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PUBLIC NOTICES. JOLLY'S WATCH INFIRMARY. REDUCED PRICES. REDUCED PRICES. Watches Thoroughly Cleaned 3s 6d Clocks (striking), Cleaning ... Mainsprings, best quality 3b 6d Clocks (silent), Cleaning ... Brooch Pins, Joints, and Catches ... 3d each. "'. OTHER REPAIRING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. " CRITERION BUILDINGS, 6 MORAY PLACE (opposite Choral Hall). *&• NIGHTCAPS COAL. "kTIGHTCAPS COAL still retains its position as the most economical on the market. It i °°" tams "° injurious properties, so can be used anywhere, and is specially rect nmended for use in the Range and Register Grate. '. , SOLD BY ALL COAL MERCHANTS lit 25S 6d PER YON NET CASH. Is per Toll Extra will be charged if accounts are not paid by the 20th of month following delivery. ; -;.; MAURICE KENNELLY, Representative. JOHN MILL AND CO., LTD., Local Agents. Telephone 929. JOHN KEID AND SONS, LIMITED. DIRECTORS: H. W. REID, C. RUSSELL SMITH. L. DEANS RITCHIE. Telephone 190. AVC ™^™% REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, LIVERPOOL AND BOND STREETS (nest 'Star' Office). HOLIDAY NOTICE. „fit 0 " 1'; ° ffi ?m, *£ ] be L dose , d frora . Tuesda >' Evening (Christinas Eve) till the Morning ot Mondaj ,30th December, for Clmstmas Holidays, and on January Ist and 2nd for rxew xear rioudays. GET BUSY. Do you wish to save yourself much money? Do you wish to live in your own home absolutely mastev of it, rent free, happy? Do you wish to avoid the unpleasant tliat a.tar jb years of rent, paying you own nothing more than a batch of rent receipts? It is easy to become the possessor of your own home. Give this matter your immediate attention, ic mems much to you now; it will mean mora to you as the years go by. CONSULT JOHN REID AND SONS, LTD, WHEN BUYING. £495~T r '- J h .andy to beach): Newly-built BUNGALOW of 4 rooms; style, dfd'l.UO design, and finish of the very latest; Metric light, bath, hj. and c. water vnwV? > aSm; YERY LAKGE DIXIXG ROOM - Tl,c bl, y er wi » ha " opportunity NOW of selecting own papers. A PERFECT LITTLE GEM. You can't afford to lose this opportunity. INQUIRE AT ONCE. 'Oft~ HUSS F LBURGH ~ (selGct lcCil %)- New \j\r sign; large bathroom, hj. and c. water, porcalam enamel bath, electric ii"nt: K'^n'!""" B .' 'lf- U T fca * , a J rollt teoof 67ft; close to car line, handy to beach, lheie » emythmg in this home that makes for comfort and convenience. If vou wish to luo under the healthiest and most congenial conditions, a better home would be hard £7. P »07 R °?- L X N (clos ? to bowling green end car): Superior Residence of §"'' i ™u xiT'l ','" new); bat ' n '°?; n - •>• and c. water basin, gas, tile hearths ana ftdlV'in t>li' ~nfr l es *».! rMhh °Me J wpper and tubs: good large section, live ledge m nont grounds well laidlout; rooms ate all large, papers modern and in good taste. A very cheap property. Easy terms. ; 2027 £I2BO7 Mu^ BSRGIr siF^p^o^^^ ceiling t ilp „«?« ge i °u tag M n wn,dows and one bay, return verandah, Bft hail, venesta batC™ nnSS ' f l ". ths { n ! ,rr 9 r - d ? or wardrobes, linen and clothes presses, large '!! 00^,:^ celan Vf", amel ***}■ •»?'«. J", and c. water, electric light, casement win--11 be considered. Well worth inspection. '" 1929 hfjjl ■ xul ?" v "J"";! 11 " ror An 1Q «» Home, here it is. Bungalow. 5 ~ „ i , I ? 0I ?, S; fi ? rou i s F e ""p. Picture mouldings, beautiful papers, mirror wardroDes; eeclnc throughout, including outhouses; imported mantel and door, fan ghts tiles 'lf& ™d C ° ri - er ' U r' U ,f bath (hot and cold 'owe tiles to giales and range; oeautifully-panelle-1 dado to halt. Garden nicelv laid on* n new'' olitt mU anr l,f OWe "- and aplcndidly-built bou.e and "ui e Sic ar^ed hj ' 5 beaUt,tUi h ° me ™ ar ° Prellarod to ™*« £650 *»£ 4?9fiK— BRIGHTON: 4 Rooms and scullery bTy - Ipjk'w fit 1 w ED f ? onvenie . nc f ß ; fronting Brighton road, and quite close to Beach. from SSn. '° m Abbotsford Slati °»- Frequent coach service HOUSES in the 7-ROOMED DWELLING, PLASTERED ence, bathroom, hj. and c. water, gas and gas cooker LATEST sVwfs npuTrv HOID SECTTOV wpH^f V M CE f- olks^l s ;, s,,ltable for Bii!iald Room. LARGE FREEiiOLD SECTION, well laid out: lawn ana flower garden. House is not clo=elv built in feed'S to^lf 1 fTjfriii'^ 6 ° Wneriß .«r, ".ident in Australia a7d hs & hITUCieQ US LO Sell Hr, P. X\T\PC* thof. WflOTio ns coosmerapie loss. lerms arranged. 2056 L^^fe»li^TMi^.a^ and grate,, tiled-back range, wardrobes, linen press, dresUr, handsome "carved mairtVlCITY HOUSES TO LET. CITY-VICTORIA-STREET: 9 Rooms, modern. LEITH STREET « «„ oms (bnck , er i' e^* STEBP « S^ E S r TU- Rooms ' conveniences 16s PReI b.LKEEI: 3 Rooms, 8s 6d. GEORGE STI RIOT ROW: 6 Rooms, 22s 6d. MASON S cures. 15s. ATHOL PLACE: 3 Rooms. 9s. HIGH STREET■' 10 STREET : 6 Room,. 12s 6cl. CASTLE STREET (near St. Andrew street) 3-roomed Cottage, 7s per week. QUEEN STREET: 4 Rooms 8« MAORI BOAT)5 Rooms, 10s. HERIOT ROW: 7 Room,. £65 n.a. ORFAT KT\'G STRFF?: 3,<,nCC W 7 - S w' «. MTT ? STOEIiT: 7Rooms, 255; modern, brick. ™m». si* 6d; modern. SUBURBAN HOUSES TO LET: MORNLNGTON fnear car sheds): 4 Rooms, 8* 6d MORNTNfITnv. ■; t?^„™ cnxoc ct r'T md rt> ', ° s uu# -'ivKiMiMjiUiN : o Kooms, conveniences, lis. isl. CLAIR: 6 Rooms, modern. 20s ST CT VTR • 7 n„„ . ences £6 per month. ST. KftDA': 6 RoTms. ROSLYN aS street): 7 Rooms, modern, 22s 6d. ROSLYN- 7 Rooms f,, m i-1, 0 7i ot t-uwme MUSSELBURGH: 5 Rooms, conveniences. 20s. WSSFI BURGH RT§F mshed 8 Rooms. KEW: 8 Rooms Hnrlo storvl n ? L: I'S OAVERSHAM: 4 Rooms, senile™, e \l. s t M WARRIxCTOX *' f s ' »^ d ,f2 P- week. NORTH-EAST VALLEY: "ffS w 25s R °°s S dura DU>EDIN : 6 Rocm.s. convemenws 17= P.A ' ' Jb ' * uulil a^B^^Mt^

TIMELY ADVICE. We hare gone through our stock, and compiled a list of XJIAS GIFT' SUGG TIONS. Of course, (here are hundreds of things in emr stock m do not mention here but they are in most cases akin to those named, and as you read yon will think of them' Read this list for suggestions., and then come to STEWART DAWSON'S, whe-rc quality is assured, and where price is always moderate. CiFTS FOR WOMEN. Gold Bracelets, 25s to £SO. Gold Brooches, 5s 6d to £SO. Gold Necklets, 10s 6d to 50s. Drop Necklets, 40s to £2O. Dainty Earrings, 15s 6d to £25. Diamond Rings, £5 5s to £IOO. .Beautiful Pendants, 21s to £lO 10s Choice Handbags, 14s 6d to 50s. Cable Bangles, 25s to £6 6s. Enamel Brooches, 2s 6d to 5s 6d. Silver Salts Bottles, 2s 6d to 21s. Jewel Boxes, 3s 6d to £5 ss. Hairpin Boxes, 6s 6d to 21s. Manicure Sets, 21s to £5 10s. Silver Mirrors, 21s to 60s. Silver Brushes, 12s 6d to 50s. Photo Frames, 3s to 70s. CIFTS FOR MEN. Tobacco Pouches, 6s 6d, 7s 6d. 8s Pd, 10s 6d. It Gold-mounted. 12s 6d, 14s 6d, 21? Shaving Brushes, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 14s fid. Shaving Strops, lis 6d, 14s 6d, 21s. Safety Razors, ]2s Gd, 14s 6d, 255. Shaving Tidies, 6s 6d, 10s Gd, 21s. Cigaretts ■ Cases, 21s to 50s. Match Boxes, 5s 6d to 21s. Card Cases, 12s 6d to 255. Fountain Pens, 3s to 50s. Sovereign Pursss, 8s 6d, 9s 6d. •Shaving Stands, 10s 6d to ; Gold Watch Chains, 21s to iiu lus . Gold Links, 12s 6d to £5. Gold Scarf Pins, 10s 6cl to £5. Gold Collar Studs, 6= 6d to 12s 6d. Stud Boxes, 4s 6d to 10s 6d. STEWART DAWSON AND CO., LTD., CORNER PRINCES AND DOWLING STREETS, DUNEDIN. LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, SHARE AND LAND BROKERS Etc DOMINION CHAMBERS. 142 RATTRAY STREET (Opposite Woods Private Hotel) £42s—Bargain in Town Property: A fine old Garden of nearly HALF AN ACRE with fruit trees, and comfortable old Dwelling of 5 rooms This m-onprtv £ „„u. V. block off the George street car, and quite handy to W sec ion EaL I T will miss this Xmas Box. The first buyer who sees this property wi tate it' ' LITTLEBOURNE (close Belt).-Practically New Brick Residence of 7 good room* with every modern convenience; unsurpassed about Dmiedin for view of Qlv and Harbor- . freehold corner tectum. To be sold considerably below cost. Easy terms £BSO ' ROSLYN.—Pretty. Bungalow (almost new), containing 4 rooms; bathroom-scullerv wash house, copper and tubs, and all other conveniences: about .Se .ecUon• Garten" fru:t, etc A choice little home. Small deposit, £430 ? action, garden, £25 Deposit.—ROSLYN (fronting car line): Fine Modern Re*id<=no P nf r i. v „. store room, bathroom, scullery, hj. and'e. water, washhouse(copper f Try attractive appearance; tile grates, good papers and friezes wide *w.wi lSi J 'i f y ■Ught throughout; good freehold by live hed-ef and ocL rtw Thjs property is m perfect order, and.our instructions are to sin fmmediatelv TO™ reduced irom £7OO. £25 deposit, and the balance may be fmid oT weellJ' n™°? mi«s till*, or you will regret it ever afterwards. To be gold af £550 *' ON RISE (CLOSE, TO GARDENS).-First-class House of 6 rooms bathrnn™ „„ii„, i. and c. .water, electric light, store room, dark room, cupboard? andwardrobe and Si in good order; A-acre section; garden-fruit and flowers; motor gJage, ete.' "nlen did view. A cheap property. £535:- s<" tt o c . etc., .pienTm Llt^ A Ln° V T A *J : {msh «t"«t)-rrelty Villa of 5 large rooms,. uST&*M Uer3 t- b " a " d c gas '- c °?P er and tubs » ««»d all in perfect order; fw ot City; garden—flowers and lawn; asphalt ty we can highly recommend. WARRINGTON VISITORS, /■,".: CAMPERS, "T7-ING OSCAR" SARDINES are Finest "TTING OSCAR" SARDINES are Finest -■A.. Qua lty Obtainable. XV . Quality Obtainable. Insist on getting "KING OSCAE."- ' Don't take any other brand,

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Evening Star, Issue 15065, 23 December 1912, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 15065, 23 December 1912, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 15065, 23 December 1912, Page 1