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[By fsKißHiSHra.] Items oj interest concerning Corps (Town and Country), Shooting, and Territorial notes generally will be accepted. addressed to “ Skirmisher, ” should be in hand not later than . Monday morning. Congratulations to Major W. K. M’Lcan jivio Major 0. Mollur on th-cir *wel!desorved promotion, also to Captain Ewcn and Lieutenant Kisbcit. lenders are now being called bv advertisement in the local papers for the erection of art'llcry stables and quarters at Christchurch'. The following dates have Been fixed for tin; brigade'camps of the Mounted, Field Artillery, and Infantry Brigades and Coast Defence Troops :—Otago Mounted Brigade. Monday, April 2i, to Saturday, May Otago Field Artillery Brigade, Friday, 28th February to Saturday, March 8. Otago Infantry Brigade, Friday. April 11, to Saturday. 19th'April. Coast Defence Troops, Thursday, March 20, to Friday, March 28. The brigade camp will be held in the vicinity of Matarae Station, mi the Otago Central Railway, ami that of the Coast Defence Troops at Taiaroa Head. Privates D. Haig, D. Leeden, and L. S. D M'Dermid have been promoted to the rank of lance-corporal in the Otago Intantry Signal Corps, consequent on the recent examinations conducted for that rank. I be return match between the Dunedin ami Eaitnngata Defence Rifle Clubs will Ik 1 biAK I . on the Lo<ian’& Point rang-e on Saturday week. The conditions of the match are- twelve men a side, two lowest counted out, 10 shots at 500 ami 600 yards. A ith the object of making the training of the Territorial Force a matter of intcrest to the general public the officer comniamhig the Canterbury Military District inis issued a. circular in which instruction ■s given to commanding officers of Terri.orials ami Senior Cadets to hold as rnanv ■tirades as possible during ' !:o summer nonths outside tho drib hall, in euiivenient .1 .mains, ami naddocks. It is hoped bv his means that the people will gradually get into lire way o; attending these parades spectators and watching the work. Ihe sub-committee appointed bv the v.ounei! ot dno (liage Ritfe Association met las! week and arranged details of the programme far the meeting at Easter. Twenty pi.izcs each have ben allotted tor tire four Misiey matches follows; First prize £2. second £1 10-. third £l, three prizes '| Hr each, tour prizes of 12s 6d each, eight prizes of ICs, and two prizes of 7s 6.1 each. For the Last Try Match 11 '■‘Lizes of tlm total value of £7 2s are made up as follows :—First prize of-’£l 10s, one of £1 f-.-. one of £l. one of 15s. one of 10s, and six of 7s. Competitors will be allowed to use the aperture back sight except in service matches, wlien tin* sliding 1 may be used. It will be compulsory for every competitor ;o tire in the sendee matches. The* programme will V put in the hands of the mruter this week, and will be posted to officers commanding units about the beginning of next month.

'I he troops forming the Dunedin Garriwill parade on Saturday Bth February, for a wholc-dav parade. The officer commanding _ the Otago Infantry Brigade colonel E. B. Smith, 'V'.!).) will command die parade. ’ldle column will march at 2.45 p.m. via Stuart street, the Octagon, ahd Princes street to the Oval, where operation orders will be issued. The ardor of march will be as followssth. Mounted Rifles (Otago Hussars), 2 companies 4th. Otsgoßegiment, B Battery, X.Z. I‘icdd Artilleiy. remainder of 4th * Ota wo Regiment, Coast Defence Detachment, Xo, 2 Field Company Engineers, Otago Infantry Signal Company, Xo. 2 Field Ambulance. The starting-point, will be the Law Courts, at the junction of High and Eluart streets.

I am m receipt of a book entitled ‘Tire People’s Army,’ in which the author. Lieutenant E. Hammond Foot, Boval Engineers, makes an appeal to the” general public who are at present in the dark as to the possibilities and liabilities of military c twice. Commencing with a review of' the European situation, the author gees on to make a comparison ot the strength of modern European Powers and England's relative military position. The remedy is " divide the British Isles into three main -army districts each in itself complete, to ?,” termed the Southern Army (South’ of t-ngland and South Wale?), with a fightin" ftrength of 98.857 men. the CentraGArniy Centro of England. Xorth Wales, and ?^ U jilso n ith a lighting force of -0.85/ men. and a .northern Armv (Scotand and the Xorth of Ireland), ” with a ligating force of the Mime number, makim' J standing force ..f 296.511 men under a rl ns. Phis force to he raised bv a rompulsorv Service Act very similar to ’the ahi Militia Act. each district being responsible for the required number of rciTiiits. who will join the colors every year a a stated time, the responsibility *of" re- -■ iiiting to be placed with the local County rad Parish Council. Written with the object of bringing the people into clr.ner touch "ith military maiters, I can oontidenllv recommend the book to all my readers. It is of special interest to Territorials, a.nd particularly to Engineer, who will find contained therein a number of illustrations the Royal Engineers at weak. Messrs Dale and Polden are the publishers, and the woik, which must bo read to tie appreciated, can be procured through a.nv bookseller. Lieutenant-colonel Geo. Barclay. V.D. who at one time commanded the Dunedin' Engineers, is at present on a visit to Dunedin. Lieutenant-colonel .1, ATAra. (president) and Captains S. Handle, R.X.Z.A.. and B. Eraser, X.Z.H.C.. will form a board to .-upervhe an examination for promotion for Territorial officers on Wednesday, February 19. The following candidates will present themselves for examination in Dunedin:—Bank of major: Captains A. E. Wohtenholme, W. Fleming, B. Price (4th Otago Regiment), J. Black (sth Mounted Rifles), and P. Doull (Coast Defence). Bank of captain; Lieutenants A. J H Cowie (sth Mounted Bides). G. B. •L S. Reid, J. E. Saunders (4th Regiment), 0. V. Davies, J. ]*,. Callan •’.Senior Cadets), X. S. Falla (B Battery), J. W. Dow (Xo. 2 Company Field Engineers), G. F. M’KeiJar, W. J. Mitchell, D. Cooke, D. White (Coast Defence), and J. A. Stevenson (unattached list;. 1 he annual training camp of Xo. 2 Field Company, New Zealand Engineers, •■•ill take place in the vicinitv of the Sufc-■-;jii road bridge, two and a-half miles from mitton railway station, from Friday, 28th i’ebniary. to Saturday, March 8, 1.915. I he challenge cup presented bv Her I- veellency _ Lady Islington for ahootir." Miiong Hern or Cadets will be held bv the company o; CadeU with the beat figure of nent in its annual course of musketry General regulations, 1911, in regard to iivme service at military camps have been arnmwlcd as iollow: Facilities will be rrovi ed on all possible occasions to enable chaplains to conduct divine service in camp, ;in !'. ln other ways to minister to the spinuial requirements of officers and men of rite Territorial Force belonging to E.eir respective denominations whilst in camp. On Sundays service will be held in camp at 11 a.m., if desired, or at the ordinary hour for divine service, and where convenient men may parade and attend any church in the, vicinity of the camping ground, according to their several denominations Men desirous of being absent during Sunday afternoon for the" purpose of religious obseivance will bo "ranted leave of absence for a period not exceeding two hours. This mav include Bibh classes, voluntary attendances at which will be arranged by the commanding officer on application made by the chaplain of my denomination. Hon. Lieutenant J. Green, 7th Southland Mounted Rifles, is appointed brigade Mipply and ordnance officer during othe 0 the r-’riod of the annual ramp of the Otago Mounted Rider-; arid Major G. Mitchell uih South lam t Regiment, is appointed to lie same duties during the animal camp of the Otago Infantry Brigade. 1 Captain the Hon. R. H. Collins, D.S.O Imperial Genera! Staff, arrived in Xew Zealand at the end of last month, and taken up Ids duties at heado nailers The new patterns of the blue serge f'•.ck and service drw>* jacket for stwff

officers and non-com. officers are very similar to tho oid patterns, except in a few details, '.the collar is open at tho throat, and a white collar and black silk tie is worn, which should make the garment very much more comfortable than the present one. Shoulder straps are of plain cloth, am. on these the badges of rank are worn by all officers on the staff. The new garments are only to be introduced as renewals are required. ■ the 4th Regiment, Otago Rifles, paraded last evening for battalion drill, when, despite the bad weather, a good muster was present. Ihe battalion were divided, Lieu-tenant-colonel NTAra taking the right half m.d Captain Fraser the left half. Before the parade was dismissed Colonel Smith, V.8., brigade commander, presented the following long-service medalsMaior Douglas, Colonial Auxiliary Forces, loiigscrvice medal ; Captain MTndoe, Colonial Auxiliary Forces, long-service medal ; Bandsman Briuon, long service; and Staff Sergeant-major Healev, meritorious and long-service medal. Sergeant-major Healey has .served in the forces of the Umpire for 32 years, 12 of which was in tho Imperial Army.

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Evening Star, Issue 15094, 28 January 1913, Page 3

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TERRITORIALS. Evening Star, Issue 15094, 28 January 1913, Page 3

TERRITORIALS. Evening Star, Issue 15094, 28 January 1913, Page 3