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PUBLIC NOTICES. JOHN REID AND SONS, DIRECTORS: H. W. REID, C. RUSSELL SMITH, L. DEANS RITCHIE. ,-.___,. Telephone 190. AUCTIONEERS LAND SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS VALIiATORS SURVEYORS MONEY, SHARE, AND LAND MOkV™ ' LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS (next 'Star' Office). RENT-PAYING IS UNPROFITABLE. we nirer now „-;n -1, • ~ > • ■ '"' wcvo nvc or tcll years ago, and those «e ollei now ttillJiowjust as big an increase within the ' next tew years. _ , YOUR AMBITION SHOULD BE BEST I WFSTMTrvT J "?S r ? l i%% &t £J°TrR va your children » e°°<l **"<> ! " «fe. THE BE IN TOP rn^Tmv A ™°?, £ J OUR OWX - SAVE YOUR RENT. AND LB IN THE POSITION 'lO PARTICIPATE IX THE RISE OF LAND VALUES. IT MILL BE EASIER FOR YOU NOW THAN LATER. CONSULT JOHN REID AND~SON3, LTD., WHEN BUYING. U I^'~^' :S '' SHINE: S P ]enditl B"iWi»g Site: marvellous value; any terms: £1 - a ±P OS i r \ , j; " •■' 1783 •90~iL T ; f l l', D / fi (ha ! ,cly /°, bcac!l): ""BUNGALOW of-TrooimV;' ''stv'lT, „«J\f design, and finish ot the very latest; electric li«ht. bath hj and c water shower and basin; VERY LARGE DINING ROOM. The b yer wllhave oppo,u>ftv NOW ot selecting own papers. A PERFECT LITTLE GEM. You can't afford to lose this opportunity. INQUIRE_AT ONCE. 209S iO""™^ 1^? : Sp %, did " lolid~k7«"ri7~air large batlnoom wash house, copper, tubs; DRAINED TO SEWER; SPLEXTER^ 10Wl rU " B - *" t0 *" VERY EASY (CbS ? *, b ? w!in * P eii " 1 ; lld ™0- Supeiior Residence oreTToolns wJ-drnbi ? I,C,V); tathlo ,T' ''• aml C ' water basi »- «»*• lile h " r * hs and he'd-emfrn„? ' T press, wßshhouw, copper and tubs; gJod large section, live taVtf A verv ; ,h g pT lds wd lald 0 " 1 ; ™°»" are all large, papers modern and in good ste :_A "£J_cheap property. Easy terms. • . | 02 7 £l2Bo^"f^ LRUR,S^RI F rlp F ,;di ' ri{iside^6^f 8 bungalow-design ; •i ■ ,Y ? large octagon windows and one bay, return verandah S<i hall venesti ceilmgs, tile grates and hearths,, mirror-door wardrobes, linen and clothes nre"' e ,?a,-i* Sows™ o fT„li^rve„ l tifa n inri el O*' ! " , C " cl K element wh* clow,, lanlight, ventilators. Ofter will bo considered. Well worth inspection. 1329 \rii\t v™' , "i -Y- ,0O1 V''« uu an jacai Home, here it is. Bungalow. 5 ,-n„r--olr ,«;?"■ n, °«- d,ll S S . bwttltiful p»p«S. millOr WttVll- ?' ™ lc vnroughout, including outhouse,; imported mantel and doors; fanlights ;tlp- 'to I.itlV ,1^ 1C1,,a COl T r 5 thro !«* tut ; porcehrn bath (hot and cold shower); it, vpf rf at hl. a,ld I;U >° ; ifully.panelled dado to hall. Garden nicelv laid out „ nr v' ™,«? ,1. r ' Altosether a superior and splendidly-built house, and quite ncv.. OvMiei must sell. 1-oc tins beautitul koine we are prepared to accept £650 for i iiigecu , 2122 3'l»~"^?o£i-X 0N: 4 K< ? u " ,s a »d scullery, bry window and verandah; FURroa- r, ,i , . hD i c° nvem «wes; fronting Brighton road, and quite close to Beach. £2Bo buys the lot. Easily reached irom Abbotsford Station. Frequent coach service irnm J?™± J 2013 « 1 00~^-\ TY t, (1 i S l Ctl0n): Certainly one of the BEST-BUILT HOUSES' iiTthi „ „~;f;ri~ c " • bullt ' b >" a well-known builder as a home for himself V TTP-TO" 7-ROOMED DWELLING, PLASTERED THROUGHOUT wU eve™ ,Lent convenience, bathroom, hj. and c. water, gas and gas cooker, LATEST SEWER DRAINAGE SOLID CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS A FINE, LOFTY BuWxaf&nding™ 1 up off vmnt™ ENTRANCES. Workshop suitable for Billiard Room. LARGE FREEHOLD SECTION, well laid out: lawn ana flower garden House is not closelv built in, but gets the sun all round it. The Owner is now resident in Australia, and has inl strncted us to sell at a price that meansjgnsiderable loss. Terms arranged. 2056 4?Sf?O~ M - L T !?KLBURC^ H , : Solidiy-builc and attractive Residence of~6 roonisTTav *° ( f U windows verandah, fibrous ceilings, electric light, porcelain enamel bath, basin, hj and c. water, mirror wardrobes, scullery, paiurv, washhousc, etc.; drau-d to sewer; i.aud transfer; recommended. CITY.—LEITH STREET: 8 Rooms (brick), i-acre: viuerv. stable, etc ■ 7 Room* dern (brick). 255. STEEP STREET: 7 Rooms." convenience* 'l6<= PRFX „ ™* AS T STREET: 3 Rooms, 8s 6d. GEORGE STREET: 7 Rooms, modern" 22s 6d. HERIOT ROW ■2s 6d: 7 Rooms. £65 per annum. MASON STREET: 6 Rooms, conveniences, 15s. ATHOL PLACE T 5 Rooms 9s' " H7GH .">2s 6d. (.ARGILL STREET: 6 Rooms, 16s 61. RUSSELL STREET- 6 Rooms 12s 6d. CASTLE STREET (near St. Andrew street): 3-roomed Cotta-e 7« ner week. QUEEN STREET: 4 Rooms. Bs. MAORI ROAD: 5 Rooms lbV GRE \T KING STREET: 5 Rooms, conveniences, 17s 6d. DUKE STREET:' 6 Room' conveniences, 18s. ~' SUBURBAN HOUSES TO LET ~" MORXIXGTON: 4 Rooms. 8 s 6d. BF.LLF.KXOWES: 5 Rooms .\., c ,, mo dern. 19s. ST. CLAIR: 6 Rooms, modern, 20s. ST. CLAIR • 7 Rooms' £6 per moutli. ST. KILDA : 6 Rooms, modern, 22s 6 d ROMAN (Miclno street): / Rooms, modern, 22s 6d. ROSLYN- 7 R-,„,m . £2 per week. MUSSELBURGH: 5 Rooms, conveniences 20s 2 r -,-.-, , JUR( I H Kl p: Furnished 8 Rooms. KEW: 8 Rooms (single! stoxv)' <le--' trie light, modem, £75. CAVERSHAM: 4 Rooms, scullerv etc 6<= 6d W''l? RINGTON: 4 Rooms, furnished, £2 per week. NORTH-EAST' VMTFY-" fi Rooms, suDerior, 255. SOUTH DTJNEDIN-. 6 Rooms, conveniences 17,"fid " ' ' PASSWORD TO PROSPERITY: " REIDS' PROPOSITIONS." ' . - N. AND E. S. PATEESON, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS. SHARE AND LAND BROKERS Etc DOMINION CHAMBERS. 142 RATTRAY STREET (Opposite Woods Private Hotel). £42s.—Bargain in Town Property: A line old Garden of nearly HVLF AN ACRE with fruit trees, and comfortable old. Dwelling of 5 rooms. This property hj only one block off the George street car, and quite handy to Id section. Don't rlelar or von will miss this Xnias Box. The first buyer who sees this property will take iV LITTLEK-OURNE (close BelU.-Practically New Brick Residence of 7 "ood ioom= wrh every modern convenience; unsurpassed about Dunedin for view of City and Harborfreehold corner section. To bo sold considerably hslow cost. Easy terms "850 ' ROSLYN.—Pretty Bungalow (almost new), containing 4 looms; bafbroom scull-rv wash house, copper and tubs, and all other conveniences; about i-acre scctkm-frti-t, etc A choice little home. Small deposit. £430 garden, £25 Deposit.—ROSLYN (fronting car line): Fine Modern Residence of 6 large roomsstore room, bathroom, scullery, hj. and c. water, washhouse (copper and tubs) - "mv attractive appearance; tile grates, good papers and friezes, wide arched hall flwtrir hght throughout; good freehold section, surrounded by live This property is in perfect order, and our instructions are to sell immediately PrhU reduced rrom £7OO. £25 deposit, and the balance may be paid off weeklv Don'i-' u»s til... or you will regret it eyer afterwards. To be sold at £550 ... JISE (CLOSE TO GARDENS).-First-class House of 6 rooms, bathroom, scullery hj. and c. water, electric light, store room, dark room, cupboard, and wardrobe and all in good order; {-acre section; garden—fruit and flowers; motor »ara"e etc'- snle, did view. A cheap property. £555. , o^nt., .pienTHIS IS WHAT YOU WANT: Roslvn (High street)-rrctty Villa of 5 large rooms' bathroom scullery, hj. and c. water, gas, copper and tubs, and all in perfect orderlarge freenold section; beautiful view of City; garden—flowers and lawn- asphalt paths and ydrd. This is a property we can highly recommend. ' BURTON AND PATTERSON. ALBION CHAMBERS, 41 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. MUSSELBURGH (480).-Five-roomed Residence, in first-class order- b-v wi n -W b «, = ; iS. a LT dern convenieuces; c!ose to l ™ SS3S K EGLINTON.-Five-roomed Residence; bay window, verandah, bathiooai hj and o water, washhouse, tubs and copper, pantry, etc., electric light, all in good order ia™ freehold section; yery warm situation; nice garden; close to penny car. £420, o rcafh - , -.-. -Very attractive Bungalow Cottage, in splendid order; bathroom b n and a " —--= freehold a^me^ R0S „ L J"?;~ Si v roo " ie n Rcside " cc - fronting Town Belt, with magnificent view- sunny and Son £675. e; couvemcnces ' batm-oom, drained; hi splendid order; freehold sec SOUTH DUNEDIN.-Four-roomcd Cottage, close to Cargill road, in good order with ou houses; freehold aHotment; terms arranged. A yovy cheap property. Would let well. Owner leaving Dunedm. £275. J lel -Beautiful Modern Brick Residence, very attractive design, tile roof, all conveniences, containing 6 rooms; close to centre of town, on the rise; freehold .ectten An unusual opportunity. £1,500. menoia section. E-- L. MACASSEY AND CO., DOMINION CHAMBERS, 148 RATTRAY STREET. "50 D w°v, Sl i r T ST ; Cl ,f Tlt: 6-roo'ned Bungalow House, bathroom, with enamel *J\J bath, hot and cold water to bath, shower and hand Win uLZ;r i r plaster ceilings, tile hearths and grates, h S out; large comer section, and situated in a glorious sunny sitrrat on THF rSUS A LIFETIME TO SECURE A BEAUTIFUL HOME EASY TERMS CHA^CE 0F £2O D D B ° S f {K fV Purel «««es 1-aere Section, with beYutif ul panoramic view of St Lva?e U, Sen"e. oCea "- *° 01 " mm sitc co « ]d be obUlnel JPTFk DEPOSIT.—Near Ogg's Corner: 5-roomed House inpw\ «-iili o K<w . • i i portico, bathroo,n-,°hot and cold water ELECTRIC*LTOHT THROUrHOnT or ABSOniTF IT v' llli • s ? ction ' sewer H" 8 the , 0 I J ,,er Dunedin before Christmas. P l J IrJL and cold water, tile grates, expensive pap-rs and triers - I ' *■ light,, and all outbuildings; STABLE, TRAP SHED AND LOFT? Thi. I ?he -Si? bargain ever offered in Musselburgh. s Ihe S icatest JUST A WORD ABOUT PROPERTY r HEN you are about to spend several hundred pounds on a Property, it pays to deal . . with an experienced and reliable E L akti rn ?i show you that they are particularly well qualified to make ttf with Owners of Property, and to give BUYERS the benefit of their kno™ed K e and «! penenco in selecting a suitable Home and to arrange easy finance for The ™Z who has only a small deposit to pay down. Call on E. L. MACASSEY A\D CO ud vou will prove for yourself the truth of the above statements 3 F. MEENAN AND CO., NORTH DUNEDIN, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 204 KING STREET, DUNEDIN (Opposite Hospital). Smallest quantity supplied, 2 Gallons or Dozen Bottles (any assortment). A TRIAL SOLICITED. Telephone IS7. DENTAL NOTICE. 'Fhone 997. Private Residence 2,896. LONDON~I)ENTAL, HOME OF MODERN DENTISTRY. BEST SETS AT MODERATE- RATES. FILLINGS. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. .. We have the largest Dental Practice : Otago, built up by Expert Work. JORDAN AND PITTA] Dentists, STOCK EXCHANGE.

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Evening Star, Issue 15073, 3 January 1913, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 15073, 3 January 1913, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 15073, 3 January 1913, Page 1