 10,000 tons. It is interesting to learn that the Tairoa was twice laid down. Some considerable time ago. when good progress had been made on her hull, the Admiralty wanted the slip for another vessel. So what was to have been the Tairoa had to be taken to pieces. When the slipway was again available a fresh start was made, resulting in a delay of over 18 months. The Admiralty, of course, bore the charge of her undoing and her reconstruction up to the same stag*. EMBARGO ON JAPANESE VESSELS. The. Transport Workers' Federation, on October 6,_ at Sydney, discussed a report that certain steamers carrying Japanese and' Asiatic, crews were entering into the Australian coastal trade. The matter was introduced by the Federated Seamen's Union, who are appn' msive" that if the Japanese vessels are allowed to compete with Australian-owned steamers they will be able to command most of the trade, because of cheaper freights, and so do away with work for the Australian seamen. It: was decided by the federation that only on Japanese vessels chartered by persons who have signed an agreement with the federation would work by any members of the affiliated unions l>e permitted. In addition, it was stated by Mr A. S. Wheeler, secretary of the federation, that this agreement would be allowed to run only to the end of the present month. After that no work of any description would be allowed. _ Mr Wheeler explained that the federation were not taking action against any of the Japanese vessels which brought cargo to Australia, unloaded at Australian ports, and returned to the East. What was objected to was the fact that seme of the charterers of Japanese-manned steamers were carrying cargo from one Australasian port to another. LYTTELTON FERRY WHARF. The Railway Department is making good progress with the rails on No. 2 wharf, • and fotir sets are now complete with the exception of the traverse. A fifth set. which will be used for ferry trains only, is half completed. A feature of this set is the absence of points, tho. only break in the line being a switch-over at the extreme end. This will tend to minimise the risk of derailment of cars. WIRELESS ON COASTAL VESSELS. The member for Wellington Suburbs (Mr R. A. Wright) is asking the Minister of Marine whether he will introduce legislation this session to compel all vessels trading on the New Zealand coasts to install wireless plants. In a note to his question, Mr Wright states that a small plant is comparatively cheap, and that th-; installation of one would prove a valuable safeguard for the lives of passengers and crews. BARQUE JAMES CRAIG. The well-known barque James Oraif; arrived at Auckland on Saturday last from Adelaide, after a moderate weather passage of 16 days. The vessel, .which brought a cargo of almost 1,000 tons of superphosphates, has recently undergone an extensive overhaul, and is now in excellent order. Her decks and all her running and standing rigging have been renewed, while 14 tons of new plates have been put into her hull. In fact, there is very little on the vessel which has not been replaced by new gear. On discharge the barque will load timber at Auckland for Melbourne, and from the latter port she will proceed to Hobart. Captain M. Murchinson is in command. COAL FROM NEWCASTLE. The cargo steamer Trewellard, which left Dunedin early this morning for Melbourne and Adelaide to discharge the balance of her general cargo from New York, will-subsequently go to Newcastle to load coal for New Zealand. The vessel will be to the agency of the Union Steam Ship Company. PALOONA FROM MELBOURNE. The Paloona arrived at Dunedin early this morning from Melbourne via Bluff, and was berthed at the Birch street wharf to discharge a large quantity of general cargo, which includes transhipments ex the steamers Bessa and Ormonde. The Paloona is timed to sail at 4 p.m. to-mor-row for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Melbourne. • PORT NAPIER DUE TO-MORROW-The C. and D. liner Port Napier sailed from Lyttelton at noon to-day for Dunedin. She should arrive here early to-morrow morning, and will be berthed at the Victoria wharf -to discharge 1,200 tons of general cargo and case oil.

GARBETA FOR TORT CHALMERS. The Union Company's chartered steamer ! Garbefca left Newcastle at 10 p.m. en Wednesday -with a full cargo of coal for discharge at Port Chalmers for the Hailway Department. The vessel is due here j on Tuesday night. SHINOHIKU MARU ARRIVES. The Japanese steamer Shinchiku Mara returned to Port Chalmers this morning with a cargo of about 4,000 tons of coal for the gasworks and the-Railway Department. Good weather prevailed on* the eight-<lay trip from Newcastle. NAVUA DELAYED AT AUCKLAND. The Navua is experiencing considerable delay in working cargo at Auokland, owing to the congested state of the port and tha consequent shortage of labor. The vessel ia now expected to sail early next week for Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin. THE CALCUTTA STEAMER. The Union Company advise that the steamer Canara, which has been delayed at Newcastle for several days waiting for a supply of 'bunker coal, is" to leave that port to-morrow for Auckland. The vessel is bringing a full shipment of general merchandise from Calcutta and Singapore, and will subsequently visit Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin to discharge part cargo. THE PORT VICTOR." Messrs J. W. Swift and Co., local agents for the 0, and D. Line, advise that the steamer Port Victor is to leave Auckland to-morrow for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin to discharge the balance of her general freight from Glasgow and Liverpool. The vessel is expected to arrive here about October 31, and after discharging the local portion of her cargo, amounting to 1,644 tons, will dock at Port Chalmers for cleaning and painting. She will afterwards load frozen meat at Port Chalmers for the United Kingdom. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vessels should be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:—Awanui : Maheno, Rive/ rina, Ulimaroa, Talune, Mokoia, Tensho Maru. Garbeta. Auckland: Maheno, Riverina, Ulimaroa, Talune, Kaituna, Port Stephens, Tenxlio Maru, H.M.S. Veronica, Garbeta. Kanna. Wellington : Tutanekai, Moana, Naneric Mahana, Otira, Port Sydney, Arahura, Marama, City of Edinburgh. Awarua : Tarawera, ■ Kaikonra, Trewellard, Nikotris, Rakanoa. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, October 14.—2 p.m., Corinthic, from Wellington.—9.4s a.m., Ysabel, bqtne, for Rarotonga.—s.3o p.m. Maheno, for Sydney. October 15 : 5.45 a.m., Kaiwarra, from Newcastle.—7.2s a.m.. Meikai Maru, from Newcastle. WANGANUI, October 15.—5.50 a.m., Ayrshire (in roadstead), from Dunedin. WELLINGTON, October 14.—10.10 a.m., Kara, from Lyttelton.—ll.lo a.m., Leitrim, for Wa.nganui.—3.3o p.m., Mahana, for London. Marama, for San Francisco.- October 15 : 8.10 a.m., Waitomo, from Port Kembla 7.25 a.m., Naneric, for Coronel (South America). LYTTELTON, October 14.—2 a.m.. Lily, sch, for Wellington.—Canopup for Westport.

.SYDNEY, October 14.—3 p.m., Bdvfr nna. for Auckland.—4 p.m., Ulimaroa, for Wellington.— Karori, for Wellington- ' NEWCASTLE. October 13.—Inaho Maru, from Wellington.—Port Pirie, from New Plymouth.—Garbeta, for Port Chalmers. ' ■ •

FREMANTLE, October 14.—Koningen Luise, from London.

'For continuation seo Late Shipping.)

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Evening Star, Issue 17484, 15 October 1920, Page 1

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17484, 15 October 1920, Page 1

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17484, 15 October 1920, Page 1