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the ciw. cr begg elected mayor BY A MAJORITY OF 1,178 VOTES. The voting at the City municipal elections yesterday was light. The mayoral contest resulted in a somewhat easy win for Cr W. Begg. Only 11,920 electors of the total numwr approximately of 21,575 on the rolls exercised their votes. The mavoral result waa announced by the rei turning officer (Mx O. A. Lewin) shortly after 8 o'clock. The following figures show the number of persons who voted yesterday and in the four previous contests;— Per Roll. Voted. cent. 1919 ... «. ... 21.575 11,920 55 1917 , „. 25,537 14,919 58 1915 ... 25,029 16,256 64 1914 - - ... 26,843 11,113 41 1913 ... _ ... 26,031 13,734 52 i The voting resulted as follows : MAYOR. Votes. WM. BEGG 4.804 R. S. Black „ ... 3.626 R. GLUdson 2,699 Robert Gordon MacdomaM 788 The voting ior the mavoral contest in 1917 resulted as follows:—J. J. dark. 5,571 votes: Isaac Green. 6,179 votes. In 1915 the voting was: J. J. Clark 6,862, S. S. Myers 5,251, J. J. Marlow 3,940. The following are the details of the voting: i 8 o I « 3 1 '"3 g i 5 S Burns Hall 256 171 164 54 Oddfellows' Hall, Stuart street 254 114 111 31 Security Braidings. Stuart street ... .". 203 101 71 14 Mission Hall, Russell street 147 84 53 18 Stop. George street 169 145 85 16 Si. Andrew's Hall. Carroll street ... 155 105 110 45 Knox Church Sunday School Hal! ... ..". 616 337 260 67 Albaav Street School Fall 93 97 46 14 Georsre Street School •Hall 184 126 138 23 Grand Theatre ... 268 IS3 156 47 N.E.Valley Town Hah 193 86 52 26 Fre-sbvteu-iar. Church. Opohc 59 45 54 4 Barron's Hall. Xorth read 305 170 143 26 Schoolhouse. Pine Hill 8 9 2 1 Mission H-'ill. Woodhaugii ... 63 32 21 6 Coronation Hall, Maori Hill ... 153 85 87 18 , Washer's Hall, High gate 118 173 I3S 24 Roslvn Institute. Hisrh- - irate ... "... 70 157 41 10 Wakari Hall 108 184 S9 33 Dining-Room. Eaikorai VaUey 45 46 Jo 16 j Council Chambers. "Mor- ] ninston 163 154 144 C 3 Baptist Church Hall, Elgin road 43 90 29 17 Methodist Church, Carnarvon street .. 30 36 12 11 il'Vicker's Shoo, South road 91 52 29 16 South Ducedin Town Hail v.. 567 346 191 58 Oddfellows' Hall, Ken-sin-ion 127 83 65 29 Methodist fs.S. Ha!!. Wesley street. ... 77 64 69 12 Caversham Methodist S.S 90 43 55 25 Oddfellows' Hall. David street 209 148 140 29 St. Clair Pavilion ... 51 55 63 10 Presbvterian Church Hal). Anderson Bay 41 70 55 17 ' J. Grade's, Musselburgh Rise 74 65 31 7 Totals 4,804 3.625 2,639 788 Informal votes. 171. Majority for Cr Begg-, 1,173. Or Begg, in returning thanks, was received with cheers. He said that good old Dunedin had stood by her own. He was one of themselves, and he always hoped to remain one of themselves. He had fought tho tight in a clean and sportsmanlike spirit. (Cheers.) He had to thank the ladies who had done such honorable and honorary -work on his behalf. He had practically had no paid canvassers. (A Voice: '"What about the Yankee?"! He knew nothing about the Yankee showmanHe had been there. The electors had shown whet they wanted —they wanted Dunedin methods,* not foreign methods. His interests were their interests, and their interests were his interests. (Cheers.) Cr Black called for three chews for the successful candidate. He said that a lot of people talked about tin Yankee showman. That had nothing whatever to do with it. The election had bee.i fought by four councillors according to their lignts to improve Dunedin. (A Voice: "Gallery play. ). It had nothing to do with gallery play. He had given them 10 years of his life as a councillor, and he had done his best to help the place on. (A Vcice: "What did yon do in America?") When he was in America he v.-as on a business trip. It had nothing to do with Dunedin at "all. ' He was pleased that the people cf Dunedin had put somebody else in—he was not sorry. The only class of man he was going to go for now was the returned 1 soldier. It was the last time he would speak from a public platform, because ho was going out of public life. Cr Giikison said he had been defeated, bnt not disgraced. (Chem) He had to thank the 2,000 odd people who had voted and worked for him. He congratulated the people on their new Mayor. He trusted he would carry out the great and arduous duties imposed on him to everybody's satisfaction. They had foueht a strenuous fight, and from the beginning to the end there had been no prsonalities. He was not, like Cr Black, retiring from public life. He did not intend to do any such thin.-;:. He would continue to take- the interest he had always had in the public _ library in the position of an outside member. "He would also continue to interes!> .himself in town planning in Dunedin. ..Cheers.) CITY COUNCILLORS. In the City Council election two of the members of the council —Crs Lunn and Thorn—lost their seats. 'The new members are Messrs M'Donald, Walker, Laruach, Calder, Jeffery. and Sanders. The results were announced shortly before 11 o'clock. An asterisk denotes that the candidate was a member of the council. 'James John Clark ... ... 7.982 David Larnach 7.029 'lsaac Green ... 6.909 "Matthew Bradley 6,885 "James S. Douglas 6,858 *John Bradley Shacklock... 6,793 "Charles H. Hayward ... 6,652 *John Wilson 6 534 John M'Donald ... „. ... 6.292 "John H. Hancock 6.258 George Calder 6.000 'Walter A. Scott ... ... 5.903 •Edwin Sincock 5.665 'William B. Taverner ... 5,591 James Jeffery ... ... 5.577 James H. Walker _. _ 5,545 *John Thompson .„ „, 5,516 Henry T. -Sanders ... ... 5,255 [Elected.] *John Lunn ... *... 5.153 *Charie3 J. Thorn „. ... 5,089 David Murray ... _ ... 4,663 John C. Arbuckle «. ... 4,463 Hyara Brasch ... ... ... 3,906 BOROUGH OF ST. KILDA. MR A. D. EDGAR ELECTED iSAYOR, The contest for the mayoralty of St. Kilda was a very keep one, the ratepayers tal:ing considerable interest In the ejection. There were three candidates for the chair, and the claims of each of the candidates were well supported. The -voting resulted in Mr A D. Edgaj-, who baa occupied the mayoral chair since the death of Mr O. ST. Scurr, baing retraced by a majority of ever 500. Thwe was a difference of two votes between the other two candidate*. Although the interest was

1 keen, the total of 1,573 votes cast out of a total of 3,605 electors cannot be termed a heavy poll. The voting resulted as fol--1 lows Votes. ADAM DAVID EDGAR 882 Hugh WilHfun Allen ... ... 340 Robert William Hall ... 338 | Informal, 24. ! The details are as follow: Edgar. Allen. Hall. Coronation Hall ••• 690 280 219 Musselburgh booth .. 140 20 68 St. Clair booth 3? 15 20 Monaghan’s workshop 71 27 51 The result of the preliminary count of tho poll was announced by the returning officer (Mr J. B. Dick) at 8.20 p.m. from the steps of the Codonation Hall to a large crowd. Mr Edgar then stepped forward, and was warmly applauded when he addressed the gathering. Ho thanked the ratepayers for the honor m placing him again at the head of the affairs of the borough. He also expressed Ins thanks to all those who had voted and worked for him, and ho hoped that those who had not done so would not -be sorry at the end of his term that ho had been successful. Mr Edgar was greeted with a round of cheers when he concluded his remarks. Mr Alien said he did not regret the fight for the seat, which had been fought on very friendly terms. Although the result had come as a surprise to him, it would not make any difference to tho opinions he held. A largo number of electors had failed to enrol, and had been disappointed when they went to vote. He complained that councillors, after promising to be neutral, had turned round and voted and worked for other candidates. However, lie was not discouraged, and hoped*to again offer his services when the next election came round. Mr Hall, the third candidate, thanked the electors very heartily for their support.. Ho said ho had been placed at a disadvantage from the first, as his fellowcompetitors had a fortnight’s start, of him. When he- entered the contest all the councillors and many of his friends had pledged their support to others. He accepted the verdict in a cheerful spirit, congratulated tiro Mayor on having obtained such a big majority. He concluded by saying that he would,contest the seat at a future time. He also intimated that he would be a candidate to fill the vacancy on the council. All the members of the council were previously declared elected without opposition. Most of them were present, and took the opportunity of briefly addressing the gathering and returning thanks for their election Brief speeches were made bv Messrs A. A. Campbell, J, W. Dove (St. Kilda representative on tho Hospital Boaru). M. H. Seddon, E. Longworth, 0. Densem. R. Teller, and H. Smeaton. Cr J. C. Ritchie was unable to be present. A vote of thanks to the 'returning officer closed the proceedings. PORT CHALMERS. The polling was unusually heavy. Mr J. 31. Stevenson was returned as "Mayor with a substantial majority. For the council there were 16 candidates for the 13 seats, and the seven old councillors standing for re-election wore returned. The voting was as follows-. —Mayor.— JOHX MCDONALD STEVENSON 745 T. Scoilay ... 449 Informal 14 In ’ el urning thanks, Mr Stevenson: said he regarded it as an honor to be elected chief magistrate of his native town—an honor his father had also held before him. He could only thank the electors for their support, and assure them that whatever he did would be done in the best, interests of Port Chalmers, and he hoped there would be no such thing as party in the council, but that they would all work together for the good of the ‘town. sir Scollay thanked all those who had supported him. stating that he cheerfully accepted the electors' decision, and that ho would still be found fighting to promote the interests of Port Chalmers. —Council.— William Jones 678 William G. Coleman 675 William Lnnn 665 William Love 662 John R. Allan 655 John ATLachlan ... 655 John Tait 630 Irvine C. Isbister ... 622 Daniel D. M’Donald 667 Most of the successful candidates returned thanks for their election, and some of those not returned also spoke. WEST .HARBOR. There was no election for (Mayor, the retiring Mayor Qlr 11. E. Moller) having been returned unopposed. Rothesay Ward.—There were four candidates for three seats. The voting was; Alexander Todd Robertson, -150 votes ; Thomas H. Havridgo 147, James Robb 130, John Duncan Cameron SO. The three first were declared elected. WELLINGTON. The election for i*te mayoralty resulted as follows : —J. P. J.uke (retiring M.a yor). j 7.265: J. Read (Labor!. 6,345; W. 11. P. Barber, 3,615. CHRISTCHURCH. The election for tho mayoralty resulted a? follows:—Dr Thacker, M.P. (Canal League), 5,348; J. J. Dongall (Citizens’ Association), 5,747; J. M'Combs, M.P. 'Labor), 2,306. [Special to the 'Stab.’] CHRISTCHURCH, .May 1, There was a belief held in many quarters that the city contest would lie between Dr Thacker and Mr M'Combs. and many of Mr DougnlTs supporters are known in consequence to have voted for Dr Thacker with the object of keeping Mr M*Combs out. Addressing the crowd afterwards. Dr Thacker said it was the supreme moment of his life. Labor members expressed regret that they had not secured a working majority on the council. Tire 1 Press ’ says editorially ; The result of the mayoralty is not creditable to Christchurch. We shall be delighted if | Dr Thacker turns out to be capable of j acquiring a sense of responsibility, and | the* more completedly Dr Thacker the Mayor contrasts with Dr Thacker the member of Parliament the better it will be for the city. QUEENSTOWN. Opr correspondent wires There was great excitement over the triangular contest for tho mayoralty. Mr Andrew Simsou was re-elected, polling 160 votes Mr D. F. Sutherland (an cx-Mayor) 70, and , Mr Angus Mac Donald 65. MAYOR ELECTIONS TX OTHER PLACES. Balclntha. —Wm. Bunten 238. Alex. M'Xeil 204. Oamaru.—Jas. M’Diarmid 848, W. H. Frith 484. Gore.—.Andrew Martin 511, J. C. Rnv 415. D. M’Dougall (sitting Mayor) 25/. Thomas Rhodes 56. Invercargill.—John Stead 1,675 (reelected), T. D. Leim-e 1,559. Waimate.—Evans 478, Dash (retiring Mayor) 376. ' 'J’imaru.—W, Raymond elected inmpposed. Tauranga.—B. Dive. Dargaville.—R. E. Hornblow. Gisborne.—G. Wildish. Napier.—J. V. Brown, M.P., 1.714, H. Hill 1,692. Wanganui-—C. E. Mackav (retiring Mavor) 1,792, L. J. Sigley 1,497. Falmerston North.—J. A. Nash 1,664, W. Thomson 954. New Plymouth.—o. H. Burgess (retiring Mayor). Inglewood.—Or Sutherland. Eiiham.—G. W. Taylor. Stratford. —J. AY MAlilian. Hawera.—Dixon. Master-ton.—AV. H. Jackson. Karori —B. G. H. Bum. Eastbourne.—F. H. (Mather. Petone. —M/Ewan. Miramar.—S. M. Stone. Carterton.—W. H. Booth. Nelson.—AV. W. Snodgrass. Blenheim.—J. J. Ooiry-

Westport.—A- Leaver. To Kuiti.—G. P. Finlay. Eketahuna.—T. Parsons. Patea.—A. T. Christensen. - Eoxton.—John ChrystaJl (re-elected). Dannevirke.—Anderson 818, Thomson 356. For the Christehurch City Council the Labor party gained one seat. Mr E. J. Howard, a" prominent Labor representative, was defeated. At New Plymouth all the Labor candidates for the Borough Counoil, Hospital Board, and Harbor Board were dofeated. Four out of five Labori candidates nominated for the Foxton Borough Counoil were elected.

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Evening Star, Issue 17032, 1 May 1919, Page 7

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YESTERDAY'S ELECTIONS Evening Star, Issue 17032, 1 May 1919, Page 7

YESTERDAY'S ELECTIONS Evening Star, Issue 17032, 1 May 1919, Page 7