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The amount ot revenue collected at the Customhouse on goods cleared to-day for consumption was £1,36018s 7d. ,„, , T , ± , , The annual meeting of the Island Block Extended Gold Company will be held in the Criterion Hotel on Friday evening.

A dividend of Is 6d per share (eaual to £9*400) Was declared by the AlpinO (Keeftoh) Company Inst night. , '-.' ' STOCK AND STATIQN REPORT. The New Zealand Loan and Jkfercantilo Agency Company, Limited, report''for the week ended Ju-e 7 as follows — ' ' Fat Cattle; —163 head were yarded to-day fir the Burnside sales, mostly medium quality and light weights, only a very few pens approachIn? to prime. Although this was < not- a heavy entry, the detrtalld wna riot by ( any means brisk. Piicis ruling showed a decline on last week's. Beat bullocks brought £7 5s to £8 10s ; medi itu to good, £6 to £7 ; light Weights, £i 10s to ib 1 is ; best cows, £Q7sjftd to £7 2s 6d ; medium t> good, £i ICa, to J£6; light and aged, £3 to £4. We sold for Mr David Sutherland (Lbchend) bullocks to £8 2s .6d rtrtd tfow's 1 to £tt ss; Messrs A. and A. Souiies* (Otakia), bullocks to £0 15s and cows to £5 17s tid; Mr Donald Millet (Mangatua), rows at £4 12s Cd; Mr William Lindsay, cows to £4 17a l 6d; and privately during the week 4) head at quotations. Fat Sheep.—2,37B were penned, of which about 500 were merino wothers, good to prime,' the eross-breds ranging ,jn'• quality from medium to good and prime',' the M&ler portion being wethers. A very fair demand was experienced, more especially for best pens, .none of which were up to last week's quality. Trices to-day, however, compared favorably with those obtaining then, BestJ crossbred wetheis hrougl.t IBs tu 18s; medium to good, 14s 3d to 15s lid; light weights, 12s 3d to 13s !kl j best crossbred owes, 14s tid tijlOVAl ;. medium to good, l2fi I'd to Us 3d; light, ( Js to 12s tid; merino wether- - : best, 11 s tid to 14s ; light, (is 6d to 10s b'd. Wo sold for Mr Alexander Douglas (Hopehill). 75 crossbred wethers to ltls 9d ; Messrs A. and J. Brown (Abhotsford), 88 do do to 15s 3d; Mr William Gray (Milburn), ISO do do to 15s 9d. Lambs. Only 32 penned to-dav, medium to g« 01. These sold readily at Ss tid to 10s tid. Pigs, ti!) were penned, including all sorts. The few baeoners to hand were light weights, but good. The lot, however, sold well atth: following ranee of prices:—Slickers, lis to 10s (id ; slips, 15s to 17s ; stores, 21s to 23s ; porkers, 2 's tid to 31s tid ; baeoners. 3tis to 435. Store Cattle. - The business done in "these at the moment is not very extensive. The sorts that have the most inquiry are young and mixed cattle, ami suitable lots of these are not olfering freely. Grown steers and heifers could be placed, but buyers are not disposed to operate at prices relatively higher than these obtaining for fat stock. Store Sheep.—There is no change of any consequence in the tone of the market since last report, and is now s unewhat iiuiet as compared with the activity displayed earlier in the season. A few odd lots still change hands, and for gooil young crossbred wethers and ewes, also good cross-bred hoggets, very full prices are realised. Low-constitutiuued and inferior mixed lots are difficult to p'a'-e except at boiling down prices. Countrv Sales.-We held our regular auction sale at Balclutha on Friday, 2nd inst,, when we had a very good attendance. Most of those present appeared anxious to do business; the entry (all sheep) in consequence was soon of at prices fully up to those ruling lately for similar stock. A" verv satisfactory demand was experienced for all offered. The following lots were disp med of: -S5 cross-bred wethers (fat) at his 5-1. 45 do ewes (fat) at 13s lid, 42 do do at 13s 10,1. 42 do do at 13s (id, 21 fi do do (stores) at 12s, Sf do do at Us, and 47 cross-bred lambs (small) at Ss. Wool, Since writing last week nothing of interest has transpired regarding this staple. Locally, no business of any consequence is parsing, the offering Hung confined to fridges and bags coming to hand from time to hand; these, however, it re always well e.mipeted for, iind realise verv satisfactory prices. Sheepskins.- A very satisfactory demand ontinues to be experienced for these. On Tuesday, the regular weekly sale day at the Chnfiibei' of Commerce Hall, Crawford street, the attendance, as of late, was large. Keen competition was experienced, ami all descriptions were in good request. Our catalogue, which comprised a varied assortment, was placed, under very animated bidding, at prices quite on a par with last week's. Butchers' green skins are advancing in price according to the increase in the growth of the wool. Country drvcross-bveds, inferior to medium, fetch Is lOd to :k' lOd ; do do merino, Is 7d to 2s 9d: full-woolled crost-brals good, 3s lid to as; best, 5s 3d to (is lid ; do do merino good, 2s lOd to 3s lid ; best, 3s Sd to 5s 4d ; dry pelts. 2d to Is 5d ; green cniss-bred skins best, 3s Od to Is 3d; choice, 4' (id : medium to goo I, .'!s to 3s !>d ; do do merino, Is lOd to 2s 7d ; lambskins. 2s -Id to 3s Sd.

Kabbitskins.Tin; marketfor these is disnlaying u very considerable amount of activity, and, to all appearances, likely to continue lively. Ai: excellent demand exists, and spirited competition experienced for all offered at public auction. On .Monday we hud all the buvers at our sale, when v.e submitted a full catalogue, every lot of which brought prices quite on a par with those obtained last week. Quotations: For lest winter jjivy does, Is 5d to Is fij.l; do do hueks, ]s 3{il to Is •Ijd ; autumn and early winter, lid to Is 3d: summer, Hd to KM: stiekers, ha'f-grovwi and inferior skins, 4bl to 74(1; black and fawn, !\i to Is Id per lb. Hides. The demand continues steady at low rates sae. fur heavy hides, 2d to 2'd ; extra do, 2?d to 3d; medium, l'.d to l(d; inferior to medium, U to Is Oid pn'Hi. TaMow Is in very good demand, and the consignments that arrive daily are without difficulty placed at full market values, which are- I'or best rendered mutton, 21s fid to 22s (Jil; medium to aood, IKsOd to'2!lsfU; inferior to medium, 14s (jd to 17s (id ; rough fat -best mutton can' Ms to Us (Id, medium to good lis (id to I.'!- !M, inferior to medium lis to lis per cwt, drain. -Wheat: The local market displays no alteration, and there is no improvement in quotations from the Old Country; at the same time prime milling sells readily when offered, but stocks of this description are in narrow compass compared to the quantity of se"ond-rate qtialit.' held in store. The latter is inoviua off in small parcels, but at less satisfactory prices to the seller. In face of English advices it lan hardly be expected that very lnneli improvement in value will take place within a reasonable time. MoanJ while, at any rate, the position is oneof uncertainty. We repeat last week's limitations - say, for prime milling velvet and Tuscan, 2s },M 'o is lid ; extra, 3s : medium to good, 2s ml to 2s Kil: inferior to medium. 2s Id to 2s 4d : broken and thin. Is M to is(ex store, sacks weighed in, terms). •■Oats: There is little change to note in the market this week. A moderately fair business is passim,', and values are still firmly maintained at their former level, and, witli only a moderate quantity at present for immediate sale, all lines offering meet a ready sate at full prices. Lour Tartarians. well crown, bright and true to name, are in pood demand for seed, and realise top price ; black Tartarians and Danish are also in fair demand ; the latter, when full and well saved, are taken up freely for Milling. Quotations: For Wight, stout milling. Is il'.d to hj KM : extra prime. Is lllid : best bright feed (Sp;nTp\vhills more especially), Is ild to Is {Mil ; medium do and short Tartarians. Is M to Is KM : discolored and inferior, Is fid to Is 7M : medium to good long Tartarians, Is Sid to Is Mil: extra bright and clean, Is 10(1 to Is Hid : black, Is 7id to Is Sid ; Danish, Is 7id to Is 84d (ex store, sacks extra, net). Tiarley: While prime malting, if offering, could be placed at foniiei (imitations, little or no inquiry exists for Mich ounlitv as is now offering. Nominal values are : For prime malting. 4s to 4s 3d ; medium to good. :is lid tolls Oil: feed and milling, 2s to 3s (ex store, sacks extra, terms). Crass Seeds. -Some slight inquiry is now spring i'lg up for best perennial ryegrass seed, wdiich will doubtless ere long result in some business being done. Meantime the market is comparatively quiet. Quotations: For machine-dressed lie-t perennial, lis (id to lis Pri -extra prime a shade more ; medium, lis liil to 3s t'd (ex store, sacks extra, net). Cocksfoot is still without much inquiry. Rest dressed, nominally Hid to 3]d ; medium, 2d to 3d per lb. Potatoes. The market for these shows some little improvement. Consignment:; are readily placcd at higher prices, Rest Derwents are worth "slid to His I'd : medium, 50s to 53s per ton (ex store, sacks weighed in, ncO. Cliaff.-Consisnments coming forward are considerably in excess of present requirements, and iliitieult to place except at unsatisfactory pr'ces, best being only worth 45s to 47s (id ; inferior to medium and good, 30s to 42s (Jd per ton (ex tiuck). , . .

Dairy Produce.-Market unchanged. Prime salt butter, dairy-made, 7d to8d: medium, od to (iJd; factory (nominal), 10.1 to lld per lb. Factorv cheese, slow sale ; medium size, 4Jd to 4 : |d ; loaf. 41>1 to 5d ; dairv, 2d to 4d per lb. Flax.- The local, in svmpatliv with the Home market, remains flat. The business done in consouuence is limited, confined almost to local requirements. Quotations: For host, £l7 to ,£IS: medium to good, £ls to £lti 10s; inferior and strawy, .t'll his to £l3 bis per ton (ex store). [ISv TKI.EOHAI'H.J Kvi>NEY..lune7.—Wheat: Chick. 3s 3d; milling, 3s lid. . Flour: New Zealand, £B. Oats: 2s M to 2s AM : see 1, 2s 7d to 2s 9d. Peas, 4s 3d. Maize, 3s lid. Barley : Cape, 2s lid to 3s. Bran BAd Pollard, BM. Potatoes: Local, £3 Is; Circular Heads, £4. Onions, £5. Butter: Dairymade. 8d to Od : factory, Is. Cheese. 4d. Bacon, 5d to 7Ad. Hams : New Zealand, lld to Is. Mei-howiine. June 7.—Who?*. 3s Id to *» lb'. Flour: Stone-made, £6 12s M to £': roller. £7 tf'l to £7 15s. Oats : Algerian, Is lUd to Is lid ; seed 2s l!d. Maize, 3s (id. Barley: Capo. 2s 3d ; milt ■ in*,'4s fid to 4s 9d. Bran, 10.1. Pollard, lid. Potatoes, £2 10s to £3. Cheese, fid to s!d. Butter: Factory, 10W1. New Zealand hemp, £l7 to £l9 per ton. Adei.mdk, June 7. Wheat, 3s 2M. Flour, £« 7s lid. Oats, 3s to 3s Id (duty paid\ Barley : Cape, 2s od to 3s. Bran, lOd. Pollard, lid to lljd. Post Office Notices. Mails close at the Chief Post Office. Dunedin (subject to any necessary alterations), as under : For Northern Ports, overland, daily, at 10.30 a.m., C.P.O. Late letters, mail van, North train at 11 Thursday, June & For London direct, per Elderslie, at 4.30 p.m. Letters must be specially addressed. For Southland. Australian Colonics, India, China, Japan, Continent of Europe, United Kingdom, etc.—Per Taluno, at 1.50 t Money orders (for Australian colonies only), registered letters, and newspapers, nt 12.50 p.m. Late letters, guard's van, Port traiu, at 2.30 (Signed) Edm. Cook, Chief Postmaster. Chief Post Office. Dunedin, June 7, 1893. THE THROUGH TRAINS-Passenger? Tbls Day. FitOM PUNKOIJI FOR THE SOUTH.—Mr and Mrs Mav. Mr W. Watt, Mr F. A. Coxhead, Mr J. Segar, Miss A. Cowie, Mr G. Murchie, Mr J. Cowan, Misses Gebbie (2), Mr G. M, Thompson, Pr Hockon, Mr J, Toomey.!

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Evening Star, Issue 9153, 7 June 1893, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 9153, 7 June 1893, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 9153, 7 June 1893, Page 3