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[Per Press Association.—Copyright.]

LONDON, September 18. The first of three swimming contests between Tyers and Percy Cavill was held at Blackpool to-day, and witnessed by thousands of spectators. The sea was rough, with a fresh wind. The bettin" was 2 to 1 on Tyers. The Englishman got away the smarter of the two, and led for the first quarter of a mile. Cavill then went to the front and led for the remainder of the distance, winning by 40yds. The course, which was actually 1,815 yards, was covered in 24mm 26sec. Cavill kept a beautiful course out to sea, while Tyers had a course towards shore, and was troubled by the surf and sun i n his eyes. Tyers entered a protest that Cavill wentoutsidethefinishing flags. The judge disallowed the protest, and awarded the race to Cavill. Tyers has refused to swim the other lone distance sea races arranged with Cavill, but offers to swim him a series of matches from 100 yards to a mile in still water.'

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Bibliographic details

Evening Star, Issue 10424, 20 September 1897, Page 5

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CAVILL V. TYERS. Evening Star, Issue 10424, 20 September 1897, Page 5

CAVILL V. TYERS. Evening Star, Issue 10424, 20 September 1897, Page 5