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:'i:^ait^ii;^.^ :^ji^fj^gj;^ Ttomsmp, «t 8. TO-NIGHT, at a ' !?&* Prßreiiiipent and - Inoompaiable . , west;s PicnmSli.■■;■....^ A .WSST *{O3THS!S. •'.. ; : GfiAND f OffiiJlGß OF'PBDGRAMMB: ; OF PROaRAMIJE. ■■> THE HOLIDAYKIBSORT . THE HQWDIy: BfigQßT > • • ■ •■•'".■ JPw .'. : , '-/'•"■■.' ' }W ■".'■■■'.■-■■; AMUSEMENT SEEKERS; AMUSEMENT SfiBKHRS. magniffoent orchestral rand. Magnificent orchestral band. Qui, Manner, A. M: MILLER, INSTAOTANEOHS wide-woKpd piottjees -; ■■ - ; A MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME. EVERY PIOTURB N«W. : ■ v . EVERY PICTURE A GEM.' Here are a few:— HARRY LAtJDBR IN A HURRY. HARR.Y; IxATJDRR IN A HURRY. "He's awfu^'gutf.'.' (Two" Exquisite "Examples of Color Cinematography.) ST. KILDA: ITS PEOPLE AND BIRDS. (A Pa* Excellence.) THE SAILOR'S DOGTHE WONDERFUL FERTILISER, (A M«*h-pK>volting_Pisfcure.) . PUT PA AMONGST THE GIRLS. , (Tins \s a Screamer.) Etc., Etc., . Specially" Augmented:-Orchestra. Circle and 0.5., 2s; Stalls, Is; Gallery, 6d. TOrNJGHT. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. TQ-NIGHT. Mr Edward Branscombe Presents the ! FAMOUS CHERNIATSRIS. Complete Change, of Programme, including 'KOL NH>REI.' , PRICES: 4s, 3s, 2s, and a Limited Number of Is SeatsNIGEL BROCK, Manager. ADA CROSSLBT. " Sweet singer of 'sweet songs."—Marie Corelli. *' Madame Crossley's noble voice, bo even throughout its range, so exquisite in quality at every point, so perfectly managed, glorified the music."—Melbourne ' Argus.' Direction....... son: DUNEDIN. ..J. a WILLIAMSON. POSITIVELY TWO CONCERTS ONLY, On SATURDAY and MONDAY NEXT, JANUARY 2 and 4. AfADAAfR ADA OROSSLEY, At the ienith of her world-wide: fame. Associated with Madame Crossley will be; M? JOHN HARRISON, "The foremost English Tenor of the day." Mr JAY RYAN, ' "The Distinguished Irish Baritone." Mr LEON SAMETINI, And .Mr PERCY (JRAINGER. Australia's Most Celebrated riaiiißfc ana Composer, wlio returns fresh from new Wunmks ' in the art centres of the OW "World. Accompanist.. ....Mr Harold Whittle". , BOX PLAN NOTIFICATION. The Box Plan will be Opened at the DRESDEN TO-MORROW MORNING. Tickets for the Unreserved Sections of the Garrison Hall will be on sale at the Dresden and at Jacobs's. PRICES: Reserved Seats, 10s 6d; Unreserved, 5s and 2s 6d. Manager, Mr HENRY BRAGY.

LOST AND FOUND. LOST.— Have the Two young Ladies in Pelicbet Bay forgotten to Return the i Leopards, Lady'a Umbrella. Finder I kTndbf leave same with Btation-master, Dun- . I edin. .' . r LOST (Xmas Eve), New Gold Brooch, be-: tween Braithwaite's and Octagon. Re- ! ward- on returning Feltbam, Manse street. ' OST (Saturday), Gold Sleeve-link; initials J SM. Reward retorting 69 Princes Btraet. 1 OST (Wednesday), Gold Ring (opals), Dun- i das Street Hall, or between hall and • St. Kilda; reward. Binnie, 181 George i street. I : OST, Gold Brooch (opal, stone, and J beetle), between George street, Ward street, and wharf; Hunter and I Etheridgc. - ' OST, small Gold Brooch, between Braitb—J wake's and Octagon; Xmas box. Re- I turn Feltbam and Clark, Manse street, I LOST, from stable (this morning), Bay I Horse; mane cut short; reward. Gee I Wee, Glen road, Mornmgtan, I ' OST, Canvas Bag (Thursday), containing J 2 Blankets, oq the Lower Portobello ( J road; reward. Please return Hinkley's ■ Store, Macandrews; or 102 Maitland street. { LOST (Sunday morning), between Maryhill terrace and English. Church, Gold Bangle and Brooch; reward. A. Morrison, Mornington. j OST, between Octagon and Frederick I .—i street, Lady'a Silver Watch. Return } W. Cunningham, butcher, King street; re-1 ward. ■ I OST, Gold Brooch, between ' Maclaggan I — i street ond His Majesty's Theatre (keep- I sake). Reward returning to Morris, photo. j New Winkers from Portobello Hotel I Stables, 19th (Show Day). Return same; set left will be forwarded to his address. Portobello Hotel. FOUND, Purse, containing money, December 22nd; owner can get same giving description. No. 1 Fox street, South Dunedin. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. N.Z.R. TUESDAY, 29th DECEMBER. Train will leave Lawrence for Waitahuna at 1.15 p.m., returning leaving Waitahuna at 1.50 p.m. The Train usually leaving Lawrence for Milton and Dunedin at 330 p.m. will not' leave till 5.5 p.m., Waitahuna 5.37 p.m., arriving Dunedin 10.5 p.m. This train connects at Clarksville with the evening train' to Clinton. , By Order. I TUESDAY, 29th DECEMBER. -ILTD3S* BAND AT BALCLUTHA. The Train usually leaving.Catlrns River for Balchttha at 2.20 p.m. will leave at 1.40 p.m., Owaka 2.0 p.m., Balclutha arrive 3.20 p.m. Train will leave Balclutha for Catlina River at 8.15 p.m. Train will leave Stirling for. Balchrtha at 7.22 p.m., returning leaving Balohitha at 11.0 p.m., connecting with trains from and to Eaitangata. By Order. N the Estate of DAVID EWART, of Dtm- — etfin, retired Shepherd, deceased.—All creditors and other persons having Claims against the above Estate are hereby required to send to the District Agent of the Public Trustee at Dunedin, on or before the 13th day of February, 1909, full particulars thereof in writing, with a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if i that in, default thereof they will be excluded from the distribution of the above estate | about to be made under section 47 of the ; above Act. All moneys payable to the above estate may be lodged to the oredit of the , Public Trustee's account at any postal money I order office, or paid to F. H. 'Morice, Esq., District Agent of the Public Trustee.—J. W. Offloe, Wellington, 17th December, 1908. j Board and Residence. BELVUE, 35 LOWER MATTLAND STREET. SUPERIOR PRIVATE BOARD AND ■ RESIDENCE. ! The above House commands a lovely view. I Has b " Offers a pleasant Home within the City for Visitors or Permanent Boarders. Vacancies (Single and Double Rooms). Handy to Post Office. Moderate Terms. CAMERON'S Imperial Private Hotel, v 228 ( Princes street: 50 bedrooms; every convenience; reasonable tariff; visitors or permanent. PRIVATE Board and Residence; term's moderate. 11 Clyde street (near Frederick street). ' Y Year, Furnished , Bed-gitting Room, with partial Brad; ! sunny, position Reared; no other Jboarderß; |;qwet -locality, "porker,?' • Star 5 Office.

EXCURSIONS. PORTOBELLO, BROAD BAY, AND WAY PORTS. FTIHE PENIN6ULA~ SHIPPING CO. •*• LTD. . NEWYEAR HOLIDAYS TIME-TABLE. STEAMERS "MATARIKI" AND "MOERANGI." TUESDAY, 29th, and WEDNESDAY, 30th. Moerangi will leave the Jetty street wharf, Dunedin, at 10 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 5.15 p.m.: Portobello, 7.30 a.m., 12.45 p.m., 4 p.m. (The Matariki will be laid up ou these days for cleaning and general overhaul.) THURSDAY, 31st. Matariki will leave Rattray street wharf Dunedin, at 10 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 5.15 p rn> Portobello at 7.30 a.m., 12.45 p.m., 4 p.m. Moerangi will leave Jetty street wharf, Dunedin, et 9 a.m., 6.30 p.m.; Portobello at 6,15 a.m., 5 p.m. A Special Trip will be made by either the Matariki or Moerangi at 10.30 p.m. NEW YEAR'S DAY. BRQAD BAY REGATTA. The Matariki will run Special Trips from Rattray .street wharf, Dunedin, *ud Broad Bay only, leaving Dunedin at 9.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 2 p.m., 5.15 p.m., 7.30 p.m.; leaving Broad Bay at 7.45 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 6.15 p.m.; and extra trips from Broad Bay if neoassary. The Moerangi will run between the Jetty street wharf, Dunedin, and Portobello, calling at all *.he way ports—Leaving Dunedin at 8 a.m.,-10.30 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 6.15 p.m., leaving Portobello at 6.15 a.m., 9.15 a.m., 12.45 p.m., 4.30 p.m.; and extra trips from Portobello if necessary. SATURDAY, 2ud JANUARY. Matariki will run between Rattray street wharf, Dunedin, and Portobello, calling at all the way ports—Leaving Bunedin at 10 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 6.15 p.m.; leaving Portobello at 7.30 a.m., 12.45 p.m., 5 p.m. Moerangi will leave the Jetty street wharf, Dunedin, at 1.30 p.m., 6.30 p.m.; Portobello at 6.15 a.m., 4 p.m. SUNDAY, 3rd JANUARY. Matariki will run between Rattray street wharf, Dunedin, and Portobello, calling at all the way ports—Leaving Dunedin at 10 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 6.15 p.m.; leaving Portobello at 7.45 a.m., 12.45 p.m., 5 p.m. Moerangi will leave Jetty street wharf, Dunedin, at 9 a.m., 6.30 p.m.; Portobello at 7.45 a.m., 6 p.m. MONDAY, 4th JANUARY. Matariki will leave Rattray street wharf, Dunedin, at 10 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 5.15 p.m.; Portobello at 7.30 a.m., 12.45 p.m., 4 p.m. Moerangi will leave Jetty street wharf, Dunedin, at 1.30 p.m., 6.30 p.m.; Portobello at 6.15 a.m., 5 p.m. PATRONISE THE BOAT THAT RUNS T±. REGULAR SERVICE ALL THE YEAR ROUND. THE MATARIKI IS AN IDEAL FERRY BOAT, ROOMY, COMFORTABLE, AND RELIABLE. FARES: 6d Single, Is Return. Please note that the Matariki leaves Dunedin from the Rattray street wharf, and tie Moerangi from the Jetty street wharf. DAILY EXCURSION SERVICE PROM HENLEY TO TAIERI MOUTH. S. WAIWERA, 8.55 a.m. and 9.5 a.m. • Extra Express Train. AMOS M'KEGG,-Henley. PUBLIC NOTICES. IWUSH ye weel!" A box of Hondai Lanka makes a splendid Christmas greeting. A substantial gift! INFLUENZA.— The best, quickest, and safest cure—Marshall's Mixtures, Nos. 1 and 2,' 3s. At Marshall's Pharmacy. are Middlemarch Sports, New Year's Day. No revoking; come along. j DUNEDIN HOSPITAL. A PPLIOATIONS are requested for POSIJ\. TION as LADY BOOKKEEPER, - Must be expert shorthand writer and typist. Salary at the rate of £65 per annum. Applications CLOSE at noon on TUESDAY, 29th inst. Apply, with testimonials, * HUGH MILLER, Secretary. ; REAL MONEY SAVERS 1 . You'll, be glad you saw this advertisement if you follow it up by a visit to " No. 43," We are dealing in popular lines and selling ' at popular prices, and the people's trade is coming our way! Be in time, and get ready for the holidays! Men's Tan Balmorals for 14s 6d. There you are! Beat that if you- can.! Premier Glace Kid Tan Balmorals, men's nobby style at 17s 6d. Specially Wide and Easy Pitting Chrome Balmorals, tbecaps and all the rest, for lis 6d a pair. For men who must have comfortable boots these are "0.K." Plenty of solid Chrome Balmorals in youths' sizes, with heel and toe plates at 10s 6d a pair. Good! NO. "43" GEORGE STREET. CENTRAL BOOT STORE. fMPI»OYMBNT. under this Heading wiJlI be found pi| the FIRST PAGE. < Clients will please Note that Advertise, meats intended for y»ga sautf Office : by Jl *.m. on the D«y of Issue, .

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Evening Star, Issue 13144, 28 December 1908, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 13144, 28 December 1908, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 13144, 28 December 1908, Page 5