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Second Day.—Saturday.

Visitors to Wiugatui on Saturday left a Scotch mist behind in town and found glorious weather prevailing on the Taiori side of tho hills, the course looking very pretty and beiog good firm going, but not too hard. lUclurs picked' Dundee ior the Hardies, aud, as a rifle, had a "saver" on Ilex. The race was a soft thing for the favorite, a much-improved horse. Coiton took him away to the" frtint after going a quarter of a mile, and nothing ever got near him, Ilex's run from last place, commencing at the halfmile poat, merely enabling him to head the pair that had survived the perils of tho raoe—namely, Clinker and Uoislopogaos. Izal had run off at the first hurdle. Dundee slowed up'iu-iide the distance; hence the time was not fast. The Welttr Handicap horses wero a bit fidgety at the post, Proposal markedly to, and she eventually snatched a flying start. This, however, proved of no use to her, as after Jeading for a furlong she collapsed, leaving St. Ouida at the head of aff*irs. So fa=>t did the , Ouida mare carry her opponents along that they were all in trouble at the entrance to the straight, where the favorite held a three-leugths' lead. Nihilist came with a bit of a rattle at the distance, bat he wa3 nsver able to soriousJy challenge ti\ Ouida, ond she ran homo an easy winner by marly a length. Red Bauner was a fahuh third, and Neva fourth. Mr Grindley wm cheered for the start he made in the St. Andrew's Handicap, the horses being all in line as he drew the lever ; but in the scramble for places Paladin got shut out., and li<j was tho rearmost as they got galloping, D'yn Djin and T>:e Spinner heading the pack. As they ran out of the straight Dundas and Jupiter showed the way, but Dundas at once ran clear, aud passing the seven furlongs poat he had a decided lead of the favorite, Pitch aud Toss lying next. Fulmen made an effort a furlong further on, but fell away r.gain, and five furlongs from home was absolutely last. Paladin's run was much better. He got into second place at the half-mile pos;., having beaten Jupiter. Nothing, however, could mike any impression on Dun-Jo*, who ran home untouched nearly two lengths in frost of Paladin, who beat Djia Djin by threaquarters of a length. Pitch and Toss was fourth, then The Spinner, Jupiter,, and Fulmen in that order. It is uudeistood that Mr Hobbs did not back his horse. For the Glasgow Plate only three started. Blazer j'imped away two leugths in front of Stiswnnah. She cwight him after going a furlong, and they ran side by side to the straight, where Jackson let Blazer out a little and he rampsd in the easiest of winners by a couple of lengths, Prometheus beaten off a'l the way. All the acceptors for tho Hack Race went to the post, but the chance of a good race was completely spoiled by what happened at the post. T. Buddicornb, on Witchcraft, secured the advantage of a. flying start, and this mare was right out by herself all the way—so much eo that two'or three of the starters g*ve. up trying before the distance, was reached, and only Britannia and Bracuen chaser! the winner home. The stewards met to consider the starter's complaint about disobedience at the post, and decided to suspend T. Buddicomb and M'Comb for the rest of the meeting. Buddicomb had weighed out to ride Nihilist in the Grand Soand Handic»p, and when, in consequence of the decision, ho had to stand down Mr M'Kewen got the services of Pine. The change brought luck, and yet it seemed to bo merit rather than luck that decided the race. E lelwrias was made too mueh uso of in the early stages, yet she could not have won, any way, and Nihilist appeared to f*irly outrace A>linu and Brisa, though the latter waß coming very fast at the finish. The Juvenile Handicap was a most interesting race. First the if on. G. M'Lean'.3 pair led; then Tremor took a hand ; she was raced down by Pampero ; and he was tackled and beaten by Melita's late rush, this lauding her a winner by a neck. Of tho thirteen weighted for the Farewell Handicap, the non-accptors were Dnndas(9 3), Paladin(B.l3). Red B*oner(7.B), Edelweiss (7 7), Bizarre (7.5). The survivors were a somewhat mixed lot, all excepting Arline having a black mark against them for cauße or other, and she had not long before run a severe race. Tho position was a somewhat puzzling one for backers. The race itself was perfectly simple. Mnremma aad St. Denis ran together iu the lead to the home turn, aftf-r which Marcmina, who for once in a way galloped in his old stvie, weut on alon'j, and gave tris owner (Mr M'Gumesi) a deserved and popular win. The sum of £B,BOB was passed through the totalizators during the day, making a total of £7,160 for the meeting, or £1,8S(I more than v/a,* put through at the Christmas meeting kst season. Our detailed report concludes thus:— SECOND HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 59 sovs ; nocond 5 sovo. .Six furkinij-f.' 45J—Mr Nupier's Witchcraft, liy St. Clair-'. Jjcscnk'tuain, 8.7 ... (T. Buddicomb) 1 20 —Mr Ward'sßritanim. 8 9 ... (MO..;nl>) 2 15,—Mr .Smith's Mracken.S.ti (Hewitt) 3 Also ran: 51.1- My Lord (9 2, Ivinc;, 24 U fiirvne (9.(1, Pine). IKS Liriy Dan.Jay (B.S. Wilso.-i). 22 Lord Rule (7.10, Gray), and 9J- .St. Liada (7.7, M'Eldowncy).

Witchcraft secured a flying start, and led all the way, winning by nearly two lengths from Britannia, who was second throughout-, a*d kept her place by a head at the finish. The others were all pullio™ up. Tiai", lmin 18 3 sac:c. Dividande, £l3 4s and £5 12«.

GRAND STAND HANDICAP, of SO sovs ; second I'.) sovs Six furlongs. 38i— Mr M'Ken-en's Nihilist, by Stepuiak— Sincerity, 8.0 ... ... (Pine) 1 223 —Hon. G. M'Lo.m's Bri-H. 5.2 ... (O'Brieu) 2 92 —Mr Curran's Vauilla, 8.3 ... (King) 3 Also ran: 100 'Arline (0.0, R\e). 125 Edelweiss (7.12, Duncan), and lij UauipbeLl (7.7, Mathie). From a good start Arline was Srat to emerge in front, with Brisa next, but E<Mvreißß ran past almost at onco and led rhe field by a couple of lengths,. Arline lying second, to the quarter-mile post. Here KdelweiHs begin to fill away quickly, tnd N'hiliab commenced to overhaul Arline. Nihilist got the lead at the rails, and, stalling off Brisa's run, he won somewhat easily by over a length, Vanilla close up third; thou Edelweiss and Arline, with Campbell a lung way in the rear. Time, lmin 17 l-saee. Oivjflwils, £l2 2* and £3 2*.

JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 100sovs; second lo sovs. Four furlong*. 30 —Mr Realty's Melita, by Aproniont—"Melusiua, 5.5 ... (Pine) 1 47£-Mr Gray's Tremor, 7.5 ... (O'Brien) 3 Also ran: Xomuri (7.13, Mathie), coupled with Parnpcro.

Pampero and Komuri were first to move from a good start, but Tremor soon carce up and headed Komuri, racing with Pampero to the straight, the othor pair close up. Oace in a line for home Tremor died away, aud Pampero looked like winning, but Melita challenged at the distance, and in a merry finish got home by a neck. Time, lmin ssec. Divided*, £ll 15< and £3 4s. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of : 50 sovs; second horse 10 sovs. One mile. 100 Mr M'Ginnesa's Maiemma, byßubezahl -Lady Emma, 7 5... ... (Hewitt) 1 lG7i-Mr Urowi.'s Arliue, 8.5 (|Ut) 2 67 -Mr OurtU's Proposal, 7.2... (M'Eldoivuey) 3 Also ran: 1811 Black and lied (S.O, Pine), 86 St. Denis (7.6, Klrs), 25|Motto (7.4. Harding), 19 Britanuia (7.0, Mathie, and 23 Black' Pool (6.7, Scoullar).

Proposal got away smirbeet, but St. Danis and Maremma qniokly treaded her, and ran together in the lead to the horns turn, ArUne following. Here St. Denis dropped out, beaten, and Mwremma ran

home alone, winning by three lengths or more from Arline, who was a length in front of Proposal. Motto finished last. Time, lmin 44 l-ssee. Dividends, £6 lis and £3 9j. , . , AUCKLAND SUMMER MEETING! Mr Evett has deolared the following weights : Auckland Cop. Two mils*.—Explosion 9.5, Record Reign 8.12, St. Paul 8.12, Douglas 8.12, Seahorse 812, Daunt 8.5, Nestor 83. Battleaxe 8.0, Uhlan 80, Castaahore 8.0, St. Mario 7.11, Sir Lancelot 7.10. Coronet 7.19. Bush Rose 7.10, Cavalier 7.9, Bluejacket 7.9, Rex 7.8, Kulraen 7.8. Swordfisli 111. 7.7, Tauhei 7.7, Crusoe 7.b\ Djin Djin 7.4, Miss BelavM 7.3, First Blood 7.3, Oinga 7.3. Laborer 7.3, Skobaloff 7.2, Pitch and Tofs 7.2. Korematuku 7.?, sirocco 7.1, Tire 7.1, Ofeoari 7-1, St, Crispin 7.1, Hastings 7.0, Reliance 7.0, Auld Reekie 7.U, Donneraille6.l2, Impregnatefill, Tirade 6.11, Lady Helen 6.11, Taruaki 6.10, Pokonioko 6.10, North Star 6.10, Motto 6.10, Picklock 6.9, Hawke 6.9, Doctor 6.9, Halberdier 6.9, Regalus 6.9, Deadbeat 6.9, Conspirer 6 7, S. Lawrence 6.7, Sulvaden 0.7, Chancrtlor 6.7, Knight of Atbol tf.7, Cadiz 6.7, Eketerini Passeropouio 6.7, El Draque 6.7, Hamox 6.7. Railway Handicap. Six furlongs.—St. Clements 10.6, Blazer 9.10, Keeord.Rsiga 9.10. Daunt 9.9, Red Lancer 8.10, Battieaxe S.lO. Rex 8.9, Courtier 8.7, Firefly 8.7, Okoari 8.4, Cavalier 8.4, Jabber 8.4, Coronet 8.4. Djin Djin 8.3. Oinijo 8.2, Miss Delaval 8.2, Rosella 80, Cherrystone 7.10, The Spinner 7.10, Hastings 7.10, Skoheloff 7.10, Ideal 7.9, Sultan 7.8, St. Elmo 7.7. St. Peter 7.6. Cuirasette 7.5, Davntree 7.5, Lajtitia 7.3, Picklock 7.1. L*dy Helen 7.2, Jim Kean 7.2, Campbell 7.0, The Afghan 7.0, Deadheat 7.0, Miss Blair 6.11, St. Louis 6.10, Conspirer6.9, Winsome 6.9, St. Mark 6.8, Corvette 6.7, Cadiz 6.7. Auckland Steeplechase. Three miles and a half.— Dummy 12.9, Nor'-west 12.0, Blackberry 113, Dentist 110, Muscatel ILO, Kanaka 1011, CrusadeMO 9, Ruby 10.7, Tim 10.6, Sayloek 10.4, Bradshaw 10.2, P»pgun 10 0, Cairo 10.0, Oingo 9.12, Voltieeur9.ll. Pill* 9.10. St. Lemon9.lo, Reindeer 9.10, Favoua 9.10, S'raybird 9.7, Hvlas 9.7, Kempt 9.7, Glenarm m.7, Forty-seven 9.7, Tip 9.7, Filot 9.7. Freeshot 9.7. INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET. In tfoe cricket match Victoria v. South Australia, now being played at Adelaide, the Victorians in their nrat innings made 360, of which Gr»h»ni uoored 118, M'Alister 52, and Tromble 50. South Australia has lost five wickets for 131 ruua. In the return match New South Wales v. Queensland, which was begun at Brisbane on Saturday, the visitors have lost eight wickets for 346. Farquhar coo.-ed 85, and Trumper 77.

Mr G. A. Tapper, secretary of the Cricket Council, has received a letter from Melbourne stilting that a thoroughly representative Victoria team may visit New Zealand, after the New South Wales intercolonial match in January is over, provided that terms can be agreed upon. The New Zealand Council offers £3OO for the tour.

Playing for Metropolis v. Country Thir" teen at the Sydney CriekeliGround on the 9&h inst. Vic Trumper made 110, Jan«en 157, and Farauhar 93 out of a total of 6.33.

The '"'lightning express"- was in good form on his rstara from England, as playing on tho Adelaide Oval he captured fivs wickets for 42 runs.

At a meeting of the Cricket Association, held last night, a tour of the colony by an Ot&go team was finally decided on. The team leave Duncdin on Wednesday, the 13th prox., and proceed direct to Napier, where they will play their first match. Then they go on to Auokland, and will lake Wellington and Canterbury on their journey back, playing Canterbury last of all. A London cable states that the Purbrook Steeplechase resulted thus:—Mr S H. Gollan's Etanr 1, Corner 2, Rosemallow 3. At the Wellington Amateur Athletic sports on Saturday N. H. Pollock won the 120 yards event from scratch in 12 l-53ec. and H. Goodwin the Mile Walk (also off the mark) in 6min 55 l-ssee, beating the club standard time by 14 4 ssec. At the Auckland Amateur and Cycling Club meeting, held on the Domain, Brownlie (of Danedin) won the long jump with 20ft 2in, Madill only covering 19ft. Brook won the Two-mile Bicvcle Championship cf New Zealand in smin 37 4-03ec.

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Evening Star, Issue 11099, 27 November 1899, Page 1

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SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. Evening Star, Issue 11099, 27 November 1899, Page 1

SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. Evening Star, Issue 11099, 27 November 1899, Page 1