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(Continued from Page 8.)

Practical Inorganic Chemistry.—First class : John Alexander Colquhoun, Bertram Frederick Aldrod, Arthur George Justico Fleming Amies (prize), Amos William Johnston, Eric Melyyn Wyllie, John Alexander Moore, Francis Dowsbury Pinfold, Herbert Victor Scarle, Robert Alexander Wallace Sutherland, William Henry Simpson. Second class : N.orman Harrison Dempetor, Robert Henry Wylie, Arthur Harry Aylmer Vivian, Doris Clifton Jolly, Arthur Kidd, John Hallani Hon, Robert Hector Baxter, Alexander Duncan Shanks Whyto, Donald Benjamin Green, Charles Herbert Thompson, Yetti Muriel Whitehead, William Hunter Will, William Fleming Currie, Cecil M'Lcan Smith, Alexander Martin Rose. Third class.: Stuart Scoular, Leslie George 8011, Raynor Colin Bell, William Henry Davy, James Liggins, Henry Gray, Geoffrey Jaepar St. "Clair Fisher, Harry Chordmyros Manson. 'Warren Hastings Young, Herbert Miller Hay, Helen M'Kenzio, Gladys Margaret Shaw. Organic Chemistry Lectures.—First class : Bertram Frederick Aldrod (prize), Arthur Harry Aylmer Vivian, Amos William Joliiifiton, Norman Harrison Dempster, Stuart Scoular, George Brownlio Isdale, Arthur Kidd, Herbert Miller Hay, William Henry Simpson, Donald Benjamin Green and Wilfred Stanley Wallis ;uid William Hunter Will (coual). Second class : Yetti Muriel Whitehead, Ivan Blaubaum, William Jameson Reid, Edward Pohau Ellison, Gladys Margaret Shaw, Eric Melvyn Wyllie, Alexander Duncan Shanks Whyto, John Hallam Don, Leslie George Bell and /Eneas William Tolstu O'Sullivan (equal), Warren Hastings Young, Robert Hector Baxter, Robert Henry Wylie, Henry Bayldon Ewen, Peter Cousin Davio and William Henry Davy (equal). Third class: William Fleming Currie, Francis Dewsbury Pinfold, Doris Clifton Jolly, Geoffrey'jaspar St. Clair Fisher, Alexander Martin Ross, James Liggins, Charles Richard Stewart Roberts.

Practical Organic Chemistry.—First class : Bertram Frederick Aldrcd, Robert Hector Baxter, William Fleming Currie, Norman Harrison Dempster, John Hallani Don, Donald Benjamin Green, Herbert Miller Hay, George Brownlie Isdale, Amos William Johnston, Doris Clifton Jolly, Arthur Kidd,' James Liggins, Francis Dewsbury Pinfold, Alexander Martin Ross, Stuart Scoular, William Henry Simpson. Arthur Harry Aylmer Vivian, Yetti Muriel Whitehead, Alexander Duncan Shanks Whyte, William Hunter Will, Robert Henry Wylie, Erie Melvyn Wyllie, Warron Hastings Young. Second class : William Henry "Davy, Geoffrey Jaspar St. Clair Fisher, Helen M'Kenzie, Gladys Margaret Shaw, Ivan Blaubiunn, Leslie George Bell. Quantitative Analysis.—First class: Hugh Crawford. Horace S. S. Kirkland, Roy Stevenson (special). Advanced Chemistry Lectures.—First class : Cedric Stanton Hides.

Zoology (for 8.A., etc.).— First class: George Brownlie Isdale. Second class: Helen Margaret Cameron, Henry Devenish Skinner, Ivy Duke, Wm. Julius Dickel, James Garfield Stewart. Third class: Annie Elizabeth Stevenson.

Practical Zoology.—Second class: n. D. Skinner. J. G. Stewart, G. B. Isdale and Helen M. Cameron (equal), W. J. Dickel. Third class : Annie E. Stevenson, Ivy Duke.

Palseontnlogy.—First class : John Marwick. Second class: Cedric Stanton Hicks, Walter Thomas Cody, David Doake, John Alexander Colquhoun. ..-Egrotat pass: Alexander Miller Mnsley. Junior Geology.—First class : John Marwick. Second class: Walter Thos. Cody, John Alexander Colquhonn, Cedric Stanton Hicks. Robert Alexander Wallace Sutherland. David Doake. Third class: Henry Herbert Whittaker, John Victor Jacobson, John Smith Nelson. Advanced Geology.—First class : William Andrew -Alexander. Third class: Annie Doidge Hancock. Mineralogy.—First class: Montague Onglev.

Petrography.—Second class : William Andrew Alexander. Montague Ongley. Jurisprudence.—First class : John Thos. Walter. Second class: Leonard James Ivory. Third class: Aubrey Chatterton Bossence, James M'C'uHoch Boync. Constitutional History and Law. —Honors : Oswald Chettlo Mnzengarb. First class: Leonard Jnmes Ivory, J. M. Boyno, George Carlisle Bailey (ex-mural), Thomas Holmes Nisbet (ex-mural). Second class: Charles Leslie Calvert, Aubrey Chatterton Bossence. Third class: Nieol Cook. MEDICAL FACULTY.

"Biology.—First class : Bertram Frederick Ald red," Thomas Russell Ritchie, Robert Hector Baxter, Yetti Mv.riol WUitoheyd, George. Rrownlie Ifidale, Wm. Henry Simpson. Eric Melvyn Wyllie, Arthur H. Aybner Vivian Second claw: Norman Harrison Dempster, Gladys Margaret Shaw, James Garfield Stewart, Leslie George Bell, Warren Hastings Young, Irene Woodhou<=c, John Spink Hudson. Third class: Doris Clifton Jolly, Archibald Magill, Wm. Fleming Currie, Amos William Johnston, Stuart Secular, Arthur Kidd, Herbert Miller Hay, Alex. Duncan. Shanks Whyte, Wm. Hcnrv Dairy, Francis Dewshury Piufold, Geoffrey Jaipar St. Clair Fisher. Practical Biology: Second class- Yetti Muriel Whitehead, Thonuusßuswll Ritdre, Doris Clifton Jolly, Wm. Heiny Simpson, James Garfield. Stewait and Arthur Henry Aylmer Vivian (equal), Bertram Frederick Aldred and George Brownlic Lsdalo (equal), Gladys Margaret Shaw, Robt. Hector Baxter and Norman Harrison Dempstc-r and John Spink Hvdson (equal), Win. Fleming Currie. Third class: Warren Hastings Yonncr, Alex. Martin Ross, Irene Woodhouw,' Eric Melvyn Wyllie, Stuart Secular, Amos William. Johnston, Herbert Miller Hav, Geoffrey Jaspax St. Clair Fisher, Nantv Dewsbui-v Pinfold. Archibald Magill. .lamer. Bull Liggins, Leslie Georgo Bel?, Win. Ilenrv Davy, Alexander D. S. Whvte, Arthur Kidd.

Anatomy (Senior Division). —Second class: \V. Watt, R, Nichol. J. A. Marshall. Third class: D. F. Myers, K. E. Tapper, D. G. Macpherson, C. E. Hercus and 11 Short (equal), R. A. H. Fulton and S. L. Supoll and S. L. Haslett (equal), F. Cameron. A. Joseph.

.Anatomy (Junior Division). —First class: D. S. .Milne. Second class: A. V. Short., P. J. Jorv, W. G. Scannell. W. Aitken, A. M. Marshall, E J. H. Webb and T. R, Ritchie (equal), R. G. K. Hodgson, W. S. Wallis and J. Connor (equal), W. H. Will, K. MacCormick and D. Mackny (equal), G. S. Sharp, W. J. Reid and 11. B. Ewen (equal), N. S. Whitton. Third class: 0. W. T. O'Sullivan and J. L. SaundeTS (equal), J. Blanbaum and L. R. Withers (equal), G. Redpath, IT. R. Gibson and D. Martin (equal). Senior Physiology.—Second class: Daniel Frank Myers (prize), Roland Arthur Hortslet Fulton, Rutherford Nichol, James Ayson Marshall, William Watt, Charles Errest Hercus, Douglas Gordon Macpherson, John Albert Ainge. Third class: Samuel Llowellvn Serpell, Edward Kerr Edit?, Hugh Short, Kenneth Edwin Tapper, Herbert Leslie'Gould, Selwyn Langstaff Haslett, Prederick Cameron, Archibald Joseph. Junior Physiology.—First, class: Donald Stuart Milne (prise). Second class: William Gladstone Scannell, Philip John Jory, An<ms M'Phee Marshall, Thomas Ruasoll Ritchie, Donald Maekay, Ronald George Keith Hodgson, William Aitken, Wilfred Stanley Wallis, Aubrey Vincent Short, Kenneth MacCormick, Ernest John Herbert Webb. Third class: Noel Stewart Whitton, George Red pith and George Stanley Sharp (equal), William Jamieson Reid, John Conner, Fdoreriek James Mulholland,

Robert Lanktrce Withers. Practical Physiology'.—First elaes : Don,ald Stuart Milne (prize), Donald Mackay, Philip John Jory, Ronald George Keith Hodgson. Second class : Thomas Russell Ritchie, and William Gladstone Scannell (equal). George Rednath, William Aitken and Charles Ernest Hercus (equal), Aubrey V. Short, Kenneth MacCormick. Wilfred Stanley Wallis; Henry Bayldon Ewen. Angus M'Phee Marshall, George Stanley Sha-rp, Ernest John Herbert Wobb," Duncan Robertson Niven, William Jamiesou Reid, John Connor. Third class-: -rEneas William Tolster O'Sullivan, Frederick James Mulhollaud, William Hunter Will, Douglas David Wallace Martin, Ivan Blaabaum,

Pathology.—Second class: C. V. A, Baigent, 11. Buddie, B. Gilmour, G. N. MacDiannid, D. G. Matheeon, D. L. Sinclair, Wm. Sowerbv, A. M. Trotter. Third class : I. E Faris, J. G. Mitchell, T. H. Pettit, L. A. Spedding, K. I. Woodhouse.

Practical Pathology.—Second class : C. V. A. Baigent, I. E. Faris, D. G. Matheson. G. 2*. MTiiarmid, W. Soworby, Third class : R. Buddie, J. G. Mitchell, T. H. Pettit, L. A. Spedding, K. I. Woodhoufic.

Medical Jurisprudence Class.—First class: J. G. Mitchell, K. I. Woodward, Wm. Sowerby, G. N. M'Dianuid, D. G. Matbeson. Second class : I. E. Faris, R. Buddie, T. IT. Pettit, 0. V. A. Baigent. Third class : D. L. Sinclair, L. A. Spedding, A. M. Trotter. Class of Surgery (junior).—Second class: R. Fulton, R. Nichol, J. A. Marshall, D. Macpherson. Third class : L. Serpell, IT. Short, K. E. Tapper, P. Benham, F. Myers, W. Watt, A. Joseph, S. Haslett, JL Gould. H. E. Suckling. Class of Surgery (senior). —First class: J. R AVhitc. T. Julian, A. S. Moody, T. T. Thompson, P. P. Stewart, D. Whyte. Second class: L. J. Thompson, W. Robertson, A. 0. Evans, G. Wishart Will, J. E. K. Brown, T. C. Fraser, W. H. Thomas, E. A. Widdowson, W. F. Findlay, J. G. Gow, W. C. M'Caw, A. W. Brook-field. Class of Clinical Surgery-.—The following obtained certificates : —T. Julian, P. P. P. Stewart.. L. J. Thompson, W. S. Robertson, T. T. Thompson, J. R. White, F. A, Widdowson, T. C. Fraser, D. Whyte, W. C. M'Caw, W. H. Thomas, A. S- Moodie, W. F. Findlay. J. 0. Gow.

Medicine (Senior). —First class: P. P. J. Stewart, J. R, White, A. S. Moody, and T. T. Thompson (equal), D. Whyte. Second class: T. Julian, W. S. Robertson, J. E. K. Brown, T. C. Eraser. W. C. M'Caw, W. H. Thomas. Third class: L. J. Thompson. A. 0. Evans, W. F. FindJav, G. W. Will, E. A. Widdowson, A. W. Brookfield, J. G. Gow. Medicine (Junior). —.Second class : D. L. Sinclair, G. N. M'Diarmid, W. Sowcrby and A. M. Trotter (equal), E. K. Edie and T. H. Pettit (equal). Third cla*s : B. Gilmour, C. V. A. Baigent, R. Buddie and L. A. Snedding (equal), K. Woodward, D. G. Matheson, J. G. Mitchell, J. F. Faris.

DENTAL FACULTY. —Summer Session.—

Mechanical Dentistry.—Second class : J. H. Don, L. J. Potior,'D. B. Green, H. E. Suckling, 11. Rattray. Third class -. A. B. Spite. Dental Mechanics Lectures (senior). — First class : 0. G. Chain ptalonp, H. RattTay, A. B. Spite, 11. E. Suckling. Third class: G. Morrall. Junior —Second -class: J. H. Don. Third class : D. B. Green, 0. G. ChamptaJonp. Materia, Medica. —Third class : H. Battray. Histology.—Second class: J, M. Tumor. Third class : H. E. Suckling. Preliminary Operative Dentistry.—Second class : H. E. Suckling, G. J. Morrall.

—Winter Session.—

Mechanical Dentistry.—First class: J, H. Don. Second class: D. B. Green, Pi. Bel!, H. Rattray.

Dental Anatomy.—Second class: J. H, Don, I). B. Green, R. C. Bell. Anatomy.—Third class : J. L. Saunders.

Inoreanic Chemistry.—Second class: 11. C. Belf; 1). B. Green, J. D. Don (lectures); J. 11. Don, D. B. Green (practical). Organic Chemistry.—First class: D. B. Green. Second claf.s: J. H. Don (lectures). First class: J. H. Don, D. B. Green (practical).

Physics.—Second class: J. 11. Don, D. B. Green, R. C. Bell (practical). Second class (lectures): D. B. Green, R. C. Bell. Third class J. H. Don.

Physiology.—Third class: J. L. Saunders, H. Rattray. Pathology.—Third class: L. J. Potter, J. M. Turner.

Bacteriology.—L. J. Potter, J. M. Tur nor.

Dental Surgery (including orthodontics and pathology).—Second class: J. M. Turner, L. J. Potter, J. L. Saunders. Third class: H. Rattray, H. E. Suckling. Medicine.—Second class: L. J. Potter, J. M. Turner.

Surgery.—Thin! class: H. E. Suckling,


Senior -Alining.—Second class: Aubrey Evelyn Horn, 'lhomas Wyvilta Leonard Rutherford, Robert Alox. Rutherford, Hugh Crawford. Applied Mechanics (Senior). —First class : Hugh Crawford, Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutherford, Aubrey Evelyn Horn. Robert Alex. Rutherford. Second class: Horace S. S. Kirkland, Leonard Hutton.

Senior Surveying.—Pass : Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutherford, Aubrey Evelyn Horn, Hugh Crawford, Robert Alex Rutherford, Leonard Hutton, Horace S. S. Kirkland.

Metallurgy (First Course). —First clans: Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutherford. Second cla,=B: Aubrey Evelyn Horn. Third class: Robert Alexander Rutherford, Horaco Kirkland.

Assaying (First Course). —First clasG: Aubrey Evelyn Horn, Noel Carl ess Assaying (Second Course). —First claes : 'J'homas Wyville Leonard Horn, Hugh Crawford Second class: Robert. Alexander Rutherford. Third class: Horace Kirkland.

Mechanical Drawing (Senior). —First class: Aubrey Evelyn Horn, Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutherford. Second class: Robert Alexander Rutherford.

Junior Geology.—Third class: Charles Herbert Thompson. Mineralogy. —Third class: Charles Herbert Thompson. iEgrotat pass : Horace S. S. Kirkland.

Petrography : —Second clafs : Robert Alexander Rutherford, Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutherford. 'Third class : Aubrey Evelyn Horn.

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Evening Star, Issue 14713, 3 November 1911, Page 6

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UNIVERSITY RESULTS. Evening Star, Issue 14713, 3 November 1911, Page 6

UNIVERSITY RESULTS. Evening Star, Issue 14713, 3 November 1911, Page 6