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The amount of revenue collected at the Custombouse oq goods oleared to-day for consumption was L 790 10s lid. Messrs J. Samson and Co. sold to-day tho booths and priviltgji in connection with tbo forthcoming Caledonian Society's eporti as follows:—Booth No. 1, J. Walker, L 24; 2 and 3, J. Ogg, L 22 each; 4 and s, James Wilson, L 25 cech; 6 and 7, J. Enfield, Ll7 each ; 8 and 9, J. Dwyer, Ll3 each ; 10, A. Low, L 18; 12, J. Toomey, L 5; 13, A. o*on. LF. Luncheon booth : F. Elliott, LB. Fruiutalls: No. l, M'Dougall, L 5"; 2, Watson, 1.4 ; 3, M'D uitall, L 3; 4, 5, 0, bandorf, LS, L 210?, and L2 10s respectively. Cards: F. Elliott, LS. Total, L 245. Messrs Dalgety and Co. have received the following cablegram from their head office:—' At the ran! itsMu sales there wero a large number of buyers. Competition fairly animattd. Good seleotion of skinp. Prices a shade eieior." The successful tendernis for the supply of coal for the Hurunui-Blulf sec ion of the railways arc: First i cction, M. Kennedy, 8,200 tons Greymoulh at 20s Od per ton ; sreind and third sections, West port Coal Company, Wallseud coal at 22 < per ton ; fourth section, Kaitangata Coal Com any, 14,000 tons at 8s 6d ; and Fnrnhill Coal Company, 1,000 tons for Hillside at 5s lOd ; fifth section, Uokonui Coal Compiny, 3,500 tons at 8s 51. MrM Kennedy's tender for tho supply of Brunncr coil to the Newmarket, Addington, nnd tlill&ida workshops at '22»CJ, 189 3d, and 209 respectively, has been accepted. PROPERTY SALE. Mcs is J Samson and Co. sold to-day that trochoid property in tho Township of Glenury, Kaikoraidis* triot, containing twenty-flvo pobs (more or lets), being allotment 20, together with the four-roomed house and out-offices, for LlO5, the purchaser being Mr O. W. Geddoß. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. CiiRiSTCHURUii, December 28. At an extraordinary general meeting of tho New Zealand Shipping Company to-day the new regulations wero adopted. The principal alterations are tho transfer to London ot the head olli:e, the registered office still remaining at Christchurch. There are to be two boards of direotors, one at London and the other at Chrl'tchurch. The London board is to have the supreme financial control and managem 'nt of tho administrative commercial affairs of the Compiny except in New Zsaland, Australia, Tasmania, and the islands ot the Pacific. The New Zealand hoard is to have tho management of the commercial affairs of tho Company in Now Zealand and tho other places just mentioned. The Now Zealand board is to bo roprcsontcd on tho London boar J by adicotir nominated by tho board In New Zealand ; and tbo London board is to have a similar nomination on the New Zealand board. _^^ STOCK AND STATION REPORT. Mr Donald Stronaoh (on bohalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) reports for tho week onded December 23, as follows : Fat Cattle.—There were only 01 head yardod today for tbc week's supply. About half wrro nlco quality and medium weights, tho balance light steers and aged cows. Even this small number was quite, sufficient for the trade's icquiremcnts. There was no improvement whatever in the demand, prices realised being lower if anything than last week's. Best bullocks brought L 6 6s to L 8 17s fid ; othors, L 3 10s to L 5 17s 6d; cows, from L 3 5s to L 0 10s. Wo Fold on account of Mr William Shand. Keith Hall, and othors, bullocks from L 6 6s to L 7 7s Cd; cows, from L 5 7s 6d to Lsl6s. Fat Sheep.—Bß4 wore penned, all cr< s:-brcds and shorn, representing all qualities Although tbaro wero fewer buyers in the market to-day, this number was slightly under thpjr requirements, and towards the close prices showed an advance 11 about Is per head on last wcek'a. Best cross-bred wethors brought 9s Gd to lis; one small pen prize Southdowns, 10s 3d; ordinary, 69 6d to Oi 3d ; cross-bred ewes, 6s 6d to 0i Gd. We sold, on account of Mr Hugh Cimeron, Otama, nice quality eroBS-bred wethers (light) at 10s Bd. Fat Lambs.—7l6 were penned, mostly light and ordinary quality; one or two pons prime. Competition was only moderately active, prices all round showing a decline on last week's. Best pens brought 6s 6d to 8s; one small lot of about half-a-dozen, lis; ordinary, ih 6d to 6s. We sold on acoount of Messrs Ross Bros.. Busby Park, two pens at from 6s Od to 83. Pigs.—The number forward of these was a small one, viz., 33, chiefly suckers and slips. Tho demand was Black, especially for suokerp, whioh were considerably lower than they have been for the past two er three weeks. Slips realised better prioss compared with the former. Store Cattle.—No change of any Importance has occurred. A few lots are offering, but sellers are hardly disposed to quit at prices suitable to buyers. Store Shoep.- Shearing operations not being quite finished, very few are offering. We have inquiries tor both merino ewes and cross-bred wetbe-s; the former to breed from, and the latter for fattening, anl are in negotiation for the sale of several lotc. Wool.—Latest cablegrams to hand from London report the market firm. The first Bories of next ycat's colonial wool' sales at Home will open on tho 31st January, and the second series on the 6th April. Our opening sale, as advertised, takes place on Friday, 30th, when we shall offer some superior wools in grease, washed, and scoured. Sheepskins.—Owing to the holidays our weekly sale was held oh Tuesday instead of Monday, as usual. We had a fair attendance of buyers, who competed with good spirit, every lot on the catalogue being disposed of at a Blight advanoe on last week's prices. Country dry cross-breds, low to medium, brought Is 2d to 3s 2d; dodo merino, Is to 2s 6d; medium to full-woolled cross-breds, 8s 6d to 6s 2d; do db merino, 8s to 4s 2d; dry pelts, 8d te Is; biitohcrs' green do, Is to Is Id ; lambskins, Is 2d, Is 4d, 18 6 i. Is Bd, Is 9d, Is lid. Rabbit-skins.—This market is quite bare of good to best winter greys. There are hardly any coming for* ward new. Late spring and summer skins, with a few oddments of inferior and mixed, are the only descriptions coming to hand lately, and even tbe quantity of those reaching the market at present la insignificant. All sorts offered, however, aro easily disposed of at satisfactory prices, Hides.—There is always a steady demand for theso, looal manufacturers being the principal buyers. The supply in the meantime is fully up to their requirements. Late rates, however, are roadily paid, and which leave no margin to shippers. Wo quote inferior and bulls', lid to 2d; light, 2}d to 23d; medium, 3d to 3Jd; heavy and free from cuts, 3id to 3Jd; extra heavy, 061b and over, would fotch a shade more if in prime dondition. Tallow.—A very good demand continues to be exSorlenced principally for local consumption. The tiotuatlons of the, Home market have but little induc?ment for shippers to operate, and, although supplies here more than eultioient for prosont requirements, we are unable to report any improvement in values. We quoto prime mutton 17s to 18s, and hardly any in stock; medium to good, 14s fid to 16s 6d; inferior, 10s to 14s; rough fat. inferior, 6s to 7s 6d; medium tb good, 8s to 10s; best, dean and freshi IQj 6d to lis per owt. Grain.—Wheat: During the:past week the market has been quiet, the Christmas holidays having to a great extent interrupted business. A few small lines ot Northern have beep placed; but beyond these transactions have been quite unimportant, and hardly any change in quotations, whioh wo give as follows '.—For prime milling velvet and Tuscan, 8s 9d' to 8s lOd: medium to good continues in poor demaijd at 3s 60 to 3s 8d [ fowls' wheat and inferior in. over vsupply at 25,6 - to 8s 8d (ex store). —Oats: The holidays have also interrupted this type, very little having been done during the 1 past week, and to all appearances there Will be less done this week ; indeed, until the holidays are over there will be no sales of any ooneequehce effeoted. Business could be dono at prices to" suit shippers, but stocks of good bright oats are very light; and,also, considering the well-known fact that "bur ' harvest, particularly in the* oat-V growing districts, will be much later this season, holders|are hardly disposed ts quit in the meantime at anything under late quotations, whioh are—For stout bright milling, is 8d to is Bjd; short bright feed, ls7Jd to Is Bd;medium. Is 7d to Is 7Jd; inferior and long sat,'ls 4d to la.6d (ex store).—. Barley: There is scarcely anything passing in this. Supplies for malting purposes have been out of tho I market for a considerable .time, so that until the'new crop comes to hand quotations'will only be nominal. Grass Seods.-There is no business to report now in wholesale lines. A few small retail lots are still I being disposed of at about equal to late rites. -,

MINING NOTES. The ' Southern Standard' haß been shown a fine samplo of ehotty goli found on Mr Tolmle's run, near Waipahl. The valley from Arthurton to Waipahi township, 3,000 acics in extent, li auriferous, and would yield from (is to IBs a day. Aooess to this ground is at present refused. The ' Mount Ida Chronicle' reports that one or two good washings aio reported from Spec Gully, one party of Chinamen iu particular obtaining L3OO worth of gold for an outlay of L3O in water. The Perseverance claim, Hamilton, has been disposed of by the executors of the late Mrs Birber, to Messrs Cambridge, Coram, and Co., for about Ll,6oo—a price which praotical diggers regard as being remarkably cheap. [By TajßaaApn.) Mklhouhnk, December 24.—The looal manager o the National Mortgage Agency Company of New Zoaland, reporting on tho Melbourno markets, states : " Wheat is in good demand, and 3s 4d to 3s 7d per bushel la obtainable. Malting barley Is quoted at 4s to 4s 6d per bushel, but the market is very irregular for this description of grain. New Zealand oats— Feod qualities are in less demand, and prices are occasionally easier, ruling quotations being 2s 9d to 2s lOd per bushel. For milling descriptions there is steady but not active demand at 2< lOd to 2s lid per bushel. New Zealand oats (undor bond) are quoted at 2s Id to 2s 2d per bushel.

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Evening Star, Issue 7405, 28 December 1887, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL Evening Star, Issue 7405, 28 December 1887, Page 3

COMMERCIAL Evening Star, Issue 7405, 28 December 1887, Page 3