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■ We understand that : a movement is on, 'foot to invite the Hon H. Gourley to offer City Council., I meeting ,of ■ the Port Chalmers iTownCCouncirwas-held last .night, at which water rates? for the ycara';l9ol-1902 were struck ,v .. J , j Messrs J. Reid arid Son, jon behalf of a geritleman,.who desires that Ms name -shall, [not be disclosed, have forwarded to; Mr. A. • [Bathgate, secretary' of the .Conservation Society, a/.chequc for r£lo, tp : ;be spent in. jreplacing the .ashntrees in .the Market. rc*‘ jserveiand improving th 6 reserve generally.;

Ths census is to -be itauen. .to-morrow night. bacon this morning. Jt 4 Vin >De r 'destroy|4. • *Ah agreement wa»,to-duy, fiUdfcunder- the Ooncißatibn’* and Arhitrationti-Aeti bfctfctfen the Otago Typographical Association and the r Evening Sta.ri’cCdtojpanjr and the' Otago Daily Tune?/and/\yjtripßS v * Company. The entertainments given' by Northcote’s ; Ha}), jeach ;ey | eoiJig,'4re ;CT^y:e!n|ojrecL l ( ! M* programme at present comprises a rdpreseh- ; tation-ofv 1 -, Uncle Thom’s .and ‘Psp* per's Ghost.’ ' We imderstind thht at-Wednesday’s meeting of the City CouTlcil Cr Muir will, give notice to mdVe - th'ai/ Cominto ( ttye, adyisar bility between'file 1 hours, of noori and 9 p.a>. only on' Sundays, and that the employes be paid extra for Sunday work.”;;!;!?-?; ij-, The vital ! gta±istic3 forthemonthwere as follow: —Births l Tlo, deaths 48, 1 marriages 51. For the,,quarter the, hirijbs totalled 375, deaths 148, marriages 138. Fp'r March, of 1900 the, births were J.OO, deaths AS,’ marriages 39; while the totals for the quarter of last year were. Births, ,<s9,o, deaths 164, marriages 116,: /, A sensational runaway occurred yesterday afternoon/ A horse attached bo a, butcher’s cart Mesrrs T. Smith and,-Co. started td bolt in Cumberland!, street; neai the Triangle, l and tore along the,road, almost out to the firm’s shop' in South'Dunedin. The unusual and fortunate part of the affair was that no damage'was done, although the gallop'covered nearly a couple of miles; On the 27th df Deceriiber last the President of the French Republic promulgated the Amnesty Bill voted by the French Chambers, which applies to deserters from the army and navy, thsmen. who have not complied with their military duties (“ insoumis ”), and to seamen, belonging to the “ inscription maritime” who have deserted from trading ships prior to the 15th December, 1900. ~1 , ' , Mr E. H. Carew, S.M., sat at Port Chalmers to-day, when several debt claims were confessed and ordered to be paid. An Asi sesmuent Court was also hold, and the appeals of 'Alexander Clarke, and James West were respectively heard and dismissed. .One ■male was granted-, a full pension. On the civil side several cases were struck out for non-attendance, and in the caee Sinclair v. Permer, acloim of £l2 Is d, Mr Platts, for the plaintiff, obtained judgment. The Hampden correspondent of the 4 Palmerston Times’ writes: —‘‘Some of the Moeraki fishermen, when going to, the fishing on the morning of the, 26th ipst, noticed the boat the young, man Brett was in when lost a short time • ago, floating among some kelp. Tie stem was high out of the water and nindh smashed up, the front part being deep down, as if by some heavy .body. : Some ballast - kept- her nose down. The mast was intact., The boat has been brought.into the harbor.” The Conciliation Board yesterday resumed consideration of the Burnside Don Rolling Mills dispute, and after ivlr A. H. Smellie had been heard for the. proprietors, making a detailed statement answering Mr Atkinson, during which he stated that the laborers worked nine and a-half and not twelve hours a day, the chairman (Mr F. R. Chapman) suggested that the employing company should make counter proposals, and that a conference with tho men be held so as to see what the points of difference actually were This suggestion was agreed to, and the case was adjourned for a fortnight. Professor Sale, speaking yesterday at the presentation of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music certificates, commented in direct terms upon the'action of the authorities connected with St. Dominic’s Priory and St. Hilda’s Collegiate School in refusing to allow the pupils of those schools who entered for the examinations to sit for the examinations at the University, and we are informed that in.consequence of separate examinations having been granted Mr A. Hamilton has resigned his position as local representative of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music. During the hearing of a petition for divorce at tho Supreme Court, Adelaide, the other day, petitioner mentioned that during the ten years that he had lived with his wife he had made it a rule to give her half his savings* for her separate use, the total being between £BOO and £9OO. The Chief Justice, who was- trying the case, said he thought the law should be altered in this respect. It was a monstrous thing that a man who had given his wife valuable propetty should not be able to recall it Under circumstances such as had been related. Ho would consult his brother Judges in respect to the matter.

The variety entertainment by the Dix’s Company at the Alhambra Theatre' last evening drew only a moderate attendance. Mr Les. Wharton made his first appearance, and judging by the reception the Songs he sang met with he should prove a source of strength to the company. Mr Tom Dawson, "who made his reappearance, was also well received. The Patterson brothers, in, their daring horizontal bar act, the Linwood sisters, and all the members of the company were successful in their efforts to amuse and entertain the audience. The Patterson, brothers and Mr Albert M'Kisson appear for the last time to-night. On Monday night the Tyler brothers, whose “Eisley” act has gained for them much praise throughout New Zealand, and Miss Mollie Bentley, a descriptive vocalist, will make their debut; The opening winter lecture of the season in aid of the Y.W.C.A. was delivered last night in the rooms, Moray place, by Professor Gilray, who took as his subject ‘Shakespeare, the Man and Writer.’ At the close of . the. lecture the Rev. P. W. Fairclough proposed a vote of thanks'to the professor and the chairman, which was seconded by Mr J. C: Stephens. The chairs man (the Rev. J. U. Spence) remarked that it was a matter for regret that the lecture had, not been more largely advertised, as no doubt the hall would have been unable to. hold the people who would have availed themselves of the pleasure of being present had; they known of the lecture. Personally, he would in the future make known the excellence of the lectures that were de-,; livered under the. Y.W.C.A. auspices. A curious incident that gave rise to a lot of curiosity and not a little feeling happened during one of the election meetings at Townsville (Q.). Mr Foley, an ex-alder-man and several times an unsuccessful candidate for parliamentary honors, speaking at Mr Dawson’s meeting, declared his willingness to work alongside any kanaka in a canefield, although he knew nothing about canethreshing. Mr Hamilton at his meeting referred to this boast, and offered to place £SO in the hands of the mayor, to be given to Mr Foley if he could work a fortnight alongside a kanaka at some Geraldton plantation to be selected. Mr Hamilton declared that if Mr Foley won he would willingly forfeit the money, and acknowledge Mr Barton’s policy. This money has been placed in the mayor’s hands with conditions, which it is understood Mr Foley will accept. The mayor, Mr Chisholm, adheres to his resolve to retire from the Queen’s Statue Committee. On Thursday hc'waswaited on by Messrs A. 'Bathgate and Keith Ramsay, representing the Committee, and asked to. reconsider his decision, and they preisfect him to think the matter over 1 and ; giv® a reply the next day. " His Worship yesterday wrote' to Mr Keith Ramsay as r , fpllpiws ': “.WhTe.appredatang,hjgMy,.th%y«ry;,:candid admission freely made by yourself and Mr Bathgatejin yoixr infimae\r..psteiiday,. that, the .Queen's - Statue, , Comnitteer had made, a mistake in,ignoring .myself as mayor in the matter of the appointment.of a chair-, man, and your regret that this neglect tom :their port, (for which now t sorry), had to tne tendering my resignatopn. and ceasing to take any part in the movement,' and . asking me, in view of tfaeee expressions if I would not be prepared to recptwider my determination and accept, the position of chairman to the Committee—-as 'indicated pretty. clearly, to you at the interview 'reterred to,‘ I cannot, considering the circumstances, see my way to' comply, with,. your wishes'.” ; ; ' ■ - .

A meeting of: electors . favoVahle to. Cr Ah-, idorson’s candidature for the mayoralty will bf ;he!d jo. the. Public Half North-east Valley, >op .Tuesday evening! .<■, ; The Kaikdrai Band will play a programme iof .sacred musicat the Clear/Maori Hill (near ,the:electrifc tram ; terminus); to-morrowj start' a quarter to' Urea* v 5

■ ine 'Bruce .-GmUq/Association -, wm bold; sports afitUßHlßßJdriraß&f^^Mbtdiy^^uiling }sr tp"^~r v s^'a l styrTr v ; — l —’"T g Marseilles. roofttfg ■{S^’afe 1 beginning>alf,^arrest at" the Cavershain" and annual stock-taking sale now of. Two Tnauif estaiabn?, M„Gbd'._ ri f ,i:i . ",. ' Bargam/; 1 presents sheet id prices; free wheels: Zealand OyMe^GbmpariT.'^Advt.l

At'theimOTiung service in St- Andrew’s tomorrow Mr-JI-'New wiU-giye-Bome-account-of wo'rkHDiKSjg BottAcoord Drapery;Ckmrpany araopening up' *an ij&a< for; autumn.)arid -.winter-' as? dress rgoods, lyelyeteonsi' furtj'milUnery,'* ooa*k~r[Advt,]’l 1 1 io AV-hheT A Reception’ CorirnEtteOs aTe requested j > tb, at? tend at thafTown Hell on Monday nest, at 4 pjjtfiJbiTo-;; Cooke, Howlison, and' Co., King street; are haviri’g a* special blearing > sale srf afidi f <; iispection means purohanngl^Aa , vti'J' The North-east’ Valley Town Belt. at? Mornington,.to-morrow afternoon. A collection win bo made in aid of the propoaed Momington Braes Band.

" Tui Extract of Soap.”—Save your 'temper andmdrieyby uaingit. For. washing clothes, Boonring floors.and household work: generally, the best and cheapest knoTO.„ Only, U per packet.—[Advt-1 ’ ' ’ '' *‘ :l ■ - '•’ ' >

A meeting of ladies willing'to assist' in ‘tbeT movement for the erection of the Queen’s memorial statue will .be held in 'ihe Agricultural HaU 'Board Room'oh Tuesdays afternoon.—' L>; i<

The Dunedin and Suburban Dairymen’sAs-' Bociatkm have decided’ to’ charge'tberfdUotving minimum, prices for milk, as'from,HApril l r t'-s-“ Pint,2d,'quart 3id,two quarts 6d, three quarts 9d,- arid a gallon lid. . i >i - :.v y,,i ~." r f

•A concert in aid of the North-east Valley Presbyterian-Sunday School HaU fund, will, bo held in the Town Hail, N.B. Valley,- on l Monday uext.<A good programme has been provided: ’ : It' will be noticed in, the advertising' columns that a great lot of men’s and boys’ surplus clothing and underclothing, hats, ties, etc., will be offered at ridiculously low prices to-morrow (Saturday) at New Zealand Clothing Factory, Octagon.—[Advt,] ‘Does Theosophy Dethrone Christ?’ is the subject of an address to _be delivered by Mr Mazengarb in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Rattray street, to-morrow aftetnoon.... Questions and discussion will follow.' 1

The, Bev, .David,O’Donnell, the well-known Australian evangelist, wiU preach in the Gar-rison-Hall on Sunday evening. His ■ subject will be ‘Can a God of Love Allow-a Soul to Perish?’ ’■ : -* :■ ■

Mr Morris, photographer, - Princes street. Dunedin, finds it is not generally known that his charge is one guinea y'er dozen for cabinet portraits of children. Any extra charges are for vignettes, groups,: large mounts also the various methods, of printing.—{Advt.] - v, > A united Christian Ctonvqntiori’ will be held in the Moray place Congregational Church on Wednesday, Thursday, -and Friday, April 3, 4, and 5. The Revs. D. O’Donnell, J. Southey, and T. E. Thomas, Mr J. H. Todd, and local ministers will take part. A special meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association is called for Monday next, as per advertisement. -We understandthat the Board of Management have not to entertain the ideh of buying the present building of the Young Women’s Christian Association, which is to be put up fop auction shortly. ', ? •,.’ Messrs Gresham- and Boot, : surgeon and mechanical dentists, 63-: Princes street, Dunedin (late A. E. Boot). Mr Gresham was for saven years a pupil of the. late. Mr Alfred Boot, and hhs been practising successfully for the lost eleven years in Invercargill. Ail fees strictly moderate, consistent with highclass work. Consultation free,—{Advt.] On Good Friday night a sacred concert will be given in .the Garrison Hall,' which will be the means of introducing to’the Dunedin public Miss Annie Sirne,.who will make her first bow to a Dunedin audience as a contralto singer; Mr ,G. E. Branson,' a local baritone; and Mr Charles Bead, a Christchurch tenor. These, together with established local favor- 1 ites, are a guarantee for a most enjoyable concert. 1 Popular prices are fixed, and we 1 predict a full house. •; Here is a genuine chance for a-bargain: Second-hand and shop-wom bicycles.—Every machine is-in perfect order and ready to ride anywhere. These bicycles are being sold to make, room, for how. shipments at prices that are astonishing the .’trade. Send for price-list, or please call at oar Dunedin depot, 121 a George ' street.T7-Canada Cycle and Motor 1 Company) Limited (Masaey-Harris branch). —[Advt.] :

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Evening Star, Issue 11511, 30 March 1901, Page 4

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Untitled Evening Star, Issue 11511, 30 March 1901, Page 4

Untitled Evening Star, Issue 11511, 30 March 1901, Page 4