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There was a capital attendance last night and this afternoon, and it may be supposed that a large crowd will be present this evenins, not only for the purpose of seeing the exhibits but to witness the gift distribution A few necessarily brief notes on some ot the leading exhibits may be interesting. Commencing with the poultry, we come first to the game birds. In black-red cocks the first is a good hard-feathered old cock aud the second a nice cockerel; and in blackred hens the first is fairly good aud the second a capital bird. Block-red cockerels: The judge's choice fell on a faiilygood bird, rather dark in color, and m some people's opinion the whiter bird placed second should have been first. Black-red pullets: The first is a good one, but many prefer the second, and think these two should have changed tickets. Brown-red cocks are rather a weak lot. Brown-red v «."■*- The placed birds well earn their ii„;i.>rs. Iu brown-red cockerels the first-prize bird is a gem ; and in hens the first, second, aud third are worthy of any show. In pile cocks, the hrst prize goes to a grand colored len«thy bird that io undoubtedly the best, nndth'e three hens are all very good. As to pile cockerels, the first is a good yellowlf<mp(l, u.ud tho second a. good specimen, but rather small ; while in pile pullets there is only one shown. In duckwings the winning cock is a capital bird, and so is the second ; and in hens the first prize winner is short in tho lev and not well shaped, wherefore the first award should have gone to the bird placed second. Duckwing cockerels me well placed, and in pullets we see splendid specimens placed first and second, while tho third is only moderately good. In white cocks first prize goes to a leggy but otherwise good-shaped bird, and the winner among the hens is a beauty. The first and second white cockerels deserve their distinction, and in white pullets the placed birds arc all excellent specimens. Co mini; to the Malays, we find a good old cock hJiected for winner in his class, and the hers are worthy of their awards. Tho first and second cockerels are as good, we should think, as any in the colony ; and the three prize pullets are all exceptional birds. Tho Hamburgh classes are so well filled that we cannot attempt to speak of exhibits in detail, but may remark that they were all well judged. The same observation applies to the Plymouth Rocks, which must have cost tho judge a deal of anxiety. As to Spanish: The cocks placed first, second, and third are all good and well judged; but many will consider that a mistake was made with the hens), as Pen 292 should have been first instead of highly commended. The cockerels ere properly placed, and so are the pullets. The judging of tho Leghorns has come in for pome criticiKm. In white cocks the winner is undoubtedly deserving of the honor ; but in hens Pen 310, which is unnoticed, ought certainly to have gained a place, if not the lirst ticket. As to the white cockerels, 337 easily wins, but it is considered by some ■that 325 and 326, which are unmentioned, are the next best; and in white pullets, surprise. ;.j expressed that 347, .143, and 349 have not received notice. Brown cocks are nothing wonderful; and in brown hens the winner is objected to on the ground that she is much ';m: dark and has scaly legs, the hen that takes ;tiird award being a good deal better. In brow-n cockerels 378 wins easily, but 3GO is :.;>i, generally considered worthy of its second place, and 373 a, placed third, should have been second. As to brown pullets, 374, highlv commended, should have been first, and 330 a might have received second award, while 379 a ought to have been placed third. Wad;: Minorcas : The first three cocks are .veil placed, and so are the three liens. In iiond.iorf, the first prize cock is indubitably the champion in his class; and the hens constitute one of the beat classes in the uliow. The Langshans are well judged with the exception of one ;rhite vioefc that scarcely deserves his place, and «,ne black cock, placed drat, that should ii'ivc bf-en disqualified on account of having B-)ike3 in his comb. The light Brahman are aimosfc a show in themselves ; and as to the rcbi- <>f the classes, want of space compels us to lo.miiiis them with the remark that they vv as food, if not better, on the whole, ♦ban any previously seen in the colony. We must, however, say a word o- two about the bantams. In black or brown-red cocks the lirst bird is fit to hold >iu t'wn in any show in the colonies ; and in hens tiie first ticket goes to a good red, and the third to a nice black. In black or brown-red cockerels the fir-st is a grand hard- •■•■ -thered red, and first in pullets is a little .V.-'"n of a black-red, one of the best birds in : '; o show. Duckwings take firsts as cock ■„' d .oekcrel io the "any other variety" ]''-iss. The (lucks are the best collection . ',' - seen in Dunedin, comprising several - xuellent specimens ; and the only exhibitor ■jf turkeys deserves his award. The cage-bird mom is one of the features of tho show. In canaries the Belgians ■ire all - round a good class, and Mr Überti's first prize cock and hen are both nice examples ; while the same breeder has tho Scotch fancy classes all to himself. There are eighty-hve exhibits in the Norwich classes, Messrs Kerr, Loasby. Jenkins, Russell, and Moss being the chief exhibitors. Some dissatisfaction is expressed with the Judging in these classes, on the -round that birds bred to standard color "re passed over in favor of larger birds that -we really more after the size and stamp of •;ha conpy. In cinnamons it would have vcen better if cayenne and non-cayenne had beeu separately classed, for by the present arrangement the non-cayenne birds are at a disadvantage. There are only two lizards .shown but theaearegood ones. Singing birds were not judged up to noon to-day, as they seemed shy and disinclined to show oil their capabilities. The goldfinches include two beautifully marked birds, and altogether make a good class. Dark mules aro not above the average, but light mules show up prominently, Mr Lillico's bird being a beauty Parrots are quite a feature of the show, and the thrushes hre a nice lot. _ Tho pigeons shown were a very fair lot, there being a great variety, while the ouality was up to the usual standard In Carriers, dragons, and Antwerps Captain J. Mather was the principal prize-taker ; while Mr D. Cursey'a pigeons, besides taking the principal prizes in the majority of the other varieties, ran Captain Mather's very close in tho classes where the last-mentioned were successful. In Antwerps especially the competition between the two was very keen. In the majority of cases the. second prizetaker lost in consequence of failing to reach the standard in color. In barbs only four entries were received, but the class was about the best in thewhole show. In hens and cocks Mr I> Cursey took first honors, being closely followed by MrP. B. Stark, whoshowed a real clinker. In this class Mr Cursey showed two splendid black-and-red pigeons. Pouters were not of a very good description; but the fantails made up for the deficiency as all the birds were of splendid quality. Mr J Kew had certainly the best birds in this class; but by some oversight the judge awarded first prize to Mr J. Hamer who showed a pair of fantails of the old-fashioned .inacriptioS. In beards D. Cursey took first, leco'id. and third honors with splendid birds, the best of the trio being a at the Sydenham and Christchurch shows. In long-faced Antwerps, blue chequered long-faced cocks or hens, and blue chequered short-faced cocks or hens the birds were of good quality ; while crc silver dun short-faced cocks or hens we -mticed three fine specimens. In short-faced red chequers and black chequers there was a i/-od assortment, the birds in the lastmentioned class being all well chequered on the hump. Altogether, the quality of the pigeons gave general satisfaction, and no little interest was manifested in the result of the judging in this class. The show of dogs was an exceptionally large one, and the quality was in no way in♦trior to that seen at previous shows. In mastiffs, Jumbo, a handsome dog exhibited bv Mr Skinner took first prize, being closely followed by Messrs H. Rogers's Colonel and O u Christie's Sultan. Half a score of does were entered in the Newfoundland class, a beautiful beast the property of Mr J. Lowe, taking first prize. Mesnrs H. hj. James and J. H. Morris also entered fine specimens of the Aewioundland breed, and secured second -,nd third prize respectively. Newfoundland puppies brought only two entries Mr R Vanstono's Nimrod being placed first, with Mr T. B. Fairbairn's Prince second. St Bernards (dogs) were a good lot, Messrs

George, Loasby, R. \V. Brown, and F. North taking prizes In the order named ; while the dogs o£ Messrs J. G. Henderson and John Miller received special mention. For bitohea Meßßrs C. Grant and S. Prout took first and second prizes respectively; while in puppies Mr R. Driver's dog was placed first, Mr •!. Macandrew's second, while a 7 J-month-old dog, the property of Miss E. Smith, secured third prize. Greyhounds brought out a fair number of dogs, the cipal priza-takere being Messrs J. Blaney, J. Stanhope, G. M'Guire, J. Reid, and J. and W. Mills. In pointers Mr J. Ru3aell's Bell waß awarded first prize ; while in setters the prizetakera were Messrs N. Binnie, J. Smith, and J. R. Wilson. Retrievers were a poor lot, Mr J. King's Gip having an easy victory over three opponents. In spaniels an excellent Bhow was made, some of the animals being really splendid dogs, with many good points about them. The prizetakers thoroughly deserved their positions, the winner in the field-spaniel class being a dog that its owner might well be proud of. In collies a spirited competition took place, but Messrs Harrison and Horrax's dogs asserted their superiority, being placed first in the rough-coated class (dogs), third and highly commended in the same claBS for bitches, and second in puppies. Messrs J. Macdonald and A. Mackie came next, the first-mentioned exhibiting his well-known prixetaker Varrow, which is priced at LSOO. In fox-terriers there was a good lot shown, many of the dogs being priced at LSO; while several were priced at LIOO. Mr H. Mann secured first prize for a pretty Bedlington terrier. In black-and-tans. Mr T. O'Brien's (first) and Mr Uonellan'a (secoud) dogs had a close fight for honors, and in toy terriers Mrs R. Critchley was properly given first prizo for a nice beast. Mr H. Fulton's dog took first award in bull terriers, with Mr .7. Higgins'a Nettle a good second. In bull Mr P. Reid'a Turk was placed first, Mr J. M. Nicholson's Bully second, and Mr A. Foley's Barney third; while iu the variety class Messrs James Gibson's and H. i\ Thompson's animals were placed first and second respectively. The report of the judge (Mr R. E. N. Twopeny) of the fox-terriers contained the followiug sentences: —"It is disappointing that the best and moat varied prize-list for fox-terriers that has yet been offered in the colony should have attracted such poor competition. There was only ono terrier shown who came anywhere near the form which three or four yeara ago left Irish Jock and Welcome Jack to go bank to Canterbury and Wellington with second and third prizes, and he a seven months old puppy, whose future is necessarily very uncertain, for ho is already full size and aB well aet aa a yearling. Neidpath Venture, as he is named, won successively the over six and under twelve puppy class, the New Zealand-bred dog class, the open dog class, and the champion challenge cup ; from first to last there could not be a doubt about his being the best terrier in the show. The dog which I liked next best was the great big fellow named Tom, by N. F. Danger— Lady, weighing, I should think, some 221b, and with enormous feet. With these disadvantages I could not with any decency giro him more than highly commended. Mr Fish's prize for the best bitch in the ahow fell to Pepper—a Catesby all over. Lady Belvoir's superior character would have put her above Pepper but for the way in which she carried her ears, which went near to disqualifying her altogether in the first competition. Mr Hogg's medal for the second best dog in the ahow went to Bundy, a nice young dog, superior to Grip or Whisky, but rather wanting in quality. Messrs Bcgg and f.'o.'s prize for the best puppy shown was won easily by Crusoe, who, but for hia huge feet and somewhat sott expression, has the makings of a better dog in him than any other in the show except the champion, taking very much after hia grandsire. Decker. The two bitches shown in the champion class muat have acquired their championships at small country shows ; they would have taken a back seat if there had been any compotition. The New Zealand-bredjdog and bitch classes were both very even in quality, showing very little difference from top to bottom. The over six months' puppy class, too, was a anod one. Vi»inr'a hotvil la wm«ik«lilc, and though Occident brought up the rear he is a very good stamp." We must not omit to acknowledge the assistance rendered to the thow by the exhibitors from Mr H. Double (of fnvercargill), Mr Quarrie (of Oamaru), Mr J. Petty (of Wellington), and Messrs Rogens and Co. (of Wellington) send exhibits that are well worthy of their place, and these visitors walk off with a fair percentage of awards, Messrs Rogens and Co. taking first prize for mo3t points in poultry. It is to be regretted that Mr W. Aitkeu, a prominent exhibitor at previous shows, was unable to get his exhibits here in time to show. The following is the continuation of the prize-list : SECTION I.— TfRKEVS. Judge : Mr M'Eivcn. Pair turkeys. One entry —F. Ilogen and Co American mammoth bronze, 1. SECTION 11.--PIGKOXS. CARRIERS. Judge : Mr J. A. Park. Cock, anv color. Three entries— Captain J. Mather, 1; Captain J. Mather, 2. Hen, any nolor. Threo entries—Captain J. Mather, 1; Captain J. Mather, 2.

Cock, blue or silver. Four entries—Captain J. Mather, blue, 3 years. 1; Captain J. Mather, blue, 2 years, 2 : Cnptain J. Mather, blue, 2 years, 3. lien, blue or silver. Three entries-Captain J. Mather, blue, 1; Captain J. Mather, blue, 2 ; Captain J. Mither, silver, 3. Any other color, cock or hen. Four entries—Captain .1. Mather, white, 1; Captain J. Mather, white, 2 ; Captain J. Mather, whito, 8. Cock, any color, under 12 months. Thrco entries— Captain J. Mather, white, 7 months, 1 ; Captain .1. Mather, blue chequer, S months, 2; Captain J. Mather, blue, 7 months, 3. Hen, anv color, under 12 tnonihs. Three entriesCaptain J. Mather, blue, 8 months, 1 ; Captain .1. Mather, white, 7 months, 2 ; Captain J. Mather, blue chequer, 8 months, 3. POIITBRS. Cock, any color. Four entries—James Miller, white, 1; D. Cursey, 2 and 3. Hen, any color. Four entries—T>. Cursey, 1; A. Cowie, 2 ; K. A. Ewin;;, 12 months, 3. TIIMBt.BR.S. Best tumble! in show—J. Watson, 2 years, 1; J. Watoon. D month?, 2. Flyinst, mottle, any color, cook or hen. One entry —J. Watson, 4 years. Flyrnir, any othor variety, cock or hen. One entry —D. Cursey, 1. J. Blco, 18 months, 1; .7. Elee, 18 months, 2 ; J. Blee, 7 months, 3. BAIiBB. Cock, any color. Two entries—D. Cursey, 1; P. 13. Stark, 21 years, 2. Hens, any color. Two entries—D. Cursey, 1 and 2. ■TACOniNB. Red or yellow, cock or hen. Two entries—T. Williamson, 2 years, I; T. Williamson, 2 years, 2. FANTAILB. Five entries—J. Hamer, 1J years, 1; J. Hamer, 1J years, 2; J. Kerr, highly commended ; J. Kerr, highly commended. IIAJ.DIIBADM. Black cock or hen. Four entries—D. Cursey, 1 : W. M'Kwen, 2 years, 2 ; J. Bice, 1 year, 3. BKARDH. Red or yellow (18 months), cock or hen. Four entries—D. Cursey, 1, 2, and 3. OWLS. KnKl'Mh owls, blue, cac'.c or lien. Two entries—J. and W. Connor, is months, 1; L). Cursey, 2. Enclisn, any other color, cock or hen. Twi entries —Captain J. Mather, 1 ; J. and W. Connor, 15 months, 2. MAO ['IKS. Any color, cook or hen. Two entries—A. Cowie, 1 and 2. ANTWERP* Blue lone-'aced cock or hen. Seven ontrles—Captain J. Mather, 1; K Philp, 11 years, 2; J. Blee, 2 >C Blu'e chequered long-face, cook or hon. Six entries —C. Cursey, 1; A. Smith, 18 months, 2; Captain J. Mather, 3. „, Silver dun lonß-foced, coak or hen. Three entries —W. Johnstone, It years, 1; T>. Cursey, 2; D. Any'other color lon(?-faced, cock or hen. Five entries-Captain J. Mather, dun ohequer, 1; Captain J. Mather, dun chequer, 2 ; A. Cowie, 1 year, 3. Blue short-faced, cock or hen. One entry-D. Cursoy, 1 year, 1. _ Blue chequered short-face, cock or hen. iwo entries— D. Cursoy. \ ; D. Cursey, 2. Silver dun shor-tfaoed, cook or hen. Five entrieß Captain J. Mather, 1; Captain J. Mather, 2 ; Captain J. Mather, 3. „..»•,. Any other color, cock or hen. Three entriesCaptain J. Mather, red chequer, 1; Captain J. Math<r, red chequer, 2; Captain J. Mather, red ohequer, 3. . , „ . , Show homer, cock or hen. Seven entries—Captain J. Mather, 1; Captain J. Mather, 2: D. Cursey, 3. Sailing class.—Captain J. Mather, Antwerp, 1 ; Captain J. Mather, 2; Thomas Williamson, Jacobin, 3.

SECTION 111. CANARIF.S. Judges : Messrs T. Soott and R. Paterson. BHLOIANS. Clear or tioked yellow cook. Three entries—J. Alberti, 2J years, 1; J. Albert!, 4J years, 2; J. Russell, 2 yoars, 3. _ . , _ T Clear or ticked yellow hen. Two entries—J. Alberti, 18 months, 1; J. Alberti, 18 months, 2. Clear or ticked buff cock. Three entries —J, Alberti. 1* years, 1; J. Hamer, t year, 2; J. Alberti, 1} years, 3.

Clear or ticked hen. Two enhies-J. Albert!, 1J years, 1 ; J. Albert!, 1J yearn, 2. SCOTCH IMNCr. Clear or ticked yellow cock or hen. Two entries— J. Albert!, 2* years. 1; J. Alberti, 1 year, 2. Clear or ticked buß, cock or hen. Two entria9—J. Alberti, IS months, 1; J. Alberti, 18 months, 2. Variegated yellow or buH cook or hen. Two entries —J. Alberti, 8i years, 1; J. Alberti, 1A years, 2. NORWICH. Clear yellow cock or hen. Three entries—J. Mosb, 3 years, 1; J. Kerr, IS months, 2; W. Russell, 20 months, 3. Clear buff cock or hen. Eight entries—J. Jenkins, 1 2 year*, } ; J. Jenkins, 2 years, 2; A. M. Loaaby, 2 years, 3. Ticked yellow cock or hen. Five entries—W. Russell, 7 months, 1; J. Moss, 3 years, 2; J. Kerr, 2 years, 3. Ticked bi'ff cock or lien. Two entries—J. Kerr, B joars, 1; J. Kerr, 2 yearn, 2. Variegated yellow cock or hen. Two entries—J. Jenkins, 8 months, 1; J. Jenkins, 8 months, 2. Variegated buff cock or hen. Four entries—J. Moss, 8 months, 1; J. Kerr, 7 months, 2 ; J. Kerr, 3 years, 3. Clear or gToy crest, cook or hen. Three entries—J. Kerr, 2 yonrs, 1; W. Russell, 20 months, 2. Dark crested cock or hen. Four entries—J. Kerr. 2 year?, 1; A. M. Loaaby, 3 years, 2; A. M. Loasby, S months, 3. KN clear yellow cock or hen. Six entries—A. M. Loasby, IS months, 1: J. Kerr, 3 years, 2; A. M. Loasby, 18 months, 3; W. Russell, 20 months, highly commended. KN clear buff cock or hen- Kight entries —J. Jenkins, 7 months, 1; W. Kussell, 8 months, 2: J. Jenkins, 7 months, 3. KN ticked yellow cock or hen. Five entries—J. Jonklns, 7 months, 1; J. Kerr, S months, 2; A. M. Loa9b,v, 7 months, 3 ; J. Mosss, highly commended. KN'tioked buff cock or hen. Five entries —W. Russell, 20 months. 1; A. 51. Loaaby, 7 months, 2; J. Kerr, 8 months, 3; J. Jenkins. S months, highly commended. KN' variegated yellow cock or hen. Five entries— J. Jenkins, 8 months, 1; J. Kerr, C> years, 2: J. Moss, 0 months, 3. KN variegated buff cock or lien. Six entries—J. Jenkins, 2.year3, 1 ; J. Jenkins, 2 years, 2; .1. Moss, 9 months, 3. KN clear or grey crested. Four entries—J. Ke.rr, 3 years, 1; A. M. Loaehy, 2A years, 2; W. Russell, 2 months, 3. KN dark crested cock or hen. Six entries —J. Kerr, 3 years, 1; A. M. Loasby, 2 years, 2;A. M. I.oasby, 3 years, 3 ; W. Kmsell, 20 months, highly commended Crested bred veltow or buff cock or hen. Two entries—A. M. Luasby, S months, 1; J. Jenkins, 8 months, 2. Crested bred or variegated yellow or buff cock or hen. Six entries —J. Most*, 9 months, 1 ; J. Jenkins, H months, 2; W. Russell, 7 months, 3; A. M. Loasby, 7 months, highly commended; W. Rnassll, 7 months, highly commended. LANCASHIRE COrTIF.fI. Plain-head bull cock or hen. Three entries —J. Kerr, 1, T. Glendinning, 2; J. Kerr, 3. Crested yellow cock or hen. Two entries—J- Kerr, 1 and 2. Crested buff cock or hon. Four entries—J. Kerr, 1 and 2 ; T. Olendinning, 2 years, 3. LIZARDS. Silver cock or hen. Two entries—J. Kerr, C months, I ; J. Kerr, C months, 2. CINNAMONS. Jonquc cock or hen. Six entries —J. Kerr, 7 niDnthd, 1 ; J. Kerr, 2 years, 2 ; J. Kerr, 2 years, 3. Buff crck or hen. Five entries -J. Kerr, 9 months, 1 ; J. Korr, 7 mouths, 2 : J. Kerr, 7 months, 3 Pair of canaries. Eight entries—Master A. G. Loaaby, 8 mouths, 1; J. Jenkins, 9 months, 2; W. Russell, 7 months, 3 ; J. Russell, 1} years, highly commended. Cage of four canaries. Two entries—J. Jenkins, 1; A M. Loasby, 2. Any other variety pure-bred cock or hen. Four entries—A. M. Loasby, self-oolorcd green, 8 months, 1 ; S. Jenkin9, variegated cinnamon, 2 ; S. Jenkins, variegated cinnamon, 3; A. M. Loasby, Mauritius canary, highly commended. (10LDFI.\TIIES. Ten entries—W. Russell, 8 months, 1 ; J. Kerr, 2 and 3. (iOLCKISCI! MIT.RS. Dark. Four entries—T. 01.ndlnning, 2 years, 1; W. Russell, 20 months. 2 ; J. Brewton, 2 years, 3. Light. Three entries—J. Liflioo, 2 yearß, 1;A. M. Loasby, 3 years, 2 ; W. Russell, 2 years, 3. THRUSH. Five entries —W. M'Ewen, 1, 2, and 3. PARROT. Anv varietv. Three entries—J. H. Murdoch, 1 ; Mrs W. Biitteuden, 2 ; .Master W. Brittenden, :;. I'AKROQrRT, Any variety. Three entries —Mrs W. Brittenden, 1; Master V. r . Biitteuden, 2; Mrs W. Brittenden, 3. BKHT T.U.KTXO UIRD. Any variety. Five entries—/. Voimjf. rosella parrot, ] ; A.'[!. Sidford, cockatoo, 2 •, 0. H. Sutton, parrot, 3. SECTION IV. —DOGS. '•f.i.inFF.a. Judge : Mr T. Hides.

Dogs and hitches. Four entries P. Skinner, Jumbo, 1 ; it. J. Rotors, Colonel. In Lord Duval Lady liiirtioyno (hrecdir, Sir l\ fait), 2; D. L. ChriHtie, Sultan, by Turk—Juno (breeder, D. M. Stuart), :i. NF.WFOfNDI.ANDS. ■ Judge : Mr T. Hides. J Dogs ari'l hitches. Ten entries—J. Lowe, Nelson, / by Nero —Koße (breeder, A. Montgomery), 1 ; 11. L. James, Nero, by Ca'M-Flo, 2 ; J. IJ. Morris, Scamp, hv Skelly (imp)-Mel!:* (imp), 3 ; James Johnoton, Wallace, by Nero—N'clly, highly commended : F. W. I'oole, Straight Tip, by Pompey—Loo, highly commended. Newfoundland puppies, dogs, and bitches, under 12 months. Three entries—Ti. Vinrtwo, .Vimrni, i,y junirio—ijas»ie, l ; T. R. Fairbairn (St. John's, Newfoundland), Prince, by Nero—Flo, 2. ST. HERXAItDS. Judge : Mr T. Hides. Ilo','S. Twenty entries—Guorgo Loaslev, Lion, by Prince—Ouida, 1 : K. W. Brown, Major, 'bv Barnaby Young Floss, 2 : F. North, Hector, bv Bernard— Duchess, 3 ; J, G Henderson, Len 1., by Lion—Floss, highly commended ; John Miller, Hermit, by LionFloss, highly commended. Bitches. Three entries—C. Grant, Ouida, byPrince—Ouida, 1 ; S. Prr.ut, Venus, 2. E'uppies, dogs, and bitches, under 12 months.—K. Driver, Prince, by Nelson (imp) Veto (imp), 9 months, 1 ; J. Macandrcw, Portobcllo, by Boss—Fo:r, 2 ; Miss K. Smith, Gordon, by Bernard—Duchess, 7i months, 3. 'JRKJIIOI'NDS. Judge : Mr T. KotL Dogs. Four entries J. Blaney, Kinsky, by Sardius—Kirwec, 1 ; J. Stanhope, Spring, by Mikado —Duchess, 2; 11. A. F. Rogers, Peggy, by Garryowen—Fly, 3. Bitchcß. Throo entries—O. M'Guiro, Bonnie Girl, by Borleaux—Bonnie Scotland, 1 ; W. Brittenden, Beauty, by Hartley—Nell, 2. Puppies, dogs, and hitches, under 0 months. One entry—O. Ramage, Gipsy Maid, by Pilgrim—Nelly, 1. Greyhound puppies (does and bitches), over 6 months and under 12 months old—James Roid, Lady Kilburri, by Smoker—Lady Lynn (hreeder, owner), Hi months, 1; J. and W. Mills, fawn do?, by Horse Marine—Fugue., 8 months, 2 ; J. and W. Mills, slut, by Horse Marino—Fugue, S months, 3. POINT2RS. Judge: Mr J. A. Park. Dogs and bitches. Four entries—J. Russell, Belle, by Rodger Bell, 1 ; W. M. Fulton. Psycho, by Rodger—Spot, 2 ; F. Biggs and Co., Baxton, 3; E. Clark, Shot, highly commended. SKTTKRS. Judge : Mr J. A. Park. F.nglish getter, dogs and bitches. Four entries— N. Einnie. Snipe 11, by Snipe—Powder Fly, 1; G. B. Hall, Nell, 2 ; J. Wright, Spot, by Bess, 3. Irish setter, dogs and bitches. Two entries—J. Smith, Shot, by Snot, 1; S. H. Moore, Don, 2. Gordon setter, dogs and bitches. One entry— James R. Wilson, Juno, , aged 6 months, 1. RETRIEVERS. Judges : Messrs T. Hides and D. Curaey. Retrievers, doss and bitches. Four entries—J. King, Oip, 1; W. Alves, , by Rover—Rose, 2 ; W. Farley, Ask Her, by Ask Him—Nelly, 3. SPANIELS. Judges :' Messrs T. Hides and D. Cursey. Clumber spaniels. Four entries—W. S. Barnard, Bruin, bv Tiger—Topsy, 1; H. Driver, Son, by Guinea—Daisy, 2 ; W. S. Barnard, Daisy, 3. Clumber spaniel puppies, under 12 month. One entry—H. Driver, Dime, by Bruin—Daisy, highly commended. Cocker spaniels, dogs and bitches. Eight entries— Mrs A. Smart, Ponto, by Sancho—Flo, 1: J. C. Arbuckle, Scamp, by Carlo—Gip, 2; P. J. Ness, Ponto 1., by Nelson—Tiki, 3; P. C. Nelll, Briar, highly commended. Field spaniels, dogs and bitches. Four entries—lt. J. Roach, Fido, by Snap—Flo, 1; W. Carlton, Snap, by Rover—Spot, 2 : W. Tinnook, Snider, 3. Spaniel puppy (any variety exoept Clumber), dogs or bitches, under 12 months. One entry—Harry Reid, Nero, by Carlo--Jipp, highly commended. Irish water spaniel, dogs and bitches. Two entries —W. C. Smith, Flo, 1 ; R. M'lndoe, Jack, by OscarFlo, 7 months, 2. COLLIES. Judges: Messrs J. Macdonald and D. Stewart. Rough-coated dogs. Sixteen entries—Harrison and Horrax, Mac (imp), by Rover— Gyp, 1; J. Mudie, Spring, by Yarrow—Flo, 2 ; James Macdonald, Rover, by Yarrow, 3; J. Miller, Spring, highly commended ; D. P. Matthews, Spider, highly commended. Rough-coated bitches. Six entries—Alex. Mackie, Nellie, by Yarrow—Lassie, 1; Skevington and Dowthwaite, Chip H., by Mac (imp)— Fan (imp). 2; Harrison and Horrax, Chip (imp), by Frank—Fan, 3 ; Harrison and Horrax, Histy, by Roy—Chip, age 9 months, highly commended; James Macdonald, Lady 11., by champion Yarrow—Lady I. (imp), highly commended; Skevlngton and Dowthwaite, Moss, by Maori—Chip 11., highly commended. Smooth-coated dogs and bitches. One entryMaster A. Crow, Sharp, 1; breeder, Mr Henry. Puppies, rough or smooth-ooated, dogs and bitches, ! under 12 months. Three entries—James Macdonald, 1 Haßty, by Roy—Chip, age 9 months, 2; Captain 11. 1 Anderson, Toss, age 10 months, 3. , FOX-TERRIERS. Judge : R. E. N. Twopeny. Champion fox-terriers, dogs and bitches. Three 1 entries -Joseph Gatfleld. Amy, by Shot—Flo, 1; i Joseph Gatfleld, Flo, by Noovey-Nelly, 2. Fox-terrier dogs. Six entries—R. S. Yonng, Ncidpath Venture, by Shctford Jock—Lady Belvoir, 1 ; James Webster. Brandy, by Belvior Tom—Wix, 2; 1 M. Dunn, Ask Him, 3. Fox-terrier bitches. Two entries—R. S. Young, Lady Belvoir, by Arius—Belvoir Miggs.l; J. C.Oddie, 1 New Forest Rose, by New Forest Danger—Belvoir Miggs, 2. New Zealand bred fox-terrier dog. Ten entries—- • R S. Young, Neidpatb Venture, by Shelford Jack—--1 Lady Belvoir (winner of Belvoir Tom oup), 1; H. H. Bailoy, Grip, 2 : James Osborne, Barney, by Cooey—--1 Daisy, 3 ; 11. Marshall, Tom, by New Forest Danger —Lady, highly commended ; J. Oliver, Ned, by Bel- '< voir Tom—Vio, highly commended; W. M. Esple, Whisky, by Charley—Rick, highly commended; R. Ross, Spot, by Crisp-Kit, highly commended. Nsw Zealand bred fox-terrier bitcb. Six entriesMr D. Paten, Venture, 1; H. Marshal), Pepper, by Catesby—Daisy, breeder R. S. Youug, 2; R. 8. Young, Lady Belvior, by Aring—Belvior Miggs, 3; T. ' Churchill, Fan, by Spot—Nellie, 4 ; N. Dodds, Daisy, by Jumbo—Vic, highly commended; J. 0. Oddle, New Forest Rose, by New Forest Danger—Belvior Miggs, very highly commended. Fox-terrier puppies (over 0 months and under 12 ' months, dogs. Four entries—W. M. Esple, Whisky, ' by Charlie—Rick, 2; R. S. Young, Neldpath Viper,

by RhelfnrJ Jack —Lady Bdvior, aged 6} month", 3; Miss A. MacquaiJ, Cable Oirl, by Champion Kiclimond Jack —Vatupirie, age Jl mouths, very highly comnieuclej ; A. C. Coin t, Fox, by ChummyNettle, age 11 months, highly commended. Fox-terrier puppies, tinder 6 months old, dogs and bitoheß. Three entries—Mies M. O'Rourke, Crusoe, by Belvoir Tom -Fuss, 3.V months, 1; J. Corbett, Spot 1., by Simla Jock—Vic (imp), 6J months, 2; A. O. Court, Fan, by Le Loup-Polly, 4i months, '.',. MISCBLLANKOL'S. Skyo terrier dogs and bitches, (Judge : Mr S. Conway.) Four entries—J. C Short, Daisy, breeder Mr Hood ; S. J. Mercer, PiDcher, bv Wasp—Vaspy ; S. Waddell, Wa«p; Mr F. Young Kimmer, by Donald (imp)—Kimmer. Bodlington terriers, dogs and bitches. (Judges : Messr3 T. Hides and D. Cursey.) One entry—H. Mann, Geordie, 1. Black-ar.d-tan terriers, 71b and over, dogs and bitches. (Judges: Messrs T. Hides and O. Cursey.) Four entries—T. O'Brien, Well, by Jack (imp)— Gyp (imp), 1: M. Connellan, Tarras, 2 ; R. Hsgen, Jipp, by Jack (imp)— Gyp (imp), 3. Toy terriers, under 71b, rough or smooth, dogs and bitches. (Judges : Messrs T. Hides and D. Cursey.) Twoontries- Mrs R. Crifchley, Fanny, 1 ; R. Work, Avon Bathbriek, breeder W. Bartlett, 2. Bull-terriers. (Judge : Mr D. Cursey.) Special prize, LI Is, presented by Mr J. F. M. Fraser. Three entries—ll. T. Fulton, Mike, fcy Tip, 1; J. niggina, Nettle, by Tim—Juno, 2 ; J. Higglns, Sydney, by Tim—Flora, 3 ; Thomas Boyle, Lilly, highly commended. Bulldogs and bitches. (Judge : Mr D. Curxey.) Five entries-P. Keid, Turk, by Bill Sykes—Nellie, 1 and special ; J. M. Nicholson, Bully, by Joe—Nellie, 2 ; A. Foley, Barney, by Turk—Nellie, 3; M. Cook, Joe, by Viking—Psychej highly commended. Variety c ass, other than before mentioned, dogs and bitches. Tivo entries—James G. Gibson, Dndu— Pomcrain, 1 ; IT. P. Thomson, Sandy Macgregor, by Twig— Nancy, 2.

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Evening Star, Issue 8267, 12 July 1890, Page 3 (Supplement)

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POULTRY, PIGEON, CANARY, AND DOG SHOW. Evening Star, Issue 8267, 12 July 1890, Page 3 (Supplement)

POULTRY, PIGEON, CANARY, AND DOG SHOW. Evening Star, Issue 8267, 12 July 1890, Page 3 (Supplement)