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Mtto Advertisements* ‘ ;— tTT .vt dl STYLISH BEADY-TO-WEAR SUMMfR^HABMENTS^ EVERY LADY DESIROUS OP BEING FASHIONABLY DRESSEt) AT A MODERATE COST SHOULD SEE THE’ MANY BEAUTIFUL GARMENTS WE ARE NOW SHOWING FOR THE 1 * SEASON. r i READY-TO-WEAR WHITE MUSLIN DRESSES FROM 19s fid. . ' READY-TO-WEAR WASHABLE DRESSES, IN, SMART STRIPES OR CHECKS, PROM 15s 6d. STYLISH READY-TO-WEAR MUSLIN DRESSES, IN RICH FLORAL DESIGNS, AND BROIDERBD; LINED THROUGH, 49g 6d, WHITE MUSLIN SKIRTS TO WEAR WITH BLOUSES, DRESSY AND DURABLE, FROM 11s 6d; IN EVERY NEW STYLE AS WORN. NOTE.—GARMENTS ALTERED TO FIT WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE HERBERT, HAYNES, AND CO., LTD., LEADERS OP FASHION, DUNEDIN. WANTED. —Av« you going grey? If so, use “ Kolore’ , quickly restores hair t.i natural shades; bottles, ss. Sole agent for Australasia: Hendy, hair specialist, Dim-er-m. VV7"ANTED To Let,' Fumbhrd Rooms, 7 v viciu ty Howe street. “ Comfortable,” Albany Street Post Office. CJPRING and Summer Show.—H. E. Be Air- . D J . d S° 13 now showing soma startling Imei nv,’ B °uv?’ n dts, ,. G i oves » Lacea * Hosiery Unoerskirts. Overall Embroideries, flnoSwisi Embroideries, New Dress Materials, Summw WANTED.— Waltzing Championship Competitions, go;d medal, brooch. Basket Social, George School Ur.ll, November 6th; double tickets, 2s 6d; Driscoll’s c-rchc-stia; practice Mondays, Thursdays, Isaacs's dance, George street. f AIEBT Creations in Millinery, choice, p nothing extreme; Children’s dainty Millittery; Dressmaking under capable management. 06 George street. . ANI> . Stuart street, have a rl ”““ 01 v ' h “'“' »™ “< r ANTED To Lease or Rent, Seven or 7 7 Eight-roomed House, with conveniences; no agents. Address "N.A.8.,” ‘Star’ Cilice, Dunedin. rANTED“~ T> OBIN AND CO/s Renovating makes Ole ght. : : w ' sam - Tileir p rices art WANTED Known—Miss Melrose will Open Shop in Duncan street on Monday, 26tu inst., as a Laundry; all kinds work done; charges moderate; every satisfaction guaranteed. W j a V sl } of inspection; tria solicited. Robin and Co., Stuar streetjopposite St. Paul’s). WANTED, Boy or Improver for Blacksmith’s shop- Roberts and Sons, 288 King street. “T"J evenings; New ' is <Jie leading place for Wet ding Groups, Artistically-finished Photc graphs, and Moderate Prices. George stree WANTED Known—New Umbrellas and fciunabades, own manufacture. A, Reeves, St. Andrew street (off George street) V7STANTED, 2 Men capable of driving horse VV and dray. Apply 7.30 a.m. Monday, Allan Johnston, Kensington. WANTED.— Ladies' Own Hair supplemented, costing but a few shillings; mhancts one’s appearance; unapproachable any other personal adornments. For Cransformations, Toupees, Curls, Switches, or Semirings worked, lies and Poole are the leople. ANTED, at once, Two t Unfurnished . - Rooms (fireplaces in both rooms), laversham; all conveniences; no children. Vpply by letter, Miss Herbert, Industrial school, Caversham. WANTED, Policemen, Conductors, Motormen, Inspectors, Bandsmen, Lawyers, Doctors, Clergymen, Butchers, Painters, Blacksmiths use “ Star ” Cloth Cleanser. WANTED, Furniture, Tools; highest price. Sale: Horsehair Suite, Coun:ers, Duchesses, Scotch Chest, Brass Bedsteads, Cots. Isaacs, Castle street. WANTED. —Hairdressing, Is fid; Shampooing, 2s fid; Manicuring, Is; Face Massage, 2s fid; Hair Combings Made Up. Miss Clough. WANTED. —All Skin Eruptions, Sore Legs, Varicoee . Ulcers quickly cured with Red Cross Ointment. WANTED Lend, £5, £lO, £ls upwards, furniture, promissory notes; confidential; easy repayments. Butler, Gray, Manse street. WANTED. —Ladies’ Combings worked into Switches, Transformations, Fringes, etc.; best workmanship, lowest prices. Hendy, hair specialist. "pATTILLO,” the “Bridal Photographer, devotes great pains to people wl himf 61 03,1 * gooc ® photograph.” Ti TJATTTLLO, the Popular “Bridal Phot ~ gtapper ’; Beautiful Pictures on Love! Mounts; Cabinets front 14s dozen. fTtRY the People’s Tea Rooms, comer Pri X ces street, Moray place. Everythii to please patrons. TITHE Christ of the Cross’ in the light X Scripture; Will it Stand? Duned booksellers. JUST Published, Fifth Edition Mrs Mille Is Economic Technical Cookery 800 l all booksellers. Wholesale. Mills, Dick. TUST Arrived, large assortment love Dolls, brass or celluloid heads; washai faces; from fid. Miss C.ongb. TVfTISS CLOUGH, agent for Messen; L ° rsets ’ Abdominal Belts, Shoulc Straps, Suspenders. Telephone 1,877. ~DAKGAINS.—High-gradeTCycles at secoi x* grade pnoes; variety Second-ha Cycles from £2. M'Curioch. M° T °? C y cie > 3 h.p. P.N., in good w n i l0 “’ magneto spring forks; M Culloch. ’ Marine Engines, winners Bril KJ reliability trials; just landed, lal M’Culkich fee lgmtlons; write for catalog MOTOR Cycle, bargain; 5 h.p. twin i lea; almost new; magneto si forks; £SO. M’Culloch. 1 /’■'IYCLE Bargains.— Do not forget to jk get prices before purchasing elsew! M Culloch s, Seal, Stuart street. WANTED To Buy, Gents' Clothing: ani quantity; new or second-hand highest price; bona fide announcement M Benzie, Arcade. WANTED.— Latest Ribbon Eyelet and Silk Embroidery Work; Colored Huckaback for -r^tcoats; New Transfers. Miss Clough. rji' 10 Tailoresses.—Wanted, a Trouser and Vest Hand. Apply Wills, George street. VACANCY for Lady Boarders, vicinity Howe street. “Comfortable,” Albany Street Post Office. OWNER anxious to sell handsome, date 7-roomed Residence, Stt street, at your own price. Geerin, Hall £440 Splendid 5-ro ~ House; bath, hj. and c. wardrobes and bookcases; great bar Christie’s. ■lPkl , 7Pi~ Ssoi l t h ; C n d, penny section: Go< Ifj fapjily r House, six convenience, drained ,to sewer. Christie’s. £475 New 5-roomed up-1 date House, modem convenience: £3O deposit accepted. Christie’s. £225~ 6 - r °°— ® ouse S< O NE Girl Wanted. Apply A. and T. Burt, Limited. (jjl MART Boy Wanted; 15s to start. Apply A. and T. Burt, Limited. PLAIN Ironers Wanted. Apply M‘Fadden’s Laundry. 212 King street (opposite Museum). fTTWO Boys Wanted; 10s to start. Mills, X Dick, and Co., lithographers, printers, and manufacturing stationers. tion, handy to station; great bi gain. Christie’s. UPiyK —North end, on rise: Superior roomed House, every modern cc vonience; easy terms. Christie’s. PERSONS desirous of Building, it will p you to consult us; only small depo required. Christie’s, 206 Princes street. FOR SALE, good Pram, Cradle; no n sonable offer refused. “Pram,” ‘St* Office. Employment during-vacation. Address “W»” ‘ Star ’ Office. Respectable young Man (18) -wants Partner for “ private social,” 28th October. Reply “ Respectable,” Post Office, Dunedin. FOR SALE, Piano, nearly new. “ Pian 1 Star ’ Office. FOR SALE, Band Saw and Sand Dnu also Wanted, Platform Scales. Addr “ 8.5.,” ‘ Star ’ Office. ROOMS, comer Princes street and Moray place, under new management, will bo called the People’s Tea Rooms, VX7TIBRE Civility and Attention will be a v v distinguishing feature, combined with gcods of exceptional quality. FOR SALE, 4-roomed House (new), rise; seven minutes from George strei : bargain; £395. Huttons. TTSE a tablespoonful of Walker’s “1.X.L.” \J Fluid in the bath. Fresh, sweet, and invigorating. SALE (Roslyn), 8-roomed House, X and c., gas; almost new: must sold; £675; terms if required; £25 depo balance as rent. Huttons’ Agency, 49 Prin street. JTVHE Cash Cycle Depot. 95 George street. X —The best value cycle store in Dunedin. Compare prices. FOR SALE, Farms, Businesses, Boardi: houses in all parts of Dominion. H I tons’ Agency, 49 Princes street. GENT’S New Cycle (free wheel, backpedalling brake, Dunlop tyres, reversible bars), £8 10s. Cash Cycle Depot. FOE SALE (freehold), comfortable 5-rooii House; five minutes’ walk Post Off Particulars 109 Maitland street. ENTts- Massey-Harris; new tyres and VX tubes, Eadie hub, enamelled, plated, equal to new; £6 10s. Cash Cycle Depot. LADY'S New Cycle; a- rare bargain; Eadie bub, Dunlop tyres; beautiful finish; £9 10s. Cash Cycle Depot. GENT’S Second-hand Cycle; re-enamelled, new saddle, brake, handle-bars; perfect order; £4 10s. Cash Cycle Depot. T N xEORNPROOF TYRES, extra heavy and X strong; suit hard rider, rough roads; 17s fid. Cash Cycle Depot. FOR SALE, One good, quiet Cow, seo calf, near profit. Apply R. M’Mul Frederick street. FOR SALE (St. Kilda and Anderson’s Bi Sections; cash or terms; no agei “ Bay,” ‘ Star ’ Office. YOU Want a Bargain.—Modem 7-ro< Residence, large section, sewer-dra; Stafford street. Geerin, Hally. £25 Deposit—4 Rooms (scullery, I room, modem; good sed N.E. Valley; balance easy rent. Butler Gray, Manse street. fTVYEES, Tyres, Tyres, usual price 10s fid— X now 7s fid; call at once. Cash Cycle Depot, 95 George street. j£?OA—2 Sections, N.E. Valley, read build; handy tram; real bai Butler, Gray, Manse street. INNER Tubes, guaranteed worth 6s fid—now selling for 4s. Only at the Cash Cycle Depot, George street. SADDLE Covers la fid, Luggage Carriers Is fid, Front Brakes 3s 9d, good Pedals 4s fid. Cash Cycle Depot. LOOK at my window and see Cycles Eadie hubs from £8 10s; absol i best value Dunedin. F. Barnett, Soul i Cycle Depot, South Dunedin. nrfflE Cash Cycle Depot, 95 George street.— X Best Value Cycle Shop in Dunedin for Cycles and Accessories. MONEY To Lend, Householders ai sons permanently employed re< financial assistance. Goodsir, Kens Crossing, South Dunedin. tOR SOLD Out—Bankrupt Stock Cycles; have decided reduce Matchless Bikes £s,i to meet demand. FOB SALE, bargaiu, 5-roomed (scullery, bathroom, with basin); house (built-in copper and tubs); larj garden. Apply Mowat’s Store, N.E. 1 7VTATCHLESS Ladies’ Bikes reduced from -*TX £l4 to £lO 10»; one month only; guaranteed 3 years. FOR SALE (Lower Eaikorai), 1 Acre, roomed House (copper, tubs); runs. “ Cheap,” fStar’ Office. ATCHLESS Gents’ Bikes, were £l3, now £10; free wheels; Eadie coasters. Cooke, Howliaon, and Co. FOR SALE (Littleboume), attraction roomed House; vinery, garden, Apply 27 Littlebourhe road. CHEAP Bikes, one month only, at less than wholesale prices; great bargains; absolutely high grade. FOE SALE, cheap, New Kauri Ward with mirror door (2 drawers); 7fl D READNAUGHT Tyres, 21s fid; guaranteed 15 months; wear 3 years; pure mottled Para tubber; samples posted free. x 4ft x 18in deep.. 13 Richardson street Kilda. F "THEAP Bikes, Thoraproof Tyres, Drsadnaught Tyres. Armstrong 3-speed Hults. Cvote, GowSson, Princes and King streets. “ | F you haven’t tried it, why haven’t you?” X “ Hondai Lanka” Tea pleases particular people. Just try it! OR SALE, Cyphers Incubator (60 egg) good order; 20s; good doors, sashes, anc frames. 4 panover street. and FOB SALE, 6-roomed Cottage, i-acre: gar••’ton; stable; fowl tun. 15 Ross street, Rorlyn. HIGH-CLASS Groceries at Lowest Adverticcl Prices. Comris’s Victoria Stores, Great King street north. "CIOR SALE. Phonograph; Records EsX changed, 3d each; line selection. Pol--1 lock’s Exchange (tobacconist), 154 George ■ street, Duaedm. £*Y ft ft —Wanted Known: W. Cuttle, South Dunedin, Cash Buyer oi Furniture and Sundries, any quantity. I i?QQK— Bargain: South Dunedin—Freej hold and well-built Cottage; i u L-.i.. Bryant, I bath, tubs, copper, patent w.c ’ agent, TTVRY London House for Blouses, Skirts, X and Cheap Millinery; aQ up to date; lowest prices. M. Todd. SAND F. Chicken Food makes healthy • Chickens; Is per bag. Skene and Fleming, Stuart street. JP"| Aft to £SOO To Lend on Mortgage; inwXUU terest 5, per cent, per annum. Bryant, Dowling street. JJBV ; GORDON COLEMAN, _ Mas: ORDERS Booked for Daffodils and Narcissi; see our windows for display doily. Skeno and Fleming, .Stuart street. Magnetic Healer, Medical Electric marriages solemnised ; hours, 10-9. 15 SI street. : ' PHILLIP YICK FUNG Purchased J. Wong Lee’s Laundry Business; shop in Albany street; all work done nicely.

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Evening Star, Issue 13090, 24 October 1908, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 13090, 24 October 1908, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 13090, 24 October 1908, Page 7