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TERM EXAMINATIONS. The following are the names of the successful candidates at the recent term examinations of the Otago University: —Advanced Latdn. — Second Class.—William Montgomery Stewart (Clark prizeman, 1909), Henry Whiteoak Slater (Clark prizeman, 1910). Third Class.—Montaguo Ongley, David Renfrew White, Evelyn Mary Meredith Whitehead, Grace Mabel Anderson, Edmund John Tipler. j3sgrotat Pass.—John Sutherland Smart. —Senior Latin.—r Second Class. James Thompson, Frederick Fisher Miles, Colin M'Gregor, Littlejohn, Cecil M'Lean Smith, Laura Henderson Fyfe, Wiliam Arthur CursonSiggers, Thomas Burton.Purves, John Norman Millard, Dorothy Cheyno Farnie, Andrew Bain, Herbert Staiiley Adams, William Alexander Stewart, Aileen Isabel Haalett, Ernest Partridge, Ivy Annie Learmonth, Eric Oswald Hercus. Third Class.—Olive Ethel Baylis, Jessie Russell Mackay, Mary M'Millan Mills, Austin Scantlebury, John Malcolm Morrison, Joseph Bibby Mawson, John Thomas Walter, Irene Lilian. Laycock, Helen Margaret Tait, Mary Eleanor Sims, Harold Douglas Tait, Patrick Augustino Ongley, Agnes Borrie, Agnes Lang Loudon, Elsie Elizabeth Alice Vickery, John Marwick, Donald Neil M'Diarmid, Ronald Burns Bannerman, Aldwyn Remington Cordon, Thomas Herbert Matheson. Bertha Jane Woodhouse, Jessie Banks Wilson, Alfred James Henry Dow, Malcolm M'Pherson Watt, Frank Howitt Wilkinson, Eric Croft, Alex. Bringans, Phyllis Duncan, Ivy Irene Crawford. jEgrotat Pass.—John Sutherland Smart. —Junior Latin.— First Class.—Gwendoline Dtmcan. Second Class. —William Henry Purvis M'Kenzie, Daniel M'Laughlin, Elsie Smith Littlejohn, Andrew Muir Begg, John Orr Prentice, Helen Tavlor, Beatrice Jane Hampton Webb, Mary Annie Moyle, Aubrey Chatterton Bossence, Arthur William Alloo, William Arthur Gordon Martin. Third Class.—Vyvienne Gowdy, Martin Cowen, Cyril Ardagh, Emma Jessie Haro, William Henry Spears, Erie Mountjoy Barnard, Gladys Mabel Adams, Henry James Thompson, Stella Bayley, Charles Leslie CalveTt, Lionel Alexander M'Kenzio, James Fraser Bremner, John Graham, Alfred Cleare Hammond Button, William Davie Watson, John Elliott Cuthill, Winifred Mary Hunt, David John Albert Lyttle, James Leodamas Calder, Jano Christie Graham, Marion Ivy Mary Keys, William Benjamin Naylor, Patrick Francis (Men, Arthur Ernest Adam, Robert Gilkisou Allan Sawell, Duncan M'Fadyen Rae, Frederick Hardy Wilson, John Watson, Colin M'Kenzie Lindsay, Vera Blanche Carey, Helen Mary Caroline Tweedie, Stan, ley Clark Millar, Francis Cecil LopdelL —Senior Greek.— Second Class.—William Arthur CurzonSiggers. Third Class.—Andrew Lindsay Miller. —Junior Greek 11. Third Class.—T. 51. Abernethy, George Henry Gilbert. —Junior Greek I.— First Class.—E. W. Halford. Second Class.—George W. Hunt, Cecil B. M'Lure, Andrew Begg, David Murdock, Adam Hamilton, E. A. Andrews. Third Class.—H. B. Pattrick, A. C. H. Button, A. C. Hampton. —Junior English.— Second Class.—Gwendoline Duncan, George William Hunt, John Graham, Elsie Smith Littlejohn and William Henry Purvis M'Kenzie (equal), Janet Charles Fisher, John Orr Prentice. Third Class. —Vyvienne Gowdy, Arthur William Alloo, David Murdoch," Edmund William Halford, William Arthur Gordon Martin, Robert Gilkison Allan Sawell, Martin Cowen, Henry James Thompson, Emma Jessie Hare, Arthur Ernest Adam, Cecil Bertram Travis M'Clure, John \Vattaa, William Davie Watson, Colin M'Kenzie Lindsay, Thomas Mitchell Abernethy and Elizabeth Beatrice Cavell (equal), Helen Mary Caroline Tweedie, Beatrice Jane Hampton Webb, Ethel Maud Elley and Lionel Alexander M'Kenzie (equal), Winifred Beulah Inder, John Smith Nelson, Marion Ivy Mary Keys, Agnes Morton. Howard Beecham Pattrick and Hannah Webb (equal). —Senior English.— First Class.—John Hilton Murdock (Jas. (Hark £7 book prize), Colin M'Gregor Littlejohn, Henrietta Smith, David Renfrow White, Jemima Kennedy, Frederick Fisher Miles (dux of first year's students, Dr Gilray's prize). S»cond Class.—Kinnear George Fraser and Helen Inglis Pettigrew Whyte (equal), Mary Shand Watt, Katherino Alice Finch, Olivo Ethel Baylis, Henry Whdteoak Slater, Textia Decima Meek, Dorothy Cheyne Farnie, Margaret Jane Macaulay, Laura Henderson Fyfe, Mary M'Millan Mills, Ernest Partridge, Montague Ongley, Aileen Isabel Haslett, Frank Howitt Wilkinson, Elizabeth Swanson Brims, Agne3 Borrie, Jessie Banks Wilson, James Patterson Boyle. Third Class.—Malcolm M'Pherson Watt, George Gibb Menzies, Annie Douglas Craig, Phyllis Duncan, Alexander Knox Anderson, Alexander Bringans, Ivy Irene Crawford, Malcolm John Morrison, Joseph Bibby Mawson, Janet Lymburn, John Marwick, Alfred James Henry Dow and Bedford Pim Moodie (equal), Anna Constance Wharton Easther, Olive Josephine Margaret White, Kathleen More Glasgow, Alice Eva Mlfly, Violet Ermelinda Duckers Thomson, Helen Margaret Tait. —C Certificate Course in Senior English.— Second Class.—Henry George Gilbert, Sarah Helen Guy, Leonard Henry Hunt, Donald Neil MacDiarmid, Edith Jane Hali Third Class.—Edith Mary Turner, Sarah Frances Goulding, Clare Elizabeth Wyllie, Sarah Helen M 'Donald, Florence Ann Wid - dowson, Thomas Aitken, Margaret M'Naughton, James George Cowan, Elizabeth Isabel Salmond, Cecil Margaret Sinclair, Annie Ross, Elizabeth Agnes Potts. Pass.—Alice Margaret Hay. —Advanced English.— First Class.—Colin M'Gregor Littlejohn, David Renfrew White. Second Cla£6. —Kinnear George Fraser. —Honors English.— First Class.—-John Hilton Murdoch, Henrietta Smith. Second Class.—Douglas Leslie Robertson. Third Class.—Deris Napier Allan. —English Composition and Rhetoric.— First Class.—Elsie Smith Littlejohn. George William Hunt. Second Class. —Arthur William Alloo, Gw«ndoline Duncan, Robert Gilkison, Allan Sawell, Janet Charles Fieher, Vyvienne Cowedy, William Henry Purvis M'Kenzio, David Murdoch, John Graham, Cecil Bertram Travice M'Clure,. William Arthur Gordon Martin, Emma Jeeeie Hare. Third Class.—Henry James Thompson, Archibald Irvirw, Arthur Ernest Adam, William Henry Spears, John Orr Prentice, Agues Morton, Thomas Mitchell Abernethy, John Watson, Edmund William Halford, Ethel Maude Elley, Marion Ivy Mary Keys, Elizabeth Beatrice Cavell, Howard Bcecham Pattrick, Beatrice Jane Hampton Webb, William Davio Wateon, Martin Cowen, Colin M'Kenzie lindeay, Winifred Beulah Inder and Davii Noil M'CuDoch Scrymgeour (equal), Helen Mary Caroline Tweedie and Hannah Morgan Webb (equal), John Elliott Cuthill and Alexander Millar Mosley (equal), John „ Smith Nelson, Tjonel Alexander M'Kenzie. —Exempted Student*.— Junior English.—Passed 6*cond class: Daniel M'Laughlin. Passed third class : Cyril Edgar Patrick Franck Cullin, Thomas Holmes Nisbct. Senior English—Passed third class: Mary Houston Colquhoun, Austin Edward Leslie Scantlebury, Harold Douglas Tait. —Junior French.— Krsfc Claas.—Cuthbert Parr. Second Claes.—Mary Ana Moyle. Third Claae.—Myrtle Margaret CockerM, Winifred Mary Hunt, Elfrida Mary. KnitfhVEric A. P. Cockcroft.

—Senior French. — First Class.—John Brian Wileon Craig, Frederick Fisher Miles. Second Class.—James Thomson, Frank Forrester Adamson, David Renfrew White, Irene Lilian Laycock, Ivy Annie LeaTmonth, Grace Mabel Anderson, Cecil M'Lean Smith, Jemima Kennedy, Margaret Samuel, Elsie Elizabeth Alice Vickery. Third Claas.—Thomas Burton Purves, Agnes Lang Louden, Aileen Isabel Haslett, Annie Douglas Craig, Albert Sidney Reid, Patrick Augustino Ongley, James Pow, Hilda Ngarie Carrick, Thomas B. Da vies, Sarah Frances Goulding, Ethelwyn Jane Beattie. JEgtolab Pass.—John Sutherland Smart. —Advanced French.— FiTst Claes.—Dorothy Emily Horton. Second Class. —Kinnear George Fraser, William Montgomery Stewart, Margaret Jane Macaulay. iEgrotat Pass.—John Sutherland Smart. —Honors French.— First Class.—Evelyn Mary Meredith Whitehead, Henrietta Smith, Bertha Midler, John Hilton Murdoch. Second Class.—Douglas Leslie Robertson. Third Claras.— Doris Napier Allan. —French Phonetics.— First Class.—John Brian Wilson Craig, Irene Lilian Laycock, Dorothy Emily Horton. Second Class.—James Thompson, Cecil M'Lean Smith, Frederick Either Miles, Margaret Samuel, Ivy Annie Learmonth, Grace Mabel Anderson, Jemima Kennedy, Frank Forrester Adamson, Annie Douglas Craig, Agnes Lang Louden, David Renfrew White. Third Class.—Thomas Burton Pun-is, Aileen Haslett, William 11. P. M'Kenzie, Elsie Eliz. A. Vickery, Cuthbert Parr, Albert Sydney Reid, Sarah Frances Goulding, Hilda Ngarie Carrick, Andrew Bain, Thomas Beveridge Davis. —Advanced German.— Firet Class—Bertha Midler. —Senior German.— j First Class.—Dorothy Cecily Tucker, W. A. Curzon-Siggei'S. —Mental Science (Junior). Firet Class.—John Alexander Colquhoun, Donald Neil M'Diarmid, Mary Watt, Andrew Bain, Agnes Borrie, Norman Harrison Dempster. Second Clara.—Eric Croft, Helen Ingles Pettigrew Whyte, Robert 1!. Tinsley, Bertha Luke, James Eraser Bremner, Jemima, Kennedy, Ernest Albert Searle, James Garfield Stewart, Frank Hewitt Wilkinson, William George Burns. Mary M'Millan Mills, Jessie Banks Wileon, Josoph Reilly Mawson, Percy Thomson, William L. Walton, John Norman Millard, Ronald Burns Bannerman. Third Class.—Charles Leslie Calvert, Henry George Gilbert, Aubrey Chatterton Bossence, Leonard Henry Hunt, William Gardiner Slade, James Patterson Boyle, J. M. Stevenson, Vera Christina Sinclair. —Mental Science (Senior). — , Firet Class.—J. B. Wilson Craig. Second Class.—David Craig Herron, Mary Eleanor Sims, William Wright, Maud Matilda Wilson, Ernest W. Wlute, Andrew Lindsay Miller, Thomas Beveridge Davis. Adam Hamilton, David W. P. Dunn. —History and Philosophy.— First Class. —David Craig Herron, John Hilton Murdodh. Second Class.—Maud Matilda Wileon, Andrew Lindsay Miller. Third Class. —Thomas Mitchell Haslett. —Principles and History of Education.— First Class.— Ernest Partridge, Andrew Bain, Malcolm John Mormon, Bertha G. Selhy, Olivo Josephine Margaret White, George Kinnear Fraser, MaTgaret M'Naughton, Irene lilian Laycock. Second Class. —Anna Constance Wliarton Easther, John Warwick, William Wright, Mabel Isabel Miller, Bertha Woodhouse, Elizabeth Swanson Brims, Phyllis Duncan. Thomas Burton Purves, Hilda Marie Carrick, William Llewellyn Walton, Olivo Ethel Baylis, Clara Isabel Wylie, Bedford Pym Moodie, Janet Lymburn, Alexander Bringans, Georgo Gibb Menzies, Helen Margaret Tait, Sarah Frances Goulding, Ivy Irene Crawford, Edward Brown, Patrick Augustine Ongley. Third Class.—Sarah Ellen Guy. Violet Ermelinda Duckers Thomson, Edith Mary Turner, Ethelwyn Jano Beattie, Sarah Helen M'Donald, Edith Hall. Daniel Hartstcnge, Annie Ross, Flora Ellis, Mary Gertrude Christie Tough, Gertrude B. Beresford, Victor- Herbert Thomas Bremner, N'ormau Andrew Maiieod Cowie, Olivo Vnderson, Christina Isabel Garmson, Margaret Smith. Edith Elizabeth Gilbert, Isabella Woodsido Mason. iEgrotut Pass.—Alice Margaret Hay. —Political Economj'.— First Cluifi.—Donald Neil MacDiarmid, Norman Harrison, Dempster, Ernest William White, Edmund John Tipler, Oswald Chettb Mazengarb. Second Class.—Mabel Miller, Andrew Hamilton, Hilda Marie Carrick, Albert Sidney Reid, Percy Thomson, Frederick James Muiholland, Stanley Chalmers Hercus. Bertha Alice Luke." Catherine Copland. Third Class Muriel Emily Hodges, William Porter Dunn, Alfred Owen Wilkinson, Arthur Charles Hampton, Arthur Vivian Speeding, Thomas H. Mathiesoo, William Llewellyn Walton, Mary Houston Cclquhoun. —English History.— Second Clas.—Andrew Hamilton, Josoph Speight M'Grath, Adam Hamilton. Advanced Mathematics.— Second Year.—Firet class: E. 0. Hercus and F. F. Miles (equal).' First Year.—First claes: M. Samuel. —Mechanics.— Firet Class.—E, 0. Hercus, W. A. Stuart, EL M'Corkindale, D. C. Farnie, W. A Alexander. Second Class.—M. Alexander, L. Forrester, T. W. Rutherford. Third Class.—J. Duke, G. M'Mullan, A. Horn, H. Woodhouse. —Senior i First Class.—Hbao Eliiabc-th VicLecj.

Frank F. Adamson, Ivy Learmonth, Dorothy C. Farnie, Helen J. P. Whyte, Herbert S. Adams, Mary M'Mills, Cecil M'L. Smith, William A. Stuart, Annie Craig. Second Class.—Albert S. Reid, Elizabeth M'Corkindale, Laura H. Fyfe, Agnes L. Loudon, Mary G. Tough, Oswald C. Mazengarb, Alexander M. Mosley, Patrick Ongley, Ivy Dnke, Norman H. Dempster, Irene L. Laycock, Edith Gilbert, Mabel Miller, Noel Carkas, Norman A. Cowie. Third Class.—BcTtha A. Luke, Alexander K. Anderson, James Pow, Vere C. Sinclair, Edgar G. Seclye, Malcolm M'P. Watt, Ernest G. JViison,'. Kathleen M. Glasgow, Edward Brown, Horace Kirkland. —Junior Mathematics.— First Class.—lsabella T. Currio. Mary A. Moyle, Erio A. Cockroft,. Cuthbert Parr, Robert B. Tinsley, J. S. M'Grath, Mary H. Colquhoun, 0. E. Ardagh, Franck E. Forrester, Janet C. Fisher. Second Class. Ethel Shaw, Ronald Miller, Duncan M'F. Rae, Ernest A. Searle, A Grenfcll, J. P. Hawke, Agnes Morton, Catherine I. Macodnald, P. F. Cullen, F. C. Lopdell. Third Class.—Henry IT. Whiltaker, Winifred B. Indor, D. J. A. Lytt|e, W. M. Hunt, James Cowan, William D. Watson, Fiank H. Wilkinson, Esther M'Mullan, Andrew M. Begg, M. Silvers Black, E. M. Elley, William G. Bums, li Abernethy, Cecil B. M'Clure, E. Andrews, Bertha Woodhouse. —.Junior Physics.— Fir-si Class.—William A. Alexiinder, Herbert Chapman, Herbert Cyril Brent, John A. Colquhoun, Philip J. Jory, Donald Stuart Milne. Second ClacA—Angus M. Marshall, William J. Dickel, John G. Fullarton, Georgo B Isdile, Cedric S. Hicks, William G. Scannell. Aubrey N. Short, Georgo Redpath, '1 nomas R. Ritchie. Third Class.—Ronald G. K. Hodgson, Kenneth MacCormick, John Connor, Helen M. Cameron, Donald Mackay, Aubrey E. Horn, Wilfred S. Wallis, Henry Parkinson, Georgina M'Mullan, Ivy Ellon Duke, William Aitken, William J. Reid, Janice G. Stewart, Noel S. Whitton, yEneas W. T. O'Sullivan, William IT. Will, Annie E. Stevenson. Not classed, but qualified for intermediate medical examination.—Douglas 1). W. Martin, Frank Simon, John T. T. Forbes. Frank L. A. Gotz. iEgrotxit Pass.—David Doake, Henry B. Ewen. —Junior Practical Physics.— First Class.—William A. Alexander, Herbert Chapman, Herbert 0. Brent, Philip J. Jon-, George B. Isdale, John A. Colquhoun, Aubrev V. Short, Donald S. Milne. Second Cla«s.—George Redpath, William J. Dickel, William G. Scannell, Ronald G. K. Hodgson, Thomas It. Ritchie, Kenneth MacCormick, Georgina M'Mullan, Angus M. .Marshall, William Aitken, John G. Fullarton, Cedric S. Hicks, .John Connor. Third Class.—James G. Stewart. Donald Mackav, Honrv Parkinson, Ivy E. Duke, William J. Reid, John T. T. Forbes, Wilfred S. Wallis, William H. Will, ..Eneas W. T. O'Sullivan, Frank Simon, Frank L. A. Gotz. Pass.—David Doake, Honry B. Ewen. Not classed, but qualified for intermediate medical examination.—Douglas D. W. Martin. —Advanced Physics.— Senior Electricity and Magnetism.—First class: Matthew Alexander. Laboratory.—First class: Matthew Alexander. Second class: William Martin. Senior Heat, Sound, and Light.—Third class: Frederick James Muiholland. Laboratory.—Third class: ' Frederick James Muiholland. Honors Electricity and Magnetism.— Hist class: Henry Mayall Budd. Laboratory.—Second'class • Henry Mayall Budd. Honors Heat, Sound, and Light.—First cla^s: John Alexander Moore, John Stewart. Laboratory.—First class: John Alexander Moore. Second class: John Stewart. —lnorganic Chemistry (Lectures). — First Class.—David Doake (prize), Philip John Jory, Aubrey Vincent Short, Georgo Brownlie Isdale, Angus M'Phee Marshall, Frank F. Adamson, Donald Mackay, Noei Carlees, Kenneth MacCormick. Second Class.—John Connor, Cedric Stanton Hicks, Georgo Redpath, William Scannell, Ronald Georgo Keith Hodgson, Helen Margaret Cameron, Wilfred S. Wallis, Donald Stuart Milne, William Julius Dickel, Ernest James Healey, Douglas D. Wallace Martin, Thomas M. Miller. Third Class.—William Aitken, Harold Ray Gibson, Frank Simon, Frank L. Aroha Gotz, Irene Woodhouse, John T. Thomson Forbes, Charles R. Stewart Roberts, Wm. T. O'Sullivan, Wm. Jameson Reid, Annie E. Stevenson, Edward Pohau Ellison. —Pradical Chemistry: Inorganic.— First Class.—Nod Carless (prize), Donald Stuart Milne, Frank F. Adamson, Aubrey V. Short, David Doake, Henry B. Ewen, Ronald G. K. Hodgson, George B. Isdale, Angus M'Phee Marshall, John Connor. Second Class. —William Aitken, John T. T. Forbes, Frank L. A. Gotz, Ernest J. Healey, Cedric S. Hicks, Philip J. Jory, Kenneth MacCormick, William Scannell, Victor E. D. Thomson, Leonard J. Wild, William J. Dickel. Third. Class.—Edward Pohau Ellison, John S. Hudson, Donald Mackay, Archibald Magill, Douglas D. W. Martin, /Eneas W. T. O'Sullivan,' George Redpath, Arthur Vivian Spedding, Rawson E. Stark, Wilfred S. Wallis, Ireno Woodhouse, William J. Reid. Quantitative Mineral Analysis.—First class: Noel Carless. —Organic Chemistry: Lectures.— First Class. —Aubrey Vincent Short (prize for theoretical charaistry), Angus M'Phee Marshall, Donald Mackay, Philip John Jory, Noel Carless. Second Class.—William Scannell, Donald , StiMQ't Milne, Francis Oreti Mac Gibbon, SoaaU Qb. Keith Hodgson, Ernest Webb,

Kenneth MacCormick, Irene Woodhoufie, William Aitken, Noel Stewart Whitton. Third Class.—William J. Dickel, George Redpath, John Connor, Harold Ray Gibeon, Frank L. Aroha Gotz, Douglas D. W. Martin, Frank Simon, Selwyn Langstaff Haslett. —Practical Chemistry—Organic.— First Class.—Noel Carless, Honry B. Ewen, John S. Hudson, Kenneth MacCorinaek, Douglas D. W. Martin, Aubrey V. Short. Second Class.—John Connor, Philip J. Jory, Donald Stuart Milne, William Scannell, John T. Thomson Forbes, Frank L. A. Gotz, Archibald Magill, iEneas W. T. O'Sullivan, Wilfred S. Wallis. Third Class.—Angus M'Phee Marshall, Ronald G. K. Hodgson, Donald Mackay, William Aitken, Edward Pohau Ellison, Ernest Webb, George Redpath, William J. Reid, Irene Woodhouse. —Biology (Medical). — First Class.—David Stuart Milne, Philip John Jon-, Aubrey Vincent Short, Ernest John Herbert Webb, Angus M'Phee Marshall. Second Class.—Georgo Redpath, Ronald George Keith Hodgson, William Gladstone Scannell, John Connor, Donald Mackay, Wilfred Stanley Wain's, Harold Ray Gibson, Henry Mayldon Ewen, William Jamieson Reid, Kenneth MacCormick, William Aitken, William Hunter Will. Third Claw.—Charles Richard Stewart Roberts, /Eneas William Tolster O'Sullivan, Edward Pohau Ellison, Helen M'Kenzie, Douglas David Wallace Martin, Frank Leon Aroha Gotz. —Biology, Practical (Medicals).— First. Class.—E. J. H. Webb. Second Class.—D. S. Milne, Noel Stewart Whitton, A. V. Short. A. M'P. Marshall, P. J. Jorv, F. L. A. Gotz. Third Class.— D. D. W. Martin, IT. P. Ewen, W. Aitken, C. R, S. Roberts, It. G. K. Hodgson, K. MacCormick, D. Mackay, H, R. Gibson. J. Connor, W. J. Reid, VV. 11. Will, W. G. Scannell. Helen'M'Kenzie, J. T. T. Forbes, E. P. Ellison, A. W. T. O'Sullivan, G. Redpath, W. S. Wallis. —Paleontology.— First Class.—William Alexander Stuart, Elizabeth Lillian M'Corkindale, Second Class.—Eric Oswald Hercus, William Andrew Alexander. Third Class.—Georgo Brownlie Isdalo, Ernest James Hcaley. James Garfield Stewart, Henrietta Woodhouso. —Geology.— First Class.—Georgo Brownlie led ale. Second Class.—Eric Oswald Hercus, James Garfield'Stewart, William Alexander Stuart, Ernest James Healey. Third (.'lass.—Elizabeth Gillian M'Corkindale, Alexander Mil lei- Mosley, Henry Parkinson, Henrietta Woodhouse. —Senior Geology.— First Class.—Montaguo Ongley. Second Class.—Leonard John Wild. —Petrography.— First Claas.—Montague Onglev, Leonard John Wild. •—Mineralogy.— First Class.—Leonard John Wild. Second Class. —Montaguo Ongley. —Jurisprudence. Second Class.—John Norman Millard. Third Class (in order of merit). —William Arthur Curzon-Siggers, Andrew Hamilton, Ronald Bums Bannerman, Harold Frederic Monson. —Conflict of Laws.— First Class.—Charles Nunn Scurr, Spencer Gannon Smith. Second Class.—George Crichton Maltby. —lnternational Law.— Second Class.—Georgo Crichton Maltby, Spencer Gannon Smith, Charles Nunn Scurr. —Roman Law. — First Class. —Spencer Gannon Smith. Second Class. —Charles Nunn Scurr. Third Class.—Georgo Crichton Maltby, Cyril Henry Molloy. —Evidence.— Third Class.—John Tewsley Daweon, John Ira Fraser, Cecil Duff, James Robertson, Francis Spencer Brent, Ernest Williams M'Carter. —Procedure.— Second Class.—Cecil Duff, Magnus J. Lamach, John Ira Eraser. Third Class.—William Norton Chute Ellis, George Crichton Maltby, James Robertson, Francis Spencer Brent. —Property (Part 11.). Second Class.—Cecil Duff, James Robertson. Third Class. —William Norton Chute Ellis, Ernest Williams M'Carter, John Tewsley Dawson, John Ira Fraser, Francis Spencer Brent. —Torts.— First Claes.—John Houston. Second Class.—Gerald Aynier Hall, William Ailnntt, Henry Isaac Cohen, William Ferguson Forrester. Third Claw.—Georgo Ezra Lousley, Frederick Walker Horner, Theo. Walker, Harold Fisher Guy. —Contracts.— First Claf.s.—John Houston. Second Class.—Harold Fisher Guy. Third Class.—Gerald Aymer Hall, William Ferguson Forrester, Georgo Ezra Lorelcy, Octavius Ralph Featheiston Johnston. -Property (Part 1.). Second Class.—-John Houston. Third Class. —Wiliiam Ferguson Forrester, Francis Boyd Adams, Georgo Ezra Lousley, Frederick Walker Horner, William Allnutt. —Criminal Law.— First Class.—John Houston. Second Clear,.—William Allnutt, Henry Isaac Cohen, Gerald Aymer Hall, Frederick Walker Horner, Harold Eishrv Guy. Third Class.—George Ezra Lousley, William Ferguson Forrester, —Constitutional History and Law.--Second Class.—\V. A. Curzuu-.^'gycni,

John Thomas Walter, Thomas Holmes Nhrbet, Austin E. Scantlebury. Third Class.—Harold Douglas Tait, Joseph Speight M'Grath, Eric Mountjoy Bumard. Stanley Clnrk Millar, Jamea Aubrey Moyle. —Senior Anatomy.— Second Class.—William Sowcrby, Roger Buddie, Leslie Alan Spedding. Third Class.—James Garfield Mitchell and Gordon Napier MacDinrmid (equal), Kenneth Isaac Woodward and Cyril Victor Atmore Baigcnt (equal), Douglas George Matheaon, David Livingstone Sinclair and Oswald Jamofl Roid (equal), Irwin Erio Faris, John Stuart Dockrill and Peter George Schumacher (equal), Thomas Harold Pottit and Alexander Mciklojohn Trotter (equal) —Junior Anatomy.— Second Class.—William Watt, Kenneth Edwin Tapper, Rutherford Nichol and Daniel Frank Myers (equal), Philip Blaxland Benharn and Jamea Ayson Marshall (equal). Third Class.—Roland Arthur Hertslet Fulton, Douglas Gordon Macpherson, Hugh Short, Francu Oreti Mac Gibbon, Frederick Cameron, Ernest James Cooke, Samuel Llewellyn Serpell, Selwyn Langstaff Haslett, Herbert Leslie Gould and Archibald Joseph (equal). > . —Senior Physiology.— Second Class.—James Garfield Mitchell (prize), Irwin Eric Faris, Roger Buddie, William Sowerby, Oswald James Reirl. Third Class.—Kenneth Isaac Woodward, Cyril Victor Atmore Baigent and Leslie Alan Spedding (equal), Thomas Harold Pottit, John Albert Aingc. —Junior Physiology.— First Class.—Roland Arthur Hertslet Fulton (prize), Gordon Napier MocDiarmid. Second Class.—Rutherford Nicol, Daniel Frank Myers, Archibald Joseph and William Watt and John Stuart Dockrill (equal). Third Class.—James Ayson Marshall, Kenneth Edwin Tapper, Frederick Cameron, Philip Blaxland Bonham, Selwyn Langstaff Haslett, Samuel Llewellyn Serpell, Francis Oreti Mac Gibbon and Dougald George Matheson (equal), Douglas Gordon Macpherson and Hugh Short (equal), Ernest James Cooko, Herbert Leslie Gould. —Practical Physiology.— First Class.—Roland Arthur Hertslet Fulton (prize). Second Class.—Archibald Joseph, James Ayson Marshall, Gordon Napier MacDiarmid, Douglas Gordon Macpherson and Rutherford Nichol (equal), Ernest James Cooke, Selwyn Langstaff Haslett, Frederick Cameron, John Stuart Dockrill, Philip Blaxland Benharn, Kenneth Edwin Tapper. Third Class.—Francis Oreti Mac Gibbon, .Daniel Frank Myers, William Watt, Herbert Leslie Gould and Samuel Llewellyn i Serpell (equal), Hugh Short, Dougald j Gcorgs Matheson. —Practical Histology.— First Class.—Roland Arthur Hertslet Fulton (prize), James Ayson Marshall. Second Class. Ernest James Cooke ; Archibald Joseph, Selwyn Langstaff Haslett and Daniel Frank Myers and William Watt (equal), Philip Blaxland Benharn, Francis Oreti Mac Gibbon, Douglas Gordon Macpherson, Kenneth Edwin Tapper, Frederick Cameron and Herbert Leslie Gould (equal). Samuel Llewellyn Serpell. Third Class.—Hugh Short. —Senior Surgery.— First Class.—Wliliam P. Johnston, Patride A. Ardagh, William B. Wishart, Hugh L. Widdowson, Robert B. P. Monson. ! Second Class. —Catherine L. Will, Her- ' bert I) Robertson, Herbert O'Callaghan, I David E. Fenwick, Robert W. Edgar, John 1 E. K. Brown. ; Third Class.—Violet E. Field. Arthur 0. Evans, William A. P. Brookfield. —Junior Surgery.— Second Class.—Kenneth I. Woodward, William Sowerbv. Leslie" A. Spedding, Cyril V. A. Baigent Third Class.—Thomas H. Pettit. Joseph A. Ainge, Irwin E. Faris, James G. .Mitchell, Roger Buddie, Dougald G. Matheson. —Pathology and Bacteriology.— First Class. —T. Julian. P. P. J. Stewart, T. T. Thompson. T. C. Fraser, A. S. Moody, J. R. White. Second Class.—D. Whyle, W. C. M'Caw, J. G. Gow, E. A. Widdowson, L. J. Thompson. W. K. Robertson, W. IT, Thomas, W. F. Find lay. Third Class.—D. Gilmour, D. L. Sin clair. —Senior Medicine.— First Class.—Patrick Augustine Ardagh, William Philip Johnston, Robert Bernard Pearson Monson, Herbert Donald Robertson, Hugh Lawrence Widdowson, William Balfour Wishart. Second Class.—Catherine Louisa Will, Robert Walter Edgar, David Eardley Fenwick. Herbert O'Callaghan. Third Class.—Violet Eulina Field, Athol William Purnhas Brookfield, John Ebenezer Kelly Brown, Arthur Owen Evans. --Junior Medicine.— First Class. —ThadJeus Julian, Walter Sncdoon Robertson, Percy Peter James Stewart, James Renfrew White, David Whyte. Second Class.—William Farquhar Findlay, Thomas Campbell Fraser, John Graham Gow, Arhtur Stanley -Moody, Leslie Joseph Thompson, Thomas Trench Thompson. Third Class.—William Cuthbert M'Caw, William Howard Thomas, Eric Arthur Widdowson. —Medical Juri.; ' -. First Class.—Thonia.- i ..mpbell Fraser, John Graham Gow, Leslie Joseph Thompson, Thaddcus Julian. Second Class. —David Whyte, William Farquhar Findlay, James Renfrew White, Walter Sneddon Robertson, Percy Peter James Stewart, Arthur Stanley Moody. Third Class.—William Howard Thomas, William Cuthbert M'Caw, Thomas Trench Thompson, Eric Arthur Widdowson, Bertram Hnzelwood Gilmour. —Public Health.— First Class. —T. Julian (prize). Second Class.—T. C. Fraser, J. R. White, and D. Whyte (eifcial), T. T. Thomoson and E. A. W. Widdowson (equal), W. S. Robertson and P. P. J. Stewart (equal), J. G. Gow. Violet E. Field, A. S. Moody, W. H. Thomas, W. C. M'Caw, W. F. Findlay. Third Class.—L. J. Thompson, B. H. Gilmour. Dental Factjlty. —Chemistry.—lnorganic. Class lI.—A. Magill. —Organic.— Class lI.—A. Magill. —Physics (Lectures and Practical).— Pass.—A. Magill, H. Rattray, A. B. Spite. —Dental Anatomy.— Class lI.—A. Magill. —Anatomy.— Class lII.—H. Rattray, A. B. Spite, H. E. Suckling, J. M. Turner. —Physiology.— Class lI.—J. M. Turner. Class lII—A. B. Spite, H. E. Suckling. —Pathology.— Class 11.- -A. J. Hansen. Class lII—C. E. Hercus, W. S. Seed. —Surgery.— Class lII.—L. J. Potter, J. L. Saunders, J. M. Turner. —Medicine.— Class 111. —A. J. Hansen, C. E. Hercus, W. S. Seed. —Dental Metallurgy.— Class LTI.-J. M. Turner, H. E. Suckling. —Materia Medica.— Class 11.—. J. M.. Turner. Class lII.—J. L. Saunders, H. E. Suckling. —Dental Mechanics (Lectures). — Junior.—Class 1. : H. E. Suckling. Class IT. : A. Magill. Senior.—Class I. : J. M. Turner. Class 11. : A. J. Hansen, J. L. Saunders. Class HI.: L. J. Potter, A. B. Spite. Mechanical Dentistry (Practical). — Junior.—Class 11. •. 11. E. Suckliiiir. Class Ul.; A. Magill.

Senior.—Class I, t J. L. Saundors. Class 11. i L. J. Potter. —Clinical Dental Surgery.— Senior*.—o. E. Hercus, W. S. Seed, A. J. Hanson. , _ _ _ .. Juniors.—J. L. Saunders, L. J. Potter, J. M. Turner. A. B. Spite, H. Rattray. Post Graduate.—Elsie V. Wilson. —Clinical General Surgery.— A. J, Hansen, C. E. Hercus, W. B. Soodi —Dental Surgery (Lectures). — Class I—A. J. Haneen. Class IL—O. E. Hercus, W. S. Seed. —Orthodontia.— Class lI.—W. S. Seed, A. J. Hansen. Class lII.—O. E. Hercus. —Dental Pathology.— Class lI.—W. S. Seed, A. J. Hansen, C. E. Hercus. Mining (Junior). First Class.—Aubrey Evelyn Horn, Alex. Robert Rutherford, Thoa. Wyville Leonard Rutherford, Henry I/>vel, Hugh Crawford. —Applied Mechanics (Junior).— Second Class. —A. E. Horn, T. W. L. Rutherford, A. R. Rutherford. Third Class.—H. Crawford. —Geometrical Drawing.— First Class. —Noel Carlees. —Surveying (Junior). — First Class.—T. W. L. Rutherford, A. E. Horn, C. A. Wynn, W. A. Alexander, A. R. Rutherford, id. Crawford. Second Class.—Henry Lovell, Dc Hutton. —Surveying (Senior). — Second Class.—Ernest Gordon Wilson. Third Ciass.—Geo. M. Miller. —Practical Astronomy.— First Class.—E. G. Wilson. Tlurd Ciass.—G. M. Miller. —Assaying (First Course). — F : : Class—Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutj.a'Jord, Hugh Crawford. Second Class—Robt. Alexander Rutherford. —Metallurgy (First Course).— Second Class.—Hugh Crawford. —Blowpipe Analysis.— First Class.—Aubrey Evelyn Horn, Henry Lovell. Second (Hass. —Noel Catless, Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutherford, Hugh Crawford. ... Third Class.—Robert Alexander Rutherford. —Mechanical Drawing (First Course). First Class.— Noel Carless, Aubrey Evelyn Horn, Second Class.—Thomas Wyville Leonard Rutherford, Robert Alexander Rutherford. —Mechanical Drawing (Second Course). — Third Class.—Thomas Martin Miller. —Geology.— Third Class.—Ernest Gordon Wilson. /Egrotat Pass,—Noel Carless. —Mineralogy.— /Egrotat Pass.—Noel Carless. Scholarships. Macandrew (Political Economy).—o. C. Mazcngarb. Sir George Grey.—E. 0. Hercus (astronomy, pure mathematics, and mechanics). Beverly (Junior Physics).—H. Cyril Brent, Beverly (Advanced Physics). —Matthew Alexander. Prizes. Stuart (Mental Science). —John Alexander Colquhonu. Ulrich Memorial.—Leonard John Wild. Parker Memorial. —David Stuart Milne. James Clark.—Latin : Henry Whiteoak Slater. English: John Hilton Murdoch. Mental Science; Andrew Bain.

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Evening Star, Issue 14515, 5 November 1910, Page 13

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OTAGO UNIVERSITY Evening Star, Issue 14515, 5 November 1910, Page 13

OTAGO UNIVERSITY Evening Star, Issue 14515, 5 November 1910, Page 13