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Hlßh Water TO-MURROW.—Ta'arna Heart* : 5.14 ».m. 5.31 p "•. Port Chalmers: 554 a.m.. 6.11 p. in r)ut>«t>> : C.39 a.m., 6.56 p.m. Port Chalmers. ARRIVED.-January 11. Beautiful Star, s.s., 146 tons Femi, frcm Oainaru Passengers: Twenty-six saloon. January 18. Kakanui, c.e., 59 tons, Best, from luvercargil). January 16. Rio Loge, brig, 241 tons. Munrop, from the Mauiitius (December 8) *ia Lyttelton Head*. Tekapo, St., 1.601 tono, Anderson, from Cfhutta via Adelaide aurl Melbourne. From Calcutta for Lyttelton—Messrs Mason, Scotty, Taylor, Phram, Russell For Timaru—Mr Martin. From AdelaideMr Bather. SAlLED.—January 15. Lizzie Guy, schoouer, 85 tons, Stevens, for Auckland. January 16 Penguin, s «., 442 tonp, Stott, for Northirn ports Passengers: For Lyttelton—Rev and MrsGarlickand two children. Mr and Mrs Branchard, Miss Chcrrect, Messrs Smith and Whitty. For Wellington-Mrs Fitzherbcrt, three children, and servant, Mr and Mrs R. N. Adams and child, Mr and Mrs J. A D Adams and child, Miss Morrison, K«v. C Morley, Messrs Piri», C. Stood, Holmes, C. O. Dvcon. Cameron, Barr, M'L.mghlan For Nelson—Mr Pennington ; and four Bteerage.

The Hhip Zcilandia, from Napier, arrived off the Hfads on Saturday evening, and the pilnt boat went off to her with instructions that she was to proceed to Wellington instead of coming into Port • hilmcs. The wind bring favorable, she Btood rff the land aDd p'ceeeded on her course. The Shaw, Sivill and Albion Company's fteamer ArawD, from Plymouth via Capo Town and Honart, is expooted to reach the Heads in time to steam Into port with this evening's tide. The Kakanui steamed down to Port Chalmers this mwrning to land cargo. The F menoth his e'eared her 'tween decks of cargn.

Tho Johann Carl sails with the first fair wind for Lyttelton.

Tho Penguin left tho R ttray street wharf this afternoon for Northern port. The Rcautiful Star steamed down to P rt Chalmers this foronoon to discharge wool and tallow. The shin Turakina Is getting on well wi'h the discharge of her cargo. The brig Rio Logc wis towed up to the Rattray street wharf this forenoon, and made preparations for discharging her oargo of sugar Tho Beautiful Btar, with cargo and pisiengers from Oamaru, arrived at Port Chalmors at 10 p.m. on Saturday. She left Oannru at 3.50 p.m. on the same day; had light N.E. winds and find weather down the coast, and reached Dunedin wharf at 10.35 p.m. Wo thank Mr Brewer, chief officer, for report. Tho schooner Lizzie Guy sailed yesterday for Auckland.

The Kakanui. from Invcreargill vli the Bluff, arrived at Port Chalmers at 1.30 p.m. yesterday, and steamed direct to Dunedin. She left lnvcrrarjrill at I p.m. on tho 14th inst., towing to sea tho schoorers Circo and Sarah and Miry, b-und to Molbourne, and reached the Bluff at 6 p.m.. leaving again at 0 p.m. ; had light winds along the cast. In addition to othor cargo she brings sixty-three bales wool and sixty cases cheese.

The following vessels have a*rived at and departed f-om tho Dunedin wharves from tho 9th to the 15th inst. inclusive :—Arrived : Hawea 876 tons, Herald 356, Kakanui 56 (twice), Omnpcre 352, M»rarn» 1,248, Koranui 301, Te Anau 1,028, Famenotb 082, Beautiful Star 146 (twice), Mahtnapua 205, and Penguin 442 ; total 6,894 tens. Darartures: Hawea 676 tons, Beautiful Star 146 (twice), Helen Denny 728. Koranui 301. Herald 356, Mararoo 1,248, Kakanui 68. Te Anau 1,028, Omipere 352, Mahinapua 205, Lizzie Guy 85 ; total, 5,227 tons.

The Beautiful Star steamed down from Dunedin this morning and steamed alongside the ship Nelson to tranship woo). The Kakanui, having transhipped 63 biles wool and 60 cases ohoese at tha export pier for the steamer Arawa, steamed up to Dunedin this forenoon. The Tekapo, from Calcutta via Adelaide and Melbourne, arrived alongside the Bowen pier at 11 a.m. to-day. She brings 900 tons cargo from Calcutta, 700 tons of which is (or Dunedin, in addition to 220 tons hark and other oargofor Lyttelton. She left Calcutta on December 6, and crossed the Equator December 13. and arrived at Adelaide on Dec«ruber 3i : discharged 500 tons cargo, and took on board 450 tons; left en January 6, arriving »t Melbourne on the Bth : discharged cargo, and left at 2 n.m on the 11th ; had fine weather across and passed the Bluff at 7 p.m. yesterday and Cape Svunders at 9.40 a m. to-day, steaming into port a< above. Wo thank Mr Fleming (chief officer) for report.

MOVEMENTS OP THE UNION STEAM COMPANY'S FLEET. Mondat, January 16. Bluff.-Wa'rarapa arrived 6.30 a.m. from Hobart; siiled 5 p.m. (or Port Chalmerp. Lyttelton.—Takapuna arrived 6 a.m. from Wellin?ton; returned 9 p.m.— Mahinapua sailed 2 pm. (or Wellington —Omapere failed 3 p.m for Napier. arrived 8 am. from Napier; sailed 3 p.m. for Lytt Hon.—Rotorua sailed noon, and Mawhera sai's 8 p.>n . (or Nelson. ArcRLtKD. -Mararca arrived 8 a.m., and Suva 10.30 a.m., from Glaborne. ARRIVAL OF THE RIO LOGE.

The biig Rio Logo, from the Mauritius via Lyttclton, anlved off the Headd at 6 a.m. to-day, and was tendered by the tug Plucky, which brought heracrops the bar at 7 a.m., under the charge c( Pilot M'Donald. She was met in tbe Lower Haibor by the Cu-toms boat, and all being well, was at ones admitted to pratique by the Health Officer, and cleared in by Mr Maodonnc'l, Customß Surveyor, continuing her course up the harbor, and passing the Port to Dunedin a* 9 am. The Rio Loge is well known in this port and has arrived in beautiful order. She is etill undtr the command of Captain Munroe, whom wo welcome lack after an ab'enco of some two yearc Her cargo consists of 9,536 bans sugar. She left the Mauri'iuß on December 3, with the usual S.E. t'ade wind, which was fresh, nnd carried her down to the latitude of St. Paul's on Dccomber 16, when she took a fresh northerly wind, which held right across, attended by rain; passed the mcridiin of Cape Leeuwin in latitude 47deg S. on December 28, twentyfive days out; thence N. W. and S.W. winds up to tho Snares, which was pasted on January 7, with a fresh S.W. breeze ; passed Cape Saunders on the following day; carried S.W. winds up tho coast, and arrived off Lyttelton Heads on the afternoon of the 18th inst., when she received instructions to proceed to Dunedin ; left again same evening; had light N.E. to S.W. winds with rain down the coast, and towed into port as above. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. EXPECTS!) ARBIVAWi. At Port Chalmers.—Rakaia, from London, sth December; Rutlandshire, from LondoD, loading January, 1888. At Lyttelton.—Hurunui, from London, 20th November ; Agnes Oswald, from London, loading:.

.At Wellington.—Aorangl, R.M.S , from Plymouth, 17th December; Waimca, from London, 10th November ; I argo Biy, from London, loading. At Auckland Waitangi, from London, 10th October ; Timaru, from London, 2ith December. riIOjECTRD DBFARTiinPS, Prom Fort Ghalmere.—Fijeshlre, 5,9 ,34th JanVi try; Walpa, 18th Januarv; Pamonoti). Prom Oamaru Fueshlre, p,s,, January j Luira, From Timaru,—Flfosblre, s.p„ Januarv: Eujanle. From Lyttelton -Kalkoura, R,M,9,, 13th January; flilado, January) Larjro Law, January, Prom Wo'llngton.- Tongarlro, R.M.S., Oth Feb. ru»ry 1 Ws|ma.te, January, Prom Uth Jar,ua*y j sfurak!na, January:, Mataura, From Plot-ia.-.Waneanul, January Pram Auckland.-Waiting, February, Prom Bluff Harbor.—Klrlidale, January,

TltfAßtf HARBOR. T*""e was a pleasant little Jollifloatlon on bo-ird the s.s Fifeshi to her departure from Timaru, the oroaslon being to oe'ebrntc the loading there <f the pioneer rli'eofc steamer. Captain Millar, in the course of his speech, Slid: " When he came in fron Oamaru last year to this port and had a look round, he was satisfied that not an obstacle of any kind stool In the way of bringing large steamers, such as the Elderslie, to Timnru. He imported thin information to his employers and this present visit and experience confi med the opinions he (Captain Milla-) had previously formed as to the safety and capabilities of the port.—(Hear, hear.) A slight difficulty had oropped up with, the underwriters In respect to oiling here, but this had, fortunately, soon been overoomo, fir his employers had determined that nothing should stop them once thev had made up their mind to make Timaru one of their ports of call. He was very we'l satUflftd with the arrangements mado by the harbor authorities for the -afety of his vessel, and to the good despatch they had got, which waa quite equ>l to that he hfd got in anv other port in the Colony. This faot spoke for itself: thit in twen'y-fnur hours his ship had taken in and 1 towed away about 2,000 bales of wool and 8,000 ea cas ca of frrz n n utton. This was certainly not at all bad for a beginning for the pioneer st. amertorio " v 'r Moore, ao representing the owners, said he trusted <hat after the Fifeshire and Elderslie had made their twelve voyages out and Home, according to charter, that tho owner* would be so encouraged by the results is to spend the capital they had in hand on two m"re steel steamships of a size, or larger, than the ones he had named. Mr Cunningham Smith said ho also in a manner officially represented theDunedin underwriters. On looking round, however, he noticed a gentleman thit offichlly represented tho Christchurch underwriters, and was Lloyd's surveyor, viz. Captain Tieehurat. Some people thought that there was a pr. judic« in the minds of underwriters agiin*t the port of Timaru, but on bshalf of thfse gentlemen he (Mr Smith) desired to tell them thit there was no such prejudice. Captain Ticehurst had a duty to nerform ; had to report on the harbor and the parieular s'ope of the piles, whieh was all wrong, he believed. Accidents had occurred to the Union Company's steamers, and with all due respect to Mr Marchant he (Mr Smith) contended these were due to the pileß. It was tho surveyor's duty to Impress upon tho underwriters insuring in the colonies all dangers, and to report if big ships like the Fifeahire and little ships like the Wakatipu damaged'heir bilge keel, c something of that sort. But richt a>rong them was Lloyd's surveyor, and they she u'd so treat him that ho would write silendid reports with the able assistance of Cant-, in Millar, and thus remove any prejudice which they thought existed against tho port.

EN OUNtER WITH A SHARK. The Rotomahan* arrived at Sydney on January 2 from New Zealand po*ta Tho following ia Captain Carey's report :—Tho Rotomahana lift Auckland at 9 p.m. on the 28th December, ronnded North Cape at noon next day, pas»ed Three Rings at 4 p.m. on tho 20th December, and entered Sydney Heads at 9.17 am. on the 2nd in'tant. At 1 pm. on tho 29th ult., when off Cape Maria, Van Diemanland, a slight shock was felt by sime of the crew, but no notice was taken of it at the time. In tho afternoon an immense number of large sharks were seen around tho ship. Next ovoninjr at seven o'clock one of the nr-n noticed a large buoy fixed aeros* the ship's stem. The engines wore at once stopped, and tho body was discovered to be that of an immense shark, which had apparently been struck by tho ship, and kept in its position by her progrrs* through the water, for on the vrssel stopping it dropped off and floated astern. It would seem, therefore, to have remained in that po'ition for a distance cf about 380 miles.—Sydney ' Star.'

Weather Telegram. The Harbor Board received the following telegram Trom the Trteteoroiozical Department at WeNinsr.on : " Heavy to west and south tra'e, and glvs rising with'n twe've hours—R. A. Edwin " (Received at 1 p.m.) Shipping Telegram* London, January 12. - Ciloni J Shipping Comp'ny's Bilmnral Castle, f.-wn Auckland. Svonkv, January 15.—Anni" Hill, brigantine, from the. B'uff -Wakatipu, from Wellington,—Manopouri, from Auck and. L\ttkltos, J.vnua-y 16.-Tiikapuna and W.ikatu, from Wellington.—Ha'cione. ship, from Pic'on. NBWCABTLB, January 14.—Kate Tatham, from N>w Zealand. Bluff, January 16. - The Waira'apa arrived at 6 15 a.m. She left Melbourne at fl.3opm. on tho 10th; reached Hobart at 10 a.m. on tbn 12th ; siiled at 6 p.m. ; arrivfd off Stewart Island at 9 p.m. on the lfith; had light winds and smooth sea throughout Passengers: For Dunedin—Mcfdimes Ley, Ciooke, M'Evoy, Carter, Connell. Mcokle, King, Jones, Lyons, Isaacs and family (2), Sutton, Miws L'y, Boase, Murphy, Smith, Lyons, Pritohard, Martin, Jenkins, Messrs Ross, Carter, Alstol, Rintd, Mcekle, Boyd, M'lntyre, Phillips, Hawkcs, Bond, Lieutenant-colonel Feez, King, Hankey (2), Begg, Dodgshun, Sutton, Hyndman, Leaves, Thomas, Purves; and seventeen in tho stcorngc. For Lyttelton— Wiß»es Bynton and M'Cormick, Messrs Du Buisson, Rhodes; and fourteen in the steerage. For Wellington Mfsdames Drummond and three children, Brown and two ohildren, Woods and three children, Legge, Heancy, Misses Scott, Mann, and Foley, Mciws I): umroond, Burnhim, Pcppin. Mann, Bateman : and pixtccn in tho stoerago. For Napier— Threo in the steerage. For Auckland—Mrs Parker, infant, and nu'se, Misses Panton, Franklyn, and Carter, Messrs Parker and Broadhurst; threo in the eteera/e.

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Evening Star, Issue 7420, 16 January 1888, Page 3

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 7420, 16 January 1888, Page 3

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 7420, 16 January 1888, Page 3