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HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE IN NEW ZEALAND. Those who fcaYe taken this medlcnje are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest experienco delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough ox Asthma to become chronic nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known, to exist -where " —^~«fc s '» h BTO v™. properly treated with this medicine- No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. „ BSWAEE OF COUGHS. Remember tliat every disease lias its commencement, and Consumption is no exception to this rule. A LADIES LOHDOS. $ MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS CUES. SHE DOCTOR SO INTERESTS-" THAT HE f!AB.RTRD OFF THE EMPTY BOTTLE. A FEW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. 'T used your Bronchitis Cure for three of my family, and it eared each of them in from one to three doses.—P. P. iIULLLNS, Cowie's Creek, Victoria." GRATITUDE AHD APPRECIATION, . occasions there was blood in the expectorated matter. I had been treated by a doctor, HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWJN CIRCLE. "The 'Scientific Australian' Office, "169 Queen street, Melbourne. "Dear Mr Hearne, —The silent workers are When it arrived'l was too ill to leave my "Your Bronchitis Cure relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only gave him four . mr iiearne-ine silent workers are «uen » urnveu i was too in to leave my doses, and have some of the medicine yet; but I ail rending foTanothet bottle in frequently the most .effective, and i there bed, but I commenced taking it,at once, and easel ahonM _»„♦. ;t_n u<nnMAl.n ~. _ ~.. „ j_xi „. • .■„ "Tour. Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicine.—A. B. SIMMONS, No. 7 Renney " This g ent ] eman gome three years ago was street, Paddington, Sydney." recommended to try your Bronchitis Cure l-y Mr Barham, accountant, Collins street, and -I have finished the Bronchitis Cure you sent, and am amazed at what it has done in * he effe ct that it had was so marked that he the time. The difficulty of breathing has all gone.—J. HARRINGTON, Bingegong, Mor- ? M .«; Ter since continually recommendundah, N.S.W." m *° olhe , rs i , JJ „• few years has been repeatedly working for the two lots of medicine you sent have and singing the praises of Hearne's Bron- effected a complete cure, for which accept "My wife is 82 years old, and lam 79, and I am glad to inform you that your chitis Cure, which has eased the sufferings Bronchitis Cure has done us both a wonderful deal of good, it having quickly cuied vs of hundreds and hundreds of people even >n both.—R. BAS3ETT. Strath Creek, via Broadford, Victoria.'* °? r own c J rcia ° f acquaintance.—Believe os always to be, yours most faithfully, "PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, AND CO." -o~*n~. NSW Bronchitis Cure has done us both a wonderruJ deal of good, it having qiucjuy emeu u» _. _ vrange, ».o. . bot _._ R- BAS3ETT. Strath Creek, via Broadford. Victoria." 'Mr Hearne. "Dear sir,—l enclose for your own private G?r 1 £™ 0n ° f of I LSo^Bn e -1aS m fro n m "I have used one bottle of your Bronchitis Cure with great benefit to. myself, as the S thatywn-medicine ana smothering has completely left me.-(Mrs) JOHN RAHILLY, Glenmaggie, V*tona." Seen a perfect God-send to a martyr to #lds and bronchial asthma. I do no; wish „ Bronchitis Cure a splendid MADDEN, Skipay names to be mentioned, but you areat Victoria." pberty to make use ef any portion ot t_« »». Victoria. letter you choose, and yoa can confid jefer anybody to me. "My cold, bad as it was, disappeared »fter two doses.—C. J. CURRTE, So&aicr, "I heard of your excellent remedy, and victoria Chambers, Queen street, ilelbourne." jent it to Eng'ind. You can see for your- --" L - A xnTinense success it was.—Yours " Dergholm, Victoria. ' Dear sir,—l wish to add my testimony "Upon looking through our books we are '•ithfully, -—." "T latelv administered some of your Bronchitis Cure to a son of mine, with spteu- ~—■ —■„»_*. Extract from letter alluded to above: did effect. The cure was absolutely miraculous.—F. A. PACKER, Quiera, Neutral Bay, . . Dergholm, Victorra. -TJpon looking through our books we are SrdneJ ' N ' S " W "" te ot'your 7 ££*£ struck with the steady and rapid increase in Amk the fironcbitu Cure really "celJent. _ guffered for nine oniisSt acd _„ the sales of your Bronchitis Cure."—ELto ._j u v.. -..;♦« tnd it has quite cured me. Dr is very nuch interested in it. ' He came yesterday, The names are withheld from publication, lot vffl he supplied privately when desired. SUEESSLJu\D TESTrKOITT. "BOK BRISBANE WHOLESALE CHEMISTS. tfrffi^rt^ to .?ta3 "Kindly forward mother bottle of your famous Brcmdritis Cure without .delay, as I fl^a 'fit of ««hinj the fir" Three Cases Completely Ctoed by %EJ^k££t££Sl ta» ffi4 way here." find it to be a most valua.U medicine.-<Mr B ) J. SLATER, WarraguL Victoria.- dos6i ud h | Te had but t " wo QnQ of Hearne's Bron- K * tamga ' Vwton *- *_ ° .., J , .. . I feel I am a different man. and thn much " ___ I feel I am a different man, and the cough ' has vanished. You may depend upon my Bronchitis Cure. The result was marvellous. Jt making known the efficacy of your wonderI am very pleased with your Bronchitis Cure. The result was me right off at once.—4. SEYTER, Bourke, New South Wales." eased me right off ing it to others. "We are glad to add thit our testimony the EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWS- has ouite cured me. I was very glad when a S aia . and she was much better, the night's to the value of Hearne s most valuable Bron- ;t n»r,.o aa I »«* »,ff«.riTi<T frr. m « «»~r- D > rest was very eood. and couch unA M u ji^ AGONISING COtGH. NINE MONTHS' TORTURE. BRONCHITIS CURE, AND CURED BY TWO BOTTLES. was obliged to get up and sit by the fire. Sydney, N-S.W. I had medical advice, and tried other ' remedies,' without avail. I tried, yours, and never m . _ 'Yonr medicine for asthma m worSfa £1 a bottle*—W, LETTS, Hey wood, Victoria." We, the undersigned, hare had occasion to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and wa ~—-»—— certify that it was perfectly and rapidly 'T have tried lots of medicine, but yours is the best I ever had. lam recmxnnending f icc^ 1 "> d « circumstances which unj nave rneuuts^'J"™ 1 "" 0 - bj/;«« Vow Kn«+h Walefi." doubtedly prove its distinct healing power. everybody.-S. L-TEELE, Yanko Siding. New South Wale*. JQHN s lNCLA^^ye^ ■. street, Gelong, and fifty-nine other leading ..._.... „ . ._ resideitf*. wno pronounced my case to be Consumption, HAD NQT WALK ED FOR 12 MONTHS, and various other treatments had been tried, inw»xuo. but without benefit. It was at this stage that I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and ALWAYS WALKS NOW, A2CD IS QTXEEE sent to you for a course of the medicine. W-ELL. my very best thanks.—Yours gratefully, * J. BLAIR. Westminster, Bridge road, S-E.. London. CURED m TEN DATS. WAS A GEEAT SCFFEEEE. more. I have never kept in bed one day sinci I mi f eslced take it I used io be in HAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MONTHS. bed a fortnight at a time always, aud arte* ALWAYS WALKS NOW, A.ND IS QUITE WELL. while sending for it such a long distance. "Something more 1 must, tell you. CharFEELS STRONGES THAN SHE HAS He? oSghTas"? DONE FOR YEARS. night's rest, and was spitting up blood very" much. The doctor told her husband that - 8 Wafcon street, Burtons-Trent, g^ a ™ »££j KttrTiff l°bSl. hj of " Staffordshire, England. the BronduS cU,Td M IJ KL il "3S.T W. 6. Hearne, Geelong. and if she aid not use it not to waste it, " Dear S-r,—Your letter and Bronchitis ut 8e^ ld u l bact a S ai °- She had such confiCure to hand quite safe. lam sure you will denc f m . ner doctor that I thought she would be glad to know that your Bronchitis Cure not . tr 7 lt - On the Wednesday I sent over FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YEARS. " 8 Watson street, Burton-on-Trent, "Staffordshire, England. '3S.T W. G. Hearne, Geelong. pippp TTvr -urrrnßTA it came, as I was suffering from a severe at- ' est was T ei 7 &°°d, and cough and bleeding PAPER IN VICTORIA EXPRESSES of Bronchitia at uptime it arrived. I [ ro ,? e , lun gs better. She sent for another GRATEFUL APPRECIATION. h».d sent for my own doctor, but had not had half bottle, a: - on the fallowing Sunday on- night's rest for a week. I started taking Be^. t ,°^ er to say that she was quite cured "W. G. Hearne, Esq. Dear sir, —Permit th-i Bronchitis Cure three times a day as di- and dld not require any more medicine. So me to express my grateful appreciation of reci«u, and was very much eased at once. you w hat great good it has done, and the value of your Bronchitis Cure. I had At the end of a weok I only took it twice a wishes to have some of my next supply. ** some months ago a severe attack of bron- day, and then only every night for a week, - _ chitis, and took your medicine, with the re- as I was so much better, when, thanks to the ASTHMA. suit that at the end of ten days the com- Lord for adding his blessing, I was quito "^ plaint had completely left me. We are now we ll, and walked into town and back withnever without the medicine in the house, cu t feeling any fatigue. I had not done that riti,Vl(JUfc> TREATMENT FAILED, and at the first indication of a cold it is previously for twelve ninths— always went , RELIEVED BY ONE DOSE OF HEARNE'S taken * w j th immediately curative effects—l ; n the omnibus—as walking caused me such am, my dear air, yours faithfully, "R. QUAREILL, "Editor 'Geelong Advertiser.* to the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis <*™ k ™th the steady and rapid increase in Cure. I suffered for nine months, and the the sales of your Bronchitis Cure."—ELchitis Cure. ful remedy to anyone I see afflicted.—Yours SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, faithfully, " JAMES ASTBURY." CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. 1 nave men r-iia ui mcviitiiuo, w* j—~»o .= «-- —— it to everybody.—S. STEELE, Yanko Siding, New South Wale*. "I suffered Chronic Asthma and BronchitiN rot which I obtained no Tafief tmtfl _ , . . . sland. T "Mr W. S. Hearne.—Dear sir,—Please a3 a direct result of my brief triaL-JOHN a TRELAWNEY, Serern Brwsr, via LwereiL ■end a 36 dozen Bronchitis Cure by first N.S.W." boat. We enclose our cheque to cover - amount of order. "We often hear your Bronchitis Cure ff heaven most renarkable result, the child being quite cured by three doses.—We are, faithfully - yours, "Your Bronchitis Cure has done me much gtx-d. This is a rivr experience, for an the medicine I oreviously took made me much I am satisfied that the two "TBOMASON, CHATER, AND CO., bottles of Bronchitis Cure I got from vou have pulled me through a long and dan"Wholesale Chemista." eerous illness.—HENßY WURLOD, Alma, near Marvborough, Victoria." "Your Bronchitis Cure has done me much guM. This is a zv* experience, for an the medicine I previously took made me much I am satisfied that the two bottles of Bronchitis Cure I got from you have pulled me through a long and dangerous illness.—HENßY WURLOD, Alma, near Marvborough, Victoria. CONSUMPTION. TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED. mg to tell you about the wonderful cure your jg enclosed. medicine has effected in my case. About * "Youyg irratefnTlT three years ago i began to cough. At first m * wnvTTvthe cough was not severe, but it gradually JOHN S. MORTEM: got worse, and i became very weak ana ~ troubled with sweats, pain in my chert, The tn England, who is 8C and great quantities of phlegm. On several oil. also cored by Hearne's Bronchitis CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. ASUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND, "Llenwellyn, Katanga, Vic. "Hr Heame, "Dear Sir, —I am very much pleased with the effects of your Bronchitis Cure. Last winter three of my children had very bad coughs, and one bottle cured the three of pain and distress in the chest. I always walk now, and never feel it, and I am stronger than I have been for years. I A COMPLETE CURE. once^our ir tw « -T* 7. c - .. bottles to England to my mother, who is suff V\i G " He » ra «-- Dear Sir*-! am writ- f er ing greatly from bronchitis. The address HER DAUGHTER BEET TERY ELL. SPITTING UP BLOOTX THE DOCTOR SATD NOTHIKG MORE COULD BE DONE. CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURB. The extract nms as follows:—"As for mythem. The housemaid also had such a re- wlf t j, ank &e Lorf, I am feeling stronger vare cold that she entirely lost her voice, - - - ~•..,.. bub half a bottle cured her. I always ke«p it in the house now, and recommend it to rachitis Cni- _„ — quite well, and walk into town feeling quite strong. "I must ask yon to send me six bottles " bottle to see what he could do. He tells me this week he can make nothing out of it, he ears never saw anything like it before, so there ire. is only one thing for me to do—send for PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED, A SEVENTEEN YEARS' CASE. CTTtED BY THREE BOTTLES. , B _. - .T. Anrlprwin nt r>!>V TJ.,-1- m,»j... ing the and am. dear sir, ™ le ' Queensland, writes:—"After suffering from Asthma for 17 years, and haying been ' "Yosts very truly, under a great many different treatments *iw nrrvp'i'i m tei>» without benefit I was induced to try a. JiUKHMKH. Hearne's medicine for Asthma. After taking _______________ three bottles of this medicine I quite got rid of the Asthma, and since then, which was in Extract from a letter since mitten by the the beginning of 1833—fifteen years ago—l sama lady to her son, Mr John S. tonrtiiaer, have not had the slightest return of it. The Llenwellyn, Katanga, Victoria. medicine quite cured me, and I have much pleasure in recommending it." Writing again on the 4th April, 1899, ha HER DAUGHTER BEE 3 states:—"! am keeping very ,well now. —„„~ •—-,- Never have tl_ slightest return of the TERY ELL. Asthma." SPITTING UP BLOOTX Twelve Years' Agony. THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHIKG MORE DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, 2>_T COULD BE DONE. t3>UGH ENTIRELY KEHQIHte) CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS BY KVE^DC^-iS. CURB. NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD S?~| EASE IT. and patent medicines having been triedS but I am happy to say that the cough, pai( in the chest, and difficulty of breathing, eto.. supply in the house. I hare tried to get your Bronchitis Cure.—l" remain, sir, yours it made up here, and let my chemist have a most respectfully, "WILLIAM CROCKETT. •njakert Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, New South Wales." (Small, 2s 6i) prepared ohly and sold wholesale and retail bt the proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geeloag, Victoria. M^a^*_iM^'^^_ J I°S^ 4lTE ° rt ' M ° r 4s M.) jeanpthacne, Prosser* & C<x and Sharland & Co.

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Evening Star, Issue 12008, 3 October 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 12008, 3 October 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 12008, 3 October 1903, Page 3