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The Evening Star. MONDAY, JULY 11, 1890.

The sale of work hold in connection with the Y.W.C.A. terminated on Saturday evening. The miserable weather naturally prevented ninny from attending, but the support o.ccordcd the sale by the public has been very satisfactory, over LIOO having been realised. Besides this there ia a large number of articles which can be utilised on a future occasion. Mesarj A. C. Bei:'.' find P. Baxter, J.l\s, occupied the bench at the City Police Court this morning. Alexander Herbert (who did not appear) was fined ">s, in default forty-eight hours' imprisonment ; and a first offender was fined a similar amount, with a like alternative. For hawking s;oods in June without having a lijensa, Mont; Yin was fined 7 s lid, without costs. A triumph of engineering is reported from California in the liftinu of the Feather River, a fast flowing stream, JiOft, and carrying it for more than a mile in au artificial bed, at that height above its old channel. It has been accomplished i" a little less than a year. The object was to drain the river near Oieviiie, in order to reach the rich yold deposit believed to exist in its bed. The superintendent of the K-iste/n Kxtension Cable Company tit Wakuputika advises th:it probably one, if not two, of the company'* repnirini; steamers will arrive in the vicinity of the breaks on Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. The tests trorn Port Parwin and J.'oebueU Bay show that all three cables arc broken close to Banjocw^ogie. "ilia 'ionor Williams lieid a short nittinVin .''aukruptcy this morning when iud"( i'»nt v-iib' | ivt'-r'-'d in the case of l.dwm .InntK.'smMinona lof r.nymcnt of money to the Oiiicir.l Assignee bv aUwi Stout find Mnnriy. Ills Honor, in concluding, snid the Assi«rW wasi entitled on!;' t's the balance remaining of the 1.:50.'« l* '» Almsm Stout and Mondv'.s hand.., alter satistyuit< Bryant and Colelo'n-h, and payment of tns cost of the ai;rnn:ou.;.

Mini the Penimm ' attracted a good audidice on Saturday evening, when the drama waa received with many cigns of approval. There ia just the requisite amount of sensation in the piece to causo tho attention of the audience to bo well sustained throughout, and us the representative cf each character appeared to enter thoroughly into the spirit of the play a most enjoyable representation was the result. Tho principals were recalled several time*. The next production will bo the very laughable comedy 'The Candidate,' written by Justin M'Cart'ny, jun. Thl.i piew shows each member of the company to tdvantag';, and their performance baa bean lighly spoken of. Mr Saint Maur playa bin original character of Lord Oldacre, a Conservative. Thi comedy is a good one, and no doubt the public will look forward to its production wit'a interest.

Some of the Parisian Frecthinkcn who ] the nuns :ror.i the hospitals of tho I city are beginning to JVc! that, having | sown tho wind, they uro reaping the whirlwind. The annious nolie;tuic with which tho £intcio watched ovr-i- thv me'e arc' dying i:, i.>'- v >";;cv witnessed in the Ujpit;ilH. n The lay ,:'.'r.cs hav, in many iji»«-.«re<-., ix-ar.daiously ,;."<dcrtp.d their char"'.-*', aud :■- rcvul'don of doling in favor or tin !ileV:ra has net in. The Parisian mcriical faculty, U.ongu at* a wbolo scarcely 1 wl'-disposed to rnllgioß... ;-.r<i demanding tho re'notatcment of tho mm?, :;r.d as the minds of the Freethinkers are expanding under the / influence of tiiß municipal electl.-.iw, it re not i improbable that tiw. .Sisters will once more ' be iitciallcd in tho public- institutions of tho French capital. A great number of persons visited tho Huneitinjpoultry, PJgqon, Canary, Cage-bird,and Dog Society's show at the .Garrison Hall on Saturday evening, the hall being crowded in every part. Tiw Garrison Bai.d went through a capit&l of pepuiar selections. The drawing for pri/.eu pas; superintended by Mr Carlton, acsMted by; ( members of Committee, and this beint, over truvio cheers were given for Mr Carlton and three ftr Mr Loasby, two of the most energetic workeio in connection with tho show. In the prize-list sj printed by us on Saturday Mr H. M. Marshall's Pepper should J have been placed first instead second in [] New Zealand bred fox-terrier bitcnea ; and ' in jlnglish setters, dogs and bitchei), it la. admitted ;,ve understand, by the judgeß that a mtotako ws£ made in placing second and third, as Mr J. Weight's Spot should have been second and Mr Gr. li. Hall's Nell third. ITho Port Chaimcra Hig-ii fljhcol Commits met on Friday .night; MesaM A. Thomson (chairman), J. Mcrgtv, D. Law, is. Stevenson, and K. P,auchop. I'he rector's was read and adopted,, aai tho report of fe inspector of schools, Whjcfc cfifc forth that during the recent examination percentage of had been throughout the receU'ttfl aad laid on the table. Mr C Dp. L. Gralwm forwuroVsd an apology for non-'-ttPndance on cctfouni of Ul-bealth, and MrW. Elder wrMe tion as a member ot . -- Cj^niik--■ J^ 1 ' 11 was accepted vlih regret, Mr J. Wataaj,. iun., being at. once elected to fill the vacicy. The Visiting Committee's report waa read and adopted, and Meaara A. Thornson and J. Morgan appointed visitors for the ensuing montfc. it was resolved that the winter holidays compence oa July Ss» ana terminate on August 6. A vote of thanks to the chair brought the to a dose - !

A proposal is or. foot to establish a 3teans ferry service between the old railway station at Anderson Bay and the cross wharf at Dunedin. The promoters intend to dredge a channel, arid properly line it with timber, from the terminus at. Andereon Bay to the bridge on tliti road which crosses the bay. The bridgo it is intended tr, raise a few i'eet, so as to afford free passage to the steamer at any time. The steamer, which ia to be built in London, will accommodate seventy pa<<gpngers.

Vonterday witnessed tlm opening of the huUidnp; in tho North-east Valley formerly used as a Wosloyan church, but now eonverted intoaChristian chapel by the members of the Church of Christ. Mr T. H. Rix delivered an interesting address in the morning, speaking from Exodus xii., 2C, 27. There was a very good attendance. The evening service was also well attended, Mr H. Holmeß occupying the pnlpit. The subject was ' Beginning at Jerusalem ' (Luke xxiv., 47). The following from the 'New York World,' is descriptive of the latest idea with regard to stage mechanism :—" Neil Burgess's horse race is a revelation in stage mechanism. Ue is the sole inventor and patentee in this country and in Europe of this wonderfnl effect. The horses have to gallop to retain their position, for the track flies away from under them. Each horse has a revolving section of the stage under his immediate control, made of compressed paper, and the speed of the frame is regulated so as to bring the favorite in first. Each of these sections weighs a ton and a-half, and they are so constructed that they resist a striking power of almost_ four tons. Two three horse power electric motors propel the whole of the machinery. The race ia so exciting and the sympathies of tho audience have been so worked up with what have gone before that men rise up in their seats and encourago the favorite by cheering, while the ladies scream, wave their I handkerchiefs, and applaud furiously."

The Oamaru North School Committee last week discussed the provisions of Major Steward's School Committees Bill. The Committee did not agree with tho clauses regarding the election of committees, because they would have the effect of taking away all interest in the election of school committees, and the Bill would prove to he against the principle of vote by ballot. Mr Mitchell recognised the right of minorities to be represented, but the cumulative vote opened the door to abuse, and he moved—- " That it be a recommendation that the clause be amended so as to provide that no person shall vote for more than live candidates nor give more than one vote for any candidate. This would prevent obnoxious persons being thrust on committees, while it would give a reasonable minority an opportunity of being represented. The Rev. Mr Parsonson secouded the motion. He said the proposal recognised the right of minorities to hi! represented, and offered a fair compromise. The motion was carried.

L"dgr of DimeiVin, K.C., lnfpt tomorrow evening. Traflic on the Roslyn tramway is suspended till to-rmrrow morning. Members of New Zealand Rille Association meet in Garrison Hall on Friday evening. On Saturday both the evening and afternoon sessions at tin'; City Hall Kink were well patronised. The winnini: numbers in the sift distribution of tiio Dum-.l:n poultry show are advertised in this issue. Lily of the Valley Lodge, 1.0 C.T., hold their concert and reunion in the ISorth Duuedin Drill Hall this ov.-ui-jg. Thoje favorable to forming a bowling and lawn tennis club for Caversham and St. Clair moot at St. Peter's schoolroom on Wednesday evening. In our ropoit of the dog show wo give the Crat St. Bernard dog Mr G. Lobby's; it Biiould have been Mr George Lousley's, of Balclutha. A steamer will leave Port Darwin for Banj-ie-waugio at 11. a.m. on Tuesday, the 15th inst. Cablegrams for Europe, etc., to go by thiß opportunity jhould be lodged at the Duntdin otiice not later than 8 a.m. on Tuesday. Colonial Manufactures. Messrs Brown, Kwing, and Co. are offering (for fourteen days) the remaining portion of the Koslyn worsted and wool'en < ?chibit at fully 2"> per cent, less than mill prices ; also all colordal blankets, flannels, lug*, dress tweeds, ladies' knitted skirt:), men's hosiery, etc., at sale prises tor fourteen djyn. See four large show windows completely" tilled with Mofgiel, Oamaru, Kaiapoi, and Wellington manufacture. — |A|.\T.| The half-yearly meeting of Court Little John, No. O,BSr, A.0.F., was held last week, C.K. Bro. Williamson in the chair. Penior Auditor Bro. K. Pettitt read the i|uarterly report and b ■ lp.ncc-theet, which showed the Court to be in a most satisfactory position, both numerically a::d financially. The ofli ;ers for the CDSuing term were ii..-u;kllodby P.C.ti.'sßioH. Armir- and Wiili.imson as foilow-i . C. H., Bro. John Giant; Bro. W, Rao; treasurer, Bro. A. -' (-' ; f'.o. Ko'oert Wilson; iW.' Bro. '■'»". U- *»; G.W., Bro. A. Birtles ; 5.8., Bro. W. A. Wisou; .T. 8., Bro. J. Wil-liiin.-on ; auditor, Bro. AV". Mac; dele-gate to Otago District, Bro. J. Grant.

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Evening Star, Issue 8268, 14 July 1890, Page 2

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The Evening Star. MONDAY, JULY 11, 1890. Evening Star, Issue 8268, 14 July 1890, Page 2

The Evening Star. MONDAY, JULY 11, 1890. Evening Star, Issue 8268, 14 July 1890, Page 2