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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. 'ANTED Known Wc hold choioj . . selection of new Brown, Bronze, and l latest Colorings in Suitings and Trouserings. J. Hendry and Sons, tailors, George street. HOLIDAY Shipment of Ladies' Blouses, Umbrellas, Corsets, Gloves, and Stockings just opened at T. Ross's, direct importer. Blouses and Shirts in white, pink, ~je\t\7 blue, black, and black and white, new patterns, Is 6d, 2s 6d, 3a 6d, 4s 6d. " MAGNIFICENT range of New Corsets, all sizes—Startler, 2a 6d ; Thomson's, from 33 lid ; CD , from 4s 6d ; P.D., from 5s lid. Ew Alma Gloves, the best 2s '6d glove in .-. , the colony ; New White Washing Belts, New Lace Collarettes. JIOCKING!?, strong, well finished, guaranO teed fast dye, double heels and anklesChildren's from 6J, Ladisß' from Is pair. MBRELLAS and Sunshades —The largest, •»_/ and cheapest Btock in town; prices, Is lid to 5:2-j 6d. T. Boss, direct importer. RANTED Known Green Peas, New _. , Potatoes, European Vegetables, splendid Fruit, at W. Geddes's Mornington Grocery Emporium. I7"ANTED, at once, smart Message Boy. . r _ Apply A. Chiaroni, jun., picture-framer and artists' colorman, Princes street. RANTED, a respectable, middle-aged i » Woman; good home; small wages. Apply Blr3 Stentiford, Maclaggan street. ANTED, a good Dressmaker for a few 1 days. Apply Terminus Hotel. 7"ANTED Known Cheapest Shop for . . Watch, Clock, Jewellery Repairs; Watches Cleaned, 4s 6d. H. H. Bailey, Arcade. WANTED, Parcel Boy for Koslyn district. Apply sharp, W. and B. Scott, Princes "treet. %J4 7 ANTED Known—Madame Sinclair has H Returned to Business at Bellevue Terrace, George street (opposite Knox Church). Y\/ANTJfD, General Servant; one used to T y hotel work: references. Atmly Pioneer Hotel, St. Kilda. WANTED, by young Lady, small Furnished Room, use kitchen ; private family ; central. " Private," Stab Office. WANTKD, by Lady, One or Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Particulars to Box 379, P.O. V%/ r ANTED, 2 strong Lads ior wire netting v ? shop. Apply J. W. Faulkner and Sons, Castle strf et. ANTED Known—Great Reduction price . . Butter this week, sd, 6d, 7d. W. Geddes, MorningtoD Grocery Emporium. i RANTED, a good Clicker. Apply tov V morrow, Invincib'e Boot Factory, Cumberland street. RANTED, kind Person take charge of - , Baby for two weeks; 7s 6d weekly. "Mata," Star Office. ANTED, young Ladies to take Lessons at , , Columbia Dress-cutting School; the art of dressmaking taught in a few lessons. Principal, Mrs Williams, Ross's Buildings. 7 ANTED, tidy, decent Girl to learn , , dairy and household duties; kind home. R. Brew, High street. 7"ANTED, respectable young Girl to take » » out children in the afternoon. Apply Gourley and Nicol, Roslvn. WANTED, Tailoresses —coat, vest, and trousers ; also, Machinists. L. Morris, below Zealandia Waterproof Co., Stafford street. ANTED, strong Boy. Apply George . , Drew and Co , house, sign, and decorative painters, St. Andrew street. \\f ANTED To Buy, Second-hand Clothing ; V v also Boots and Novels. Mrs Litzenberger, dealer, 111 George street. WANIiiD Known—Kepairs, Alterations; work properly done. M. Kellan, tailor, opposite Caledonian Ground, King street. ANTED Known Yat Lee Laundry, . . King street, near St. David street. Ironing a specialty, i/B ISS ALLAN wants middle-aged WomaD, V. JL General Servants (12s, 14s), Housemaids, Nursegirls, Generals (light places), Generals (farms). rOUNG Lady wants Situation as barmaid. J. Address " A.W.," Stak Office. € COMPETENT Bookkeeper wishes Books, J etc., Write Up ; highest references present employers ; moderate. " Ledger," Stak o(Hce. mO-MORUOW-Laat Saturday of Fyfe and X Cuming's Grand Carnival of Drapery aud Clothing. Extraordinary bargains. ALL who study Economy should Buy at the Cooperative Stores, Princes street. 171RESH, Smoked Fish aud Poultry delivered ? town, suburbs free of charge. Georgeson, Rattray street. Telephone 620. 10.G.i.— Special Session of District Lodge e in Lower Choral Hall To-morrow (Saturday) Night, 8 o'clock. Business important. /. 'Press Xmaa Number and 'N.Z. • Graphic' are ready (Is each) at Wise's. Eulbs, "Flower of tho Gods,' J. \y \J XJ> designated Chinese Lilies; 3 for Is; posted, 13 9d. Bull. UGER Tea 3 are the "only Teas wo know to L make man happy and to keep him so. LOASBY'S " Wahoo " positively cures where other remedies only relieve; purely herbal; always effectual; 2s 6d. Chemists, Grocers. TO-MORROW -Last Saturday of Fyfe and Cuming's Grand Carnival of Drapery and Clothing Extraordinary bargains. [T!OR good valuo in Groceries and Provisions jJ? go to the Co-operative Stores, Princes street. LAST Saturday of Fyfe and Cuming's Grand Carnival. All odd lots must go Tomorrow ; extraordinary bargains. A AND E. WATKINS.—Sun Bonnetß, • Sun Hats, Summer Coats, Pelisses, Pinafores, Boys' Smocks, Ladies' Sun Bonne's. JVJ EW Veilings just arrived ; great variety to J.l choose from. Ladies' fetock Collars and Bows ; Lace Boleroes. BABYLINISN a specialty.—New Styles just arrived ; Shirts, 6d ; Gowns from Is 3d. A. and E. Watkins. ICYOLES.—A grand selection of Ladies' jut Bicycles, unequalled in Dunedin, on view To-morrow. Eeid and Grav. BOYS' Strong Balmorals from 2s lid; Girls' High-leg from 4s 6d; Women's extra strong, 6s 9d. Simon Brothers. piIGER TEAS.-To make your little enterjl tainment a success you must provide Tiger Teas. LAST Saturday of Fyfe and Cuming's Grand Carnival. All odd lots must go Tomorrow ; extraordinary bargains. 710R SALE, Firewood Slabs. Apply Water ; Leith Saw-mills. ImOR SALE, Calico Mainsail, belonging to JD yacht White Wings ; price, 30s. Lane and Co. FOR SALE, good i-plate Camera (complete); good lens; brand-new. Address "Lancasters," Stak Office. |7*OR SALE, Lady's Gold Albert Chain; Jj new; weight, over loz; bargain. R. Brow, High street. ICYOLE For Sale, in good orler; "Auitral"; £l2. C. Beadle, King street. lOUTH DUNEDIN. Good 4-roomcd .J Verandah House (freehold), £185; good chance cheap property. Bryant, Dowling street. SMALL Grociry Brs'noss For Sale. Apply Tayton's Store, Castle street (near Hanover street). TIGER Teas.—We cannot make you good, but we can make you feel good. Drink I Tiasr Teas. TO-MORROW— Last Saturday of Fyfe and Cuming's Grand Carnival of Drapery and Clothing. Extraordinary bargains. Ojfc|fc Cases American Apples—Pearmains, fr\f\J Newtown Pippins, Winesaps, crisp and delicious ; ripe Bananas. Bull. ANTED Known The cream of the _- . world's markets in Footwear now on view. H. K. Morrison's Show Rooms. I AVING Just Landed per s«. Aotca, >-»_J- • Motaura. Clonic, your inspection most cordially invited. H. R. Morrison's. CHOICE Variety of styles of beautiful Shoe 3 at Bargain Prices during holiday Beason. H. R. Morrison's. BOOTS and Shoes for the million, at million prices, for holiday wear. Money Baved at H. R. Morrison's. ONDON and Edinburgh.—Xmas Numbers J of N.Z. Papers can be had at Wise's; Is each. LAS I Saturday of Fyfe and Cuming's Grand Carnival. All odd lots must go Tomorrow ; extraordinary bargains. STRUTHERS AND SCOTT have large stocks of Haslcmere- Tea, and strongly recommend it, . .

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Evening Star, Issue 10463, 5 November 1897, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 10463, 5 November 1897, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 10463, 5 November 1897, Page 3