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The Evening Star WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1905.

Four nij-v.-j of drunkenness were <icalt 'with by ilr U. Y. Widdowton, S.M., at the foEcc Cmrt this morning. Charles Hack, ii first (>!iVii'liT, and Annie Eliza Jennings were ea'.h ined ss, or twenty-four hours' ins-prLsoraneat. Another first offender (an oki muii) was convicted and discharged. The firnl result of the competition in the recr-fl t:f the vnj-iou.-j ** charges" under the Druiilic ritual of initiation for prices offered by Bra. M. w;w that the judge.-: ■warded prize to No. 2 team of EuUsrprito L«!;r:, .uid' tho second prize i<> No. 1 team cf TL*: enthusiasm of voNmteer Ere brigade nea is pftt-u reman.:; l.'o. One- or two of the members of the St. KlLda Firo Brigade having lussed tilt' on occ\u siona of their UrebeLl, set their wits to work, and the result is that nruch-irrsprovt'd "clanging " ingenious are provided for. Wliereas bei'un,- tho nl.'irinist l:ad to mount to tii-s top staging i, ; tfic bell platform and swav the rlnpper t right to left with but irditler*.r.t rta clever contrivance (the id«\i of a ! resident) enables anybody who ascends In.- lower platform to produce a contiirasomid cv grasping in each h;uid a .ill" very easily manipulated. A trial w.i 3 made last night, and the result was satisfactory in every respect. A« still further of tii? enthusiasm of the St. Kihla Hr-rrK'n. it may be mentioned tliat they have lau-ly been very bury- in adding to and altering their promises, and the outcome 13 that they now have a srsuiious social hall some 2Wt by 12ft, nicely finished o£, oil "their wu work." The members themselves did the carpentering and painthr*, and Captain MTCenSie's men havo mado a wxxrkrnajiliiio job. The Harbor Hoard's engineer evidently believes in taming all the Board's assets to account. Tho framework of the groins on the north spit consists of old pipes and dredge buckets, which otherwise would probably have rusted uselessly at Dunedin. They are evidently doing good wc.rk, since, although they have only been in uosition fox about a fortnight, all the gauges, when inspected en Saturday, ihowed an increase in the height of the 3ar><!: one showed an increase of fourteen ir.chi■=• It should perhaps be explained that tho object of the groins on the spit is to prevent a r«*tain sand drift from interfering with the success of the works near the Kaik. The object of these works is to give a deep channel, devoid of awkward and eddies, to vessels working

At Monday's meeting of representatives of contributing bodies for the purpose of electing sir Hocpitui Trusteis, Mr J. Marlow asked the chairman (Mr P. Miller) if it was true that a letter had beeu forwarded to him by tho midieal staff, ;uid that he had refused to bring it bvfote the meeting. Mr -Miller explain"*! th-'t a letter bail been handed to him on Sunday afternoon, and that he had declined to act oil I it, as it would be tantamount, to advocat- ! ing tho candidature, of a. particular gentle- | man against his own colleagues. Af :er some discission tho letter (whieii Mr Marlow had in his possession! was formally received by the meeting, as tho remit of the chairman's suggestion. The effect of it was to suggest that the medical staff tliould be represented by one member on the Board of Xi-iutees. In support of this it was urged that the medical staffs were represented on tho governing bodies of all similar institutions in the Old World, and that, much misunderstanding and friction were saved by this svsteui. Though it was not suggested that there had been friction here, it was contended that the extensive alterations and additions about to be undertaken made the representation of tho staff on the Board a matter of urgent importance. The letter nominated Dr Harnett u-s a suitable man for the position. The doctor was nominated by Mr Marlow as a candidate, but was not elected. At the subscqaent meeting of the City Council to elect their representative on the Board, the mayor expressed himself in favor of the medical men being given repre-entatkm. It was urged that the. Council ought to be represeatedby one of their own members, and after some discussion Dr Riley was elected unopposed. Mr D. A. Do Mans, .1.P., pr-.-sided at the Port Chalmers Poh.xj Court fids forenoon, when a first offend .t wm convicted of drunkenness and discharged. Owing to the uncertainty of the 8 a.m. express for the North stopping at Port Chalmers, and the danger in handing a mail on to a passing train, it has been decided, on and alter Saturday, the 9th insU, to close the mail tor that train at 0'.40 a.m. instead of 7.50 aan., and to forward tho same to Dunedin, to bo transferred to the North express there. ' Hi*watha' is the work chosen by Mr Sidney Wolfs Choral and Orchestral Company for their fifth concert in the Garrison Hall next Friday. ' Hiawatha's Wedding Feast,' "the Death of Minnehaha,' and "Hiawatha's Departure' have each been performed separately by Mr Wolf's society, but this will be the iirst performance of the entile work. Mr Hamilton Hodges, who is to sing the baritone solos, is a thorough axtUt, and the public can rely on a satisfactory performance being £iven of these difficult solos. The box pUm is now open at Begg's. A notice to members of Masonic I.odgo Maori appears in this issue. The first installation meeting of Lodfie Otago Kilwinning, No. 143, N.Z., will tal;c placo at the Masonic Hall to-morrow evening. Train arrangements and fares in connection with the Maniototo A. and P. show at, Kanfurly on the 14th inst. are advertised in this issue. The Sister Superior of St. Mary's Orphanago desires to acknowledge receipt of the following donations :—Mr James Allen, fruit, etc.; Mesdames Burton, Davis (Naseby), Moore, Hilton (Naseby), Coiiar, T.o Keotig, Peacock, Muller, A Friend, Wuyte, Misses Williams, Johnson, Martin, also .St. Hilda's College, fruit and vegetables: £t. Paul's Ladies' Guild, various gifts; books frr.m another friend; clothes from Mesdames Burnett, Davics. Hendy, M'Adam, W. Ij. Simpsou, Davidson, Colquhoun, Waters, and the Heremai Guild; wood front Mrs Briekell. Donations to tho sick fund: Mrs James Allen and Mrs M'Gowan, 5s each; Miss Rona Allen, 10s. Donations to the general maintenance fund: Dr Hocken, £2 2s (in memory of the late Mrs Neviti, foundress of PL Marv's Orphanace); Mr Justice Chapman, £2 2s; also £5 3s in yearly and monthly subscriptions. For the of those waiting to hear the results of the elections, the electric tram service will be maintained up till about midnight. Tho time of the departure of the last cars on the various routes will be found in our advertising columns. Nurse Maude, of Christ church, who is at present on a visit to Dunedm, has kindly consented to deliver an addrc?s on ' Consumptive Camps and District Nursing' on Friday afternoon, aL three o'clock, m the Board Room of the Agricultural Hall Buildings- The proceeds wiil be handed over to the Victoria Jubilee Convalescjut Fund, the Executive of which invited Nurse Maude to give the address. Nurse Maude is a recognised authority on the subject of her lecture, and the success which has e.ticnded the camp sho established near Phri.-tehnrcb shows how important it is that, all information available should bo widely knovru. It, is desired that there will be a large attendance, not only as a compliment to the speaker, but. because of tho vital importance of tha subject to be dealt with. Particulars appear in our advertising columns. A lecture by Mr Arthur Bonlt entitled * History c-f too Art of Music' will be given in tho Victoria Hall to-morrow evening. Mr Hendy has just landed splendid eelec tion of new combs, specially selected by him whilo in Paris; in all prices from 4d pair.— [Advt.] V. ai*-*i 1?- Mnjiia. top tbo -poll for quality, stylo, finish household furniture, furnishings ; prices rock bottom; call see our stock.—CAdvt.]

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Evening Star, Issue 12679, 6 December 1905, Page 4

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The Evening Star WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1905. Evening Star, Issue 12679, 6 December 1905, Page 4

The Evening Star WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1905. Evening Star, Issue 12679, 6 December 1905, Page 4