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The amount of revenue coileoted at the Out-tom-honee on iroods oleared to-day for sonanmption was L 1.284 Is) for the month, L 3.869 4s 73. A conference of representatives of frefz'ng companies and others interested in the frozen meat industry will be held in Wellington on the 7eh Inst, for the consideration of matters of importance connected with the trade, MINING NOTES. The Fair Maid Gold Mining Oo.'s report for the week ended 25th March:—"Twenty-eight hours' sluioing yielding 88o? of amalgam.


The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report for the week ended April 1 as follows : Fat Cattle.—244 head were yarded at Burnaide for this day's fales, about half of which were good to prime, ihe balance three parts fat steers, with a considerable portion aged cows and light weights. This number was considerably in excess of requirements, and even for prime quality the demand was slack and prices lower; besides, a number were passed in unsold. Best bullocks brought L6los to LB, extra heavy a shade more; medium to good, L 4 15b to L 6 ss; light weights, L 3 to L4los; best cows, L 5 5s to L 6; medium, L3toL 47s 6d; light and aged, L2 to L2 17s 6d. We sold 37 head, as follows; —On account of Mr TowDßend (Walkouaiti), cows to L 3 10s; Mr A. Lee Smith (Mataura Island), bullocks to L 5 15s; Mr William Lindaey (Greytowo), bullocks to L 5 17s 6d, and oows to L 4 6s; Mr Robert Charters (Ury Park), bullocks to L 6 17s 6d; other vendor?, bullocks to L 5 2s 6d. Fat Sheep.—l,92B were penned, inoludlng about 65 merino wethers, all the rest crossbreds, chiefly ewes; only a veiy few pens wethers, representing all qualities. This being only a moderate entry, competition was fairly aotlve, but prices, except | for really prime mutton, were Blightly easier than last week. Best cross - bred wethera brought 133 to 14< 9d; medium, 9s 6d to 12j 3d; beat do eweß, 12s 6d to 13s 6d; one or two pens extra prime, 14s to 15s 9d; medium, 8s 6d to 12s; merino wethers, 5s 81 to 6s 3d. We sold on account of Mr William Shand (Keith Hall) 196 cross-bred ewes to 13) 3d; Messrs Todd Bros. (Islington) mixed cross-breds to 12s ; and orosa-bied ewes to lis 6d. Fat Lambs.—3so were penned, medium to goid. These did not meet with a very good demand, and, exoept for very prime, last week's prioeß were not maintained. Best brought 9s to 10a 6d, one pen to lis 6d, others 6s 6d to 8s 9d. We sold one pen to 9s. Fig'.—lso were penned, nearly all Backers and stores, with two or three heavy-weight pigs. No porkers or baconers forward; prioeß in favor of buyers. Snckere brought 3s to 8i; ellpe, 33 to 8s; store?, lGs to 18s; heavy pigs, to 35a. We sold 60 at quotations. Store Cattle.—This market does not show much activity, though further on, it in anticipated, suitable cattle will be required for winter feeding; iD the meantime, however, there is not much doing. Store Sheep —The demand continues good, and the number now offering evidently insufficient to satisfy requirements. All classes are inquired for, but those in most demand are good breeding ewes, both cross-bred and merino, whioh are freely taken up whenever in the market, indifferent to age, if healthy and sound mouthed. Cross-bred wethers and lambs are also continually asked for. Wool.—There is nothing new to report regarding this Btaple. Interest centres now in the opening of the next series in London, respecting whioh tbe prevailing idea is that prices will continue firm. Locally a good demand exists, and very full prices are seoured for all lots brought forward at the weekly auctions. Last week we offered about sixty packages, which met with keen competition, and the whole were placed at prices fully up to those current at the earlier sales.

Sheepskins.—These continue to have a brisk demand ; both dry and green command excellent attention. On Tuesday, as usual, we offered a moderate oatalogue, comprising all sorts. There was a full attendance of the trade, and competition spirited for every lot offered, the whole being cleared at prices quite on a par with those obtaining last week. Country dry cross-breds, inferior to medium, brought 2s to Si 9.1; do do merino. Is 9d to3<lod; fullwoolled cross-breds, 4i 9d to 6s Id ; do do merino, 4a to 5s lOd ; dry pelts, 3d to Is 9d ; butchers' green cross-breds, best, brought 3s 2d, 3a Id, 2s lid. 2* lOd, 2s 9<J, 2s 8d; good to medium, 2s 7d, 2s 6d, 2d sd, 2s 4d, 2a 2d; inferior, 2-1, Is lOd, Is 8d ; green lambskins, best, 3s 2d, 3s Id, 3u, 2s lOd, 2s 8d; medium to inferior, 2s sd, 2< 2d, 2*, Is 9d.

Rabbitski na. —There is no new feature of any consequonce to note with respect to the business passing under this head, whioh is somewhat limited, and Is not likely to assume to very large dimensions for a couple of months or so, at any rate. At the same time the few that now come forward are readily disposed of, and, considering the quality, realise prices comparing favorably, with those secured for better skins earlier in the season,

Hides.—We have no change to report. The market continues steady with a good demand existing for heavy sorts, which are short; and any offered in satisfactory condition would command higher price*, while those current for medium and light are less satisfactory. Quotations for inferior and slippy, Id to IJd to If d; medium, 2d to 2Jd up to 601b, 2sd to 3d 651b to 801b; in prime condition, $d to Id more per lb. Tallow.—A very fair demand continues to exist for the odd lots coming to hand, which moßtly go to local manufacturers at prices quite in sympathy with those obtaining at Home. We quote prime rendered mutton, 18a 6d to 20s; medium to good, 15s 6d to 17s 6d; inferior and mixed, 12s to 15s. Rough fat has good attention, and continues to realise prices relatively higher than those current for tallow. Bett fresh caul fetches 13s to 13s 6d; inferior to medium and good, 9* to 12s 6d per cwt. Grain.—Wheat: The Easter holidays have interfered with buoiness to a certain extent. The demand notwithstanding this has been good, and now a slight advance on last week's quotations could be secured; but consignments are not coming forward so freely as in former seasons, and stocks of prime milling, indeed of any description, are comparatively low. For best camples there a r e indications of an improvement in the demand. A decidedly more active tone pervades the mwket, prices all round being in favor of sellers. We quote prime milling velvet and Tuscan, 4s to 4s 2d; medium to good, 34 lOd to 4s; Inferior, 3s 6d to 3s 9d (ex store) —Oats : The market continues exceedingly flat, the only demand existing being for stout, bright milling, and even for these millers are not disposed to give prices current last week, the supply being now fully up to their requirements. Shippers are unable to operate at late rates owing to the absence of any inducement from the Australian markets, which show no indications of an early improvement. We quote best short milling. Is sdto Is 5Jd; beat short bright feed, la 4s i to Is 5d ; medium to good, Is 3d to la 4d; inferior, Is to Is 2d (ex Btore, sacks extra).—Barley : There are but few transactions taking place in this cereal. The supply to hand of really good malting is limited, but any offering could readily be placed. A few odd lots of feed and medium quality are still on hand from last season's crop; but it is somewhat difficult to place these except at ridiculously low prices. An idea prevails that the quantity of prime malting to come forward will not be sufficient for requirements; the market, in consequence, is likely to remain firm. We quote beat malting, 3s to 8a 3d; medium to good, 2s 6d to 2a 9d; feed and milling, la lOd to 2s 4d (ex store, saoks extra), Ryegrass Seed.—A moderately fair business still continues to be done in this, but it is apparent that the bulk of the season's growth is now out of growers' hands, and mostly shipped; and until the spring demand begins to set in, from now forward transactions will be of very much less importance We quote best machinedressed, off old pasture, at 5s 6d to 5s 9d ; medium, 5i to 5a 3d; farmers' best dressed, 4* to 4s 6d; medium, 3s to 3a 9d (ex store).— Cocksfoot seed is moving off quietly, but in slightly larger parcels; stocks on hands ate not excessive, and prices likely to be maintained. Quotations for best dressed 5Jd to s|d, medium 4£d to 5d per lb.

Potatoes.—The market is over-supplied, and in the absence of an outlet for export consignments are difficult to place at satisfactory prices. A considerable portion of those coming forward are of inferior quality and almost unsaleable when better quality can be secured. Quotations this week for best Derwents 50s to 555, medium 40s to 47s 6d, kidneys 30s to 40s per ton (sacks weighed io, ex sto; e), Chaff.—The supply has been on a more moderate scale this week; in consequence Bales are more easily effected, but there is no change in price, which we give as last week—for best 40s to 42s 6d, extra. prime 45?, medium to good 30s to 37s 6d per ton. Dairy Prodace.— There is no improvement to note in the demand for either cheese or butter. Nearly all the factory-made cheese is being shipped Home, very little bsing consumed locilly, dairy made being obtained at lower prices (3d to 3Jd per lb), while 4£d to 4|d is aßked for factory-made. Good salt butter is Belling pretty freely, only for local consumption, but without any advance in price, wbioh remains at 6sd to 7d per lb. Flax.—A good deal of inquiry continues to be experienced for this. A considerable quantity is also coming forward, which we have been i,uccesffal ia placing at our late quotationsvie., for common, coaree, and strawy, LIS to Lls; medium, Lls 10a to Ll7; good, Ll7los to Ll9; thoroughly soutched, clean, and good color, L2O per ton, [By Telegbaeh.] Sydney, April I.—Wheat: Chick. 3s 3s; milling, 3s lOd to 4s. Oats: Milling, la lid t« 2?. Maize: New crop, 2s to 2s 3d; old orop, 2* 4d to 2s 6fl. Barley: Cape,2s; English, 2s 63. Bran, 7§d. Pollard, B|i. Pease-.Blue Prussian, 3s 8d to 3s lOd. Potatoes: New Zealand, L 8; Circular Heads, L 3 15s. Onions, L 3 Butter: Dairy-made, 5d to 6d; factorymade, 7d to 83. Cheese: Loaf, sd. Bacon: Machine-made, 5d to 63 j band-made, 6d to 7&d; New Zealand, 8d to 9d. Hams: New Zealand, lid to Is. Adelaide, April I.—Wheat, firm, 4s. Flour: Stone-made, 18 to 18 ss; roller-made, LlO to L 9 sb. Bran, Is. Pollard, 10d.

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Evening Star, Issue 8478, 1 April 1891, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 8478, 1 April 1891, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 8478, 1 April 1891, Page 3