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BLOOD IMPURITY* PIMPLES'LIKE-VOUNG BOILS. BILIOUSNESS and DYSPEPSIA. A REMARKABLE CURE IN DUNEDIN. Tlw Case of Mp, f. P£LMEE. (.By a Ltial OfflT interviewer met Mr* Frederick Paime?, of No. 107 Hoover-street, Dunedin, aho stated that whilst working in the fruit trade between Auckland fcud Fiji, his blood got in a bad slatg, .-” t* came out ad over my buoy,' a&id Mr. PaJwor, “ They were just like young boils, with a distressing aching pain, which proved of continual annoyance. After a while these pimples became very itchy and irritating, and the more I scratch oil. tlio more they itched? The tprtuyo ‘was unendurable, iometiißos making mo vyb and ruh till -ha tops camo oif. and _ thus the exasperating irritation was intensified. I get no prosper rest at night-—very often no smep at all—and J got up nearly every morning fooling thoroughly unfit for work. If'l got four or five hours sleep cut of the twenty-four I did remarkably well, but it was not an unusual thing far me to JIQ |n Qusi&ry pJi night through and not eleop haif-an-hour. When I dia dose off it • was generally about the time I should be getting up, but I was «q exhausted and done up that I was g ad to yield at any tjmo to the overpowering sense of weariness which sometimes brought a brief repose, pn awakmg, 1 always found my pf.Jow wet with a saliva which hpd been running from my mouth.” “Perhaps you were also suffering from biliousness P" hazarded the reporter. “I am sure I was, Anybody labouring under an attack of biliousness is never in doubt about the matter, as the symptoms are made top forcibly evident to allow of any room for doubt, i cap advance no reason whatever for ibis ailment cowing o», unless it be s--/ibui> ab!p to the hot spoils, of weather I experienced whilst doing business ip the tropical islands. 1 do not remember suffering from bile before this attack neither are any of my re'a live- of c bilious temperament.- But, at-tiny rats I fell Pin to a frightfully bad state of health adxjgeth&r. I had not the leas: desire for food, having completely icct: *my appetite. About as much feed a; would satisfy a* delicate child was always enough for me, and I quite bloated and stuffed after eating it. A most uncomfortable feeling appeared in my chest, which lolt overburdened end weighed down. These symptoms were followed by depressing, STjfiing eensatlow which X had to endure for long periods. On getting out of bed in the mornings, the objeetionab’o teste of biie was in my mouth, .and my tonerne was dry and furred. The food' ifiutTav undigested in my stomach turned to wind, thus causing almost incessant belching of spnr gases. Sickly headaches were my incessant tormentors; bat the heaviest load I bed to carry was s terrible mental gloom that made my existence a hardship. Of course. I sank into a serious state of weakness, and my flesh quickly wept out of sight. The last ounce of strength seemed tq be capped out of me, my nerves also being unsettled and deranged. Costivonoss was a regular trouble from, which I tried in vain to get relief,” "» “What kind of medicines did you take, Mr. Palmer f” “I cannot remember the names of rJ] of them ngw, but at all events they did me no good. In spite of everythin? I took my ai monte n msined unco-aquc-i'-ed. However, whist reading the paper one evening, my eyes happened to fc.~t on a report relating to ono of the most wonderful things I over msd. ft \v?.s all about a person who had suffered j greatly like myse f. and who wr- m lido well by a course of Cl am cuts Tonic. Tho idea struck mo at once that 1 ought to follow in that man s i'r.Mc.'tcps. and !*0 I I did. The first bottle cf Clements Tonic I worked wonders. I felt greatly improved in many way * For instance, the aggravating itching soon became a lit(fo easier, end there was a considerable cessation of those painful aches which had fo long affected my limbs. The confined state of mv bowels was altered to a rcgu'arity which was hitherto unkaotyu tq pie, and there abunffv&t proof of the cleansing properties of , Clements Tonic, for the. pimples on my pkia scon dried up and disappeared kitegather. I also experienced the rest and relief affbrdcd by sleeping soundly at aighfe, without being disturbed by an-* pleasant drozms. The mornings found me refreshed and full <?f energy. Xhosp direful feelings of pentby and listless? BOsa wcre ptieetively stamped out by C;em?Bte TMUs and J am sure therq ip nothing in ihe world to' compare with that medicine for removing bodily pains, gvan-my. bilious- headaches ffor parted; but iff.- the meantime' I had guinea ft healthy appetite dv digestive organ? were repaired moronghly. Instead of fermenting and turning to. wind, my food now and strengthened my weakened system. As a bleed- purifier, O.pmeate Tonic has no equal, as it gave me a clear skin and a fresh complexion in place of a yellow colour r,nd disfiguring eruptions, besides making my brentli pure and my mouth sweat, When I had taken three bottles 1 had tq wait for a week before’ I could get any more, oh account of being- oyt of touch with civilization); but I got another bottle or two as soon, as I had the' chance. These were enough to make the cure perfect, for by flip time tjioy wore finished, I had regained all my !«st vitality, my frame was well covered with flesh, anff the.deavegeminis cf my nervous system were et aside, After reaping so much benefit from the use of 01 ora ants Tonic I ntulurally recommend it to any invalid who co-aieo under my notice.'' “ Want are the results of ywjy recommendations.?” . The results are always satisfactory, A case in point is that ef my wife, who icir.e yeq,rs back was in mi aIaTSUBB stfito fff__ h-ra-lth. She con'd p(ff Walt across the room without feeling a fit of giddiness cemen:-:, and was everlastingly icinplauung about being weary and ilkU YSiza. Ido not wonder at it, because lio w.n:j .never hungry, and she was upab’o to digest the light ffiafe partaken of. She used- to suffer with terribi? nt'.ffs u> the head, chest, and side, sides enduring frightful agonies in fito-mafiri turn between, the shoulders, bpo could not, keep ibe food down at ;ul, bpt was cenlihuaily and straining hoe itigide. ’ A terrib'e mrv our, prfatration eiff-ued. and at last my mh ceiud ho-1 weak -; fhe was too weak i'kcn she to the hospital, where a : if tip tempowi-ry relief was’ obtained, but a cewoful visit was so<m» necessity, pad thus oiie ccntinuod backwards aiid forwards, till, altogether ,»h© was in uospita-ls three years. -Besides al| sorts of medicines., the doctors aiimbrislered blisters a»}d plasters to jurfcjier orders, but their treatment did iidv bring the laug§d-for reiief.lJ Some doctors add it ap exceptionally severe case pf g’guevol debility, whilst ■.neither raedicnl man said .siie was Buffering fropi a u iniurnal ceraplglnt. It. scorns a.s if they did not kfio-w wh»t- (p mako of hey diaepfie, hut any ease aho w.-m eavorai {unos very near the grave, and 1 am eyre nobody could be so miserable end honolcss ns sfio was. A? the doctors cfijild pot rum her, my wife resorted to Cloments Tmijc. and thus she was saved, Clements Tonic cased all pains, toned Hie nerves, res tored ?ureag;.-4, and, m short, made her a koatthy woman-. Publish iljesp facts in vuy way you ei/oetc.” ST.VTL'TOBV PKI-APATIOi.’, f, r?i'.i;r tcr Ito.ufiK. of 1,17 ilßoyvff-Elrcel. if* »• C'Aj'.'y cf dv femnly J4:;W ilwt I have careMiy utA i coh&t's()os of ?.-«}; cj? p-niiriered from on«tp ii.r.a, -in?) (hatcwiijins onJ U A true a pA faitfcfiii pf ii;y illunc.s ari) atß by ’< lemcpts Tonln *mi N■ ; i:Diil.,-|-.., my p*’* J'-lt-iiojj l‘l i.i.i.lir, -.r.v way mv statenamlj, wiik'i I give ypiueurlfy w.-ibout feeinng .any iwmWi I make »bl» swuun rieriaratmn c-'nsFienjje-islv 1-eHeviee (he *»'••>* m •rat- ?u)il by Lii-.ue „i ii,o r>rcv)pU3e» of |U; Act of liic Asse i.bly of »w Zealand, lafhutSQ -< ftp Jestjces of pea-jc Act, PetUred at fUm-din. Hals twentToir.tb day Docejuker. cue i.iouia'ah nins handled, before me, ’ ISAAC SUI.BY. J,*’.

ICfZ&&Z&3)SG&&3&2t ««JU§T THE THINO" for tftig Weather. T. &. H. SMITH'S , COFFEE ESSENCE. _ Stocks M 4 by E. WILSOH ft CO., PDJTEDfIsr, J> WHAT IS ITP WHY CARPETTO, HAVE YOU NEVER USED FTP IT WILL CLEAN" CARPETS LINOLEUMS PAINT WORK 1 REMOVE OIL, GREASE, OR TAR Prom ANY WOQI PRICE: i-GALLON TIN, Is; 1-GALLON tW, U Pd. CARPETTO is to be Procured from the Grocers :-r--J. PETERSON AN» CO. YOTJNa ANp ANDERSON. A, AND J. M'FARMNS. WARDELL BROS. ""' R. BOWIE AND CO, ARGHD. AND CO. C ALLAN AND SMITH. IRVINE AND {STEVENSON P. CAROLIN AND CO, " BTOCK.S HELD BY R, WILSON AND CO AND THE NEW ZEALAND HARDWARE COMPANY, LIMITEP. - fl gmeers. *M&S2&2aEm§^ Sole Agents for New Zealand for tfee "RUSTQN" OIL BPOINE To ba seen at work »t oyr Workshop, Goiqberi§p(J Street. JusilamJed a large Sfcipmtmt Gilbert Wood Split Pulleys The. strongest and aaest da?ass Wood A large vanoty of Q&s Fires, [ Brackets, Globes, Pendants, r ae4 ga&ftary War© tp fee Inspection Cordially Inviteii. &T.BUBT, Ltd., Stuart St., Dunedin.

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Evening Star, Issue 11694, 27 September 1902, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 11694, 27 September 1902, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 11694, 27 September 1902, Page 7