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Fifth Day—Friday,

To borrow the expression used by an American gentleman visiting Otago a few years ago, we had "samples" of weather today. The morning broke fine, with no indications of rain ; about eleven o'clock the wind chopped round, aud intermittent showers fell for some time ; early in the afternoon the sun shone out brightly, but soon a change came o'er the scene, and gusty weather was experienced till five o'clock. There was then a lull, and for the remainder of the day the light was all that could be desired by the most ardent marksman. For the greater part of the week the wind has swept down the gully with great force—3o much so, in fact, that a Victorian competitor was heard to remark that the place must have been named Windy-'.ui, and that it had subsequently been called Wmgatui for the sake of euphony. Coming tothe shootiDg, it will be seen from the prize lists appended below that P.O. Williams fired in splendid form throughout the day, securing second place in both the completed matches. Lieutenant Eales had a commanding lead in the Otago Matoh, and we learn from some of his countrymen that he is one of the best long distance shots in V ictoria. Another competitor who came up well in the aggregate list is Sergeant Jones, but the present champion (Sergeant Parslow) seems to have gone"all to pieces. Allowances have to be made for him, however, on the ground that he has been suffering from ill-health for some days, aud his sight has been bad. The following were the prizewinners in the matches completed during the day : Otaqo MATCH.-300. SCO. and 700 yards. Seven shots at each distance. To count for the Belt

Counted out: Corporal Thomas (Cromwell Rifles), Lieutenant Kuchen (Wellington Artillery), Lieutenant Okey (Taranaki IMlas), Major Purnell (Wanganui), Seaman Babe (Wellington Navals), Mr Johnstcn (Peninsula Rifje Club). In the 'Christchnrch Match (10 shots at GOOyds) the Otago men were well to the fore, filling first;, tl.jrd, aud fifth places. Private Armstrong (of the North Dunedin Rifles) and Petty-officer Williams (of the Wellington Navals) each made 4", or within three points of the possible, but the local representative gained first prize on the tie. Eleven men scored inners or over, which was capital work when one makes allowance for the unfavorable conditions prevailing at the time of firing. We append the prizewinners in the

CiißiSTCHUiicii Match —Ten ehots at GOOyds To count fori he Bolt. Private Armstrong-, North Dunedin Rifles, LlO 47 I'.O. Williams, Wellington NaMli'.LS '" 47 SjrgeantM'Carthv, Dunedin Ci y Guard"! LG " 44 Captain Han by, Yio'ori-i, L 5 .. .. "41 Lituteoait Yurke, Waitahui a Rifles, L 5 * ~ 40 Strain France, Wellington NavaU, L 4 40 Lieutemnt White, Auckland Guards, L 4 " " 40 Lieutenant Ea'.es, Vict ria, L 4 .. [' !' 40 Chptain Draper, Victoria, L2.. " " 40 Mr Tyler, Rmgiora Rifle Club, L2 \\ " "40 Trooper Chapman, Alexandia Caia'ry, L2 " 40 Mr J. Willocks. Clutha Rift,; Club, L2 .. " 33 Corporal J. Scutr, Chiistchurch Reserves, L2 " SS Sergcaut James, Marlborough Huss-ars, L2 " S8 Lieutenant White, Auck'and Guatds, L2 .. " 88 Lieutenant Morrison, Dunedin Navals, L2.! ,\ 33 Serjrcait Little, North Ota?o Hilars, L2 " 88 Sareiant Ros3, Otepopo Rifles, L 2..-. \\ 3S Private Foster, Ohristchurot Reserves, L 2* 37 Mr D'Auvergne, Rangiora Rifle Club, L2 ' "37 TroopeT Stnchan,;Alexandra Cavalry, t,2 " 37 Mr M'Cartney, Portobello Rifle Club, L2 .'. " 37 Mr Vi r il : iarh9, civilian, Napier, LI .. 37 Corporal Riddle, Waimate Rifles, Ll '.'. " 37 Lieutenant Black, West Taiei? Rifles, LI " "'* 37 Captain Somraerville, Alexandra Cavajry/il '* 37 Sergeant M'G egor, Qaniafu tyfles, Ll .. ]' 36 M,r J. Rt-ili}', Yarra Wong;*, LI .. " "36 Piivate Harding-, Blenheim Rifles, LI .. " 36 Major Burns, Dunedin, LI .. " "30

Ciptain Cluuken, Nipier Rifles, LI .. .'. " -q Lieutenant Benton, Featherston, Ll " °6 Private Wright, K.iapoi Rifles, LI .. " " 30 Mr D'Auverpne, R-inpiora Rifle Club, Ll .'.' " 35 Lieutenant Mehaffey, Queenstown Artillery LI '' "fl Seretant Jones, Waksri R-fles, LI .. "hi Sergeant Kuchen, Wellington. LI '.. " " gr Mr Hammond, Chrietchurch Reserves, Ll" " 35 Engineer Lloyd, Dunedin Engineers, LI ' "86 Gunner Driver, Port Chalmers Artillery. Ll " 35 Corporal Boyne, Queenstown Artillery, Ll ~ 35 Lieutenant Turton, Cromwell Rifles, Ll " SI Major Purnell, Wanganul, Ll " "35

It was hoped that the meeting would be concluded this week, but the unfavorable weather caused serious delays, and the pro'' gramme will extend into Monday. On that day the District Representative twenty men, y/ill tafc.en. Auckland, ha '. ; .! n S ?. ni y seventeen men, will be unable %o provide a. team ; but the following districts will be represented :—Taranaki, Wanganui, and Napier ; Wellington and Wajrarapa; Nelson, Marlborough, and Westland • Canterbury; Qtago and Southland. The Intercolonial Match will also come off on Monday, but only two teams will participate in it, a3 the Queenslanders have not putm an appearand, and H M.S. Lizard having been ordered away the Navy w'll be unrepresented. The contest between "victoria and New Zealand' should,* "However prove a close end, watched interest by shooting men. \\ h ?- n . w.? W* teams before met in an inter#o 0 o Q,a l T 00Hte8t-viz ' at Williamstown in 1388—New Zealand beat Victoria hv 44 points. '" • ■*


Ihe annual meeting of members of the Association was held in the mess room yesterday, and attended by about 200 person?. Captain Sommerville presided., The decision of th v outgoing Council to make the Wajrarapa a separate distrust was approved, and the faUqwing gentlemen were appointed the Pounell of the Association for the ensuing year:— Auckland, Lieutenant Hanltain ; Nelson, Corporal Ewart; Napier, Lieutenant Ross; Wairarapa, Major Donald i Wellington, Lieutenant D»vey; Christchurch, Captain Harman; South' Canter* bury, Private Salek; Oamarn, Tr-oaper J. O, Anderson, M,H.R, } Bunedin, Colonel Wales ) Invercargill, Major Acheson ; Blenheim, Captain Griffiths ; Wanganui, Maior Purnell, s The Chairman proposed that Captain Collins (Wellington Rifles) be elected as

permanent treasurer. He did not think there waa any necessity of going through the form of re-electing that officer for another term year after year.—(Hear.) Captain Collins was an indispensable officer, and to appoint him permanent treasurer wouM save considerable time. A motion in that direction, proposed by Lieutenant Davey and seconded by Seaman Weir was carried amid enthusiasm.

RIFLE CLUBS. The Chairman said that a question had arisen with regard to rifle clubs. During the past year a number of these corps had been formed. They were recognised to a certain extent by the Government, and were becoming stronger throughout the colony. They wished to be allowed to compete at the Association's meetings on the same footing as the volunteers ; that was to say, they wished to be allowed to fire for the championship. Without wishing to influence the meeting he (Captain Sommerville) thought that before such a concession was made them, members of rifle clubs throughout the colony should adopt a suitable uniform and band themselves together as riflemen. He thought that no action should be taken at present, but if an assurance was given at the next annual meeting that they had adopted a uniform throughout the colony, no doubt their claim would be recognised. It would look out of place for the champion belt to be worn by a man in a tall hat and long black coat.—(Laughter.) Sergeant Sandford (Chriatohu-ch Rifles) pointed out that there were two classes of rifle club men—those who were civilians pure and simple, and those who had belonged to disbanded volunteer corps and were assisted in reforming by the Government.

The Chairman said that his remarks had reference to the rifle clubs organised throughout the colony independent of the Government.

Seaman Barnes (Oamaru Navals) remarked that the recently formed rifle clubs consisted mainly of old shooting men. He was in favor of the rifle championship being open to every man in the colony. If a civilian or rifle club man was the best shot, by all means let him be the champion. No decision was come to on this point. a permanent range. The Chairman said he had to inform them that the outgoing Council had decided that the next prize meeting should be held at Napier. Napier had a claim on the Association, inasmuch as no meeting had taken place there since 1874. He wished to bring before the members the necessity of a permanent range.—(Hear.) Seeing th expense that was incurred in the present arrangement, he hoped that this matter would not be lost sight of during the year, but that members would think it over and determine whether it would not be wise on the part of the Association to have a permanent ran^e,

lIOSriTAL-ORDERLY COOMBES. The Chairman next referred to the death that had taken place since the present meeting began. Most shooting men in the colony knew poor Coombes, who had had charge of the hospital arrangements in connection with the prize meetings during the last four or five years, and who had always faithfully done the work required by him. Unfortunately he was ill when he left Christchurch last|iveek, and he had died almost in the camp. His wife and family were in distressed circumstances, and it had therefore been determined to raise a subscription on the ground. As Coombes was an old soldier and an old volunteer it had been determined to accord him a military funeral on Sunday afternoon, and Colonel Wale 3, as officer commanding the district, had promised to assist the Association in that direction.

300 500 700 Lieut. Ealcs, Victoria, L15 „ yds. 82 yds. 20 ydB. 27 — Tl. 89 P.O. Williams, Wei. N., L12 .. 27 23 85 Mr Robertson, Pen. R.C., L10 27 2S 25 — 80 Cap'. Hau:.y, Victoria, LS 2(i 32 80 Ssr. Ke-npjhall, W. T., LO .. :(! 2S 25 — 79 Pi ivate Henry, Wcl. C., L5 25 31 23 79 79 P.O. Taylor, Wei. N., Lf. is 28 23 Gun. Taylor, Auckland A,L5.. 32 22 — 79 Gun. Reid, Queenatown A , L5 27 30 22 79 Seaman France, Wol. N., L4 32 22 79 Pri. De Grandi, Victo-ia, L4 30 19 20 79 Sar. Jones, Wakari, L4 .'. 23 29 2fj 78 Lieut. Davey, Petone N., L4 .. 2G 2G 20 78 Corp. Elliott, Wakari R., L:i .. 20 £9 25 78 77 Lieut. White, Auckland Ci , L3 20 23 Gun. Woolletr, Dunedin N., L3 21 33 23 77 Lieut. Yjrk, Waitahuna R , L3 29 23 77 Seaman Balcorabe, Wei. N., L2 22 23 2G 76 Fiyuer, Wcl.. L2 27 23 20 70 Ser. Chalmer, Dunedin A., L2 "o 27 03 '0 Pri. Binnic, Melbourne, 1,2 iM 2ti ■ 22 Gun. Howe. Wei. Art., L2 .. 24 31 2i 70 76 Pri. Salck, Ashburton R., L2.! 20 29 31 Ser. Allan, Otago Hussars, L2 22 29 24 — 75 Pri. Purser, Blenheim R., L2.. 2G 22 75 Pri. Fergusaon, Victoria, L2 24 25 25 74 Lieut. Balliafier, Wei. G., L2 2C 25 23 — 2| Capt. Patrick, Waitah'a R , L2 28 27 i* Pri. Taylor. Rangiora R., L2 90 27 21 '„ Gun. J. G. Buchanan, A'k. A.,L2 27 25 9> 74 Ser. Fr ser, Nelson Art., L2 Capt Cairnes, Yarra Wonga, L2 20 23 23 32 Soli} — 74 74 Pri. Ballinger, Wei. Guards, L2 25 30 19 — 74 Tr. Perry, Alexind'a C, L2 33 24 J7 Bomb. Grummett, Victoria, L2 24 23 17 74 Pri. KrU8e, Wanganui, L2 24 34 16 74 Oun. E. Buchanan, Auk. A , L2 22 27 24 73 73 Cipr. Hogs, Clutha R. Club, LI 20 30 23 — Mr Ryan, Peninsula R C , LI 21 31 21 — 73 73 73 73 Pri. Foster, Chch Rifles, LI .. 20 33 14 — Pri. Robilliard, rdiapoi R., LI 24 33 16 Mr Beker, Rangiora R , LI .. 30 27 1G Lieut. Ross, Napier Art., LI ..' Lieut. Kennedy, E. LI 2.6 26 33 ll21 73 72 72 Lieut, poster, Wanganui, LI.. 21 28 20 — Seaman Moore, Wei. N., LI 24 32 16 72 Mr G. Toms, Yarra Wonga, £i 24 21 20 — 71 Pri. Paterson, Otepopo R , LI 2G 20 — 71 P.O. Harris, Wei. Naval?, LI .. 29 2i 20 71 Smith, City Guards, LI.. 24 30 17 71 Trooper Anderson, O.H., LI .. 22 31 18 — 71 Ser.-inajor Crittenden, S A., LI 24 31 16 71 Gun. Buntiner, Napier Art., LI 2!) 15 — 71 Pri. Buley, Victoria, LI 30 26 15 71 70 Ser. Uendry, East Taieri, LI .. 23 22 — Lieut. Anderson, Ch*h E., LI 22 27 21 70 Mr Sloan, Yarra Wong*, LI .. 2i 20 21 — 70 70 Pri. C. Fraser, Kaitargata, LI 20 30 20 Pri. Atkinson, Wei. R., LI .. 24 27 in 70 Pii. Biane, Masterton, LI 25 27 18 — 70

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Evening Star, Issue 8118, 18 January 1890, Page 3 (Supplement)

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THE EXHIBITION RIFLE MEETING. Evening Star, Issue 8118, 18 January 1890, Page 3 (Supplement)

THE EXHIBITION RIFLE MEETING. Evening Star, Issue 8118, 18 January 1890, Page 3 (Supplement)