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The amount of revenue collected at the Custom* house on goods cleared to-day for consumption was LB6l 7i Orf. During October 116 males and 82 females arrived at Port Chalmers frcm the United Kingdom ; 1 male from Queensland, and 33 males and 18 females from Viotoria. STOCK AND STATION REPORT. Mr Donald Stronach (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) reports for the week ended November 2, as follows : Store Cattle,—Business in this olass of etook is slightly on the increase. The offerings are more numerous. A moderate demand exists, whioh will no doubt beoome tt onger should seasonable weather prevail. Hitherto feed has been rather backward, which has oaused less aotivity in operations. Store Sheep.—The market continues inactive. Odd lots are occasionally dunging bands, but until after shearing transactions will not be of any magnitude. During the week we placed 2,000 merino wethers, mixed ages, at a satisfactory price. Wool. - As regards the Home market, we have nothing of eny importance to report. From Melbourne we have advices of proceedings there which up to the present do not seem to be satisfactory to the grower. Competition i* said to be spirited, oauaed no doubt by the large number of buyers in attendance. Comparing the quantity sold with that catalogued, it will be found far short of the quantity placed at these tales in previous seasons, and points to a material difference in seller*.' and buyers' ideas of value. Good light-condi-tioned wools, both cross-bred and merino, are apparently in better demand, while inferior and heavy earthy sorts receive but scant attention. Very little (it any) of the new clip has reached here yet; but, should the weather continue favorable, small farmers' consignments will Bbortly be coming forward rapidly; and, aa usual, we will (weather permitting) hold our first ea'e about the second week in December, when we anticipate good competition for all lots that may be offered, and I hit a larne amount of business will be done if g owers are only content to accept fair and reasonable prices Sheepskins, - We had a good attendance of buyers at our regular weekly auction on Monday. Competition was active, and the catalogue (which consisted of a large number of butchers'green skins, in addition to a numerous collection of country dry skins) was all cleared under a good demand for all sorts at prices quite equal to last week's, quality considered. Country dry cross-breds, low to medium, brought Is Id to 8s 6d ; do do merino, Is to 8s 3d ; dry pelts, 8d to 8d ; butchers' green cross-breds, I*, 4s 4d, 4s 6d, 4b 9d, 4s lid, 5s Id, 5i 2d; do do merino, 3d Dd, 4s, 4s 3d, 4soi, 4s 8d ; lambskins, 9d, 10J, 12d. 13J. Rabbit-skins.—The market ontiuuos firm and late rates o ally obtained, all sorts being in very good demand. Very few, if any, prime winter skint) cjme to hand now, most of the offe.ings consisting of spring killing, inferior, with all sorts of mixtures Although buyers compete spiritedly, prices obtained are considered low in comparison with Home rates. As, however, the next sales in London will open on tho 4th inst., all interested will be able to form a more accurate idea of values. On Monday we su'mittcd a small catalogue, when all the buyers were in attendance, each exhibiting a keen desire to procure a share; but being under the impression ihat a further drop in prices is imminent there was no improvement in prices. The following are tbo marks, with prices;—6l, Gbagalhte winter and early spring greys, 15Jd; MB, 2 do. do., 15Jd;S, 1 do. mixed, 10J ; 51,1 do. black, 7£d ; MB, 1 do. do., 7Jd per lb. Hides.—Tho supply is still in excess of requirements for local manufacture, and with no outlet for export the market is void of animation. Wecinnot report any improvement in values, which remain as list -viz , for inferior and bulls', 1j J to 2d ; light, 2}d to 2jjd ; medim, 2}d to 3,} d ; lioivy, 3gi to 3jd per lb. Tallow.—There is little or no ctunge to report in the market since our list A good dermnJ continues to be exporionccd, chl fly from local manuficturers, who purchaso all produced at ratts leaving no ma gin for Bhipmei.t. Wo quote inferior and mixed, 10s to 12s J medium to good, 13i to 16s i best muttcn difficult to obtain, 17s to 18* j rouxh fat, inferior 5s to 7*, medium to good 8s to 9s; pure caul fat, 10s to lis per civt. Grain.- Wheat: This market shows no signs of any improvement in the demand. Stocks held locally are very sma 1; but, while millers are suitably supplied from the North from day to day, there is very little opportunity f>>r the dispcsal of what remains in s'orc at a satisfactory figure, for a while at any rate. There are some indications of an advance in prioo at Home, but in tho memtime this market is not likely to be much affected. We quote best milling velvet and Tuscan Sb 6d to 3s 81 ; best rod st-aw, a shade more inferior and medium, Si to 3s 54 (ex store)— Oats: Stocks are now reduce 1 to very small dimensions; deliveries are also on a limited scale. Tho demand during tho week has not been very brisk ; at the simo time a moderate business his been done, chiefly for shipment coastwise. The Australian markets affording less inducement for speculation, business is somewhat quieter. Considering the small supplies on hand, holders are not pressing Ba'es, la'e prices icmiining unaltered, which we quito as follows: For beßt stout mi'linjr, 1b 9d to is 9£J; short bright fed, Is 81 to Is 9d ; medium and sparrowbills, is 7Jd to Is 8d ; inferior, Is 5d t ■ Is 6d (ox store).-Barley : '1 here are no sales of any consequence effected. Sin ill parcels for seed arc occasionally disposed of at from 4s 6d to ss, oihorwißC there is little or iiothing doing. Rye-grass Seed.— With the season now almost over there is very little thoiv for tho satisfactory disposal of the stocks on hand, which are pretty considerable. Even the best is now almost unsaleable, while inferior ownot be disposed of at any price. Cocksfoot continues in fair demand. Silcs arc made on the basis of late quotations.

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Evening Star, Issue 7358, 2 November 1887, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL Evening Star, Issue 7358, 2 November 1887, Page 3

COMMERCIAL Evening Star, Issue 7358, 2 November 1887, Page 3