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The, four stowaways who were convicted and received a month’s imprisonment at I’ort Oliahncrs have been released. Three were liberated by the Patients and Prisoners’ Aid Society, and one by Father Coffey. Wo are pleased to learn that the three taken out by the society are ut work in good situations. Contrary to expectation, the exhibition of the interesting relics of the wrecked barque Dimdouald did not gain noteworthy linonciiil i-esulta. .Aftor deducting expenfies the proceeds at- the fienicc of the distressed miU'lllers Will only bo n little over 4420. The Society for the Promotion of the Health of Women a-nd Children intendol to open the Kai-itano Homo, which is situated at Shiel Hill, Anderson Bay, on Wednesday. That- day. however, did not fit in with tho arrangements of the Hon. J. A. Millar, who is to preside at the ceremony, so a postponement has been made, till Friday, Those interested in tho work are invited to attend. Among the minor portfolios hold by the Hon. J. A. Millar is that of Minister in Charge of the Government Printing Otiice. Until this rear no increases in wages had been made to tho employees for some considerable time. On t.fiis year's fffipplpinoiibry Estimates provision was made for increases of pay throughout- all branches of tho eatiibliehmont. Of late years the awards of tho Arbitration Court in the printing trade ’have been in the direction of raising wages, and Government employees in this trade have now been placed more on a, footing with those outside who participate in the benefits of the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Count, whoso scope does not include employees in the Government Printing Office. The Government have approved of a vote of £450 for new police station at Owaka. Tho cadet firing competition for the prizes oJl'orod h.y the N Jivy Wo -will take place on Wednesday and Thursday next. No further steps have been taken respecting the proposed military tournament on Boxing Day, and from what can be learned it ;s likely to be abandoned. Last week wo stated that nothing had been done in regard to the amalgamation of the Dunedin Athenamm with the Free Public Library. The Mayor to-day forwarded a letter to the Committee of the Dunedin Athenamm and Mechanics’ Institute asking that a conference be arran.gnrl between that bodv and the Com-mit-tcc of the City Council set up to drill Wltll tile ll X'ee Public Library f i uo.-lion. The matters for consideration are the dissolving ot Hie Athemcuni and a- scheme for amalgamation, the question of taking over the present Athemcum staff, and further tho representation of its subscribers on the board of management in the event of amalgamation being agreed to. . The Public Works Department is now furnishing tho offices of the new Mobilisation Stores near the railway station, and the present offices of the Defence Department in tho Garrison Hall will be removed them early next year. A gang of fifteen navvies will be dospa,tchod from here on Wednesday for work on the Ot-iru- Gorge portion of the Altclla.nd The number of applicants do not exceed twenty. The iron railing which lias been erected in front ol the Carnegie Free Public Library gives the building a better appearance. The decorative work inside has received special attention, and is a credit to'the dccorators.On Wednesday-, Thursday, and Friday of last week large numbers of black swan were seen in Blueskin Bay, Waitati. 't he special Committee of the City Conn, cil appointed to go into the question of public baths and a constructor combined have not held another meeting since instructing the city engineer to prepare plans and specifications of the same. No definite action is likely to be taken until after the New Year holidays. The weekly err-ain unction sales were aiwtiling but a scone of animation to-d;iv. Things wore prottv mud, «. standstill, very little shipping hUSIUCSS firing t j o lll\ illlil tins ill a 1 aryo measure is accounted the factor in causing such a weak market, ’there was practically no local business to absorb the amount'of large holdings in stores. Wheat, oats, and chaff all suffered a decline, these products showing a fall of 6d a bushel since tho high prices were ruling son'io three weeks ago. Mound table potatoes were sold at- 27« per ton, and inferior lots could not find buyers as low as 15s and 16s per ton. According to his statement in the Magistrate’s Court this morning it would seem that Mr Ben. Rudd, of Flagstaff, has reason to be very angry about the unauthorised visits of picnickers. Trespassers, said Mr Rudd, averaged one hundred a week, and in one year he had counted 16,000 people trespassing on his property. He had intended to rear native birds, native trees, and game on bus but trespassers had defeated bis objects. A special meeting of the City Council will he held to-morrow afternoon to fix the polling booth for the vote to be taken on the 18th inst. in respect to the widening of King Edward street, South Dunedin. A Lionel lerry story is going the rounds m one of the up-country districts. Tho local constable had spent the dav ridiim round the district in the hope of gettinS some nows concerning the escapee from Sea° cliff. Towards nightfall lie heard that a strange man, tall, and of powerful build, and a mighty pedestrian, had been seen earlier in the evening at a certain place, near some scrub. Thither the constable repaired on horseback with all possible speed. In the darkness he fancied he caw the- prone figure of a man. secreted in tho undergrowth. Loudly he called, to him to come - forth ; but there wad no response. How was he to capture, single-handed, the supposed Lionel—a man of reputedly great strength and endurance and a clever boxer —-while he (the constable) was hampered with tho charge of a restless horse? Like a- flash, an idea struck him. He would make a daeh on horseback at the object planted In the scrub, and trust to luck in disabling him and effecting an easy capture. Digging his spurn into tho horse's sides, he accordingly made a desperate dash, yelling loudly at the same time. True enough, he knocked over something—but not the man ho was after. It was a quadruped—a Yearling calf, which was at once on its -i&i

Messrs a. Thomson and J, Watson/ J.P.S. Sitting at tile Port dialme rs Court I this forenoon, granted a prohibition order against a man on the application of his 1 married daughter. A first offender for drunkenness was convicted and discharged. Mr R. Richardaoi), of the Acclimatisation Society, expressed considerable surprise at their last meeting that the gangers were not allowed to carry a rod. The rod, ho Wrought, .acted as a disguise. The chairman (Mr R Chisholm) replied that had the rangers judiciously exercised their privilege no exception would have been taken. The privilege was now taken from them on account of complaints from, anglers, who said that the rangers had unlimited time at their disposal in which to fish. At eleven o’clock yesterday morning the C'ty Brigade turned out hi answer to an alarm given by the apparatus in Messrs Briscoe and Co.'s premises, Crawford street. There was no sign of fire on the premises, and it is thought that’ the heat of the sun caused the alarm. Tire brigade again turned out at twelve o’clock to a chimney fire at the residence of Mrs Dempster, Moray place. Charlie Yung, a Chinese greengrocer, carrying on business in St. Andrew street, was admitted to the hospital on Saturday ri'ght, suffering from injuries to his left side. Yung states that throe young men went into his shop-on Saturday night and asked for cigarettes. They wished him to book the cigarettes. He refused to supply them, and one of tire men made to go round the counter. Yung tried to put them cut, when one of tire men picked up a 71b weight and threw it at him, striking him on tire loft side. Yung has been examined by a doctor, who states that there is nothing seriously the matter with him. At one stage of tiro session recently ended an epidemic known as “ deputationitis” invaded the Parliamentary Buildings at Wellington. As Minister of Customs in charge cf a Tariff Bill the Hon. J. A. Millar was one of the principal victims. The number of deputations he received was phenomenal. Locally the malady, which usually breaks out during the visit of a. Minister of the Crown, seems to have become less virulent. Mr Millar was not called on 1o receive any deputations this morning, and was able to give his time to departmental business and to seeing some of his prominent supporters in his constituency. To-night, however, he is to receive a deputation from the Seamen's Union; but this interview is likely to bo of a private nature. Mr ci-osby Morris, chairman of the Dunedin Woolhrokers* Association, "wishes to contradict the statement published last week that there is n, probability of the first local wool solo of the season tailing through. A good deal of wool is coming forward, and the sale will take place on the 19th inst., as arranged. The Association have had quite a number of anxious inquiries from farmers and from wool buyers, expressing disappointment at the rumors that the fixture might be “off.’’ The chairman states that he expects a full muster of buyers on the 19th inst. Those who dwell in that part of Mornington tapped by Elgin road will no longer havo to plod their weary "way bomew.'ixd. The new cable for this extension line has arrived, an-cl is beixrg phtoed in position. It ia upcctul that 1 Jig cam, aiLcr a. Test of nearly two months, will begin running some Lime to-morrow. This afternoon the Hon. J. A. Millar in company with the Hon. J. R. Kinclan- (chairman of the Otago High (Schools Board of Governors), paid a visit to the Otago Girls' High School. Alter going carefully through the whole of the buildings, Mr Millar quite concurred with the opinion given by experts that tliey are quite done, and that it would bo sheer waste’ of money to attempt further Ho recognised tiia-t- there is nothing for it but a now building, This lx the cojiolc&ion to wbicit tho Hnn (; _ Fowlds, Minister of Education, also Olinc alter inspecting the school some little tilllo bade. It will be remembered that Mr Userier, of the Piib'ic. Works Department, in reporting to Wellington on the state of the'lniildings. practically condemned them, and advised that m more money be spent ou the old structure. To frame pictures nicely taste is required in selecting the frames. Now, we possess this attribute, and we have the mouldings. Give us the opportunity to advise you. Largo quantities of pictures, antique frames, framed bevelled mirrors (ova,l or square), suitable for Christmas gifts, in stock. Smith and Smith Lid., Octagon,—£Advfc.J ’ In this issue will be found the aggregate balance-sheet of the Bank of New South Wales, a 3 at 30th September last, A dividend is paid at the rate of 16 per cent, per annum, and £30,000 is added to the reserve fund. Elizabeth and Co., milliners. No. 3 Princes street.—Special show of summer hats, now veils, gloves, etc. Ladies’ bonnets a spedalty.—[Advt.] Eire! Eire! Great salvage sale 17,000 Lae high-class wall papers and friezes. Wren’s, Wren’s, Wren’s.—[Advt.] The directors of the Bank of New Zealand have declared a dividend of 3s 4d per share, which is now payable. The “pencil portrait,” the latest novelty in pbotogra.pi»y, is <m -view in vestibule at Mdrris’s Photo Studio, Princes street. Those pictures are Peaatifully delicate, like silver. point etching, and are really penal drawings, combined with such careful photography th*t the likeness is kept in a remarkable degree.— [Advt.] Mr Rose (from India) will give a missionary address in Gospel Hall this evening. Ladies, all Miss Helena Rubinstein’s Yaiaze Skin and Toilet Preparations are sold by Wilkinson and Son, chemists.—[Advt.l A notice to members of Hand and Heart Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.F., appears in our advertising columns. The “ Jeanian ” patent Infants’ Eood Warmer will save patents a lot of trouble and discomfort. Price, ss; see window. J. Waters, chemist, 20 Princes street.—[Advt ] Special shipment of Christmas goods just landed. Ladies’ lovely blouses, in muslin, sillt. and cambric: stylish ktxnonas; new silver-mount, umbrellas and aAshadcs; now Lul gloves, all colors, and pretty braid backs: noli motor scarves; real lacc tics; ami everyiking nev 7 and nairty for Clrristmtis requiremeats. At T. Ross’s, direct importer.—[Advt.] The Peninsula show will ho held at Portohcllo on Saturday next. Entries close at 2.45 p.m. on Wednesday. Air Hendy, hair specialist, invites ladies interested in artistic hairdressing to inspect now sliipments of toilet goods just to hand, including hair goods, fancy eombs, hair frames, transformations, switches, etc.; also cboico goods suitable for Christmas presents. Address: 104 Princes street.—[Advt.]

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Evening Star, Issue 12819, 9 December 1907, Page 4

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Untitled Evening Star, Issue 12819, 9 December 1907, Page 4

Untitled Evening Star, Issue 12819, 9 December 1907, Page 4