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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS PENTOSES'S GREAT WINTER SALE. THE RUSH (S ON. " THE RUSH IS ON. HOW TO JUDGE PRICES? ONLY ONE WAYS ONLY ONE WAY J COMPARE—COMPARE—COMPARE—COMPARE—COMPARE PENROSE'S WINTER SALE PRICES. NOTE QUALITY, NOTE STYLE, NOTE PRICES. BARGAIN OFFERS EVERY DEPARTMENT. THERE IS A RUN—A VERITABLE RUN—TO SECURE WONDERFUL BARGAINS AT PENROSE'S END-OE-SEASON SALE. IT HAPPENS TO EVERYBODY: ONE LOOK FIXES THEM! BARGAINS SO UNMISTAKEAItLE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT PENROSE'S GREAT WINTER SALE. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE IN SHOW ROOM GOODS. LADIES' COSTUMES, WINTER COATS, FURS. BLOUSES, SKIRTS, CORSETS, UNDERCLOTHING, INFANTS' WEAR, MILLINERY, 'ETC. VISIT PENROSE'S SHOW ROOM FOR WSNTER SALE BARGAINS. The Thrifty don't think; they know. Penrose's is a store brimful of Genuine Bargains. BARGAINS IN NECKWEAR. Baskets of Neckwear <o clear at 3d each. Other Baskets cf Neckwear to clear at (3d each. „„■,,,„•, , o , 500 Crepe do Chine Siik Gorlars, all colors. Usual prices, 2s 6rt to os 6d each. . bale rriec. oil at i>>. Ladies' and Children's Crepo do Chine Collars, in Lavender, Sky, Fmk, Roeo, Cre-ain, White. Chamixig.x?: new shapes. Usual prices, 4s lid, 5s 6d, and 6s lid. Special price, to clear fit Is lid each. 18in Ailover Embroidery, in open pattern, pretty design; suitable tor pillow shams. Usual urice. 3s Sd yard. Sale price, Is 6d. Narrow Cambric Bcadhisr. Usual urice, 6d yard. Sale price, 4 yards for la. 27in Muslin Flouncing, close pattern; suitablo for infants' drcs-es. Usual price, 2s- 6d iard. sale price, Is (id. , 3in Cambric Ki-ibr^ : de v. oixv. pattern. Usual price, 6Jd yard. Salo pneo, *i<l. Camisole Embroidery, pretty de;igw. Usual prico, Is lid yard. Sale price, Is 3d. STAMPED GREPE FOR WORKING. Creoo Ganikolcs. damped icady for working. Specwl pree, 2s M 1 each. Ladles* Fuil-lentnh Crepe Nightdresses, ready to work, Pink, Cnampaguc, Sky, Cream. Side prices? &s lid and ife Gd each. . WircnTtto stamped ready for working. Special price, lis 6d each. Children's Crepe and Cambric Nightdresses, stamped for workup, bxle price, to lia Dressing Jackets, stamped for working; in Pink, Sky, Cream. Special Vo : sauced for working: dainty designs. Special prico 2s lid each. 1 000 Crepe- de Chine Collars, in till colors. Were 4s lid cadi. Now Is lid. LADicS' HANDBAGS. LADIES' HANDBAGS. Ladies' B'ack Moire Silk Handbags, nickel, gilt, and frames. Special prices, 3s lid, 4s lid, &s 6d, 10s 6d. 12% 6d. . 4 , . . . . Ladies' 2 nek Leather Handbags, in all shapes and sizes. Special prices, t.s 1101, 4« lid, N'ckcl Barf Handles? iu*M the newest shapes. Salo prices, 2s Cd, cs 3d, 3s lid 4s 6d, N-'c!-» Gate Bag Tops, in round or oval shapes. Special prices, 2s 6d, 3s _d, 3a lid, 4s 6d. " _ . Cane Hoop Bag Handles. Sale price, Sd pair. W. PENROSE AND CO. HAIR BRUSHES. HAIR BRUSHES. Long-handle Cloth Brushes. Special price, Is 6d each. "Hear" the voico of the people saying: FOR UNMISTAKEAELE ECONOMY GO TO PENKOfiETS WINTER SALE. LADiES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, All in Bargain Lot?. . TO-irk Cotton Ho-o double heel and toe Usual prico, 2s pilar. Sale prico, Is, Fkfßbck Ribbed Hose! mlxttrro wool turd cotton. Usual price, 2s 3d pan. Sale price, Blair vLI and Cotton Hose, spiked heel and too. Usual pries, 2s 9d pair. Salo prico, B'act 3 ilicrhed Cottou How. lustre finish. Usual price,.3s 3d pair. Sale prico, 2s 6d. F™~B*ck H*c. cashmere fimdi. Usual'p ico, 4s lid pair. &t,e price os bd. FnS Hoi, in Fawn, iLwu, ar.d Ma.tic. U*ual prw>, 4s 6d pur. T-Lr> V CoHon U Eo"e "mercerised ankle. Usual pries, 3s 3d pair. Sale price, 2s lid. iSitW B>? & Heather Mixture, Lovat, Light and- Dark Grey shade; all wool. Grey, Pain. Bead, Tan, and Leather Usual price, 5s 6d pair. Sale price, 3s lid. . Black KSbcd Hose, 1 2-and 1 rib!, all wool. Usual pneo, te lid pwr. baicpnee 3s 6r. Black Cashmere R.bbed Hose, all wool, 1 and 1 ribs, usual price, 5s 6d pair. Sale Black*'cotton Hose, fleecv lined. Usual price, 3s 6ct pair. Salo price, 2s 3d. W. PENROSE AND CO. THE RUSH IS ON I PENROSE'S GREAT WINTER SALE JS NOW SWINGING ALONG. PENROSE'S PRICES ALWAYS DRAW. SUCH PRICES IMPOSSIBLE ELSEWHERE. BELTS ! BELTS I BELTS ! Children's Tunic Belts, in Sky, Black, and White. Special price 4Jcl each, Ladies' Striped Silk Scarves, in all stales. ca!o prices, 14s bd. HOT WATER "BAGS. Hot Water Bag"?, now seamen's rubber. Special prices, ,12s 6cL LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WINTER GLOVES. Ladies' Woollen Gloves, Brown, Navy, Grey, Black; S.H., H., O.S. Usual pries, 3s lid. LadkJ VooUcn'Glcvas, Black. White, Grey, Beaver, Brown; S.H., H., O.S. Usual nriee 4s 6d. Sale price, 5s 11a. Ladies' Woollen utovj, Grey, Brown, White, S.H., H., O.S. Usual prico, 4s 3d. Salo Ladies* Gauntlet Woollen Gloves, Grey,, Navy, and! Brown; S.H., H., O.S. Usual price, 3s lid Sale price, 2s Bd. Ladies' Mercerised Gloves, Beaver, Brown, White, and Grey; S.H., H., O.fe. Usual prico, Brown, Black; S.H., H., O.S. UsuaJ price, 33 6d. Sale Ladies'" Fleecy-lined Gloves, Beaver, Grey; S.H., H., Q.S. Usual price, 4a 6d. Sale price, 3 s 6d. LAOiES' KIO GLOVES. Kid Gloves are almorb unprocurable in England. What .stock we have will he sold out at prices less than the makers scow ask for them. Ladies' Kid Gloves, Brown, Beaver, Black; SJ, 6, 6J, 6£, 61, 7, 7V, li. Sale price, 7a Ladles' K ; d Glorcs, Srown, Beaver, Black; s*. 6, 6.!, 6.'., 64, 7, 7i, Sale price, 6s lid. I "dies' Kid GWr-. Brown. B ia vcr, Black- 6, 6i, 6A, 6T, 7. Sale price, 5s lid. Ladies' Nappa Gloves, 6.1, 6L 6|, 7, 7i, 7 1 . Sale price, 14a 6d. Lad ; cs' Nnpoa, Glorcs, 6, 6.J, 7, Sale price, &s 6d. Ladies' Nappa Glovce, 6, 61,, Gi, 6. t , 7, I\, 7-i- Saia price, 7s Cd, SUEDE HANDBAGS. Suede Handbag, in all shades and shapes. Special prices, 3s lld' ; 4s lid 1 , 6s 6d, 10s 6cl. Rubber Spjuees. Special prices, Is and la Sd each. WOOLS J V/OOLS ! WOOLS! Bruce WhecMns Wool, in M b and Heather Mixtures. Special price, 6s 9d! head. li'-' Fastened, Black .:id White. Special price, 6 dozen for Is. >'i ; "e End Briliiant Cotton, all colors. Sale price, 7W ball. Ladies' Hair Oniantsiits. varicv ; ; s:vlbj, Slides, end Sido Corabs. Usuai prices, 'is 6d to 3s lid. Nov.- ail ore, Is-."" 1 COO dcz-3n Co-tv.nic. Bouse, and Coat Buttons; all new 6tyics. Worth up to 4-s 6d dozen. Now io be: cleared in BARGAIN LSST. Strong Su-pender.?, per pair ... .- ... Clark's Colored Embroidery Cotton, 3 ■skeins for ■ 1 Nickel Scap Ca.=es, each 1 Ladies' Mtisliu Neckwear ... 1 Oost.iune and Bleat e Buttcas, 3 cards ... 1 'earl Buttons, larsjs and ismall, 4 dese-n 1 ' -ixiitim Knitting Pins, per p;dr ... 1 bteei Knitting Needles, all sizes, 5 sets 1 Vaseline Camphor Ice, per i;n 1 Buttermilk Sjap Balls, 3 for 1 Mendine; Skeins, Tan, Cream, "Grey, anu' Black, 6 skeins ..._ 1 White Machine Cotton, 000 yards, Nos. 40 and €O, 2 reels for 1 Black and Grey Lir.en Thread, 4 reels for 1 New Season's Sponges 1 Gold and Silver large Glass B~ads. 3 &■ rings for 1 Silver and Gold B«d?, 2 strings for ... 1 Face Cloths, in Rubber Bag, with Dome Fastener, 2 for 1 Black ar.d White Machine, Cottou, S reels fee U Assorted Bundles of Tape, each 1 Children's Wh.te and Colored Scatvcvs, 2 Is Ladles' Side Combs, p'er pair „ Colored Bead Necklets, each ... Is Antimony Photo. Frames, 2 for It Koto Perfume Extract, p?r bottL Is Barilla Soap, brers cakes, 5 for ... ... Is Brown W.silsor 'S-oap, 8 cakes ... , 1- Chceseburgh Vaeoline, 2 jars 1= White Roso Soap, 8 cakes .- «» ... If N'yle's Machine Oil. 2 bottiea « Is Camphor Tablets, 6 cakes Is Carbon Moth Squares, 3 dozen Mohair Boot Laces, 2 dozen Is Strong Leather Boot Laces, 2 pairs Caohmero Bouquet Scap, per caho Is Long Wcctkii Knitting Needles, 5 pairs for Is Commercial and Square- Envelopes, 3 Is packets ~ ... Is Ladles' Size Writing Pads, 2 for lfi Pyiania Girdles, 3 for li Strong Nail Bruchcs, 4 for „ Linen Button Set* each Is tlflir Nets on clastic, per dozen Bab'uro&m Slippers, per pair 1? Dcmia I'a.d.»r.ers on taps, 4 stops ... ... It' Shaded Embroidery Si:k, 8 reels . olored Tacking Cottcai.. 8 reels !:• Cream Glow-woiTO, 8 balls ... W. PENROSE AND CO. fj journey by having your \\ tutanr; Group photogiaphed by Pattillo, bridal photdsrrapbler. " TrNDIVIDUALITY." Pattii'o's PhotoJL graphic Studies in S':pia of Young Ladies" a.-e most artistic and charming. ~ "" I Studio. do you know that Pattillo . v.,.ild make a really lovely Portrait oi .yuur little onel'' "pAPERHANGINGS.— During our extenduced: absolute barsa.ns paperhangings, nitos tree tor painting, papormuiyuits, sign anu ticket writing; material, workmanship guaranteed. Our motto : Satisfaction. Wrens. J~7TORD Cars IHrcmptly - Repaired £,nd Re- . built by Eord specialists. Ring > Foreman Dayidson, Dominion Garage; 'phons 3,OaS. A RARE distinetiver.esß amongst vhiskies J\ —that's what sett 7>.»iimu.i.v= rr,v« Watson's_ No. WILLARD Battenes* for Motorists.— Hotter spark, brighter light, quicker start, longer wear. Burts, Dunedin, Oaaaaru, Invercargill. Coal,—Cleaner, cheaper, better heat u from Wriehts' Thersno-S Gas Fire». A. and T Burt,"Duneditt. IXPENCE to Develop Vest-pocket, 2kJ Brownie (1A), or Post-card Spools. D.P.D. only. AMATEURS on holidays, have your Spool . Developed at tho D.P.D. Our price, 6d all FILL 'em up again with Watson's No. 10 Whisky. A'real man's favorite drink. ~,-fiS COVENTRY, Psychometrifit, CouJjjL suited 214 King sU-eet (opposite Hospital), from 10 till 5; evenings by appointment. r|TOT Vinegar used throughout ttew ZeaA land. DO vou want Electric Light instaded? Riiig 2,921: Leech and Co., 103 King street; estimates 'free. F URnTtURE Sale. Groat reductions; large stock to bo cleared. 124 George Street Furnishing So.; 'phono 300. A S Scotch as the heather: Watsons No. _UR List of Good Second-hand Motor ijr Cycles; these are not old crocks: 3k h.p. L.M.C., 2-speed, £27 10s. * "I CVI rV Harley-Davidsou, new tyres, £65; Ie?l. 4i h.p. B.SJi., with side car, THarley-bayid-Ori, owuw £BS; 2} h.p. Singer, with gear:B; TO Indian, electric lights, £65; 3J h.p. highest •workmanship. Moderate charges. J _f 3-speed gears Trusty Triumph, £47 WE Develop all sizes Spools, 6d each. 10s. Call or write W. A. Justice and Co., D.P.D., 270 George street; 'phone _________________•_______; __ 3.774. WI Vinegar ple&aea everybody. iTIOR HIRE, latest Oakland Sedan. O. " M'Kniglit, 5 Pacific street, Bosijn; 'pho2c 3,254 or Moray place rank.

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Evening Star, Issue 17080, 26 June 1919, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 17080, 26 June 1919, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 17080, 26 June 1919, Page 5