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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. CARTER'S CLOTHING SHOP for Bargains. —Men's Paget Coate, usually £l, now 6s ' lid; a few only; Come early. . LOASBY'S " Wahoo positively oures where other remedies only relieve; purely herbal riwavn effectual: 2b 6d. Chemists, Grocers. A.O.D. —Royal Arch Chapter meets • Friday first, European Hotel, 8 o'clock sharp. ADIEB, have you seen the Smart Tortoiae- * shell Hair Ornaments in Carter's window, worth Is to Is 6d—now all at 6d. Selling-fast. tARTER'S SALE for Gloves.— Baskets of ~J good Gloves turned out at 44d, 6d, 9d, and Is—worth from 9d to 2s 6d. Come and

LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. ► EMNANTS.—Carter . and Co., having i) finished stock-taking, have turned oat every Remnant they have and marked tho lot exceptionally cheap to clear out at once. Come and see Carter's Bargains. T Mrs Gill's—Grand Spring Show on Thursday, 26th, and following days. OASByS "Wahoo" strengthens stomach, J stimulates liver and kidneys, and invigorates whole system; 2a 6d. All Chemists and Qrooers. OFFICE, Warehouse, and Counter Stationery well and cheaply made at the Star Factory, Crawford str«nt. Sale of Household Ironmongery; \JT call and see bargains. At Ritchie s, George street.

POBLIC NOTICE. IN CONSEQUENCE of the Extensive Alterations whiob ve are making to our Premises, "WE AKE COMPELLED TO SACRIFICE NEARLY HALF OUE STOCK IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE BT7ILDTCRS. AT.T, RTTTTTV «nr»na_!annrr a a t>t •wr-nTo t ii\Tßi.i JACKETS, FURNITURE, Etc., Eto.-WILL BE SOLD AT ANY REASONABLE PRICE. The Public are warned not to go to the Upper Floor of our Building, as same is CLOSED during the Alterations. A. LORI¥~AND CO.

CITRON Salt (Spring Medioin-), for pimples, - blotcheß, and all imparities blood; la bottles. Bagley and Son. ANAN'S House of Commons Whisky i supplied to members of Parliament, is sold by all grocers and hotelkeepers. CARDBOARD Boxes for Drapers, Oonf ectioners, Chemists, and others at Stab Factorv, Crawford Btreet. " AST TWO WEEKS CARTER'S SALE. GARTER AND CO. for Biggest Bargain?.— Colonial Flannel, all Hhades, 10|d quality for Bid, and Is o£d for 10gd, and so on. A grand lot of Linen Trayoloths and D'Oyleys, all reduced. "AXIM is a mild and puro Tobacco, per- . fectly free from adulteration. Give it a JLi remedy for all stomach, liver, and kidney complaints; 2s 6d Chemists Grocers. lARTER AND CO. for Ladies' Aprons, either J in white muslin or faiicv colored or cooking aprons; sale price 6|d, 9|d, and Is—cannot be obtained elsewhere for double the money; Bordered Apron Olotb, yard wide, 3|d—sold elsewhere at 6sd. CARTER AND CO. are busie* than ever; they are offering bread and cheese articles at cost price, and all surplus etoak at half the cost price; come and share the spoil. Last two weeks of sale. 3IOLLISON AND CO., GEORGE STREET. SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE OK DRUMMOND AND CO.'S ASSIGNED STOCK. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS! N f^TT^P~ A £7 RACTIVrB FEATURES FOR EACH DAY. ATX WINTER GOODS AND DRUMMOND'S STOCK MUST BE CLEARED OCT to make room for Spring Stock, to be opened out Rhortly. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE THE BEST VALUES EVER KNOWN IN DESIRABLE SEASONABLE GOODS. molliso"n~~and CO.

BARTER'S SALE for Bargains.-12 bundles of Hairpins, all size 3; houestly worth la to la 3d—sale price, 6d the lot. 12 strips of "Whalebone for Id—worth 6d .»lways ready, Spoon Eusks, email sizes, 6 for 2d. i T Mrs Gill's-Grand Spring Show on Thursday, 25th, and following days. hjIOR an enjoyable Bmoke Maxim Tobacco A. 1 can be honestly recommended. See that you get it. gjlMßOSSlNG.—Envelopes, Note, and Letter flli Paper Embossed with private or business ales. Star Factory, Crawford street. BEST Value, Largest Demand. Alex. Bagley's Chinese Laundry Glaze; packets, Is. Beware of the many imitations. FfciRKINE, the well-proved modern remedy for pale faces, lassitude, languor, nervousnesa; packets, 2s. Alex. Bagley. BALTIC Oil for rheumatism, sciatica, colds, sprains, bruises, is unequalled; price, Is 6d. Alex. Bagley, Octagon Di°pensary. CAR CUR AND 00. for Thumping Bargains. —Lovely Double-width Reversible Cretonnes, Is 4JW quality now 10|d yard: ordinary Twill Cretonnes from 2|d yard. Last two weeks of sale. AST TWO WEEKS OAHTk-vh- cat)LD Smuggler Whisky tranquillises the nervous system. LD Smuggler Whisky restores digestion. , N exhilarating cordial is Old smuggler ■Whisky. LL Grocers are selling Blooker's Dutoh L Cocoa fr«ely. A moat economical and delightful beverage. Boxes, all sizes, styles, and J shapes, at STAR Factory, Crawford street. COUGHS and Colds.—F. Wilkinson's Honey Balsam, the up-to-date remedy. Storekeepers and F. Wilkinson, Caversham. SHOP for Bargains. ) . —Boys' Cadet Caps in Serge or Velvet, usually Is to Is 6d, now all 6d eich; Men's Engineers' Caps, leather peak, usually Is to Is 6d, now 4id each. AST TWO WEEKS Carter's Sale.— J Bigger bargains than ever; see their window of Millinery; all their choice Felt or Straw Untrimmed Hats, also a lot of Trimmed Hats, at absurd prioes—pick for Is each. t ACCOUNT Books for office, warehouse, or counter. We want to clear these lines at the Stab Factory, Crawford street. ARTHUR BRISCOE AND CO., l'rinoes, Jetty, and Bond streets. Just landed, splendid selection IRICKET BATS, J /CRICKET BALLS, GUARDS, Etc., SETS, AWN TENNIS RACQUETS, T~\UKE'S BATS, Ayers's Bats, Warsop's ISDEN'S BATS, Sykes's Batß, A LSO, Cement, Cemenf, Cement. SK for Briscoe's Blends. AXIM is the latest and best Black Tobacco . in the market. Try it. SPRING CIRCULARS. BLOCKS in HALF-TONE or LINE at 1 shortest notice.. GO,RRIGAN AND CO., PRINTERS AND PHOTO ENGRAVERS, Rattray stbeet. Telephone 341. lARTER AND CO. beg to inform you that I they will only continue to offei their Goods at Cost for Two Weeks Longer; so come early if you want bargains. ■ AST TWO WEEKS CARTER'S SALE. FURNISHED HOUSE. ' NISHED HOUSE of 9or 10 ROOMS in town; hill preferred. Send full particulars PARK, REYNOLDS, AND CO. THROUGHOUT the City drink OUVAH L TEA. At Anderson's Bay drink OUVAH TEA, In Caversham drink OUVAH TEA. At Halfway Bush drink OUVAH TEA. In the Kaikorai drink OUVAH TEA ! At Maori Hill drink OUVAH TEA. In Mornington drink OUVAH TEA. j In the N.E. Valley drink OUVAH TEA. In Ravensbourne drink OUVAH TEA In Roßlyn drink OUVAH TEA. ' . In St. Kilda drink OUVAH TEA. In South Dunedin drink OUVAH TEA. At West Harbordrfnk OUVAH TEA. Throughout the suburbs drink OUVAH TEA, FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY AFD2ST-OLASS FAMILY RESDDENOE at Mornington, containing Ten Rooms, with Stable, Coachhouse, and Outbuildings. ' The ground, which contains three-quarters of an acre, is well laid, out. Possession in November..,For-further particulars applet, STOUT, MONDY, AND SIM, ; ' ' 1 123 Princes street

ARSHALL'S PHARMACY. IRON IN MEDICINE Is analogous to the importance of icon in the industrial arts. Itn ia indicated in all Wasting Diseases. Where there exists no fever, and_ where the red globules of the blood 1 are diminished, where impaired digestion exists or ot,htr function are deranged, whereby the tissues lack nourishment, then the speediest and surest cure is brought about by giving Iron. - it directly increases the red corpusoles. and changes their pale and shrivelled condition to redness and tulnosß. Through them the system is more highly oxygeniaed, Bnd the conditions necessary for digestion and renewal of tissue are Eeoured. THE ELECTRIC THRILL OF HEALTH. Is never felt by thoso who ore run down, oufc/& sorts, poor in blood, badly nourished, with pdMr appetite, or dyspeptic. That would be impossible, and so the delight of living is lost. THE PHYSICIAN'S TRUMP CARD For ages has been iron in some form or other, but the diffirmUv »>*« 1»~>» '♦■ v .---«•-- --—■-.—- tions, so as to benefit the system without causing unpleasant effects or injuring the stomach. MARSHALL'S TONIC, As prepared by Mr M. Marshall, sen., is a happy combination of the tonio properties of Quinine and that strengthening and energising agent Iron. The Iron in this preparation is in a pure and chemical condition, easily broken up and assimilated by the Blood. IT BRING 3 WEAK PEOPLE Up to the standard of health, feeds the blood, and acts on the nerves, removing Debility and Muscular Weakness quickly. MARSHALL'S TONIC Is the very best Nerve and Brain Tonio made. It will oure neuralgia ; it will create an appetite ; it will enrich and purify the blood; it will build up" and strengthen the whole sjstem ; it fact, the finest remedy you can get for Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, and Nervousness. IF YOU HAVE HAD INFLUENZA, Or if your wife has had it, do not fail to get a bottle. It will mo3t likely prove to be just what was wanted to bring back health and strength. Everyone knows how weak Influenza leaves the patient. Therefore a Tonio such as this should always be given to enable the body to throw off the dregs of the disease and prevent relapses. MARSHALL'S TONIO is sold in bottles at Is 6d and 2s 6d at MARSHALL'S PHARMACY. FOR PALE GIRLS, Suffering from antemia, we recommend a short eourse of our BLOOD PILLS (Dr Bland's formulas). These Pills coatain iron in a form that is easily assimilated by the blood. The; have been well proved in thousands of cases, and have restored many to health who had been suffering for years. Price, 2s 6d a bottle. FROG IN THE THROAT, The celebrated Cough and Voice Lozenge, should be used by all Singors, Teachera, and Preachers. It helps the voice, clears the throat from phlegm and mucous, and makes the voice • as clear as a bell. Is boxes. MARSHALL'S INFLUENZA MIXTURE 3 Have cured thousands. They can cure you or your children if they should be attacked. For Cold in the Head they are without an equal, and will soon break it up. Price, 3s. Two bottles sufficient for a family. When you have the Toothache you must get MARSHALL'S ODONTALGICON if you wish to get instant relief. Is Boxes. When you have a Com that is giving you fits and you wish to get rid of it, get MARSHALL'S KURA KLAVA, the Prince of Corn Oures; Is. For a splitting Headaohe get a Box of Dr OROSSLAND'S HEADACHE CACHETS; they cure the worst headaohe in IS minutes. Price, Is 6d. Dr OROSSLAND'S NOXOL is the begt remedy on the market for Indigestion, Constipation, Liver and Stomaoh Disorders; the only tasteless remedy on the market. Price, It 6d. All the above Preparations kept in Stock at MARSHALL-S PHARMAOY, 86 Princes street, Dunedin. LECTURES. THEO3OPHY. COLONEL OLCOTT AND MISS EDGER CHORAL HALL. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY. COLONEL OLCOTT~wiII Lecture TOMORROW (Thursday) EVENING, at 8 o clock, on ' Spiritualism and Theosophy: Their Agreements and Differences.' Admission Free. Collection. ALL SAINTS' SCHOOLROOM. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2(1, 8 p.m. " EOTURE by ALEX. WILSON, Esq, J M.&., * Under the Yellow Flag: Personal Experiences in the South Seas.' Songs • Mrs Murphy, Mra Mansdn, Mißß Treseder. Violin-Mr Barrett.. • Admission—ONE SHILLING.

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Evening Star, Issue 10402, 25 August 1897, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 10402, 25 August 1897, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 10402, 25 August 1897, Page 3