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THIS WILL SETTLE! THE QUESTION. “ T DON’T believe there is a word of truth X in it.” that’s the way certain foolish people ta'k when they hear of anything unusual, or outside tho limiti of their own observation or expert enoe. They are of the sort who laughed at Stephenson when he introduced the railway, and at Morse when he said that we would communicate Ly means of electricity. Yet they don't laught at those things now. They make use of them dally, Some months ago tho case of Mrs Mary Cuddy was first published. The great public accepted the facts, as they had every reason to do. Others, a very few (professional men perhaps) pretended to doubt, and sent emissaries to Inquire of the lady herself whether her allegations had not been added to, or altered, for the sake of popular effect. Hero Is her answer. She n peats what she at first said, and puts a quietus on all who called her words in question, It will be observed that her statement is as plain and solemn as language can make it. [copy.] • I, Mary Cuddy, of 28 Catherine street, Richmond road, Leeds, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows: Ever since I was a girl I have suffered from illness. I always bad a pain both before and after eating, and never seemed able to gain and keep my strength, and felt that something was pulling mo down. 1 had a nasty queer feeling In my stomach. Sometimes food seemed to ease It, and at other times it made me feel worse, and often I went without food, for I was sfrald to eat. Commonly when food was placed before me I could not touch it, and I ofien fainted at the very sight of it. Alter a while I became so weak I could scarcely stand or walk. I thought it was consumption coming on by degrees, and I took all sorts of medicines to try and get relief, but it was of no u e, and 1 got tired of taking physic, for I had lost all faith in it. My business was so urgent that I was compelled to be at work, otherwise I would have laid In bed, so weak had I become. With the weakness and loss of appetite there were other feelings and signs that w,re bad and alarmed me greatly, .among them were these: —A yellowish color ot the skin and eyes, sometimes a cold, clammy perspiration, pains and aches in the sides, the chest, and back, headache, a kind of wind or gas coming up into my throat and mouth that was bo sour and sickening I could scarcely bear it, Once in a while I would have a strange fluttering and palpitation that made mo think my heart must be affected. My heart would thump so that 1 feared it would jump out of its place, and I have had to walk about the room for two or three hours at a time, for I could not sit or lie. Ibo pain was so severe that I have asked my husband (f he could not hear my heart thumping as I walked about. I always slept badly at night, and frequently had horrible dreams, and was so melancholy and depressed In spirits that I would sit down and ciy, for I got no pleasure as time dragged wearily by. I had so little energy or strength that it was all 1 could do to summon courage for the labor upon which the family (at least in part) depended for support. lam a dressmaker, and it will be easily understood how hard my life was, for I didn't think it would last much longer. Not long ago (May, 18S7II made up my mind to try a medicine that is advertised and known all over the country. I mean Mother Selgel’s Curative Syrup. I bad no faith in it at first, for how can one believe In what one knows nothing about ? 1 bought and tried Mother Sergei's Curative Syrup only became of Its reputation. How could so many people, I asked myself, praise a medicine to much if it had no virtue. I can only say that I found what they said to be true. After beginning with the .‘syrup relief soon followed. My food digested belter and gave me strength, and by persevering wuh it all my pains disappeared. I could eat my f; od with a relish, and everyth rrg agreed with me. 'Now and again, when, through confinement and hard work, 1 feel a touch of my old complaint I take a dose or two of Sergei's Syrup and the trouble goes no further. Since the publication of my testimonial many persons have called at my house and asked me if all that is published about my case is true, and if the Proprietors of Scigel’s Syrup had madc 'a'lditions to my statement. I told them all that every word was true, and vothiny hud been added ly the Proprietors of the medicine , but I could add a good deal more, for no words can describe what ray sufferings were during all those long years. I never expected being well again in this world, Sergei's Syrup saved my life, and I desire other sufferers to know of what did so much for me, I will gladly answer inquiries. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act (Will. IV,, c. 62). (Signed) Mary Cuddy. Declared before mo at Leeds, in the'i (Jonnfy of York, by the said Mary I Caddy, on Monday, the 10th day I of August, 1891. ( (Signed) Aix Cookk, I Mayor of Leeds. )

Not a syllable further is needed except to say that her ailment, Indigestion and dyspepsia, burdens and saddens the lives of many other women (and men al-o), who will read with new hope Ihn outcome of Mrs Cuddy’s cise, and place a confidence which no cavilling can shako in the remedy which restored to her the health and happiness that Providence designs for us all. THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS Do not Work Freely, use “PARAMO.” PROVINCIAL HOTEL, Stafford street, DUNEDIN. This newly-built Hotel Is one of the MOST HOMELIKE AND COMFORTABLE in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, Terms very moderate, The NICEST and OHEArK J T MEAL In TOWN is the 1 O’CLOCK DINNER at ONE (formerly of the Exhibition Dining Booms), Lessee; Dm. macg o un, • Fstate and Commission Agent, Next Messrs Bcot& Hunter’s, Dentists, Octagon Land Office transactions attended to, Accounts or Renta collected, etc. OUGIIS AND GOLDS SUCCESSFULLY CURED By using “ M A RUP A. ” MAOBEAN STEWART’S NEW CURB FOR ASTHMA has proved itself to be head and shoulders above all known remedies Prepared from the forest and mountain plants of New Zealand, The New Cure is the only Specific yet discovered frr Diphtheria. In Croup the New Cure has no rival. It saves emetics, lighting fires, hot baths, and all the attendant worry incidental to the arrival of the Midnight Monster. In Typhoid Fever the New Cure disinfects, soothes, and gives refreshing sleep. The New Cure is the only true Lung Disinfectant. In no instance has a death occurred from Diphtheria where this New Cure has been freely used from the first onset of the disease; and so great are its protective powers that the complaint baa never been known to spread to other members of the familyla it MOTHER AUBBET’S REMEDIES sell so well Because they are skilfully prepared, and do all that is said of j, WELLS Gan be (hem,

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Evening Star, Issue 8773, 14 March 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 8773, 14 March 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 8773, 14 March 1892, Page 1