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HIGH STREET. The following is tho prize-list:— Mandat'd Vl.—Arthur Bunco 1, Henry Don 2, Denis Wise 3 ; Gladys Carr (dnx of school) 1, Ruth Havdic 2, Mom a .Macaulay 3. Merit: James Lennox, Reginald Hanson, Prudence Collier, Doris Wiukei. Progress (Mrs Naphtali’s medal): Caroline Ronnie 1. Drawing • Thomas Burt 1. Attendance (not once absent in seven tears): Alexander Watt 1. Cookery; Mabel M'Domikl 1, Ethel Sanders and Francos Huig (c«snal) 2. School Committee's special prize for composition ; Gladys Carr 1, Mabel APDonald 1, Hugh Ximmo 1. Athenamm Committee’s prize (an annual ticket) for English and history: Hugh Ximmo 1. Mental arithmetic (Mr Fhaw's medal): Hugh Ximmo 1. Writing (Mr Robt. Ewing’s gold medal); Max Levy 1. Commercial arithmetic (Mr James Brown’s gold medal) : Douglas APGeorgo and Hugh Ximmo (equal) 1. Composition (Park Memorial gold medal); Gladvs Carr 1. Xavy League essay; Gladvs C'arr 1, Ethel Sanders 2, Prudence Collier 3. Woodwork,: Douglas APGccrge ami George Harper’ (equal) 1. Singing (the Ina Bagrie-Johns-ton gold medal): May Brown. Twenty-four certificates for regular attendance.

Standard V.--L. Briton 1, L. Brickell 2; C. Jeffs 1, .15. Tyson 2, A. Walls 5. Progress prizes: J. 'Martin, M, Lain! Merit: Boys—V. Ellis, A. X ouug : girls li. Minn. .V. Winkol, ’ll Miller,” D. Medley. Drawing : Thyra Knight. Wilting .- Dooreen Medley. Mental arithmetic (Mr .Shaw’s medal); A. Watts. Recitation; Winnie. Beck. Cookery : Bettiea Collier 1. Ron a. M inn 2. Woodwork : Ray Butler.' Composition (Park medal); G. Jeffs. Xavv League's ©.-ray :G. Jeffs 1. Rita. Mm,die 2. Attendance certificates; 23

Standard IV.—Jeffrey Laing 1, Stanley Felt ¥ m 1- Kathleen Martin ... A Lib- 1 Lane •:>. Prop-ess prizes : Boys—-Burton Trainer ; girls—Flossie Taylor. Merit: Boys—-Frank Dawson. Ronald Blair. Walter _ Roberts ; girls—Florence Eustace, Annie Dow. Composition • Eloshc Pickard (Park Memorial silver modali 1. Writing; Med,a, Butler 1. Recitation: Flora Lennox 1. Drawing: TTi.oa Bunee 1. Mental arithmetic: diaries Robertson (Mr Shaw’s silver medal). Attendance certificates ; Boys 1 A gn-b 16. • ”

Standard TlT.—Allan Hamer 1, Fred Barton 2, Forsyth Barr 5 ; Stella. Mango 1. Koma Knight 2, Marv Simmons 5. Merit: .Tames Gilkison. Alfred Sinclair Robert Watson. Florrie Fleming Rita. Cantwell, Nellie Barton. Special' prizesMental arithmetic, Leslie M’Carrigan • if-ciUiliqn, (.wcufbi- Burt; writing. Rov Frapwcil; drawing and brush work, Louis M-Laren; conduct. Jack Williams.' Hath, men Debenham: progress, Xessie Xicnll, Luc Lve; composition, Rene Wilkie; progress. Gwynn Lane.- Attendance certificates: Boys 25, gisb 11. Standard IT.—Xoel Frye 1. Willie Pickard 2; Ida lyson 1, Murr APArthur mid Jessie Payne 2 Progress :‘ Cyril Sew Hoy, Teddy Blomfield. Willie Svrne.. Afental arithmidu;: Teddy Blomfield and Louden Brick ell (equal). Composition, Noel 1- rye. A nting : Mina Beveridge. Drawing; M,m, Beveridge. Sewing: Jessie Payne. Conduct: Willie Pickard mid Jessie Payne. Recitation: Hine Di umm. Attendance certificates : 14 Mrls Jo bovs. p ’

Btandai-d Lower 11. and l._L„ wer If.. ■VHan Henderson ami Sidney Smith (equal) 1, l-.dwm Laing and Arthur Sow Hoy (equal) 2 ; Haze) Johnuin I. Alerit ; Geo. tliom's Barton. Kathleen Robertyon. Lllen Pope.

Standard L-Krie Winkcl 1. Ernest Stamping 2: Mabel Watson 1. Amelia Lmiee and Betty Wilkie (equal) 2, Merit--Mcrven Cassidy. Akwamtor Woods. Herbert Scotty Jean Williamson, Lilian Alston Special prizes; Composition. Alina Henderson ; writing, Kathleen Robertson ; merit. Ellen Pope; recitation. Jean Lennox : drawing and Imishwork, Ame bn Limcc ; pi*ogro?>, (Icorjo '.ij’om ; conduct, Kath.een Robertfon, Ellen Pope. Rnss e i Graham ; mental arithmetic—E<l wink,. J. Ernest Bta.ndring 2. Gwen Tudm-merit; sowing—Kathleen Robertson 1. Elten I’ooc 2. Attendance rert-ificatos. 18. Lower standard I.—Tack MTigue 1 Arthur Eustace 2. Tunis Allan 3: Babe) Robertson and Eva- Ross 1. leva Carr 2 Merit • Catharine AJitburn. Kathleen MiL Kr, Clements Woott„„. Alex. Walmslev. ■Special prizes: _ Writing. Hilary Collier; mental arithmetic and brnsj-nvorJc. Cat bari;m Alilburn ; drawing, Clement# Wontton • pi-ogress. Raymond Harris; recitation’. A_lex. \\ almsley. Attendance certificates, INFANT DEPARTMENT’. Cl.-i#s AC—-Radford EckhnfT 1. j.Jm APLaehlan 2; Winifred APNauglitoi, 'l Roliorta M Ilhams 2. Progress William 1 cs. Nancy Hamer. Writing; James M Kenzie. 1-rank Greenfield. Jean Pickard Class IV.—Kdwatvl Creed t. Stuart APKernan 2. Clarence Cheshire 3 : Clarice Matthewsoii I. Olive Elcmiug 2. Rua Erapwoll o. Progress : Constance AI.-inniTm. .-ittondniK-o ce.rtitieates. 15. ' SPORTS PRIZES, , F , r : r (( ' up) - n - Johnson ; uontile.y J. fmlayson and A 7. Ffiis, Football and 'Cricket : B-st all-round player (Mr Anderson’s medal), J. Embivson; special J>rize fo,- football. Torn Roberison ; live a-side (medal#)—,). Finlavson, G Hurt, J. 7’ailln-, H. Johnson, T Robert s)in.

Shooting: Navy League’s medal (best shot in school! A. Robertson ; Standard ' Carbue; Standard V. P J nwrite# ; Standard IV.. I. Hardie. Swimming; Certificates—R. Pa,,’] (| wo and a-lialf miles), J. farlino, J. Matheson, (!.' Memmg. J. McKenzie (one mile) j’ M’Grcgnr. R. MTLegor. D, Wise (halfmile). T. Burt. W. Dickson. (. Jiffs p, Tyson ((|iiarter-mile), C. M'Kcnzie (100 yds) • swimming medals—Standard VL, 66n's bandeau. J. Carlluo 2: Standard IV (girl.#). 33yd?. Haze! Miller 1 ; dive, If.’ Miller 1. M. Lane 2; Standard IV. (bovsi, open dive. S. Clnniside 1, K. Wood 2. ’ WAKART. The break-up was held in the, school hall la-t night, when there was so large an attendance that many failed to get admission tff the proceedings. A veiy handsome honors roll, rotfitjjining the names of 75 expupils who have gone to the front, lias been presented to the school by the. Old Boys’ Association. This was unveiled by -Mr Smith, the ehairman of the association. He and Mr A. Cable gave appronnate adduces, and Mr Brown, tho chairman of the School Committee, conveyed to Ihetn the warm thanks of the school for the honors roll. An adjournment was then made to the hall, where Mr ]frown again presided. He congratulated tho tcachei s on tho very successful results of tin'll- year's work, and mentioned the fact that George Holme,#, a. former dux of Cue school, was this year dux of the Otago Boys’ High School. Mr Horn, a member of the Education Board, expressed the great pleasure it gave him to lie present. He emphasised the value of free education. and counselled parents to send their children to school with the greatest, regularity. The pupils provided a striking entertainment. comprising songs, recitations, dances, and physical exercises, all of which were very enjoyable. A collection in aid uf the Halifax sufferers realised the handsome sum of £5. The prize-list is as follows :

Standard I.—First class prizes : Nellie Hemingway. Iris Willidmi. William Wilson. Second class piizes; Xamy >l‘lntvre. Andrew Haing. Third class prizes': Clara Armour, Lilian Campbell. Rene Ilonishv. Muriel M'Cullougb. Bert Kedzlie, Win. Reynolds. Leslie Wood. Arthur Young, Albert- Thomson. Sewing: Nellie Hemingway, Lilian Campbell. .All the infants received a book. There were 18 attendance prizes.

Standard Tl.—First- class prizes: Charles Isaacs. David Milne. Fila Williams. Kathleen Burge??. Daphne Spiers. Hannah Dick. Second class prizes : Jack Clark, Hector 11 care. Alice M‘Murray. C'hrissie Armour, Mary Brrnsdnn, Jeannip (nhitt. Third class prizes: Arthur Isaacs. Robert ■Tones, May Biemner. Myra. Black. Winnie Millar, Dorothy Coombes. Sewing; Daphne Spiers and Kathleen Burgess 1, Connie Greenslade 2. Attendance, 16. Standard _ 111.—First class prizes: Jack Christie. A\in. Dick, Edgar Jones, James Milne, George Williden, Jane Boyd, Mavis Brown, Doreen Sell, Second class prises: Mabel Black. Robert Addison. Third class prizes: Robert Burgess, Leonard

Jolinstone, Alan Young, Vera Burns, Rhotla ” oodlull, Ethel Tweedie. Janies Pledger. Sswuis. : Ethel Tweedie 1, Rhode Wood-, V;; .{special prize for patriotic work (Miss Wilson’s prize), Doreen .Soli, Attendance prizes, 10. Standard IV.—First class prize : Ethel Jnirne. Second class prize ; Frank Brown, third class prize: Walter Cubilt and tieorge Kedzlie. Special prizes: Sewing, Ethel Burns 1, Ivy Still 2. Good mannoi.s; Frank Brown (Mr J. Passmore’s prize). Four attendance prizes. Standard \ .—First class prize; Jack -Markov. Second class prizes : Alex. TorrancG, Myrtlo Still, -Margaret Paterson, third class prizes: lan Armour William UnnoUy Wm. Cubitt, Murray Hood, Jas. » oodlull, Isa bailiff, Mnrv Wise. Navy League prizes : Jack Mark by 1, Murray ilood 2, Isa Lning 3. Special prizes': S Lil * Young’s thimble) 1, Edith Millar 2. Improvement; William Bnnsdon. Good conduct and manners (-Mrs Bemshardt’s specials); Fiorrie (levnolds and Edward Coombos. Ebrht a ‘t. tendance prizes. ° Standard Vb—Uux of school, Annie lateison; dux boy, Harold C. Vince lust,, class prizes; Robert Counellv (Mr Dicks special), Bessie Young. Second u“n P"“»- le - v BJack > Robert M Donga)], Win. M'DougaJi, Frank Millar, Mabel Burns, (Nellie Heigh, Nora Tonne George Woodbill Third class prizes®Eta Dixon, Elizabeth Tweedie. Navy prizes: Bessie .Young 1, Annie T Hunl 1 L - SC 'i'‘," tr 1 : Xor!l Young (W. t. Bunbngs medal) 1, Bessie Young (Mrs Addisons special prize) 2. Athemcum K s C v - in , Ce ' drawing anco prizes"'® 0 00dl, ‘"- K « ht

\rchic C V ld - Vl ,l~ Sccnnd c,ass Prize: Aulue bevm. One attendance prize. given* '* SIX i,Ucmlnnco certificates were

MORXIXGTOX w P Te e ,; PU, - iIS t r lC Alonunpfcon School s,. Tl ’' »•»«*-* i.

Standard VI.-Dns, Mavis Hobbs (Mr L . J - gold medal). Chi-, TWRump 2, - lan.H Hollos 1. Hope Kane 2. Special : |r ' :lV n H T Kane (Mr'S. F. Snftrst m l ’, " Titing ’ 01ivo Sin w t hal “ 8 b«>k PHM); cookery, Inlum Watso,, (Mr Shortt’s book prize) ; rroixkvork, Chfiord Muir (Mr J J Clark’s book prize); Xavy Leagnc-Lilian Watson . Mans Hobbs 2, Xelhe Smith and F Hiiw 5 - ; r At r e Vf Um ’ Mavis Hobbs (highest m English); mental arithmetic. Cioidon Skene (Mr Davidson’s book prize) • attendance medals Lilian Watson, Ledio Ireland (nine years unbroken). Attendance Boys 23, ? irls 14. Merit certificates : Boys _ first ‘ clrss, Gordon Udine, kmest Rump, Max D’Wcvsecond class, 16: third class. 9; nirls-l Hit cities, Mavis Hobbs, Hope Kane, Dorothy Ramsay. Rubv Black, Xellio bmith ; second class, 7; thiid class. 2 fcotbn.l Bert Hope (.Standard YI •Mr A Bathgate’s book prize), William Oar side (Mr It. Bentham’s book prize); shooting, Theodore Cdn-thu-k (Standard IV., Navy League modal); basket hall, Ruby Black; baud—- \\ m. Garside (Mr Fenwick’s prize) S Boat-wood (Mr A. T. Blyth's prize)! R Crawford (.Mr J. Hope’s prize), H. Morrit>on (IB- Storeys prize), K. Rump (Mr Sincocks prize).

Standard V.—Dorothy Black and Irene Lawns ey (equal) 1. Margaret Mirams 2•Jack Mirams 1, Walter Scott 2. Special prizes; W nting—Vera- Grigg (Mr Soloinon hook prize) 1. Finnic (Mr s book pmn) 2: cookorv, Dorotliv lihl, ] k Jfadetfs bonk prize) ; wnod■«oid. \\ ill red Lindner (Mr ('amorous book Prize) ; >«vv League—Florence M'Kinnon 1, Dorothy Black 2, Walter Scott 3. -U----tcmlance certificates; Rocs 10 trirk 14 .Merit, certificates : Girls first M,. * Dorothy Black, Irene Raaviislev. Marmirct Mirams Vera Gripg. Florence M'Kinnon. \ei.i Hamer, Catherine Rnupart. .Mvrtle lien, erson. Peggie Finnic; second class, A ('bird class, 6 ; hoys-—first class. Jack Mirams. Valter Scott. James Chartcris • sccrmd cka SS ]5. third class 6.

Mamlaid IV—William Ashcroft 1. dunes Lra-ik 2; Adeline M'Xav 1. Vera Henderson 2. Spend prizes;' Writmg, Maggie .Sinclair (Mr Solomon's bonk prizefshooting, Then. Capstick (Xavy League ineda.). Attendance: Boys 18, girls 9 Merit certificates: Bovs-first clars- Wi'iiarn .cshcmit, James (.vaik, Then ('ap-f-tulL John Cunningham. Win. R.uvMcn Bertie Drearer. Don Robertson, Kenneth Gnnimg. Ron Sincoek, Rta-u Wiivte; second class 14, third class 5; girls—first c aas Adeline M'Xav, 3 era Henderson, jvathlecn _ Davidson, Mollv Wilkinson, .Maggie Sinclair; second class 15 Standard lll.—Gordon Crichton 1, B, !V Johnson 2; Xelhe Cunningham ] a m'v I raser and Lizzie (equal 2; writiiM James Bnnsdou. Tui Crexford. First chits merit certificates: Gordon Crichton Roc Johnson. Gordon Rump. Xcliio CunniiMham Annie Adam, Amy Fraser, Rhviffs Hardio \ida Holland. Mercy Bndma:.-. Isabel Q>unlc._ Mary Swift. Lizzie Tab. • second class 45, third Gass o ; attendance uoys 10. girls 12. Standaid ll.—William Hillikcr 1 and Arthur Lambounte 1, Thomas Kilpatri.-k 2; Ella Rodger and Barbara Sinclair 1 Molly Hunter 2. Writing: Wilford Smaill ami Elsie. Capstick. Special prizes; W alter (/barters, Rosalie Trot tor; Wihyrm'e. \ !high I-Vatw, J}o r is Scrvico, (Hive Wills; arithmetic, Arthur l.atnhournc; handwork, Olive Morris. Merit certificates; First class—Hugh Pearce. Thomas Kilpatrick. Ernest Evans, bc-iie Mlei!!, Lvic Aitcbcson. A\ ilfiarn Hillikcr, .Arthur Tyambourne. Russel) Rvfioki, IJouclas Skene. Walter Charterm,’ Hazel Gars;de. Ella Rodger, Molly Hunter. Barba-ia Sinclair. K’sio Capstick, Rosalie Tvotler. Olive Butler, Katie Brinsdon, Kuphemin Bennett, Ivy Salisbury. Olive Wills, Arenia Henderson, Evelyn Agnew ; second cla,-s merit, 36; third' class merit, 8; attendAlice prizes, 29.

Standard I.—Colin Lindsay 1, Carl Dixon 2 ; Rona, Xiool-on and Marion Thomson 1. Kyra Payne 2. Special prizes : General proficiency, Tom Whaley, Mathcson ; writing, Lily Ellis. David D’Arcy ; good conduct. Joan Uaidow; arithmetic, David D’Arcy. First class merit certificates—Houa, Xieo’.sou. Marion Thomson, Kyra Payne. Kathleen Mathcson, Vera Smith, Dive Davidson, Lilv Smith, Charlotte Charter!?. Edna Wilson, Jean Hocking, Isabel Watson, Moiia Pearson, Violet Richan, Leila Grecnall, Philipa, Mason, Frank Brinsdon. Tom Whaley, William Woodcock, William Smaill. Kenneth Riddle, Lrn Logan, Colin Lindsay. Ckorgo Henderson, Carl Dixon, William Henderson. Rio haul Davidson: second class merit certificates, 28 ; attendance certificates. 25.

Standard 1. (Lower). —Geoffrey Shot it 1, Ronald M'Fadycn 2; C-onst.-oue Barclay 1, Ethel Barker 2. Writing, Reginald Lamb, Violet, Seales; diligence, Kathleen WllO-lnil. Sixteen attendan>-e prizes. Infant Boom.— Attendance prizes: 10 hoys, 13 girls. (lass prizes: Chi.-s 6 Jnek Evans 1, Kims* Bennett 2. .Tael: Sutherland ami Duncan Trainov 3; Alice Randle 1. Phyllis Frame 2. Alice Patton .■nut Francis Moiklojoim- 3. Class s—lack Schofield 1. Stanley Honors 2. Fenton Greer and Jack Joynt 5 ; Emily Service 1. Lonia Dnthlc 2, Doreen Crichton and Marion Barlow 3. Chips 4—Frederick Pearson 1, Sidney White 2 : Clare .Minims 1, Mavis Sainsbury 2.(.'hiss 3--William M'Queon 1, Louis Moir 2; draco Caul 1. Mary Davis 2. Writing prizes; Cla-s 6 Cecil Rutherford, Kileon Sharpies ; Class s—Don5 —Don Lepine, Grott.a Muir; Class Z Raymond Padman. Eileen Burgess; Class 3—.Tolm Beil, Annie Wallace and Owen Driver. FORMAT,. The children attending the Normal School were dismissed for the ho days to-day. The following is the prize li-t Preparatory Classes. Fad) pupil received a gift. Standard I. —-Oeneral proficiency : Gwen Paul, Dnleio Galland. Florida I-arkins. Doreen M‘Slay (marks hnishworki ; .1 olin Hayward, Frederick Baker. Bogiuahi King. William Mcighan. Progress; Daisv Paterson, Catherine Cox. Dorothy Moir, Donald M‘Kenzie, Roderick M‘Lea it, William Mnnro, David Tannock. Long tots ; David Penman. Sewing ; Louisa Sanderson. Brush-work : Arthur Banchup. Drawing : Urie Cutcbertßon. Attenaaocs certificate, 23. -Standard IT.—General proficiency ; Vera Einlaysua, Nellie Warren, Laurel Robinson

and Fred Barr, Annie Reast and Carl Moller, Nancy Aselsen, Eric FinlaVson, Paula Fredric, Mary Walters and liolph -Marcella, Ooreen Blown, Herbert Sims, Robert Rose. Special prizes; Writing, Nancy Wvnnc ami Amy Guy; drawing and brusiuvork, Ray Jacobs; sowing, Nancy Wynne and " Doris Wheatland; knitting, Bert Houlahan and F.ric Finlayson. Attendance certificates, 17. Standard lll.—Doreen Hayward, dux. Proficiency: D.- Munro, H. Johnson, S. ■, E. Ruffell, A. Dalton, E. Watson, J. M ‘Neill, G. M'Leod, E. Harris. Writing; Williariiina Buchan, Margaret Logan. I! rush work; "Mavis Blackio. Progress : Iris Kenny, Norah Watt. Attendance certificates, 23. • Standard IV.—Proficiency : Eva Lattimer (dux), Marjory Black, Cicely Wood, Mark Rogers, Leslie Robertson, James M'Kane. Writing: Lydia Arraishaw, Arthur Cunningham, James M'Kane, Marjory Black, Mark Rogers. History; William Tannock.- Sewing : Annie Munro and Olga .Gardner (equal). Geography : Elizabeth Gensik. Gardening : Boys—Alex. Perry, C. .Cuthbertson, Alfred Archer; girls, 'Hi. Christensen and Marjory Black. Swiraming; Alex. Perry (medal," 50yds), Ch. Untilbertson (medal, beginners), ftthel Munro (medal, 33yds and thirdfor diving), Barbara M'Kay "(third, 53yds). Attendance certificates, 32.

Standard V.—William Ruffell, Jack ■M'Farlaue, Violet Smith, Louio Robertson, William Thomson, R. Simpson, A. Barr, Edwin Beattie, Stanley Pringle, Mary White. Good work: Susie MTviiinon, Chrissie King, Lulu Holley. Industry : Alice Holmes, Gwen Fraser. Sarah Pauley, Lena Sutherland. Composition: L. Robertson, William Thomson, R. Simpson. Drawing: Wm; Ruffell. Writing: Win. Cunningham. Arithmetic: N. Newbold. Navy League prizes: M. Robertson and L. Robertson. Shooting: Len. Johnson. hives: John M'Neill. Swimming: Len. Johnson. Cookery : Violet Smith. Attendance certificates* 25.

Standard Vl.—lsabella Knox Caskie, rt UX r»- General proficiency: -Doris C. Gillam (old Union Street School prize), Leonard Satterthwaite (Athenaeum prize), Elina A. Crawford (old Union Street School prize), Edith J. Clara, John E. Jarvis, Wm. A. Hayward, Leonard Arthur, Ernest Logan, Arthur Harrison. Alfred Jenkins. Cookery; Mary Cockburn. Knitting: Edith Paterson. Navy League essay: Arthur Eustace, Leonard Arthui- Wm. A. Hayw-ard. Attendance certificates, 18.


Form Hl.—Dux of class, first in Latin ami hygiene, Sarah Foster; first in mathematics, Mary Melville; second in class total, second in Latin, Olivo Aburn • first in English, second in hygiene, Joyce Smith; history mid geography, Norah Pithio; second in mathematics, J. Hawcrujge.; diligence prize, Margaret Ford. 1' orm I\ . —hirst .in aggregate marks and first in Latin, J. A. Evans; first in English, science, and mathematics. Bessie Kendra: first in history and geography, Lena M'Cutcheon; second in Latin ami science, Phyllis Homan.

Form V.—First in mathematics and science, 0. C. Moller; second in English. Ethel R. Ross; second in history 0 and geography. Alice Richdale; first (equal) in Latin, second in mathematics and science, R. L. Smith ; finx of secondary department, first in every subject, 0. C. Moller. honn Vl.—Special prize for general excellence. H. J. Finlay. NORMAL MODEL SCHOOL.

Standard 11. (general proficicncv)— Mavis Lamlle Davie (dux), Geoff rev -Man Cox 2.

Standard V. (general proficiency)— Margaret Rlackie and Bernard Glennv Cox 1. Rodney Owen Davie 2.

Standard TV . (general proficiency) —John Clyde Dnthie 1, Doris Emily APElrea 2. -Standard 1 LI. (general pvoficicpr.v) Robert Nelson Cox 1. Ernest Ralph Mnrrvalt 2.

Standard 11. (general proficiency)— Frank Kenneth Eggers 1, W. Arthur 'and A\ . Stevens 2. Standard I. (genera! profieienev)— .lansen-Thnmson 1. Alfred .Marks 2. ° Sewing ; .lean Elizabeth Macandrew. . Hardening ; Record book. Alice Rovers; industry. 'William Jarvis. Attendance: hirst class 11, second class ; .MODEL IT. Standard ll.—Deneral profieienev: .Tas. Howes, Franklyn Oensik. Stanley Mabel .Tohnston, Anetta Christensen. Standard I.—Cloneral profieienev : Leonard Angell. Marjory Eraser. X’ortna Bovd, Mina Smith. Annie- 'Wood. Lower I.—(leneral proficiency: Stuart Dalton, Doreen t\ heeler, Lydia Holmes. Attendance certificates. 14. KAITAXCATA. Forfeit weather prevailed for the annual break-up ceremony at the Kaitangata School. The attendance of (he ntdilic. was slightly in excess of the 1916 breakup. ami amply demonstrated the interest taken in the school bv parents of the school children. .Mr Hi Marshall, chairman _o.T the School Committee, presided. In hi? opening address the chairman extended a hearty welcome to all present, and thanked the parents for the interest they displayed in the welfare of the school and the solendid manner in which they had helped to maintain a good attendance throughout the year. Had not an ep ; - d.cnr.c of whooping cough spread throughout the district the committee could very sonn have obtained an additional teacher. However, things were “as von were." but bo hoped for better things in (he future. As the children of the infant department filed out after roeeivi.m giftbooks donated by the Hon. Sir dames Allen oidi fluid was handed a bag full ol sweets. Ihe di-drihntion (i f prizes won by pupils i„ the higher took [dace in the gymnasium, where short, addresses were delivered hv the Mayor. Mr S. S. Cairns. Mr J. C.' Shore, ox-ehnh-A ' r , r ; ; - F. Lavcry. Rev M r M‘Dowall. and Mr W. D. Carson.

A Jinu-li of life was added in the proby Hu* vjirions rljjcyofi ny they eanie into line to receive prize books, bach class, under the leadership „f their to.u hoi. rctulerod patriotic snxiir?, recit-a-ttons. etc. Each item was nicely executed, _ and merited the applause reCC V ' • oria! feature of (.ho gift. <iistnbution was the present, of a large box of chocolates to each pupil whose father was at the front. These- boxes were donated hy a lady who has done a vast amount of patriotic work in all its brandies in .he town. The dux of school. Jeau ilainiboii received „„ ovation when she stopped forward to receive tiic coveted trophy. Air .Mathews. head master, briefly addressed the parents and children before the proceedings closet! with dicers for the staff and the singing of the National Anthem.

A e.dlecUoo taken up .Vakl of the -balifax relief fund realised the sum of LA br : .

Following is the prize list :~ lutaiiL Department. Each pupil received book, prcscnte,] by Sir James Allen ami cX* 2a fc,mniitl " e - -DUmd,unco ccrtiil-

t-.C-uuluid I.—Stanley Rocklitf 1, Sum 2, progress Cvril Cousins; FrenCss Sharpe 1. Beta Clarice 2, iirogrcp, Flos-S-K- homson. Merit list: J. "Finch L layno. 0. .Shaw, R. Ramsay. Attendance certificate 1 -: 19.

Standuni TL--. Robert Burgee 1. Vernon DongtiU 2 Riogress Clarence l.aveiv: ( hns.-ue Hamilton 1. Miriam Smvth 2. p'vogress Mavis Snnth. Merit iiG.;‘.J. M'Kinovy. .1 lUi-ws, a], Korv.-st, M r V K 'l .' ,1 u ]) - Dilla-nders,' a! Archibald, M. !• iiudi, K. Wilm,,,. J. Carter -A l l oii< I<l IU'O certificates : 27). Standard lII.—-Frank Cooke I. .him Brennan 2, progress Irvine Weadall ; Rom Ramsay 1, Doreen Greene 2. progress' J’hviHs Oliver Merit list : .1, OidHlxm. IS’. Rarnsav. J. Kyle. W . Cmi.dns. J. Flill, J. M‘nines. certificates; (7. Standard TV.—John Vickers I, Ivan Brown 2. progress Robert Black; Jemima Kamsay 1, Jane \\ elsh 2, progress Isabella Grubby. Merit, list; H.' M'Downll. IV. Day. M. Jarvie, I). Rutherford. A. Aitchison, M. Smith. Attendance certin.atcs •

Standard V.—Wm. Morrow 1. Leslie C'nekeriH 2, Pat. Sharmnn 3; Flora HamilVn 1. Fitplicinla Hay 2, Violet Hawkins PftiE-'res?. Merit, list: A. Sutton, P. Newborn. TT. Clements, A. MTimes. T. Marphall, M. Hall. F.loveii attendance certificates.

Standard Vl.—Wm. Carson 1, Gordon hot rest 2; Elizabeth Vickers 2. Merit

list: A. Holden, 0; Nicholas, L. dement*. Dux school (gold medal): Jean Hamfllom Nine attendance certificates. Navy League Prizes.—Standard VI. : Jean Hamilton 1, Wtn. Carson 2, Gertrude Hawkins 3. Standard V.: Flora Hamilton 1, Annie M'lunes 2.

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Evening Star, Issue 16612, 20 December 1917, Page 6

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SCHOOL VACATIONS Evening Star, Issue 16612, 20 December 1917, Page 6

SCHOOL VACATIONS Evening Star, Issue 16612, 20 December 1917, Page 6