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When you know a thing Is the best—you ask for It —make sure of getting it. Therefore ask your grocer for Nelsoa Moate's Pure Tea—and get it I Getting: it, and no other, means complete sat™ isfaction and a value which cannot be obtained la any other brand. has 3 5 years ©f public appravai to its credit. A 4 the grocer's you will sometimes find brands of tea whose names are unfamiliar to you. These gener ii!y consist of inferior tea, with little or no car© taken in. selection, and often allow a large profit. Sometimes the grocer may prefer to sell these to you for that reason. Ask for Nelson Moate's Tea and get it— it will give the best results because it Is the outcome of expert selection and blending of the finest teas obtainable—backed with 3S years experience and the highest reputation and position in the tea trade? With all these advantages we. can supply you with infinitely better quality and value than any less experienced firm cum do. Keep enough of that ordinary tea to make a pot. Buy a packet of our tea. Make a pot of each and see which is the most economical, which has the best flavour, and which gives the most satisfaction. Try ours against any tea. We do not fear the test, we welcome it. ® jet tliis m, .package _ ft fi?MO!L.ESALE AGENTS: MESSRS Ml SJNE, BREMNER, LTD., D U.NED IN. Methven Seamless Copper Washing Boilers. t^aasEßi principle or construction ana quality or material. No rough joins to catch and fray the clothes; no seams to burst, leak, or burn out. The copper sheet from which AJethveus are made is twice the thickness and strength of tho ordinary. Buy the Methven "Seamless Copper Washing Boiler from .your Ironmonger. It will save your clothes, save trouble in cleaning, and'*'outwear any other Copper Boiler in existence. METHVENS, LTD., Makers, Dunedin, * mm M£km ncdicine and palatable be»:r«sc clean the head tr.d naitiinins buoyancy and visiur. Belter nod nicer (hen mpoited fruit »•!(»—*ai ;zr- kettle al half [he price. ■TptnrawmainHmnsagmßnaaaKMm^ "Fair" HUB" Startling and Bewitching Bargains for South Dunedin Ladies ! The " Fair 9f is now going on at the " Hub/' There's a Big Bargains for AIM ,? Come Soon, Please ! 20 pieces DOUBLE-WIDTH DHESS MATERIAL, m Greys, Greens, Champagne, Light Fawn, eto. Regular rains, 2/6 to 2/11. Now clearing at 1/ & yard. 6 pieces onlv FIXE STRIPED FRENCH DRESS MATERIA!,, suitable for Dresses or Coats ; in. Greys, Navy, and Light Brown, with fine White stripe. Regular value, 2/6 per yard. Now clearing at Bifd yard. STRIPED PIQUE SKIRTS, smart style: in Grey and White, and Black and. White stripe. Worth 10/6. Clearing at 3/11 each. A CORSET CLEAR ANC E I Splendid Lot of WARNER'S CORSETS, good medium shape; sizes 20 to 27. Usually 8/6. Cleaving at 3/6 per pair. SUMMER TWEED COSTUMES, in Light Greys and Light Fawns. A nice serviceable Costume for erery'clav wear. Regular prices were up to v BS/6. Clearing at 11/6 each. UNTRIMMED STR A W HA T SHAPES, all this Season's styles and latest shapes; in Chip and other Straws. Usual prices, 5/8 to 9/6. Clearing at 1/, 1/6, 1/11, and 2/6. CHILDREN'S _ STEA W HATS, plctin or with band. Regular prices, 2/1.1 to 5/3.1. Dozens of them to choose from. Clearing at 6d, Gd. 1/, find 1/8. STYLISH BLOUSES, in Check Ratine, White pique, collars, the fashionable low " V "-cut node. Regular price, 5/11. Reduced to SMART BLOUSES IN JAPANESE CREPE, in fine stripes; low- " V "-cut neok, with collar. To be cleared off at 4/11. PRINT BLOUSES, a good, .serviceable- Blouse, neat and nicely made. Jobbing off at 1/11 each. WHITE MUSLIN BLOUSES, either with collar or low neck, in pretty cmbroidored effects, long or thrr»ouarter sleeves. Now clearing at 1/11 and 3/8. ONE-PIECE DRESSES—In _ Onepiecs Dresses we are making a regular clearance. As an example, a- Fine Quality Voile Muslin On" piece Dress, in Groy. with a fail stripe, trimmed esnerali medium neck, with collar ajud bow_j good cut, not too tight. Regular value. 12/6. Now 5/11. MTLLINER Y. SMA RT Y-TO-WEAR HATS, ui Tagals aj*4 Chips, trimmed corded ribbon; also sooifl with iioral ceovras. Regular prices, 10/6 to 16/6. Nov clearing at 2/11. TRBfMED HATS.—We hare- .only, oixrat two dozen of these- lefty including fashionable styles in Straw, Aerophane, etc. ; tsaiiotiß colors, smartly trimmsid. Tfe regular prices were 14/6 to 32/§. Now clearing n.t 3/11, 4/11, and a/11. ' c BLORAL MUSLIN, 6 pieces only; mostly small patterns _ in Heliotrope. Blue. eto.. on White ground. Regular prices. BJd to 1/ per yard. Clearing: at 4jd pnr yard. mssmsm memmsms m m m m |7f WFWI OF BING, HARRIS, AND CO.'S m Do Not Miss Seeing ike Wonderful Value in Corsets and Brassiers. Usual prices, 4/1 1, ;/6, 8/11. 10/6, 12/6, 14/, 15/, 17/6, 19/6, 22/6, 30/. Fire Salvage prices, 2/3, 3/6, 4/3,'4/11, 5/6, 6/8, 6/11, 7/11, 8/11, 10/8, 14/8. BRASSIERS: Usual prices, 3/11, 4/6, d/ 11, 5/u. Fire Salvage prises, 1/6, 1/11, 2/3, 2/9. SOILED CORSETS 6d, I/-, 1(6, If!I pair. PRINCES STREET (Dunedin's Baiy Business Centre) p!; 1«f 0

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Evening Star, Issue 15705, 20 January 1915, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 15705, 20 January 1915, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 15705, 20 January 1915, Page 9