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TULfORAJHia WEATHER RCTORT. Troh Taken at 9 am.

■Vfißd.-C, calm; 1. light; br, brter* ; f kr,l frctV brwz*; mg, raoderata sate ; g, whol* oi| fctavy jtaU; w, fate of esceptionxl «evoritj. I W«»th«r. —B, blua Aj ; C, clouds, ptssiof j tl«a<U ;D, drizzlinc rain; F, fojjv; G, eloomy.b <«fkweath«r: H, hail; L, liehtning; M, raitty-J 0, »r«re»«t; P, paising ihow«rs ;Q, squally; 11, nin, continued rain ;S, idott ; T, thunder; 17, ■fly, threatening appearance. HIGH WATER. TO-MORROW. Taiaroa Head: 5.5 a.m., 5.27 p.m. Port Chalmers: 5.45 a.m., 6.7 p.m. Dunedin: 6.30 a.m., 6.52 p.m. ■ . Corinna, s.s., 850 tons, Lambert, from the West Coast. Monowai, s.s., 2,136 tons, Chatfield, from Melbourne via Hobart and the Bluff. Pas-[ sengers : _ Misses Farham, Browning, Mal-j colm, Cuming, Hoare, Jerom, Gardiner,' Farie, Chapman, Mesdames Hintz, Cowling,' Edwards, Wood and child, Russell, Farie, Burdon, Von Stieglitz, Messrs Farham, 1 Barey, Slater, Watt, Cowling, Rex, Bajust, Flowers, Honey, Cuming, Davies, Sneddon, Price, Turnbull, Edwards, Wood, Nicholls, Back, J. Stout, Peacock, A. Cannon, Russell, Farie, Burdon, Fox. Hurley, Mackel-' lar ; and forty-four in the steerage. I SAlLED.—January 23. Upolu. s.s., 1,117 tons, Lambert, for the] West Coast. Westland, ship, 1,116 tons, Samuels, for London. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Corinna, from West Coast, 24th. Moura, from Auckland via wav ports, 24th. ' I Waikarr, from West Coast Sounds, 24th.1 Waihora, from Svdnev via Wellington, 1 26th. ■ * j Ikhona, from Calcutta via Auckland,! 26th. I Zealandia, from Sydney via Auckland,' 27th. " I Janet Nico'.l. from Greymouth, 28th. Mokoia, from Melbourne via Hobart,' 30th. I Te Anau, from Auckland via wav ports, 31st, Frank Guy, barquentine, from Kaipnra. Westralia, from Sydney via Wellington. February 2. j Mararoa, from Sydney via Auckland, February 3. Invercargill, from Liverpool, arrived Wellington January 14. Loch Tree, from Liverpool via Wellington, November 21. Wellington, ship, left Glasgow November Otarama, left London December 1. Gladys left London December 24. Rangatira left London January 8. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Tutanekai, for West Coast, 24th. Corinna, for Westport, 24th. Monowai, for Sydney via Wellinzton, 24tk k Moura, for Auckland via Lyttelton, 25th. Kia Ora, for Westport and"Fiji, 25th. Waikare. for Melbourne via Bluff andHobart, 28th. Zealandia, for Sydney via Lyttelton, 30th. Janet Nicoll, for Greymouth, 50th. f Mokoia, for Sydney via LvttcltCn, 31st. Te Anau, for Auckland via- way ports j February .1. j Westralia, for Melbourne via Bluff and* Hobart, February 4. | Mararoa, for Sydney via Auckland, Feb! ruary 5. i I The ship Westland was towed clear of the! Heads this morning, and sailed for London.l The Corinna, from the West Coast, ar-! rived this morning, and was berthed along-? side the hulks at the Bowen pier to discharge! part of her cargo of coal. I The Upolu having discharged her car"o* of coal, sailed last night for Westport. ° j The Monowai, from Melbourne via Hobart' and the Bluff, arrived at 6 a.m. to-day.j She left Melbourne at 5.30 p.m. on the 16th,j cleared the river at 9.55,. passed the Schanck! at 10.45, Curtis Tsland at 6.12 a.m. on the 17th, Swan Island at 1.19 p.m., Eddystonej light at 3.52 p.m., rounded Tasman Islands at 2.20 a.m. on the 18th, passed Capcßaouls at 3.10 a.m., entered the Heads at 4.40J a.m., and arrived at Hobart wharf at 6" ;um. ; left again at 4 p.m. same day, sighted! New Zealand coast at 9 a.m. on'the 21st,j arriving at the Bluff at 6 p.m. on same day;! left again at 5'.30 p.m. on the 22nd, and! arrived as above. She berthed at the cross! wharf. Experienced light, variable N. to N.E. winds with smooth sea to arrival j Going from the Bluff to Hobart the Monowai covered the distance (930 miles) in the quick time of 70 hours. Rough weather/ prevailed from Hobart to Melbourne. The Marconi installation between the] Mumbles Lighthouse, off the coast of Gla-| morganshire, and the shore has just been' completed, and will soon be in operation ( The distance over which the messages will be transmitted is twenty-five miles The; Chilian Government have also just placed an order with the Wireless andSignal Company for an iastv'lation of thej Marconi system between PunU ivenas and Ancud or Puerto Muntt. The withdrawal of the Mawhera from the West Coast-Wellington trade will necessitate the Wainui taking up her running. Arrangements have been made for the Tarawera to continue in the WellinctonLyttelton service for the present., Advices by a late mail state that the iron ship Margaret Galbraith, recently purchased' for the Tasmanian Timber Corporation,! Limited, was to have left London last month for Hobart, with 700 tons of mill machinery, eta, but she did not sail as early as ex pected, in consequence of the " steamer Svanen, which had over 100 tons of steel rails for the Margaret Galbraith, having been detained at Aarhuus for repairs, rendered necessary through collision with a tug. At last advices the ship was expected to leave London about the end of December for Hobart. Particulars to hand of the stormy vovage of the brigantine Rotuma from ■ Newcastle to Wellington go to show that two days after leaving Newcastle on the 3rd January she fell in with a heavy gale, through which she labored heavily. Her dwks were flooded, and she was found to be making water, having sprung a leak. On the Bth heavy thunder and lightning occurred, while the gale still continued. On the 10th the gale had moderated somewhat, but heavy squalls were frequent. The ship was then under reefed mainsail. The gale freshened! again next day, and the ship was found to be sti'.l leaking badly. On the 12th it was' found necessary to jettison cargo, and 367 sleepers were thrown overboard. This was done for the safety of the ship, as it was thought she would not weather another gale. This lightening of the vessel proved successful, the leaking being reduced. Mr David M'lntyre, late of the schooner Falcon, who has been studying at "Devo-i nia" Navigation School, Lyttelton, passed! his examination yesterday for a certificate: of competency as mate of a Home trade pas-' senger ship.

! FORTY-THREE HOURS IN THE ££ WATER. Up The following telegram has been received M t Plymouth from the Carteret Lighthouse-l| eeper with regard to the rescue of Frede-|| ick Whiteway, fireman on board ; :ie Poss-H nil:—"Whiteway was saved about fix & 'clock on the evening of December 13. HeS ad lashed himself to a raft constnpeed ontS f spars of wreck, and drifted towards en-fjj irons of this lighthouse. He was akne onlj the raft when rescued and brought into IneiS lighthouse. He was very exhjuisred, andjfi was perishing with cold, hunger, and fatigue,® but his health is now tolerable." White-H way had been in the water forty-three rcursM | when rescued. His mother is" a widow re-lj Ssiding at Plymouth. She had almost givwiffi up hope of again seeing her ;on whyj shef* received the tidings that'he was said. | SYDNEY-HOBART SERVICE. | Thus far this season the passenger traffic I between Sydney and Hobart has been dis-» appointing, and it has been found expedient^ to withdraw the steamer Burrumbeet, whichjl \ was pressed into the sen-ice by Messrs Hud-j$ |dart, Parker, and Co. Proprietary, Limited,^ j with the idea of maintaining a hi-wccklvE I running in conjunction with the Oonahj| throughout the summer months. Various!? causes are attributed to the falling-off in| the number of passengers travelling, the® achief being the Sydney Commonwealth cele-l *orations, and the comparatively cool weather^ across the Straits. Whateve-K sthe cause, anticipations of a brisk passenger^ gseason have so far not been realised. The % gßnrrumbect, on arrival at Sydney from Ho-ffi Start this trip, will be withdrawn, and the! !i iJ\ Wlll leaVe IS - vdnfi y for this port onf jf the 17th inst. in her stead. | § A YEAR'S CASUALTIES. | I In a Blue Book issued bv the Board nfl |lrade relative to shipping casualties on oifj |near our coasts during the year ended Junel | M of last year it is shown that the totals! |number of shipping casualties which oc-| aeurred on or near the coasts of the UnitedK in the year 1898-99 was 5.040,1 Sthis total being unfortunately an increase off 5|76 as compared with the preceding flmonths. The total number of lives lost© gas the result of these casualties was 520.fe |no less than 225 mare than in the PJ1897-98. On examination, however, it is| <jfound that nearly half of this large increase!' awns due to the sad wreck of the Mohegan onij jsthe Manacles iCornwall), on October 14,$ SIB9B. when 106 souls perished. Of theft |total casualties. 4,434 befell British and colo-| snial vessels and 606 foreign vessels. It lsbj! |gratifying to note, however, that the totall |jof the Britisli and colonial casualties wasl |2l less than that of the year 1897-98. On?j? athe other hand the total of foreign Spshowed a imich-to-be-regretted' increase of* ffi97 cases. The loss of life resulting fromsj Bthe casualties in the various districts. in-|| jgjcluding collision cases, was as follows:—|; I East coast of England, 93, or four morePt than in 1897-98; "south coast of 148 (including 106 lives—62 crew and passengers—lost at the wreck of the Mohc-K ganl, or 116 more than the preceding year:|| west coast of England and Scotland andfej east coast of Ireland, 118, double the num-| ber of the previous vear; north coast offci *§coast of Scotland, 55, a remarkable increased |of 54: other parts, 92; total, 520. Al-gj M though during a period little exceeding ss, the number of lives perishmgEJ isjfrom shipwreck on or near our shores hasK to the terrible total of 29.790. it| |gis consoling to know that had it not beenjij Juror the work done by the lifeboats an'ljft wctpws of the Royal National Lifeboat Insti-S Ijtution, etc., the number of lives lost would® Shave been considerably more than doubled,§ Ithe total number of lives rescued by thesffc jtjmeans in the same period being 32.039. soi£ Sathat the lives thus saved exceeded thoseg ■jswhich were lost by 2.249. The Institutional ; Jj granted rewards in 1899 for saving 609 livesgl ||froni shipwreck and for the landing of 67£ i Mother persons by means of lifeboats fromjSv perilous positions. The 3! 3$ ■Brocket apparatus and other stations, which* Sare so well managed by the Board of Traded Hand admirably worked by the Coastguards? |pnd Rocket Brigades, perseveringly carry unj| atheir important life-saving duties, and werep in the year 1893-99 in ■§223 persons from a watery grave. Thisp [Btotal was an increase of 92 as compared withS ttthat of the previous year. Having to the great national work in life-j| rendeied year by year to the country ,s «and indeed to the world at large, by ttieft' «Royal National Lifeboat Institution, thefj of Management earnestly appeal*! Sfor help. During the. past year the mainte-p ananec of the lifeboat service hus been ren-{| Sdtred more than usually difficult owing tojg Qthe numerous appeals which have been miulegf aand so generously responded to by the Bri-p Stish public in connection with the war inK aSouth Africa ; bv.t the Committee, hope thatg |it will be borne in mind that whether theregf sb:>. peace or war there is never a. cessa-g |tion of the need of help for the Hand storm-tossed sailor. The total nnmber|3 3of lives for the saving of which the. Insti-E S tut ion has granted rewards has |42,200.--English paper. E s I | THE DIRECT STEAMERS. E 3 The Vv'hitc Star n.nd Shaw, Savill and Al-p cbion Company's steamer Delphic, CaptainE SSowden, left Lytt-elton yesterday with a gcargo of colonial produce, for the Home- mar-R.; Sskels. She should be heard of at London inßl jtabout forty-seven days from sailing date. |; y The New Zealand Shipping jgs.s. Paparoa, which left Wellington on De-E |cember 6. arrived at Plymouth on the 21stM linst. " f. ! TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. | Arrivals.—January 23 : Lyttelton, 8.305 a.m., a.m., Talune. from Port. Chalmers.—Auck-fe land, 6.15 a.m., Alameda, from Honolulu,& with the' San Francisco mail.—Spit, 5.15*j v a.m., Fifeshire, from (Jisbome. E; | Departures.—January 23 : Lyttelton, 5.30b |a.m., ship M.ario, for Falmouth. p | SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. I I January 22.—Rotokino,! gfor the Islands and Sydney. K I IvAIPARA HEADS, Januan- 22.—Isa-| Bbella Anderson, schooner, for Dunedin. M |, GISBORKE, January 22.—Fifeshire, fori BNapier. j| I W«LLISGTON, January 22.—Moura, fori HLyttelton and Dunedin. Passengers : Missesgj SMay, Hill, Jay. Allan, Ferrand, Kimbcll.tS iMesdames Eroskey, Bower, Evans, Messrslt SReid, M.'Naughtoru, Meason ; and twelve infe sthe steerage.—Tarawera, for Lyttelton. jl |Passengers: Misses Dale (2), Smith, Baber,!* SMesdames Houlker, Martin, Quane, Cotton,j| iNurse. Cotton, Messrs Martin, Baich, Bas-f' flsett, Quick, Dimant, Manning, Jansen, Self.K IJMartin, Hector, Houlker; and eighteen in» fflthe steerage. p I LYTTELTON, January 22. Petone.l Ifrom Newcastle.—lkiona. from Wellington.f| I TIMARU", January 22.—Corinna," fori j Dunedin. fi I LONDON. January 22.—Pnpa.roa, from|: I Wellington.—Kumara, for Lyttelton. K i SYDNEY, January 23. Aratapn. fromjf: I Tairua.—Loongana, from Wellington. W NEWCASTLE. January 23.—Elizabeth! > Graham, for Wellington. at \\ MELBOURNE, January 23. Wild! I Wave, from Thames. ' 1| £ gj a (For continuation see Late Shipping.) M

rh.r. , Statiaa. Wind. Bar. ia Weather - Shad t Cap* Maria Tan l)i«ra«n ... Ef br 30.05 77 R Auckland .. NNEf 30.03 71 C Tmw ... ... NNV1 30.00 65 0 Gi»born« .. G 30 09 68 G Fpit NEbr 30.13 68 B C Nanr Plymouth NE f br 30.02 68 O G Cap* Ezroont... Not come > — — — Wanganni ... NW 1 29.91 71 O G Wellington ... NW 1 29.^2 62 OR Bl«nh*im ... NW 1 29.86 70 C D Cap* Campb*HNl N*1ion NW 1 29.91 29.91 61 70 R O Far*w«U8pit... Nf br 29.95 65 M W««tport ... W 1 29.90 m o «!r»yrooutk ... E1 29.92 70 B C Hokitika ...SW1 29.93 67 BC B*al* T NW 1 30.00 65 u LytUlton ... SVV1 29.96 71 G Chriitehureh ... SW 1 2W.96 71 O Timani S br 30.01 57 D Oman SI 29.95 £9.92 58 O Port Chalmtn.. SW m g til OG Dnn«din ._ SW f 29.94 02 OG Clyd* C 29.81 68 O B C . Q»t«mtow» ... SE br 29.98 02 T.v-rearsill ... SW f 29.96 .08 B C Bluff SWfbr 29.97 62 B C nanmcr ... — — —

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Evening Star, Issue 11454, 23 January 1901, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 11454, 23 January 1901, Page 6

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 11454, 23 January 1901, Page 6