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[By Cabeukettoe.}

Brkf accounts of holiday trips, road.*, and places of interest are invited for this cehimn. Club fixtures this month : Social evening, ' Wednesday next; petrol-consumption test, Saturday,* March 29. CLUTCHES .WO HOW TO TREAT THEM. T am indebted to a friend for sending along the following fine article on clutches by ,1. R. Newman, in the ■ Vacuum Review ' :-- •The function of the clutch is to provide a means <>f mu c-iipiing the primary shaft in the gear box from the engine shaft when changing gear: also for starting and s-tonping the ear without stopping the engine, "the gear lexer not being in the neutral po-dtion. In most cases the clutch is bolted to or is in part formed l>v the flywheel of the engine, the exceptions being found on tars where the tiy wheel of the engine is fitted in front i ' in the middle of the engine. The mo-.t pooulai and ni i t t n moiiK ttul tv| and, ma w i t'n n i ->t simpk i t rona t hitch i t\| \ tin ih-di it i 1 vtuoe e\oi sunt nit tlr ( itn i t rust'int In it i l in n i\ to in 1' diicit cone t\|e t n p i --it mt d tn i kr atxt uhtd to the t it hitt i i n ipondu g put mil it nun coin in tl tm in- ii n-1 i t > t ittst itt dtlit i can bt h' 1 in »i_ i netit uun it ' mean ot > stm iid ill t ,Unl m --\i sif -\ hj \<i In I tl t l idi ut i line t>d i< t\r I i n ] iti n ih in m n i p i ii ted i- i tl v 1 it'u it m inv i t tut \ nit u < tin ct t' tt i t\ 1i i' it d( 1 t ii whi ' a t at t t i l tit n whil t the it r i i i' i n T'i? ergtn si i t ti d 1 t-> t t n =mg t ihi 1 t d i ih li \tt i withi it I i'l b ui t t'ti tt i n si i t tun n i ti„ i I i di-.' hj i hi t i hi r lun t 1 tlii K sm_ < 1 i i ' b i iti 1 " fl h,t 1 i in ' i I 1 ii f e uiLiit'v i* thi I The \\ ' i T i " pt'lulled iti ti i t it in 1 n cui-i- it t■> i i t i i!h ml t i E tttK i itn t t 111< r \ "dut tht ituti itot 1 ti u 1 I 1 metd ip i 1 * i hi iid t t i i ti hi it i' \t ' t in v " 111 t siffu titt 1 tt * ' i or lun* it t 1 Imli - Cone chit n v ai-> f ub 1 e I by - ippi pirn J lit 1 i t ti a to It F" ill u it ,d 1 x,l it 1 ' b ii It b <' I t v tn i t t I dl t « i l n t t t ,) iu I t'i ' 111 t" d t I.♦ ' 1 t'i \ix t I ub 1 n mil it r o t -> 1\ i i 1 it i 1 i nt till It, it 1 tl qi,nt n rt i I \ ii iw\ -e i ' t tixt'iu i , ' lit Ii t c i ' urdi i'l !i*i ■'i I ' A ri'in th t u 1 i i 1 1 t keep the 1 ' i t i i a f te „l\l g 1 I I 1 I tl If 1 iueM t t t 1 it p r o e putti f n't i itt t ti 1 ii' , ni \ t i t I i o c tltS| , ,1 1 1 111 < inoi lj t tt I I ' I a tl I Itl T>r «;«> On t' t 1 1 \ 1 'n ni\ be ct ov too m i ' i d , tt' ii t 1 t i face Tht in n 1 ilt 11 \ i i'\ a little p«ti it i ft t from t' 1 ft ih t lu 1 i or r' -II it i 1 iii t i it t' a ■wlthdrtwiut ■> hi ' hj in „it ' OUt CF f ,j ,_,-—--' ' -\y„ f',l' ■■(• r • f | the hit t- l.iit t * 1 ' t < 'I r PV lv C, 1 1 • ' l rl I 1 i I 1 ' IF "tin- i- d « * +1 <n v i ' it I ' rem»dv is t i i in hj t i 'if t ' Othti ce an c < hi i "spring too v\t ai i 1 ' i 1 mav b* 'n' Ti vi o i t' l ' atli t nnn it full ensragi i j i> i p t u i rt The <u ( < T' 1 ' ! ' lit '' h ' tf ' \ tth % -ingle f1 it l* mu I hj < .th i it (i fn t rd tt >x Uh 40 verv t»nn li- - \ nit i iMt la d tinle <hsc bath or <i l i " M t' i i- n > <• n i •of their 1c < nut g u' 1 li n i -' it oil is used Tte r'tn f ih u t _ | rla'med * d i i* -•- are (\) r ) \ can be adit ted 11 tale to th b d _i i' i allv (b) tli IK Tit of pif in fl '( I tltitch i« te'v -nti' 'ci mt n d i- | F ace is lu e in nn, nun t t 1 n I hansmitte-1 (1)tl e i t- -» n ill '' - I it do°!= not in * tt dm tnunt On tK other ' 1 tb \ hi e Pi t ,tdvaita,t- "it altti i n tht \at > " , wtl P in jr v v rikit g ( d in n j-t be t ken i * t n i in < I tb f to i thick <tdi i ti_ nil iiie_u'ai v ' | icr will rt t'' F '1 e to ni in t c -lK tal in <> ' ' itn it d> tin 1 n _ »1 i ge ir bo\ a i * iit i t ii i 1 i lev .i m re t 'i " \ e

THE MOTOR NOT A l.rxrßY. "The is no longer a luxury ,i!™e: it is a necessary. In r.iv travel- T =aw tha auomobiie used bv sher-p ami f ait'--> men. farmer-. and eve* prosper t<v s. Mr Birtles voiced the ;r->\viiii: opinio., of the ■ntilitv of the mot-■!•. •• find drovers ' lie said, -in the wayba; k <li.--tri.-fs vc 'o'c; nil pad of their mob- ir. (-rder to nsc-erro-i Facts about !o> ah'ti-s for fecdi;!-;. ?tc, prospectors investi.-jatM'ct. farm-":-. i-nl other*. Th'\-e i:.-e:'s are pra.'t; •;■ :!y all poor men." Xew members of the O.M.C. : M—■ < A. P. Adxms. C. Little. F. Moyriihaa. . vA A. Smith. Owners and prospe. live own-iy of lr;ht rare are eaczeriy nwntiiu,' particular-; of the post-war im'l"U nf the A.C.. St i >- dard. Calcott. Singer. Morris-Cowley. ('.,'- thorpe Minor, and other ears of tlie .-at-.' class. A corre-spi dent. " 5.A.13.. .'.lotto me recently askint: toy the local piewar prices of some < t tne-e iunt '"U";. So far I have not h.i i time ti-iMwiiin these prices, but hope t'i do so i:i a week or two. . _ t I hope to see the motor ey< lists of t:e club enter in hircre nnrnbei'* for the petrol consumption test. A-* the quantity of petrol allotted to eerh rich- is based upon a well-known formula, nc< ept-d for s:ah tests at Home, <.n-h rider, be he li-ht or heavy, a rider of a liuht. medium, or heavy powered, will have a chance of success. It is not a speed trial. On i l ." contrary, the mo-t su-e>"=.-fiil sp-y'-d lrather a slow one for o-dinarv tonrinz. to tl-.e ' K--•': C >unty >t indard.' cat-o'-niue-tails were Ninnd on some of the German .-'.th'-arine.- that sunvndered at lbr.vb-k. . One of the tine.-t ears haling Horn tee Continent is the Italian Fiat, manutactured bv the Fiat- Comi-any, 01 Turin. This firm are now bui'diiu' a post-war model that will have to be reckoned with bv British manufacturers. ITie Fiat li_rht car has an engine capacity aiider 1.2C0 i.e.. vet it develops up to 14 "h.p. It is a four cylinder wjiter-coded fiigin?. 1 he car ■•; fitted with four si.eeJ,_" forward. and a reverse. The jrear box is sa;d to be hud'.t and compact, yet comprising silence and robnitness. The rear axle is" worm-driven. While the price of the mode! has not been made public so far, the makei.s 'nave indicated that the price will be moderate. II this British fair play".' Li-t Saturday a locai motorist was seived with _a summons to appear at Temuka. at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday to answer a charge of exceed fcl» the sp'eed limit through the township on" February 12. XW, "it is extremely difficult for a. motorist to recall the circumstances of a drive through any place nearly four weeks after. Sail more ditti cult would it !■<• for him to .-ic-k to gather evidence in his own defence. In one's own district it. be r-ossible to remember, a, few days after, other folk who were in the- vicinity at the time of an ali'-tred oread:. A month after it is "m----j.vSMbie; but in the cm: of a visitor it H impossible to retain evil, the barest details of a iim through one of a number of small places such a> Temuka. On the ether hand, not: the haste with which the vn-.e is brought t. after .he :-ervuig of the notice to appear. I'eeeived on Saturday iiiterooon for Tuesday morning at Teniuka. Office closed, employees away, and the only train of any pract : cal use leaving at. 8 a.m., Monday, long before the hour of uuniiiift his office. True, an adjournment could be son^ht; but what opportunity has a man for arranging with a, lawyer

on the spot If local authorities cannot serve their summonses within seven davs, or show good and sufficient reasons why this was impossible, then they should bo debarred from proceeding with the case. If the average business man were told that the most profitable way to use ' a motor truck is to run it empty, lie would (says an American writer) probably consign his informer to the gentle care of a commission in lunacy. But the owner of a certain slate mine in the up-State part of New York would merely nod wisely and remark that lie had noticed the same thin?. The quarrv in question is a mile and "it-half from the raihoad station. The running time for a round trip is accordingly small in comparison with the combine'd loading -and unloading time._ This brings it about that when the truck is used i in the ordinary way as a truck for carryj ing the slate, it tponds mast of its time J standing dead at the shafthouse or the | station, being loaded and unloaded. This, of course, is plainly bad ; but the remedy • eqiiircs a good deal of vision in the seeing and oven move nerve in the believing. fn the [resent case, after a good deal of persuasion, the iiiiarryniau was brought ■ round to give ■the trailer a trial. He nmught three of these, and issued orders int loui will la i ti t timk \as ik I tmtk " 1 t ni| i\ locomotive It n n iin u \ it\ l tuning a, lo U i t i mi i i t(i m lut lh \ n inline; (nt t'ti 1* i m t l, i mini m the morning ih i 1 '(I ti l'u iml tin to til*. I i cl up 1 i i ttipU tula lctt ihi tii] <i ~~ this buk to tin. iiid wl i il i s tncie the thud cai i d d\ i 1 ui. In this wav thcie ll 1\ II lil i li 1 tig oi o union! it ti ni< ut m i c'utction t1 is ot'i I urn m nd tiis ue mule ilO hj i i di\ i <1 i\ tons ot si itt di tan t li ii i[ 0[ 11 ding on tl is 1 d ' t l t'l I 1 lg till side to t in li Inn u u hah and tht ii \ li w is. nml i\ cipt iti met tin t, it iit i nig li tin k \ll it ill that < i til \ i ni_ 11 tht- ski s ioi 1 I i 11 tl i iti (\ l'u tiailei I i ii , i Vim in i i novel means t nui _, hi at mi ■•im t en bt^ i i i i i is „d >t ttd 11 111 <) tit 111 t tl is t ( pell Uli' t, ti i 1 tli i 11 i nt\ th t f tioui ' i 1 ! i i u ' i (ik > toi i ts vi 10 it Vi i t'i i t i i uc It itl\ 't I t i 11 \ _, 11 r nit 1 ot tl e it i _i il ti in t t l n load V s 1 il ' | i '„ 1 \it n tw< tenti post d this it i jji* i J to tit io id ( 'i 1 }< | ii u hj to i nd if th i cl t i u but i i in. i\ u mil ttk i line is ii > _ t *1 i i! ilu i\- tptn v i the i i 1 i tU i dnu up u u sit > nil i n nt nt and H i nn i w l t ti i 1 ti 111 i itn i > \ei title i lii i,t. c 1 ml i[p uuttU i < t *t\e | V\< Widn di\ i it ig mnntitis ot j a Ot _ Mi* i Club i t invited to i il t n tut ip" t tut oid at d ' tintt i iittil t -Mt i I Ali\ in In mJ ■■'» s \\ 1 n Mi \i vidi 'hj Kttd n veit l pn t i i tb fvtii'tm while i ti nt his ' i t>i \ L at jj hi i muti I nil tin Ko d I mint tt 1 itt th is ' ii a i I 1 wP t <-rt i thtv nth in'ti t 1 -i ti , L I t ul i- ( , tl m [iciliPs nt tm \i k m iiiiititun \ hth in | Dl C*l lII} til Hl] till Wllk ] a it m i i tin. i\h iitni on icu int rt I 1 ts n e t wotl Tit too will be mi sett t 1 ' i c t luu t the nittt nt. Win hi tite I tfniunthU tht tlnb 111 I -, 1 ' t V ill LllO ( 1 tIYO mi tin tu i» i ] i i tl ., uo ii onu 1 'i ( VI ( i nil , V \ 1 i M s l?ti ma, L n d " i " •i t l n u 1t v it tht 'n- ' i i i -li e i nt vtt n> t tht 111 ti

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Evening Star, Issue 16993, 15 March 1919, Page 10

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MOTORING Evening Star, Issue 16993, 15 March 1919, Page 10

MOTORING Evening Star, Issue 16993, 15 March 1919, Page 10