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Lato Ady^rtlsem^nt:^ JUST ARRIVED. • 101b Honey- flastof season). Section Honey (best on mariceb), }od section. .IhubftTW W l*Pg« buajb,. 12 and 18 Taluk Oranges for Is. 30 sweet Sydney Oranges ftp Is. 30 sweet MatufikiP 6 for Is. 18 prince Lemons for Is. Olb.Eatmg Apples for Is., Verry fine Pines from 4d 'each. Cucumbers, Japanese Peanut#, WaJmrU. Freeh Swedes, 2s sack; Carrots, 241b Is; Onions. 50 large cases Scribe Oranges, 5s case; small cases, 3s. GOODS DELIVERED. ESSEX'S FRUIT MARKET, 2 Rattray street, Dunedin. PAPBRHANQINGfi. Bankrupt Stock, latest design; high-class quality; Is piece, usual price 4e. Wren's, Wren's, Wrens, ' _ SPRING Cleaning.—Get your Suite Recovered from £3 in lovely tapestry, velvet, or saddlebags. Martina, Octagon.’ REPOLISHING you? old Furniture at your house works wonders; get'- low price Martins, Octagon. Experienced men. of Carpet ip grent variety, -IX for bedsides or hearths, from 2s fid each, Martina, Octagon. 'IT ATRIMONY.—Furnish Complete with IvJL us; grand style; save your money; get our low prices. Martins, Octagon. X INOLEIJMS and Floorcloths (huge stock, JLJ lovely designs) from 2s running yard; Remnants from 2a fid each. Martins, Octagon, OOpr Piano; Walnut Upright Grand; dwOt> cost £SO; rare chance; cash and easy terms. Martins, Octagon. OOQ 10s.—Iron Frame Overstrung German Piano: rare tone; spit cottage or palace. Martins’ Bargain Emporium, Octagon. ETHEL SMITH, communicate with her Mother; important. Anyone knowing her whereabouts communicate “Mother,” ' Star’ Office. CHEST "(5 drawers), Dressing Chest (bevelled mirror, 6 drawers, new); must be sold. 17 Clarendon street.

LRto Advertisements. QK-GUmBA handsome Now Piano; full OO compass, iron frame, trichord, patent check actiop, brilliant tope; capb reduction, or easy payments. Louis Holden, Octagon. \At ANTED.—-Ladies troubled with up? ▼ ▼ sightly hairs on lip or chin should consult..ifr Hepdy, Hair Specialist, who givpp all a4yi?e free 5 ppjpplete guaranteed, > W ’ANTED" To Sell, £IOO worth Furmtura for £OS. <f TanjU,” v ‘fttar ? „ Office. WANTED, Girl for confectionery works. G. Christensen, 120 King street. WANTED To Sell, Qo-cart, good order, cheap. Apply this evening, No. 3 Frances street, Kaikorai, ANTED To Buy, Gents' Suits, 'tailor. * ▼ made, new or second-hand; 15s to 40s; bona fide announcement; also Portmanteaus. etc. Write or ring \ip M'Kenzie, Arcade; telephone, I,OOP, 4W ANTED, smart Boy for shop ;■ pi . pepta of learning trade. T. Wright, painter, Moray place. >rosJ. Wf ANTED, refined young Lady as workn ing companion; able to sew. Particulars “ K.N.,” Box 27, Queenstown. WANTED, for country district, energetic Traveller. Apply, with references, to the Singer Manufacturing Company, Princes street-. . . i 'ANTED, an Unfurnished Loom by respectable Woman, working by day, with a child. “ Room,” ‘ Star' Office. WANTED, by young Lady, Window to show paper worked, or Agent to show samples; commission. Address “Samples,” G.P.O. WANTED, Parlormaid, General, Plain Cooks, Kitcbenmaids, 5 Ploughmen (255), Fencers (30s, board), Cowboy. Barratt, Bath street. • , good Shirt and Collar Mrs Fraser, 35 Athol place. WANTED, ▼ V Ironer. W J ANTED, Screw Cutting Lathe; about 5 or 6-inch centres ; state price, particulars, and where seen. “Mechanic,’’ ‘Star' Office. WANTED.— Ladies* Haircutting or Singeing. Is; Dressing for photos, etc., from Is; Shampooing, 2s 6d; Waving, Tinting, Face and Scalp Massage, Manicure, etc., •moderate charges; tirsUciasa artists only; Ai pointments booked. Hcndy. hairdresser.

THE PRETTIEST ItIBBON Ever shown in Dunedin. As Soft aa Chiffon, and very Brilliant. 6 inches wide. 50 Different Colors to Choose from. Regularly worth Is lid yard. Only 1/4 Yard. BROWN, EWING, AND CO., LTD.

TX7HITE Leghorn. Egga, 5s setting: guart V anteed good laying strain. J. Dickel, Barrfjeld, Monrjugton. I> 54 Melville street. HMiWßigww^«UUJ a n.».«M l MiMiliWH turning 10 per cent, net): City Freoirold (neax tiams). Bryant, agentjL"X>R SALE, Gent's Bike, good order. JL cheap. Apply R. Pbimsster, Ricamow! ireet, South Dunedin. ■ ate chance. Butler, agent. LmUIT-CONPECTIOJSiERY Business, Gitv : A takings, £2O weekly; low rent; £llO, real snip. Butler, 90 Princes street. 5 Booms, good position, Id section, all conveniences; deposit accepted; apply early.' Butler, 90 Princes street. FOR SALE, cheap, Station Waggon and Spring Cart, 26 Driver street, St. Hilda. FOR SALE (Frederick street), large Store; suitable for manufacturing business; sell cheap. Fea and Co., auctioneers. FOR SALE, Grand Piano (Collard and r Collard), in good order; must be sold; , £2O. Fea, auctioneer. TOR SALE, Nine Silver Wyandottes, in full lay, and one Cockerel (Howell's strain). 22 Grange streetOR SALE, 2ih.p. Motor Cycle, in good order; £25. Address "Petrol," 'Star' | Office. O/JKA £675.-2 6-roomed Houses, db\)*J\Jf Caversham; penny tram; magnificent view; £75 cash, balance instalment system. Christie's. I,Ji&»;AM..-«.,l.l.U..»WfffflßTfl i\J*J\J vinery, good section), Dnndas I street. City; £SO deposit; great bargain. j Christie's. i IX? /J KA —3 Acres, 5-roomed c&rkO\J (orchard, vinery), Burnside; £2O deposit, 15s weekly. Why pay rent? I Christie's. jP"| QA- 2-roomed Cottage (scullery, o&JL/VV i-acre. penny tram), Caversham; splendid view; great spec. Christie's. UIGK Sales guaranteed; sellers send particulars; you get cash, we arrange instalment system for buyers. I Christie's. OOash, balance instalment system; buying or building; satisfaction j guaranteed; plans prepared. Christie's, 206 Princes street. CTOR SALE, Corner Block Land, Queen iJ? street, City; leasehold; £l2 10s year; room 3 houses. Samson, auctioneer. FOR SALE, 6-roomed Dwelling, Mornington; brick, plastered; conveniences; enough room 2 more houses; £350. SamBon. ]GY)R SALE (City, Heriot row), 6-roomed IJL Dwelling; nearly i-acre; £625; a big I bargain. Samsco. I A Gardens; modern conveniences; £445; gift, snap; terms. Samson, auctioneer. • 05 **; balance rent.—6 Rooms j cWtiV (washhouae; tuba, boiler; .3 large sections; garden). Valley; chance. Samson. SALE (Caversham; £SO deposit; £350 as rent), Seven Rooms; bath, boiler, tubs; i-acre. Particulars Samson. £Ory pT—Modern 4-roomed Verandah Dweli<J*tJ ing, detached (bath, boiler, tubs; I large shed; rent system), Valley. Samson. £ryw/\— Sale (City), splendid 6-roomed i t\f Dwelling, George street; lajge piece ground front. Samson. AST Ogg*s Comer.—Modern 5-roomed i—- Dwelling-; bath (hot water); grand proI perty; £500; easy payments. Samson. FOR SALE, large Block Land, St. Clair; two frontages, on tram line; will sacnI lice. Samson, auctioneer. —A comfortable Home, 4 rooms, scullery, washhouse; good section; just past Gardens; a snap. Samson. SIX-ROOMED Dwelling, City; order; hot water, bath; every eo I ence; no trams; £645; snug. Samson. \ £*f}(\ Deposit, balance 12s 6d week, purc&aVlJ chases Modern 6-roomed Dwelling, well fitted throughout, Valley; hurry. Sam- ; son. j T7K)R SALE (City), Two Houses; i-acre j -fl. freehold; grand chance for speculator; I bargain. James Samson, auctioneer. tOR SALE, splendid General Country Stare-Butchery; J-acre freehold; new ; 5-roomed Dwelling; store, 6table, buildings; J main north line; doing very large business; £l,lOO, payable £450 cash, balance 5 per cent.; don't miss this. Sanaon, auctioneer. . ~, , _ ( 6 icoms); splendid cow-byre (cement floor); 40-gallon milk run in City and three miles from Dunedin creamery; here is your chance; stock valuation if required. Samson, auctioneer.

ANTED, Shirt Machinists and Finishers; steady employment. Globe Shirt Factory, Vogel street south. \ANTED, a smart young Woman for • ■ housework; no washing. Apply 104 Rattray street JCFCfiA - Wanted Known: W. Cuttle, 3C/OUU South Dunedm, Cash Buyer of Furniture and Sundries, any quantity. "RS" DICK, 24 Moray place,—Waitress (assist bar, town, referencea), Housemaid, Parlormaid (station), Housemaids Waitresses (hotels). JARTNER Wanted established Drapery Business, nourishing country town (north); full particulars obtained. Butler, 90 Princes street. >AA "*nted.—Wanted to Borrow, ..j\J)\) £1,200, on good freehold security. Apply, stating lowest interest, to Box 44, Balclutha. TifRS STUART MACINTOSH, Trades -i»J- Hall, Moray place, requires (urgently) Cook, General (20s), Housemaids (hotels, town), Waitresses, Laundresses (experienced, 20s). Housemaid-Cook (20s, institution), Nurse-Needlewoman (15a, exceptional homes), Housemaid-Needlewoman (north, £36). "IDDLE-AGKD Woman wants Work (washing, cleaning, or shops): need--85 Cumberland street. 'RS BERTI wants Waitresses . (town, country, £1), Generals (15s), experienced Cook (female, station) or Married Couple. IF certain Pecrple in this town do not; stop circulating false Teports about me, legal proceedings will be taken. Lucy (Join. 7IQLIN Outfits, comprising good Frencht made instrument, leather case, superior bow, and instructor, 50s. Howell's, Octagon. ENGLISH and Scotch Smoked Fish (a luxury); country orders must send cash with order. Gardham's. rT\HE Heavy Roll Brim "Airirte" Hat at A 10s 6d is proving a great success. You'll see it at Brown, Ewinifs. I ARTHUR BARNETPS Great Annual Clothing and Mercery Sale is now progressing- Come and Bee astonishing bargains. J latest in Millinery (and' cheapest) is to be had at M. Quirk'*, Main road, ' Caversham. ADEN'S Summer Hats, great variety; | very cheap; come and see them. M. I Quirk, Main road, Caversham. ILKS.—Hundreds of yards at 7j[d; worth *s Is 9d; don't miss these. M. Quirk, Main road, Caversham. ►LOUSES and Dress Materials just ► opened; very choice; first-class Dressmaker on the premises; fit and style guaranteed. M. Quirk, Main road, Caversham. O-CARTS, Go-carts.—A. good selection at OT moderate prices; Tyres fitted. Melville, 40 George streee. ; H. VICTOR, Clairvoyant, Psycho- . legist; advice on business, health, change, etc. 198 King street (opposite Museum). iEMOVAL Notice.—A. Chiaroni, jun., begs to inform his numerous customers and publio in general that he has Removed to temporary premises in Manse street (near Park, Reynolds, and Co.). Art Framing a specialty. HOWLISON have Gent's Royal Enfield Bicycle, £4 10s; Olive, £2 10s; Osmond, £5 10s. BICYCLES.— Raleigh, £7 10s; B.S-A., free wheel, almost new, £9 10s; Viking, free wheel, £9 10s. >J, Clement Motor Cycle, £27 10s; 1$ .J 4 Clement, £22 10s (twin cylinders, in splendid order). COOKE, HOWLIBON COMPANY, Pioneers Motor Cycle trade.—4£ and 3£ h.p. Twin Werners; spring forks; most comfortable; winner latest English hill climb; only two left. BICYCLE Sundries rock-bottom prices. Ronolds Chain, 8s 6d; Outfits (best), 3d; Grips, 6d; Handle-bars, 4s 6d. HCYCLE Sundries.—3m 1 Oil, large, 7d; -»J Pump Clips, 3d; Spanners, Is. Everything best quality. COOKE, HOWIJSON'S New Bicycles.— Genuine 8.5.A., £l2 10s; B.S.A. pattern, £9 15s; value never before offered. ANDERSON'S Ball Tap is adopted by tho St. Kilda Council for use in the borough. A NDERSON'S Ball Taps are all stamped with maker's name; bewaro of imitatlie best on tie market. , NDERSON'S Ball Taps are manufac--CiL tured by-J. Anderson and Co., brassfounders and coppersmiths, 98 Moray place, Dunedin. riTHE White,is King.—For £7 you can -i purchase a White Sewingi Machine, Melville, George street.

robes. {WHITE EMBROIDERED ROBESi blouses. OUR LONDON BUYERS HAVE SENT US A VERY CHOICE SELECTION OF THE VERY NEWEST AND MOST UP TO DATE WHITE EMBROIDERED BOXED ROBES AND BLOUSES. \ We Lara them in LAWN, MUSLIN, and IRISH LINEN. As these Goods arc likely to be very scarce this season, we would recommend ~T n EARLY CALL OF INSPECTION. BLOUSE LENGTHS, 6s lid, 7 8 6d, 9s 6d, to 15s. BOXED ROBES, 255, 32s 6d, 355; to 455. BLOUSES. MOLLISONS, LTD., .. GEORGE-STREET.

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Evening Star, Issue 12928, 26 September 1906, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 12928, 26 September 1906, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 12928, 26 September 1906, Page 5