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PROSPECTUS ’ Of tho ‘ J£AWARAB JUNCTION GOLD DREDGING COMPANY, ; LIMITED. Situate on the junction of the Kawamn and Shotover Rivers! ■ ■ ■ (To he incorporated under “The Companies Act, 1882.”) CAPITAL - - £8,580. ' ' . Divided int6 8,500 Shares of £1 each, Of Which 2,000 fully paid-up Shares are to he allotted to the Vendor in full payment of the claim. The balance of 6.500 are. now offered to the Public for tho purpose of providing capital to. build and p.ace on the property a powerful and modem type dredge to work tho same. Terms: Is per share on application, Is per share on allotment, and the balance in calls no* exceeding 2s per shiuro afc intervals of not less than one month. The Vendors agree not to sell their paid-up shares until the dredge is at work. The Vendors have taken 1,000 contributing shares. _ Directors; TheJSabaeribcTß to the Memorandum and Articles of Association shall be the Provisional Directors, and shall allot shares and transact such other business as may he necessary until the first meeting of Shareholders, which shall be hold in Dunedin at as early a dato-ae posaftde after registration, and at which the permanent Directors shall be appointed. Bankers: THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Solicitor: FRED CALVERT, Dunedin. Consulting Engineers: CDTTBN BROS., Dunedin. ♦ Brokers: J. C. PONSONBY, Colonial Mutual Buildings, Dunedin. Interim Secretary; H. S. VAI3SNTINE, Albert Buildings, Princes street, Dunedin. This Company is being formed -to acquire and work mining areas in New Zealand, and in particular a mining area consisting of 691 acres, situate at the junction of the Shot! ooer and Eawsarau Rivers, comprising about equal portions of the two rivers, together with the beaches, both known to contain payable gold. Tho claim has been granted as a special

cfaum. A small dredge has worked on a portion of this claim, but owing to poor machinery and old-fashioned ideas of working generally the dredge was removed. It will be seen by Mr S. J. Luke's report that this dredge obtained from 12 to over 300/. per week, but owing-to the heavy expense and the dredge being unfit to work the claim the owners removed it to another district. Vast improvements have been made in dredging machinery in the last few years, and our dredge-masters have gained knowledge and cxpenence which has enabled them bo overcome difficulties that tbev could not. cope with a few years £6,500 is considered ■ ample capital to provide a thoroughly modem dredge suitable to work tbo ebim, and the promoters arc very confident that the property will turn out a profitable ‘dividend-paying investment. The Vendor’s agreement, dated 22nd day of January, is made between W. H. Fahey, of the one part, and Fred Calvert, as trustee for and on behalf of the Company, of the other part, and may be seen, together with the original reports, at the office of the Solicitor to the Company. All applicants will be deemed to have knowledge of the contents of ' tsaine. Dividends will be paid per share, irrespective of amount paid up. , t The cost of flotation and incorporation will be home and paid by the Company. REPORTS. REPORT ON CLAIM SITUATED ON THE SHOTOVER AND KAWARAU RIVERS AT THE JUNCTION. The Promoters Kawarau Junction Company, Duhedin. Dear Sirs, —I visited this claim, and I find it splendid dredging ground and free from large stones, with nice soft reef allowing on tie sides of the claim. The bottom is the von' best for dredging on. The whole of the claim can be dredged. 'There has been <mod gold got on both banks, and with an up-to-date dredge should pay well. ° I am, yours faithfully, " W. H. KITTO. Dredge-master, Cromwell. Alexandra South, January 271h, 1900. ■ ' Dear Sirs,—Your letter of the 19th inst. to hand re claims on Kawarau and Shotover Rivers. The Kawarau Junction was at one time the Golden Link Company’s claim and they got the Prankton Beach Company’s dredge to work it on tribute, allowing them’ 150-/ for working expenses per week, and I think cne-tbird of the balance. Whilst working the ground she got from l2os to over 30oz per week, (ml owing to the expense in working her it did not pay. Her cost for fuel for one week was over £SO. If the ground continued as good as the Frank ton Beach got it. that claim should pay fairly well with a good dredge on it The Shotover Junction Claim was once known as tho Golden Bar Company who put i dredge on and worked for some months, but never did any good. Some ot the hands t hat were working on her told me that they never bottomed tie ground, could not get down for want of tailing room, and if that is so the ground was never proved. The Golden Bar Company prospected the claim with boring rods and were well satisfied with prospects before putting the dredge on. Yours respectfully, " S. T. LUKE. n , , ~ , Dunedin, February sth. 1900. Gentlemen, —With regain to tho above dredging company’s property our Mr W H Gotten.-formed-onoof a:party who worked the Kawarau dredge on this’ claim some years ar-o and got payable returns for a time, although the dredge had a small lifting capacity the buckets being only 2' f cubic feet. They were, however, unable to c-mtinue dred'dii" successfully, as the dredge had no elevator and could not, work into the banks. ° ' 3 working c£ the Kawarau dredge shewed that the ground was easy to dredge and that the depth did not exceed 25 feet. J A suitable dredge for tho claim with buckets cubic feet, and an elevator to stack 2S feet, we estimate to cost £6,250. Yours faithfully, CUTTEN BROS.

. . , ... A . , , , Queenstown, 21st October, 1899. J3ear —““ 13 to certify that I have prospected the ground at tho junction of the Kaawntn River and Lower Shotover, applied for by Mr W. H. Fahey, as special Dredging claims, and hare obtained good prospects in any place tried, it is really good dredginv ground, and would not be deeper than an average of twenty feet. [ can confidently rc° commend this- ground in every respect, and will show any person interested a prospect CHARLES SHORE, Gold saver. Gold Terraco Dredge, Lower Shotover. _ „. T „ ~ , Queenstown, 24th October, 1839. Dear I am well acquainted With tho dredging claims which you have taken up on the LowerrShotovcr River, and can safely testify as to its being very suitable ground for ° , e average depth would be about 25 feet. Very good prospects have been i almost any part ot tho river, and should pay handsomely if worked with an un■..'■i.-; ITT' & ■IA EDWARD CASPER, / Miner, Queenstown. on the Shotover River known as Kawarau Junction. lam of s clam is a very good one, and tfonld pay to have an up-to-date dredge put prospected most of thegroimd myself, and had men also working at it the satemetory. The ground is easy to work, there being no big stones ely MUo salt. I have also bad the opinions of several practical miners rough knowledge of the ground, and their statements correspond with my Igot while prospecting was mostly of a rough nature, and verv easilv saved, here dishes were tried good colors were always got. Yours faithfully, D. iTBPJDE. i • v i .. . Lower Shotover. 7 Sh " toTOr Bridge. I have on various occasions omd all over, and got good prospects. I think the ground would run in OT feet, and with an up-to-date dredge. I feel sure that you would have a dam. Yours respectfully, DONALD HUNTER, Lower Shotover. _ PROSPECTUS Of the (JOLDEN STAR DREDGING COMPANY, LIMITED. (To be incorporated under “ The Companies Act, 1882.”) CAPITAL - - £IO,OOO, IN 10,009 SHARES OP £1 EACH. Of whidi 2,000 Fully Paid-up Shares are to be allotted to the Vendors for the whole of their interests m the Claim, and the balance of 8,000 are now offered to olio public.

TERMS. Is per Share on application, Is per Share on allotment, and the balance in calls of 2s per Share at intervals of not less than one month. 'Di rectors: The Subscriber to the Memorandum and Articles of Association will allot the Shares Re. w^be^!octed IPiUI7 ’ aW * 041 tbe Flrst General Meeting, when Permanent Directors Bankers: BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Solicitors: SMITH, CHAPMAN, AND SINCLAIR. Brokers: D- C• DAVIDSON, Dunedin, STUART AND CO., Roxburgh. Interim Secretary: CHARLES W. STUART, Roxburgh. Company is projected bo acquire and work mining areas by drodrine and in padScniar a-jmning area of 50 acres (more or less) situated below the Golden Clam, say, half a mile Molyneux River fronta-e tein" mrt of Wil 2 B B sS2’ , r Ben^Bistrict > IOWCT end of Block, adjoiningtlm river where Dividends will be paid-p» sliare, irrespective of the amount paid up. flotation and incorporation will be borne by the Company The Vendors Agreement is dated the 6th dav of February 1000 find is Eobert Patrick, and Alexander M‘Pherson, both of Miller’s Fiat of fche'one n-irt \ n H rv, i 1 ■ ? REPORTS. REPORT ON AREA OP RIVER PLAT RESERVE ADJOINING ISLAND BLOCK. a . _. , , , . Dunedin, 19th January 1900 Dear Mi Una-area fonna portion of the Reserve in the west bank of the’Molvneirz Rreer at the lower end of the ancient river bed, which forms the Island Block The ri™ portion was once the ana. haW by the Golden Gate, and it was from that, portion of it immediately opposite your Claim where as high as 80oz a week- was obtained 6 When opening up the Island Block in 1889, work was commenced on the inner side of y oar "“’ a . nd » nek run of wash was found about eight or ten chains from the river which WM followed np, say, one chain m width for about 25 chains, and some 4,3000z of gold was taken from it. The tun of gold was not followed towards the river g AWsfe cfamis to the south of the point where the run of gold above referred to was -ndthe Dbmdßlock Company stripped a large paddock which they did not bottom hut febWums to the southwest. An attempt was made in 1890 c if inne i u y / ,nkjn K °PP osite ““ e blacksmith’s shop, but boZm t0 ** abandonsd ’ althou S h good payable links and right through the Flat up to the present workings of the Island jive always found gold throughout the whole of the overburden rJj and extensive run of wash passes right tlirough your ground Hand Block Company’s Claim, because above the blacksmith’s shop^ there Emrtimes four, distract leads of gold in the vadey, and when we wore working li followed only one lead and never worked on the south side of the Flat S Igound is more than 12ft above the level of the river. The whole of the “jjdand Block Company s V alley passes through your Claim, which ensures :ed by the Island Block Company averaged 3|gr per yard. I am, dear sir, Yours faithfully, (Signed) CHAS. C. RAWLINS, M.R.F.G.S. General Manager Island Block Gold Mining Company. , . . , ..... . „ , Roxburgh, Ist Febniary, 1900. ’atrick. Miller’s Flat. —I was working on the Island Block when it was first opened up, and am liliar with the ground you prepose drudging, which contains excellent leads of by the Island Block Hydraulic Company having opened up a paddock on your V ’ I have worked on all the hydraulic claims in the Island Block District, and am satisfied 'that the lead of gold running through your Claim is the best I have seen during my 25 mining experience. • Yours faithfully, (Signed) PATRICK RIORDAN. te, .

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Evening Star, Issue 11168, 17 February 1900, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 11168, 17 February 1900, Page 6