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PUBLIC NOTICES. ELDER'S Quinine and Iron Tonic—Firstclass "toner" after influenza; also for eneral debilityv-weakness, etc.; 2s 6d a bottle. (LDER'S lodisedßlbod Purifier is just the i right thing as a spring mediciLs, curing kin eruptions and acting as a good blood enovator ; 2s a bottle. ELDER'S " Broncho" for coughs, colds, influenza, and all bronchial affections; feasant-to take ;'-ls" 6d a* bottle.- v.- :y-" ■ LDER'S Headache Cachets cure bad headaches in 20 minutes ; Is bo* of 12. MISCELLANEOUS.-' •'•'"•-| &HODEB, Steam Laundry, N.E. Valley. Ai Telephone 780. Van collects parcels. OTTLED Aloand Stout.—Ask your Grocer - for Strachah's, and do not take inferior ads. p< REGG'S Coffee Essence Is now perfect; LT try It; comparison invited ; twenty per ent. cheaper than imported; all grocers. i CUP of tho finest Coffee made instantly by using W. Gregg and Co.'s Essenoe of io : all zrocers. EMPSON Is undoubtedly " „- himself into public notice'; see window. '9 George street. >OOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, OR MUSIC rastefully Bound in Cloth, Half. Roan, Half Calf, Full Calf, or Morocco. LAW BINDING A SPECIALTY. Account Books Manufactured to Order. Commercial Stationery of every description. Stephens's Inks, Meek's Inks, Arnold's LETTS'S DIARIES FOR 1898. ALEXANDER SLIGO, *2 Gbohge street, Dunedin. ARS HALL'S PHARMACY. IRON IN MEDICINE Is analogous to the importance of iron in the industrial arts. Its use is indicated in all Wasting Diseases. Where there exists no fever, and where the red globules of the blood arc diminished, where impaired digestion exists or other functions are deranged, whereby the tissues lack nourishment, then the speediest and surest cure is brought about by giving Iron. It directly increases the red corpuscles, arid changes their pale and shrivelled condition to redness and fulness. Through them the system is more highly oxygenised, and the conditions necessary for digestion and renewal of tissue are secured. THE ELECTRIC THRILL OF HEALTH Ts never felt by those who are run down, out of sorts, poor in blood, badly nourished, with poor appetite, or dyspeptic. That would be impossible, and so the delight of living is loßt. THE PHYSICIAN'S TRUMP CARD For ages has been iron in some form or other, but the difficulty has been its proper combinations, so as to benefit the system without causing unpleasant effects or injuring the stomach. MARSHALL'S TONIC, As prepared by Mr M. Marshall, sen., is a happy combination of the tonic properties of Quinine and that strengthening and energising agent Iron. The Iron in thiß preparation is in a pure and chemical condition, easily broken up and assimilated by the Blood. IT BRINGS WEAK PEOPLE Up to the standard of health, feeds the blood, and acts on the nerves, removing Debility and Muscular Weakness quickly. MARSHALL'S TONIC Is the very beßt Nerve and Brain Tonio made. It will cure neuralgia; It will create an appetite; it will enrich and purify the blood; it will build up and strengthen the whole sj stem ; it iB, in fact, the finest remedy you can get for Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, and Nervousness. IF YOU HAVE HAD INFLUENZA, Or if your wife has had it, do not fail to get a bottle. It will most likely prove to be just what was wauted to bring back health and strength. Everyone knows how weak Influenza leaves the patient. Therefore a Tonic such as this should always be given to enable the body to throw off the dregs of tho disease and prevent relapses. MARSHALL'S TONIC is sold in bottles at Is 6d and 2s 6d at MARSHALL'S PHARMACY. FOR PALE GIRLS, Suffering from anaamia, we recommend a short course of our BLOOD PILLS (Dr Blaud's formuloe). These Pills contain iron in a form that is easily assimilated by the blood. Thej have been well proved in thousands of cases, and have res-tored many to health who bad been suffering for years. Price, 2s 6d a bottle. FROG IN THE THROAT, The celebrated Cough and Voice Lozenge, should be used by all Singers, Teachers, and Preachers. It helps the voice, clears the throat from phlegm and mucous, and makes the voico as clear as a bell. Is boxes. MARSHALL'S INFLUENZA MIXTURES Have cured thousands. They can cure you or your children if they should be attacked. Kor Cold in the Head they are without an equal, and will soon break it up. Price, 3s. Two bottles sufficient for a family. When you have the Toothache you must get MARSHALL'S ODONTALGICON if you wish to get instant relief, la Boxes. When you have a Corn that is giving you fits and you wish to get rid of it, get MARSHALL'S KURA KLAVA, the Prince of Corn Cures; Is. For a splitting Headache get a Box of Dr CROSSLAND'S HEADACHE CACHETS; they cure the worst headache in 15 minutes. Price, Is 6d. Dr CROSSLAND'S NOXOL is the best remedy on the market for Indigestion, Constipation, Liver and Stomach Disorders; the only tasteless remedy on the market. Price, Is 6d. All the above Preparations kept in Stock at MARSHALL'S PHARMACY, 86 Princes street, Dunedin.

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Evening Star, Issue 10473, 17 November 1897, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 10473, 17 November 1897, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 10473, 17 November 1897, Page 4