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THE CITY. MR J. J. CLARK ELECTED MAYOR. The results -of yesterday's elections were *hown bv medium of a magic lantern at the Town Hall last evening. Thousands «l people assembled in the (fcstagon to see iSjj results, which came to fca'sd promptly, all things considered. The returning officer (Air ft. A. Lewin) and Mr R. A. .Johnston had the arrangements well in hand, and everything went off smoothly. On the Dunedin City roll there were 25,029 names. The following figures,, show the cumber of persons who voted yesterday and in the previous two contest s : Per Roll. Voted. Cent, 1315 25.029 16,256 65 3914 ...' 26,853 11.113 40 1913 26,031 13.734 53 The three mayoral candidates were Crs Clark. Marlow, and Myers, and for the 17 seats in the council there were 31 candidates. Cr Clark scored heavily, and was returned Mavor of the City for two years by a substantial majority. All the old councillors who sought re-election were re turned. The vacant seats were filled by the election of Alessrs White, Douglas, Lunn, and Taverner. The result of the mayoral election was announced shortly after 9 o'clock. Cr Clark was warmly congratulated on his Brilliant victory, and was carried shoulder- ' high to the Town Hall steps, from where fie thanked the electors for their support. THE MAYORALTY. Afr Lewin announced the numbers as follows: Votes. .7. J. Clark 6.862 S. S. Mvers 5.251 J. J. Marlow 5.940 Majority for Mr C1ark.,1,611. Informal votes. 203. Details of the voting : . ft - Garrison Hall 679 oT6 526 .St. Andrew's Hall 298 274 500 Mission Hall. Russell street 209 15S 109 Krox Church S.S. flail 1.255 852 482 Stuart Street Hall ...■ ... 357 328 229 Aloanv Street School ... 231 159 104 Gcorse street School ... 484 320 135 Town Hall.South Dimedin 554 401 667 Methodist Hall. Caversham 164 144 76 Kensington 256 201 223 n.!d-»ws'. Caversham ... 407 502 177 Pavilion, St. Clair 100 84 42 iVnl! road 216 151 120 ?.«i;nicinal Offices. Roskn 387 242 170 '.V.ikari Hall. Roslvn ... 235 220 141 Roslvn Institute " 197 134 57 St. APm-h's Aiission TLGI... 93 90 20 I!arron'sllall,N.L. Vallev 456 320 135 Opoho .-. "... 73 83 43 Town Hall. N.E. Vallev 259* 176 142 Pine Hill School ... " ... 7 14 4 Cr Clark, who was given an ovation, »aid : I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the honor you have done me in returning me as Mayor with such a splendid majority. jCheer>.) I hope that when the two years of my term ar-j finished I will have justified the confidence you have shown in me. I want to thank tnose ladies and gentlemen who worked so earnestly and so whole-heartedly to secure my return, and I am more pleased for their sake than for my own that victory is mine. I wish also to bear tribute to the very honest, sportsmanlike, and clean fight that has been put up by my two opponents. iCheers.) Though defeated they are not disgraced, because they have done, nothing to discredit them. (Cheers.) I trust they wili again seek the support of the citizens, and do good work in the future the past for the City. (Chee*s.) My earnest endeavor at all times will be to' advance the City. If I may add one word more it is this: the Mayor of a city is but the leader, and unless the people assist him In is perfectly helpless. There never was a time in the history of an empire when there was greater call for strenuous work than the present time. To-night you have heard a call made on behalf of our Empire."and as your incoming Mayor 1 should like to he able to lead the people in the cause of right and of everything that is dear to us. (Cheers.) 1 hope this City of Dunedin will be proud of the magnificent response its people will make to the call of duty and to the call of Empire. (Cheers.) T trust our young men will rally round and join thei" comrades who are now fighting against the very embodiment of tyranny, despotism, and treachery in the German Kaiser and his " cultured" army. , (Laughter and cheers.) This is a time for self-sacrifice, when every one of us must give up something for Empire and something for all that is so dear to us. I ask you to realise this necessity, and do your part for the. Empire. (Cheers.) I hope that during my term as your Mayor I will be able to do my share, in helping on this cause and helping the City. (Cheers.) I have only to again thank ray opponents for tiie honest way in which thoy fought. (Cheers.) Cr Myers, on coming forward, was greeted with cheers. He said he was a defeated candidate, but was he downhearted? (Cries of "No." and cheers.) The contestants had fought a good, hard. and clean fight, and he was pleased to say ho was the first to congratulate Cr Clark after his speech on his election as Alayor. (Cheers.) »He had spent a lifetime in doing what he could for the citizens, and he was sorry he had not managed to reach the top of the tre-s before he retired from public life i However, it was the citizens' wish, and he bowed to the will of the majority. He thanked those who had voted for him and those who Jiad ably assisted him to gain the election. As one who had served for 30 years in the volunteers, and who bad risen from thp ranks to be a lieutenant-colonel, he should have liked to have had the opportunity of welcoming hack some of their hu.-bands. brothers, sons, and rweethenrts—of welcoming back our victorious troops—becausn he was as sure as night followed day they would return victorious. (Cheers!)* It was not the wish of the people, however, that that opportunity should he bis, and he bowed to the inevitable. He again thanked all who had voted and worked for him. (Cheers.)

_ C'r Mat-low was accorded a hearty reeep tion. Ue said he appeared before the people for the second time. He accepted the decision. He recognised thev had returned the man whom thev believed had the qualities most suited to their wants, and it \va-, for the people to decide. During the many years he had striven to do the best he could for tile Cify of his adoption—the City he loved—and the decision that clay would make no difference to him. He would still strive to do all he could for the City. (Cheers.) His defeat would not make one iota of difference to him. (Cheers.) If he had one regret keener than another it was that his friends who had fought so hard had had to fight for so poor a champion. (" No.") He was deeply grateful to those who had worked for him, and he regretted he had not put up a better fifth The contest had been fought in a good spirit. and he accepted the decision, and. though he wanted to devote a little more time 'to his own concerns, he would be prepared to assist the City on any occasion that reqaired it. (Cheers.) CITY COUNCIL. The .polling: by wards was as follows : LEITH WARD (Five Seats). J. -Small - ... 2.715 H. H. .«. White 2.665 C. H. 'Hazard 2.477 J. S. Douglas 2,429 W. A. Scott 2,252 J. W. Munro 2,051 T. W. Whit-son 1,983 B. Ferguson 1,233 W- A. Eussell 1.051 Informal, 71. CEXTRAL WARD (Three Scats). J. ,S. Sinclair 1,349 J. Carroll 1,187 3. Lunn 1,167 Dr G. Macdvnuld 991 W. Fleming * ... 693 G. S. M. M'Dermid ... 651 Informal, 63.

CAVERSHAM WARD (Five Seats). | T. Cole 2,543 J. H. Hancock ... 2,273 J. Wilson 1.921 J. B. Shacklock 1,878 AV. B. Taverner 1,441 G. F. Bewlev 1,416 AI. Bradlev' 1-303 J. Rnston" U95 ' S. A. Scott I*lß3 T. Smith , ... 1,127 Informal, 147. ROSLY.N WARD (Two Seats). 11. S. H. Menzies 1,282 It. S. Black 1,133 J. 11. F. Haiiiel ." 1.103 Informal, 25. VALLEY WARD (Two Seats). Tsaac Green ... § 1,145 Win. Begg 1.052 J. Rhodes ' : ... - 694 Informal. 12. ST. KILDA. TEX COUNCILLORS ELECTED. In this borough there was'no contest for the mavoraltv. Ten councillors were to be elected. There, were 18 candidates. The result was announced by Air Dick at 10.40 p.m. as follows : i C. N. Scurr 953 A. Campbell 871 A. I). EdKir ... ■ 817 J. Harris" 790 W. M. Clark 743 J. Dove ... 734 J. B. N. M'Connell 722 J. Kilpatrick 682 .1. Adam 647 D. M. Sutherland 642 R. W. Hall 594 P. M. Alercer 538 T. Tohiii 574 W. Vickerv 560 A. Nelson" 544 R. Mitchell 532 ■ E. R. Quiu 203 D. Carline 280 I n forma.!, 26. Air Scurr. addressed the electors, thanking them for the proud position in which th'ev had placed him. He took this as a compliment to the late council for the work done during the past two years, and. in addition, he regarded it as a personal compliment to himself. He was satisfied that the new councillors would justify the confidence reposed in them, and he was sure that two years* hence they would have no reason to regret that confidence. (Applause.) Messrs Campbell, Edgar. Harris, Clark. Dove. M'Connell, Adam, Kilpatrick. and Sutherland, and the defeated candidates also returned thanks. MORNINGTQN. CR RESTOCK ELECTED AIAYOR. Air Lewis made the following announce-

Informal votes. 15. Mr Sincock said ho felt very gratified. It was only about rive weeks ago that he first seriously thought of contesting the position, and then it was at the request of a deputation. Jf there had been anv misunderstanding, he regretted it. He had felt, _it was his duty to sacrifice personal considerations in the interests of the borough. He would sit all times bo ready to listen to reasonable complaints, from any particular parts of the borough, hut he did not intend to sacrifice the pood of the whole for the benefit of any part. It was not the time, or place to outline, what ho proposed to do, hut they might rest, assured that the first Thing he would do would be to study the finances of the borough and go carefully until ho saw' that the recommendations'to be placed before the new eonn.-il had been fulfilled. The estimates placed before the bank were such that he believed they would be. able to carry on : but until he saw that those estimates were going to be realised he would endeavor, as far as it lay in his power, to restrain the council from "running past the kitty." After that he would pee that the streets and footpaths received attention, lie. sincerely hoped that his opponent would look at the matter in a, fajr Hg'ht, and would not show .any feeling over his defeat. When tho result had been declared he had offered .Mr Harraway his hand, but Mr Harraway had declined to shake hands. He would again offer his hand. .Mr Harraway: f decline to take it, Mr Sincock. Mr Harraway thanked the electors who had cast their votes in his favor. He was sorry they had been disappointed in the result. He was also disappointed. The fight had not been a clean one. Things had taken place that should not have occurred in Momingtnu or any other borough. For that reasnnjie had declined to shake hands with Mr .Sincock. Mr .Sincock was aware of the circumstances, referred to. GREEN ISLAND. MR LINDSAY MAYOR. Mr T. TRbnison announced the result at about 9.50. as follows: John Lindsay - '.. 359 Jan-res Oedrfes 279 Majority for Mr Lindsay. 80. Mr Lindsay thanked the electors vp--y heartily. He was please' in nofico. that the ratepayers had .~icntly interested in the doings of the "progressive" party to return so ma-iy of their representatives to the. council." He trusted that those who were ostensibly opposed to him would turn round, and that the whole of tho council Mould .work hand, in hand for the best interests of tho district. Tho contest bad hecu fought in a clciui. tiuthful, and st ra igbt fir ward manner. TWr.LYK .COUNCILLORS. The. voting For the return o: 12 councillors was as followsArchibald Smdlie 406 James Lindsay Miller 385 Trevor Samuel Atkinson ... 381 William Geddcs 369 John Mitchell 369 Frank Ja.ksnu 366 Ldnuuid J. Charles Crimp 3-18 Henry Eden 340 .'dlan F. Brenmer 337 William Duncan 333 . Frank Richard Turner 317 Warrcr, Thomas Kaler 313 Thomas Matt Ik w M'Ahan ... oil And rew -Kane 306 Patterson 262 Daniel Si,war* 204 Informal, 5?. The first 12 weie declared elected. . MAORI HJLL. MR CLARKK AGAIN MAYOR. The result of the polling for the mayoralty ivns as follows : a -" Coronation Hall 226 225 Mission Hall, Woodhaugh ... 123 100 Leith Valley Schoolhouse ... 39 53 Mr Bain's House, Wakari ... 15 7 Totals 403 i><s Majority for Mr Clarke. 18. Informal votes. 2. Mr Clarke, returned thanks to those who had been instrumental in securing his return. When he was elected to the mayoral chair last year he was practically on his trial in that position, arid it seemed to him that he must have been successful in tho duties of the office. He *had been especially pleased with tho wav in which the election had been carried out, and would do his best to forward the Interests of the borough. Mr Butler also returned thanks. He sincerely congratulated Mr Clarke cm his return* and hoped he would have a successful term of office.

TWO COUNCILLORS. ! An election was also held in East Ward for the of "electing two councillors. The voting was as follows: W. Hastie 144 0. Graham 135 r i\ Murphy ... ... » 102 Informal votes, 10. PORT CHALMERS. ; .AIR SCOLLAY RE-ELECTED MAYOR. Mr J. Frascr announced the result at. 2.45 p.m. : Thomas Scollay 509 Walter Morgan 470 Informal votes, 11. Majority for Mr Scollay, 39. Mr Scollay said he had given his fellow townspeople his best efforts to further their interests in the borough, and he would continue to do so. Ho would have loyally .and cheerfully done the same if his opp'onont had been returned as the Mayor. Mr .Aforgan also thanked the voters very cordially for their support, and remarked that the contest had been conducted with the best of British fair play. COUNCIL.—TEN COUNCILLORS. The result* in connection with the election of 10 councillors are : John M'D. Stevenson 604 David M. Alawson 584 John Al'Lachlan 555 Win. G. Fail 543 Joseph Powell 556 Thomas Anderson 490 Irvine C. Isbister 484 Phillip Lightbournc 462 John H. Williamson 460 William'Lovo 445 Informal votes, 41. The defeated candidates wore: Messrs Lunn, 420: Perry, 382: Campbell, 358: Watson, 327; and Miller, 343. Each of the successful candidates returned cordial thanks for the honor conferred upon him. BALCLUTHA COUNCIL. 'twelve candidates were nominated tor r.ine seats on the Baleluthu Borough Council, and the following were elected : John Besig ... 267 Alex. F. Duthie 262 Simon Wright 262 John Ramuae 239 Geo. W. Wood 222 Walter G. Finn 221 TFenrv Ouutherp 216 Henry I). Smith 216 Henry Kirby 198 The voting for the other candidates was: Charles E, Naish 193, Win. M. Chuk 159, John E. Stewatt 150. Messrs Bcgg, Wood, ami Naish were members of the old council. ELECTIONS ELSEWHERE. Inverea-rgill.—Mr Duncan M'Farlane was re-elected Mayor by a majority of 700. Oaniaru.—'Hie mayoral election resulted in Air W. H. Frith (the retiring Mayor) defeating Air James Mitchell bv 145 votes. Christchiireh.—ilavoraltv: Mr H. Holland (the retiring .Mayor) 4,591. Mr R. Af. Spiers 3,947. Cr If. B. Sorensen 3,634. City Council : Citizens' Association 9, Social Democrats 6, Independent 1. Wellington.—For the city mayoralty Air J. P. Luke (the retiring Mavor) secured 9.896 votes, Air R. Fletcher 7.485. and Mr C. 11. Chapman (Labor) 1,132. All the suburban Mayors were elected unopposed as follows:—Petone, Mr J. W. Al'Ewan (re-elected) : Hutt. Air H. Baldwin (reelected! ; Onslow. Air C. C. Crumj) (reelected) : Eastbourne. Air J. P. Kelly; Miramar, Mr V. Towns-end (re-elected) ; Karori. Mr P.. G. H. Burn. Auckland.—Citv mayoralty: Air J. H. Ounson 8.805. Air R. Tudchopo 5.752. Newmarket mavoraltv: .Mr James M'Col! 450, Air W. J." Jaffray 437. In the City Council election the six candidates on the Labor ticket were unsuccessful. Miss E. Alelviilc was reelected (second on the poll). Hastings.—-Mr W. Hart was re-elected AJavor. polling 1.295 to Air T. Blake's 1.030. Gore.—Ah- D. Al'Dongnll elected Alayor. Alataura.—Air F. AV." Brown elected 10 the mavoraltv. Birkenhead'.—Mr J. P. APPhail elected as Alayor. Otahuhn.—Air Jas. Atkinson in for the mayoraltv. Hawera.—Mr A. K. Bison 4,36, Air E. Morri.-ey 431. Palniei'fton North.---Ah- J. A. Nash (present Mavor) 1.965, Air F. J. Nathan 1,405. Want:flnui..-Mv C. K. Alaekav 1.352, -Mr T. P. Williams 60S Air K N. Liffiton 690. Alr.sfci'ton. - -Air J. M Cora dine (retiring Alnvori 865. Ah- John Ilmuer 535 Foxton.—Mr A. Eraser (cx-|.™-n clerk* 297. senior <r uncillor Chrvstal! 238. Blenheim.--Mr J. J. Com- (the sitting Mavor) secured a majority of 92 votes over C: 'Cair. Waimate.--Air N. Francis 527. Air J. Black 351. 'Nelson.—Mr C. J. Harlev 1,200. Air W. Lock (retiring Alayor) 1,082. Ashburton.—A[r Robert Gaibraith 533, AL' Henry Davis 373. Tiir-aru.—Mr E. R Guinness (the present Mayor) defeated Ah' W. Angland (exMayor) and Cr Hunt by a large majority. Temuka.— Air A. Frew- defeated Air F. Evans. Geialdino.—Air J. Kennedy (thu retiring Alayor) and Dr llislop tied, and drew lots. Dr ITislop winning Alexandra.—Ali'-A. Ashworth with 148 votes beat Air Black (116) for the Alayor-1 iilty. Messrs O'Kane Bringans, M'Clintoek. Alarslin. Alurphy, Campbell. Coulson, j and Bowler were elected councillors.

merit at tM p.m. M r'mincil Chambrr.5 No. 1 .. V 133 93 Council Chambers No. 2 .. 109 85 Council Chambers Xo. 3 .. 36 6? Baptist Churrh 82 3S Old Council Chaml 10T.3 91 33 Fprlinton road 21 15 Carnarvon street 65 60 Totals _ ... 537 391 Majority foi Mr Sinch ck, 196.

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Evening Star, Issue 15790, 29 April 1915, Page 7

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MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Evening Star, Issue 15790, 29 April 1915, Page 7

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Evening Star, Issue 15790, 29 April 1915, Page 7