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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. REMEMBER. MR R. M'DONALD, of " The Springs," ifl the only prize-taker for Gapes this season. We have scoured his whole otop. Splendid Teviot Aprioota; Ripe Bananas, 24 for Is. Oar Poultry Is the best. I PRIOR AND SON, The Leading Fruiterers, 193 George street and 64 Princes street. WEAR PALLADINO. TFB AND OUMING, .HE GREAT DRAPERY STORES. BEAT SALE of Weathead and Oo.'i (Manchester) Stook of HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY. rtYFE AND OUMING sent Mr Cuminq to 1 England last year to do his best to prooure some BARGAINS for the Inhabitants of Duntdin and Otago. We must say he excelled onr moat sanguine expectations. Among other wonderful puichaaeß, he managed, among hundreds of competitors, to seoure a BIG LOT of the most useful part of the DRAPERY STOOK of Weathead and Co., Manchester, The Stook oame to hand by the steamship Otarania, and will be offered at once. N WEDNESDAY (Tomorrow),:GßEAT v ' SALE of Westhead's Stook at FYFiJ AND CUMING'S. IYFB AND CUMING'S GREAT SALE } of Westhead's Stook now on. ON WEDNESDAY (To-morrow), GREAT SALE of Westhead's Stook at the Great Drjpory Stores, kept by FYFB AND OUMING, the most successful Drapeis In Dunediu. OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the respective Owners of the old Floating I Dock and old Hulks now lying at Mansford Bay, Port Chalmers, that the utago Harbor I Board requires them to have such Dock and ! Hulkß removed in a manner satisfactory to the Board before the 31st day of January, 1892: and that if not removed by that date the Board will take steps, under the Harbors Act, 1878, to have the same removed. Dated this 11th day of January, 1892. mMmmmmm HITE, ROBINSON, AND CO.. * ' MANUFACTURERS' AGBNT3, Octagon, Donkdib, Have reoeived from Joseph FOR Baker and Sons, London, an aa tv extensive shipment, including BALM ' Biscuit Brakes, Flour Sifters and Mixers, Fruit Gleaners, Tn Lolly Machines and Rollers, 1U Sponge Whisks and Cake BAKERS, Beatfrs, Icing Pipes, Rout nn-amrn Biscuit Machine, Caramel OutUONKKU- terg( ___ ft large varißty of TIONERS, Trade Sundries. Em AH in the Lateßt ImpioToa Styles. I JANUARY, 1892. UUING the current JL/ month we shall offer HERBERT, the balance of our Season's Dress Materials HAYNES, AT CLEARING PRIOBB. mO Maintain our ReputaTJL tion, a Complete Olearanoe must be effected. BICE MUbTBfcLLTHE _ GOODS. Nothing will be carried over that can be realised on. __ SINGLE-WIDTH MATERIALS from 6&d. DOUBLE -WIDTH MATERIALS from 13£ d, See Window. (OLLARD AND COLLARD Metal Frame v> Pianos. Sole Agents, Ctago and Southland, Chas. Begg and Co. XHIBITION Model Piano; prioe, L3B J net; come and see it Chas. Begg and OOK out for Formosa Tea Company's DeRS DRBAVER'S for Bargains.- MacmEDUCATIONAL. SHORTHAND School, Athol place (off Hanover street).—Open from 6 till 10 every evening the year round. ISS G. 0. HOOPER, 82 Princes street, Resumes Teaching Monday, January 18. Yacanoieß for pupils. BANJO, GUITAR, AND MANDOLINE, Dagmar College (next Choral Hall). MR ALFRED G. BAKER begs to Remind his Papils that he RESUMES TUITION MONDAY, January 18 May be seen at Studio every afternoon this week from 3 to 5. ■ISS ANNETTE WILSON Resumes Teaching on I MONDAY, the Ist FEBRUARY. ry \ IRLB' Pinafores, every shape and style, 1b vJT to 2s lid—worth three times the money. Worth seeing. RS DUE AVER has the nloest lot of Ladles' Aprons In town, from la 6d to Gj 6d, in Black Satin. iEMNANTS, REMNANTS, REMNANTS j of Summer Dress Materials, Prints, Ginghams, Delaines, MubHus, etc, at half-price. The accumulated Remnants of this season now ready for Bale, marked In plain figures; early inspection invited. Brown, Ewlng, and Co. FRUIT ! FRUIT ! FRUIT ! ANTED, 10 Tons BLACK CURRANTS and 5 Tons RED CURRANTS. We are also buyers of Gooseberries, Plums, Cherries, Apples, and other kinds of Fruit. Prices on application. THE PHCENIX COMPANY, Ltd., Maolaggan street, Dunedln. DUNBDIN HIGHLAND RIFLES. ~TAOANOIES in above Corps for a Few ' good Men, Apply any Tuesday Evening, at Garrison Hall. JOHN L. GILLIES, JUN., Captain. INFLUENZA (commonly called LA GRIPPE) IS POSITIVELY CURED by using MARSHALL'S MIXTURES, No". 1 and 2, prioe Is 6d each; by poßt, 89 6d. During the last opidemio we treated over 2,000 cases with the very bent results. Do not wait until you are really bad before you come for the medicine—prevention is better than cure. I When you feel tired and depressed, or your limbs ache, accompanied with pains in the head and no appetite, call and get the remedies that u._. L... n.n.mrl Tnfatifa and oViildrpn nan also be treated with these medicines, as they are perfeotly safe and pleasant to take. GEO. M. MARSHALL, 86 Princes street (Next G. and T. Young'?, jewellers). SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. iermtn» ■ unm Fancy Goods 3L9 uu. wui dispose 01 me Fanoy Goods remaining portion of their Fancy Goods NEW YEAR NOVELTIES Fanoy Goods at Home Cost Prices. j Fanoy Goodß Fanoy Goods Must be Sold This Week. FRENCH PRINTED DELAINES. FRBNOfI PRINTED DELAINES. BROWN, EWING, AND CO. have made 27 pieces Frenoh Printed Delaines—" Job ' price lOJd— worth Is 3d per yard. 85 pieces Frenoh Printed Delaines—" Job " | price la sJ4—worth 2s per yard. Newest Designs and Colorings. BROWN, SWING, AND CO. li.iiiMniiiMmMMi'ii Exams. Address: KIA-ORA, OARQILL STREET. OTAGO ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Fldek street, R ARTHUR J. BA.RTH will Resume Teaching on MONDAY, February Ist. He will return to town on Monday, the 25th inst., after which date he will be at home each day between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. SINGING, VOICE PRODUOriON, AND VOICE CULTIVATION. R 0. N. BAEYERTZ begs to Intimate that he has Resumed Tuition at his Residence, London stieet (between Albert and Viotorla streets). Clroulars at Dresden Piano Warehouse or Messrs C. Begg and Co.'s. NGLISH PIANOFORTES (New and Second-hand) On Bale on the Time Payment System on the most roasonable terms, JOHN HOGG, PIANOFOBTB IMFOBTEB AND TUMBB, FILLEUL STREET (top of Hanover street). NOTICE. MR W. E. TAYLOR, F. 0.0. (Organist St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral), Medallist Royal Academy of Music, London, is PREPARED TO RECEIVE PUPILS for the Pianoforte, Organ, Singing, and Harmony. Temporary address—Warwiok House, Moray place. TAGO BOYB' AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOLS. NEW SESSION Commences Ist FEBRUARY, 1892. BOYS' SCHOOL, p;^w*grcrj»fiaiiiigii3aaiiiiaM-i£ Terms pbb Quarter : School Fee L2 10 0 Board, Laundry, etc. ... 11 0 0 OTAGO GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL Reotor: Alex Wilson, M. A. w* *»..,, nt n m „-..!» • Preparatory Class, LI Is, . Pupils may take any one subject of the Course at a Fee of LI Is. There is a fully-equipped Studio for Drawing, Painting, etc., under the charge of Miss Fanny Pupllß desiring to take Drawing only may do so at a Fee of LI Ib. BoAUDiisa House.—Lady Manager: Mrs E. R. Mackay. Terms (exclusive of Tuition Fee), LlO per quarter. For Prospectuses apply to 0. MAOANDREW, Secretary to Board of Governors, Colonial Bank Buildings! OTAGO EDUCATION BOARDAPPLICATIONS, accompanied by Certificates and Testimonials, will be received till the 19th lnst u from Teachers qualified to fforoury—neau-wjacuer. Salary, L 250. Cromwell—Head-teacher. Salary, LI9L Waitahnna Gully—Head-teacher. Salary, L 162. Bald Hill-Head-teaoher. Salary, Ll4B. Whare Kuri Head - teacher (Female). Salary, L9O. Hukinga—Head-teacher (Female), Salary,

•R W. E. TAYLOR, P. 0.0. (Organist St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral), Medallist Royal Academy of Music, Loudon, in PREPARED TO RKOEIVE POPILS for the Pianoforte, Organ, Singing, and Harmony. Temporary address—Warwiok House, Moray place. OTAGO BOYB' AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOLS. NEW SESSION Commences Ist FEBRUARY, 1892. BOYS' SCHOOL, Rector: Rev. Henry Belcher, M.A,, LL.D. Boarding Establishment under the management of Mr G. 11. Thomson, Science Master, Terms per Quarter : School Pee L2 10 0 Board, Laundry, etc. ... 11 0 0 OTAGO GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL Reotor: Alex Wilson, M. A. Tuition Fees : FullOourse, L2loa per quarter; Preparatory Class, LI Is, Pupils may take any one subject of the Course at a Fee of LI Is. There Is a f ally-equipped Studio for Drawing, Painting, etc., under the charge of Miss Fanny Wimpe.-is. Pupilß desiring to take Drawing only may do so at a Fee of LI Is. Boaudiho House.—Lady Manager: Mrs E. R. Mackay. Terms (exclusive of Tuition Fee), LlO per quarter. For Prospectuses apply to 0. MAOANDREW, Secretary to Board of Governors, Colonial Bank Buildings! OTAGO EDUCATION BOARDAPPLICATIONS, accompanied by Certificates and Testimonials, will be received till the 19th Inst, from Teachers qualified to Cromwell—Head-teacher. Salary, LI9L Waitahnna Gully—Head-teacher. Salary, L 162. Bald Hill-Head-teaoher. Salary, Ll4B. Whare Karl Head - teacher (Female). Salary, L9O. Huklnga—Head-teacher (Female), Salary, L7O. North-east Valley—Tfclrd Assistant (Male). Salary, Lll4. Oamaru Middle—Third Assistant (Male). Salary.LlU. lapanul—FiratJLaaUtant (Female). Salary. L 95. Tokomalrlro—Second Assistant (Female). Salary, L 95. Alexandra—Mistress. Pahry, 180. P. G. PRYDB, OOVEBNSDPT WOTIOBB. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the J several Parcels of Land hereinafter described will be brought under the provisions ei "The Land Transfer Apt, 1885," tmless caveat be lodged, forbidding the Bftjpe within one calendar month from the daj* of publication, hereof in the ' Gaseljte' : Allotment j2, VI.. township, of Mornington. Jfarpes O&U], applicant; occupied by applicant. Ko, 3,979, Sectfon'2Q7; and part of 806, town of Port Ohabneis. The Otago Presbyterian Church Board of Property, applicant; eecnpled' by John M'Donald. No, u gart Allotments 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 13, 141$, oft plan of subdivision of part of block* C, D, E, of Kingston. , « —"-«*; occupied by Paied this 11th day of January, 189% at the Lands Registry Offloe, Dunedin. H. TURTON, District Land Registrar.

OHARAOTER-BEADDSG AND THE FUTURE REVEALED BY PALMISTRY, Br TAD AM E NOBDSKA L IATEOFEtIBOpEASDAUBTBAtU, "Where her Suooeaa has been Qteat. Madame NORDBKA makes a specialty of telling young people what profession, trade, etc., they are suited for; and thoroughly explains hereditary diseases, entering fully Into the Past, Present, and Future. Be warned in time by Madame Nordska, who la not a fortuneteller, but a scientific Palmist. Hours of consultation : 10 to 12, 3t05,7 to 9. Fee, 2s 6d. Address: Octagon Buildings, Octagon. TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT BAILWAYS. NOTICE ToIpASSBNGBKS From New Zealand to the Australian Colonies I RRANGEMENTB have been entered into 1_ with the Union Steam Ship Company for the issue of EXCURSION TICKET* which enable Passengers from New Zealand to 1 Melbourne or Sydney to bieak their journey at Hobart, and proceed to Launoeston by rait there joining tfte Uilon Steam, Ship Oompanj'u boats for Mojbourne or Sydney. _' ' By this route vj&tors oa.Q vfa»ge to visit the Sliver fields,' and other places of interest in Tasmania.! _ ' .. offices of the Union Steam Ship Company. FRBDK. BACK, Manager. General Manager's Office, ' " ' Hobart, 15th December, 1801,

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Evening Star, Issue 8720, 12 January 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 8720, 12 January 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 8720, 12 January 1892, Page 3