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Public WoticeS. m Sm s* m %: wa» ■ ossom a ea DeligHtfal Aroma. Delickros Flavour. 2/4, 2/-w 1/iCX 1/8, 1/6 per lb. *+mma&mm^*mmm*gm*m m m m m *n* m a« ladies' Haircutting, Dretocag, and Shampooing n.5 to Data SPECIALTY.—Ladies' Wigs, Transfonto tions, Fringes, Pm Curls, Switches, asj Plaits of Rair. ALL SHADES AND PRICES. Toilet Fringe Nets from' 6d, Hair Frames, Pads, Pnffs, Curling and Waring Pins ant Inns, Spirit Lamps. Whalebone Brushes B "*- -id Fancy Combs, etc , IN THE LATEST DESIGNS. HAIE COMBINGS MADS "Q& ADVICE Gratis oa all matters relating to the Hair and Scalp Treatment by 54 GEORGE STREET.

irfS* in CffS m

Q€ i A Pressman's Interesting interview. The Case of tI"R. J; GARRICK, (by an independent reporter.) As has been well said, the fact of the survival of the fittest in the struggle for •iisteuce is such a s : mpie thing that a •hild can understand it. Hut if there is a ■itiugg'.c the best equipped must, on the iverage, survive, and the weakest go to vhe wail. Perhaps the weakest comp: ise those who are least adaptive—perhaps least pro-tected-against thtir surroundings, and to ;h se wo commend a study of the following luiiogue, which took place between a, reporter and Mr. Joseph Garrick, of No. 62 High-street, Dunedin : ltepirt-ter : " I am given to understand that you onee encountered a formidable opponent whilst you had no adequate ineau3 of defending yourself. Will you kindly tell me all ;ibout it?" Mr. Garrick : " I think you mean the struggle I had for my life some time and that I was not properly armed because 1 was slow in adopting the r ght means of checkmating my physical enemies." Reporter: " You have gues-ed aright, sir." Mr Garrick : " Well, well ; what a torible experience it was ! luai for three years qui.o unable to do any work, and for bwo years out of the three I was as near to i>eing a helpless invalid as a man co»ld ps.s--ibly ho. 1 \->as in bed for the greater put or those two years of peipetual suffering, only being able to get on to the floor now ami :i?uia for about half an hour at a time, au-1 igain because I was too feeble to git up. This was when I was at my worst; but ultogoUier I was suffering for close on six years;. I will confine myself to the lime when I was utterly helpless, for it was then that my cup of hikeruess was Gllcd to the brim. You may 'be a u prised to hear that mv life was wrecked owing to in igestiou and nervous lisorders, for tbey may seem such every-day •ort of complaints to d-> so much damage to nie's system ; but my unfortunate exprri'•nee will show to what dreadful extremes hose ailments can lead a man to. I had a u-bifid burning sensation in my head hic.h made Hie a perfect misery, as I could .-iiiher read, nor write, nor do any thing else, ind I was i:early going oat of my mind for he Ys-aat of sleep. Just fancy a man lying ay a 4 ter day, wight afier.night, ; nd week iftefwoek withi ut getting any slumber to .ivehis brain a little rest from the ■: bought that he was suffeiing from complaints which could not be cured, and whinh. ! ;liercfor<?, canld result in nothing eke but. | loath. No wonder that my n ind was ail j upset and that I was afflicted with sr.?h j i'-'ep depression of spirits that I ceased to i ■ ire even for life ilstlf. Why, when I went o my bed at the-commencement of my two scars' ninrtyrdom I thought I v.-as going io is, for I had such heavy, suffecatiiig &:n----sitions in my eldest thft I have seen mrsr!; lying ;-ni' thinking that I was going to lose :ny breath every moment. A strange sanation, Uke a deathly nambnevs, seeded to run ihror.jjh me., and my breathing appeared tn have supperl for a Lit? s&c: nds, and when the korri'.jia feeling had gone away I -waited its nsirorrsuec with great anxiety of mind." E«portrr: '*' Perhap3 your heart was aObi t) d ? " Mr. Carsick-: "Without doubt it was, for it used to thmsp and thump, as if it was trying to come cafe. As you may iniac ine, I not eat very well when I was nh*> this. i."!dee<l, I had no appetite for any kind o' fcor* atul I daresay it was just as well that f (:bulrl.£jt eat much whilst my digestiTm '.va<j in such a wretched state, for the little I too!: gave me more misery than enough, as my stomach used to fill out with wind and mi!:: 3 me feel dreadfully uncomfortable, 'ho nu•.)-holesome taste ir> my month was sickening £Jid the fur on my tongne also sho%ved what a bad state my internal were in. -dy sight got very defective tnd in -the .-mcraiima rav eves, seemed .to. hsxe swollen during the night. Once or twice J tried to got out of bed without anybody as. sisting me, but I soon found out thai I was t« feeble, and the giddy sensations I used tc have were terrible. I seemed to have go] too low to be troubled with the bodily paau that some invalids have, but there was a dreadful ache in the small of my back, anc my iimbs were affected in the Fame way. If came to such a pass that I used to lie witk my nerves shaking day and night in sunn a violent manner that Anybody looking at me would have thought that I was troubled with St. Vitus' dance, and my feeblcuiv* was eventually so pronounced that I «>u!d not stand on my feet." Reporter: " What sort of medicine wire you taking!" Mr. G-.'.nick: "Everything that ;-,s doctor ordered, but it did not he r. After a v.hi-a I tried to doctor mysr;i : . ,u. it was only running away with money ire'.-.; after week for no purpose. I was thoron-_<li!-.< sick and tired of Uking so much med:. ; ;r.': for nothing, and I grew so disgusted ;-.;;;.-. despondent at last that I would not take a<:y mere. A spell without physic did not matters, so I thought I would give jusS sss more trial to medicine, and this time it was Clements Tonic." Reporter : " Were you more fcrtunat* witi th«t remedy than with the others?" Mr. Garrick : "Oh ! much more. In fast, it was the only medicine that did mo a«V good, and there is no doubt that I woulil still be in the same hc'p'ess condition wera it not for the .splendid benefits which res-alted from the use <A ('••'mo'sts Tovic. 1 may &ty at the on net t!>at C Tonic cureil a» ti my weakness* io.- when I a-.arthd using it 1 was softi-tr-Iy a,fcii? to mor*; but sosreral bottles of C'r.asente Tonic bad sc built aa my nervous hjhUhr autl taa g«aerally that I got- mere con denes in myself, and when my strength had >>af&>ciently, I got np out of awl began t« walk about. Just think what ray letiiage .were like when I r?9x e.ble to do that, «ivsf despairing for two years thai I v.-ould »e*«" regain my feet again ; and as nothing s&& Clements ionic conld bring my beaJ:tS to such a satisfactory stat4s. you cau g«ess a gie;it opinion I bar* of that m?»! - *lae. Jdi my case it has la ! *d ing the best- remedy in the miri-s--, and n»y earnest wi hj is that all w-lio suffer like I did may be brought into contact with t«eisea/a Tonic, ?.»it will assuredly <3o thera a v.-es.]d vf gj^d." Repot tsr: " Besides the iß.?n.*'a».*s.stentß yen ha-e mc:it?.->ned did you bw*fit- sa oVheidi; actions ! " Sir. Garrick : "Certam'y J i : A, <vr<?ise I wocld net have got my strength back ki eoch 3. wondt-rful manner. Th« doctors kad said that indigestion was at the root of my tr&s;bles, and for that complaint Clemeiifca Tonic was superior to evetythiag I bid tried 'wfore. It made me sleep aad «it ir«U, h»:-s:de5 releasing me from tie &ch*h&zß& dtaeomforts that Isad tortured my cxiatetji»s. It was almo t like a resuscitation f :«mr <de-ifil I experienced through using Q-ajwafce Tonic, so yoa caa publish these words ef thankfulness in any way yoa Kke." STATUTORY Dg&»iߣS£s;S. 1,.10?wn Gabrics, c( K->. (3 lKjVefc?«£, I»km--;ui, in the Colony of- New 2eaiaiKL<Jo *aleiu:.)y L2i-i -: • csreJy decisre thet I bare rare!nli% the -i<;!>t>.?:i d<K"-sui«nt, coiisislinj of three talks, ami c",'A*?'.:itiv -ly mnnl>ered fro™ one to ai:4 tbat-t. or.t .-•• ? ant?i« atruear.dfii:bti!taoccunictm> :;l--!.'.-n::iv: r..>.r to p:il>lißh in anj- way my s'Aicoi^r.ti:—ivliid. i ;;r. To'untarily, xritbout receivin? a:; r i-aymrnt; t: it i mftVc thri-i s-oleoin declaration inj the 'Kan to be true, ami b\ -irw> «f the provifiloin of r-.n Aer or the General A«?m"jiy «>f Zeaiand, tc>Hai{ed *"lhe Jus«csso{T»aoe A«t, l&:2 ' en? thcussnd xriae-buadfed and tbrf*. before me,

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Evening Star, Issue 12067, 12 December 1903, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 12067, 12 December 1903, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 12067, 12 December 1903, Page 9