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high water to-morrow Taiaroa Heart ; 5.55 a.m., 6.21 p.m. Port Chalmers : 6.55 a.m., 7.1 p.m. Dunedin ; 7.20 a.m., 7.46 p.m. ARRlVED.—December 8. Zealandia, s.s., 1,755. tons, EnlwisUe, from Sydney via Auckland and East j (,a: 't ports. Passengers ; Mosdames Hu-hcs, Burton, MMntyre. Aik in?on and t’.vo Rogers, Spry unci son. ft'inn, blisses Findlay, M, Natron. K. Xarron. JLcmsley, INlcssrs Jlarv<*y. Hrid^reln:vn; (P l)t'i(lt;cMiiaii, 11. lloinuas, ,1. M ‘Kldownc-y, .T. ' (,'. Anderson, 11. K. |,,,ak1, . v ? JF Baker. .M’Nliduu'l. ¥. Burton, J. Thompson, and Colonel Hume Shanks. s.s., 186 tons. Wood, from Lyttelton. Rakiura, s.s.. Cl lons, .Marks, from the South. 5 A Hi ED.—December 7. Invercargill, s.s., J23 tons. Gillies, for Waikawa. Rio Logo, anx. schooner, 241 tons. .Spence, for .Mannkan. Dcoemlver 8. A lamina, t.s.s.. 5,952 tons, Gibb, for Melbourne via the Bluff. : Tor the Bhilf —.Messrs Frank!, Marshall, lor Holiarl— Mesdames Kingstone., Mezzer, Messrs .Bedouin, Me/.zer. For Mel-bourne--Misses Stanes. Marshall, Cornwall. Davidson, Crown, .low, Rvan, Airs Darcy and infant, .Messrs Darcy, Thomas, Marshall, Shelmerdine, Preen; fifteen steerage. Comma, s.s,, 812 tons, Cameron, for Onchungn ria way ports. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. —Coastal.— Mnn.nv.’i, from Auckland. Poe. 12. - —Tnterrnlonial. - \\ from MellHmrne. I )ec, 10. Alanenn, from PvriTU'V \ ill Wl'lliirton, .1 lor. 14. Vohoia. From Svdncv v:.-> Auckland, Deccmher 15. -Oversea. Steam. Lord Naiilev from Pew York; due Dec. 12. El vast on, left. New York Nov. 2. Dehdiic. let! Liverpool Oct. 6. Cornwall, trom Liverpool : due Dec. 25. _ Fo.ivmna. irnm P’cvv York: now at Northern ports. Kuinara, from London : dim Dec. 25. I’iie.shire, trom Liverpool, due Dee. 26. Kaipara. from London, to sail Dee. 4; due Jen. 21. Hawke s Lay. from Xew York: due •T.',n. 14. Orari, le;t West of England Nov. 30. Mnihora. trom Calcutta, sailed Dec. 3. —Oversea, bail.— C.cni, left I loa Sopt. 4. from Man;r:iik\s, to sad. l.Mvormiiy. 1 Urverpool o<jL. 20. vr.ojr.rTKP DII’ARTLTIEa. ZeaJamn.a, for Sydney via Auckland, Dm. 10. Vi itumera. for Hvdnev via Cook Strait, i>y. 11. ‘ ' Monowai. for Auckland, Dec. 15, Maneno. lor Alelbounie. Dec:. 15. In port noon to-day :-—At Dunedin : Zealandia. Storm, Rakiura (steam), .Formosa. Irene. U araiah, Lellflower ( At* Pori Ciialmers ; Kaikonva, Talune, Tara-wera (steaju). ialiiue, s.s., leaves Fort Chalmers tomorrow at daylight tor .Newcastle direct to load coal. , Gape .Maria Van Diemen reports that tnc JvoULatii. from cart, jjassod south at. D.40 yesterday, bound Tor Wt’Slporl. A UUltl-of-U'lUy from west, passed eaai at 1.40 (bis morning. Coriima, s.s., left .Dunedin yesterdnv evening tor Onchunga via way ports. Marama, s.s., sailed last evening for Alelhourno via the Bluff and Hobart.. Rakiura, s.s., from the South, readied .Dunedin yesterday forenoon. Rio Loop, auxiliary .schooner, sailed on Saturday afternoon for Manukau. She has been enraged for the Kaipara-Dun-edm trade for the next twelve months. After discharging at Mannkan she proi e.ed.s to K;upara to load timber lor Dunedin. Zealandia, s.s.. from Sydney via Auchl.uKi, reached itunedin at 7,i0 a.m. yesterday. Fine wcatherfi smooth seas, and variable winds prevailed along- the toast, eh.- Iravns 10-morroT n ftomoon on (he rcDim trip, SAILORS' PROVISIONS. THE OLD HCALE AND THE NEW. Great Britain after mnch rousing has wakened up, and in the broad daylight of modern progress is learning, or unlearning. ,i Inf,. ITjis is f.ruo in Jittlc jib in Jatsfe things. The “powers that be’’ have disco', ©red that tin; men ot the mercantile marinelike the landsmen they serve, have discriminative palatre, r J he miserable scale of s:dlors’ provisions on all British foreign-going chipo has been altered, and, what is of more, importance to .seamen, has . Cll unproved. Hitherto th© occan-roara-incr Xlritu-rix sai]or Kae bocn a. kind ot Tshraanl of the sen. His food was iiu mcgifiiLraXii y y.oorc-r t-Ha_n tAixtt. tJrrown to the <lo<D of the v,j H e lncn IV | lO f nmiC( ] n j I= ,. gn.rr] scnle of j-aiJors’ provisions. 'fii- ltonno.-vi, barque, from Liverpool, and now at Dunedin._ is. in all pio-b.iilitv, the first British foreign-going uhip Ixrujid for Xew Zealand that would be provisioned under the terms of the new Ad. (t will he of in ter tin to submit, the, old and the new scales of provisions. Here is the old scale, which was iavariahi_\ inserted m ah articles of agreement prior to dune 1 of this vear;—Fair Dei (per week), 41b; saH. poik. 5Rb; biscuits, 7d> ; Jlour, IRb ;_spiit p-;:s. Mb; rice. Rh; tea, t,07,; c/dioe, c>Nv/, ; sugar (brown). 14oz. A fare “to set before a king’ ! Sailors call.d it 1 he “ pound and pint” scale, I bough it was not a .statutory enjictmcnt, custom made this scat- tti-• basis of agreeHient ;ifi to tho miuimuia a mount-of rations T *" ,> -'hippii!:: minnarrii> as a mb', you may he sure, '..'- ■■-I• r-aeniy uiil.y o£ .’err-, 3 -e(,n"the minimum. A few, liowi ver, includin'.” nitn ro«i«torc<l name it "Vitli New ZiaiUmd. alwavr,- treated tlidr ships’ crew.! more liberally. These were the <>x-c-ntioris, and ]>roh;>bly did not lose by their Id.-erdity. A!y-f<“d man is ger.eraiiy a ‘.ill.icai verkman, I hi re arc fellow's, ol 'Oiuae, y, 1,0 a.lwayo want to lie down for a wnih- offer a. hearty rneid. I’itov nn 1 not men. D-t look at tlm riv scale, which earne into foo ■ on all Rrili.-h foieign-going ships after .Ic.m 1 of this year. ft forms i f >n! j Hi;* r\ in ir. i ii 11, in nf ;i‘Tci‘rnci)t untlcr y ip Merciiam Shipping Amendment Act.. 1906. In special circmji.stances oqoivjucnto for son;?* of lit.' itr-nis may lx* subrlituted. In Inc tropics, for instance, I Rb of preserved moat, n r 51h of fresh meat, may take the place of 2ih salt pork. ! hj" new scale of jii'nv'saon .■ j,er wwk is :1 '■ Jodows ; —Soil bre id. olb : biscuits, 4il>: : :■ ■* h'Cnf. Dll ; salt poiI;, ?,lb ; preserve?! m- a.l, 2,1 lb : till, -“lb; potatoes, 61b: dried oc ('omprcAcd vegetables, -Jib; split peas, s pint: gr*x*n pt-ae. Mb; haricot beans, 1 pint: Hour. 2!b: rice. -^lh: oatmeal, Mb; tea, J tor, ; colTce, .(lb; sugar, IMb: condensed milk, Mb; butter. ),!)>; jam. lib; '■ynip or treacle. j!l>; suet. 4oz ; pickles, ' pird; lino nail. 2oz; dried fruit. snz ; lewAan;, pepD'r, .!/>/.; curry powder. .Dig ; a.m] onions, 3oz: water. 28 rpiarts. A formidable and fancy list! If is an improvement, however, on the old scale. There are certain days for certain “delicacies.” Or <• pound of soft bread is given on .Sunuey.t. Tn&sdays. and Thursdays days in the vernacular of the fo’c’s’le. 7 he oatmeal makes Tuesdays and Saturdays porridge day:-;. Salt beef in set down for I iie.cflayn and Pridays. d'hc man whoso principles call for fish on Fridays will probably bo able to content himself on his |!b piece. The Act does not specify whether be can hold over his salt beef for another da... Perhaps when there are so manv b.rxurieo to choose from he will let the “junk” go by the hoard,” and small loss t(«. With nice consideration for the seamen’s nerves Dio authorities have only increased the tea allowance from goz to l|oz. But he gets condensed milk in it now. and that L something not to be smeared at. Space

{nrhuis further comparativo analysis, but' readers will be able to imaginatively concoct some appetising meals to their own liking. All in all. the new scale does not seem worthy of the fulsome praise lavished upon it at Home, even though it is a distinct improvement. Then there is another enactment in hand for the benefit of oversea sailors. After Tunc 1, 1908, ships will be compelled to carry certificate,! conks. This is a arise law. It would need a certificated, a firstclass certificated, cook to prepare an encouraging bill of fare each day out of the ingredients statutorily supplied. What a time is in store for XJritiirh penmen ! N’EW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. --Approximate TimcAablfi.-- _ Tongariro, now at Timam, leaves Wellington December 19. I'urakina leaves Lyttelton for London December 21. \Vhakatane. now at (he Bluff, leaves Fort. Chalmers for London December 24. Grown of Galicia, duo at Auckland Dece.mber 19: leaves Wellington for Loudon January 10. Faparoa left, London November 4; due at Wellington Ueecmlier 22; leaves Wellington again January 16. Opawa, now at Ficlon, loaves Dominion in January. Kaikoura, at Fort Chalmers; date of sailing not decided. Kaipara left, London November 2; dno Auckland December 22. Waimate, from Newcastle; dun in New Zealand January 1. I’aiianui left London November 30r duo Wellington •lamnry 21 : sails again February 15. Orari left, London December 4; due at Dunedin January 22. Ruapehu leaves London December 28; due Wellington February 12; leaves again Miirr-b. 12. Kak.-n.-i Ifavrs Lomlon Jnnnarv 4; rhin Auckland FeltriKiry 117. Ayrshire, frum lirishu ne. due'W’ellTn^tnn lit! fell !A .Rirnntaka Uvives London January 25; due Wellington Maivli 11 ; leaves again April 9. Wakanui leaves I.nndon Eehrnarv 4; due Dunedin Maivh 26. Tongariro leaves London Eehrnarv 22: due Wellington April 8; sails again Mav I. Whakatane Daves London March 4: due Auckland April 27. DTFASTROrS COLLISION. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright RIO OK .JANEIRO, December 7. Tbs coasting steamer Gnasco collided with another vessel off the Faranhyta River and sank. 'Fhirty persons were drowned. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. ,-\.C. CKLAXD. Deccmbo.r B. —Pectus, H.M.s,, from fliehormv- .Miiitnka/ from the bouth.—Btnr of .Japan, for the south. —Komata. for Westport. SYDNEA*. December 8.- Olivia, from Kaipara.—.Midnight, -Maheno, for Wellington. NEWCASTLE. December B.—Senorita, for Dunedin. MELBOURNE, December B.—Morraki, from the Fluff. (For continuation see Late Shipping.)

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Evening Star, Issue 12819, 9 December 1907, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 12819, 9 December 1907, Page 6

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 12819, 9 December 1907, Page 6