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There have been many changes in the electoral boundaries in adjusting the districts to the quota of population, resulting in the number of the electorates in the North Island being increased by three and the Middle Island decreased by the same, the numbers now being respectively thirtynine and fifty-two, or in all ninety-one for the Colony. The decrease in the Middle Island has been effected by making one electorate less in the group of West Coast, Nelson, and Marlborough electorates, ana two less in the Canterbury and Otago group. In the North Island two electorates are given to the Wellington, Taranaki, and Hawke’s Bay group of electoral districts, and one to the Auckland group. The alterations and adjustments induced by these changes have necessarily so affected boundaries as to render some of the old names of electorates no longer applicable or descriptive. The following names have, therefore, been discarded :—Auckland East, Wellington South, Wairarapa South, Wairarapa North, Picton, Waimea, Stanmore, Coleridge, Wakanui, Geraldine, Moeraki, Waikouaiti. The new names are—Auckland Central, Ponsonby, Woodville, Masterton, Wairarapa, Wellington East, Wellington South and suburbs, Waimea, Picton, Linwood, Rangitata, Waihemo, Waikaia. The electorates which remain as they were are—Auckland West, Napier, Nelson, Hokitika, Wairau, Christchurch North, Christchurch South, Dunedin East, Roslyn, Wallace. The following is a general description of the electorates: — The Waitaki old electorate has been diminished by the suburbs of Oamaru North to Landon Creek and south over the Awamoa being cut off and added to the new Oamaru electorate, and greatly increased by_ the addition of Hakaterem and North Waiho (formerly in the old Waimate electorate); also by the extension south over the Kakanui to Allday Bay. The road boundaries of the new electorate, leaving out Oamaru and beginning at the mouth of the Waiho River, are up that river and its northern branch to its source, near Mount Nimrod ; thence around the northern boundary of Hakateremea riding to Waitaki River; thence by that river, the Ohau River, and Hopkin River to the main range; thence south along that range east of the Ahauri River to Longslip Mountain; thence to Lind Pass and Mount St. Bathans; thence due east to the Hawkdun Mountains; thence south-east along that range and the Kakanui Mountains, to a point nearly due west of Allday Bay; thence east to the south-west corner of block 7, Otepopo survey district; thence still easterly along the southern boundaries of blocks 7 and 6 to the Main North road; thence southerly about half-a-mile along the Main road to Allday road ; thence east by that road to the sea ; thence northerly along the coast and around the electorate of Oamaru to the mouth of the Waiho to starting point. The Oamaru old electorate consisted of the Borough of Oamaru. This has been increased by extending northward four miles to Lindoii Creek Jand southward beyond the Awamoa Creek to the western boundary of block 4. The boundaries of the new electorate begin at Cape Wanbrow, go northeasterly along the coast line to the mouth of Liudon Creek; thence northerly by that creek to the northern boundary of block 1, Oamaru survey district ; thence west along that boundary and the northern boundary of block 2 to Oamaru Creek; thence southerly along that creek to the boundary of block 4 ; thence south along the western “boundary of that block, continued by a road line to the ocean ; thence northerly to Cape Wanbrow, the starting point. Waihemo. —The) electorate is made up of parts of the old Moeraki and Waikouaiti electorates. From Moeraki has been taken all between Allday Bay road and Kakanui and up the Shag Valley. Two ridings of Green Valley and Dunback have been added to the new electorate of Mount Ida. From Waikouaiti has been taken all south of Carey Creek and Blueskin, and these have been added to Port Chalmers and Dunedin West. The names of Moeraki and Waikouaiti have been dropped, and that of Waihemo given to the new electorate, the boundaries of which are, beginning at Blueskin Bay going northerly along the coast line to Allday Bay, about two miles south of Kakanui; thence west to the Kaka nui Mountains ; thence southerly along that range and by the eastern boundary of Dunback Riding to its south corner; thenoe by north of the Waikouaiti River to Little Hummock ; thence by the Silver Peaks ; thenoe southerly to the source of the south branch of the Waikouaiti River; thence by that river to a point due west of the North Harbor and Blueskin survey district; thence east along that boundary to near the mouth of Carey Creek, Blueskin Bay, the starting point. Mount Ida (old electorate) has been increased by the addition of the ridings of Green Valley and Dunback, formerly in the old electorate of Moeraki; also by Poolburn and part of Idp, Valley, formerly in the Duustan electorate. The electorate of Dunstan has been diminished by cutting off Poolburn and portion of Ida Valley, now given to Mount Ida. There is no other alteration in the old electorate. Port Chalmers (old electorate) has been extended northwards to the north boundary of the survey district of North Harbor and Blueskin, and accordingly includes all Blueskin and Purakanui districts up to about Carey Greek; also the line of sections along the west side of the Main road from near Wetherstones (?) through the bush to the open country at Blueskin. This electorate also includes the islands in Otago Harbor. Dunedin East,—This electorate is unaltered. Dunedin West (old electorate) is unaltered so far as Dunedin proper is concerned ; but its area is considerably increased by the addition of High Ward of the North-east Valley Borough, formerly in the Waikouaiti electorate ; also by country np the valley of the Water of Leith and that behind the reservoir; also by blocks 3 and 12, North Harbor and Blueskin survey district, all formerly in the electorate of Waikouaiti. The boundaries of the new electorate are: Beginning at the centre of the Octagon; go north-easterly by George street, Albany street, King street, and the Main North road to Normanby; thence southerly and easterly along the boundary between East and High Wards of the North-east Valley Borough to trig. E ; thence in a northerly direction along the boundary of High Ward to the western boundary of block 7, North Harbor and Blueskin; thence north-west, south, and east around blocks 12 and 13, North Harbor and Blueskin, to trig, S. on Swampy Spur; thence along the eastern boundary of Wakari Riding to North Taieri road, near trig. W., and Ashburn Hall Asylum ; thence south-easterly along North Taieri road to Halfway Bush; thence by Wakari and Balmacewan roads to the boundary of block 2, Upper Kaikorai survey district ; thence along the northern boundaries of that block and block 8 to North-east Valley Borough boundary ; thence by that boundary to the Town Belt of Dunedin ; thence westerly by the Town Belt to Hallway Bush road; thence by the said road past the old cemetery to York place; thence by Vork place and Stuart street to the Octagon, the starting point. Dunedin Central is the old electorate with the addition of the part of the City west of Arthur street from York place, continued by Canongate through the Town Belt. The boundaries of the new electorate arc: Beginning at the end of Frederick street, opposite new Knox Church, thence by that street to the harbor ; thence by the harbor to Jetty street, produced to the limit of reclamation; thenoe by that street, Manse street, High street, Clark street, Duncan street, Arthur street, and Canongate, continued to the Town Belt; thence northerly by the Town Belt to Halfway Bush road ; thence by that road past the old cemetery to York place ; thence by York place and Stuart street to the centre of the Octagon ; thence by George street to the end of Frederick street, the starting point. Dunedin South (old electorate) has been diminished by giving to Dunedin Central that part of the City west of Arthur street and Canongate, and increased by portions of Caversham and Peninsula electorates, from the Anderson Bay road to St. Kilda. The boundaries of the new electorate are: Beginning at the Princes street end of Jetty street; thence by tha: produced to the limit of reclamation; thence by the harbor to the south-east corner of the borough of that municipality to Hillside road; thence northerly by Hillside road to the Town Belt; thence around the Town Belt to Canongate road; thence by that road to Arthur street, Duncan street, Clark street, High street, and Manse street, to the end of Jetty street, the starting point. Roslyn.— This electorate is unaltered. _ Peninsula (old electorate) has been dimi-

nished by giving to the electorate of South Dunedin that portion of the Borough of South Dunedin fronting Anderson Bay road, and increased by a small area on the east aide of Forbury road, formerly in the Caversham electorate. The boundaries of the new electorate are: Beginning at the St. Clair end of Forbury road ; thence by that road to: Cargill road, and by it to Hillside road, and by Hillside road to View stre the boundary between South Dunedin and St. Hilda boroughs ; thence by the boundary of South Dunedin to the harbor, and by the harbor to Taiaroa Heads; thence by the ocean to the end of the Forbury road, the starting point. Caversham.—The old electorate has been diminished by giving to the electorate of South Dunedin that part of the electorate and Borough of Caversham cast of Hillside road; also a small area between the boroughs of South Dunedin and St. Hilda, east of Forbury road, has been given to the Peninsula, so as to have the Forbury road for a boundary between the Caversham and Peninsula electorates. There is no other alteration in the Caversham electorate. Taieri. —The old electorate has been extended eastward on Flagstaff so as to take in the whole of Waikari Riding. The addition is one more of area than of population, as the electorate is only increased by about thirty persons. Bruce. The old electorate has been diminished by giving to the Clutha electorate the township of Balclutha and all Balmoral Riding up to Waitahuna River; also by giving to the Tuapeka electorate Glenore and that part of Mount Stuart ridge and Adams Flat. The road boundaries of the new electorate are: Beginning at the mouth of the Taieri; follow up that river to Waipori Lake ; thence by that lake and Waipori River to the boundary between Clarendon and Waipori Ridings; thence along that boundary and the boundary of Mount Stuart Riding to Woolshed road, near Clarksville ; thence north-westerly by that road to Adams Flat road thence westerly by that road and its continuation by Mount Stuart ridge to Mount Stuart and the boundary of Balmoral Riding; thence southerly by that boundary to the Clutha River; thence by the Matau Branch to the ocean, and by the ocean to the mouth of the Taieri River, the starting point. Tuapeka.—The old electorate has been increased by the addition of Glenore and all that part of Mount Stuart Riding to the east of the road along the summit of Mount Stuart ridge ; continued by Adams Flat road to the Woolshed road, together witli all east of that road and the boundary of that 11 Chftha (old electorate) has been increased by crossing the Clutha River and taking in Balclutha North and _ all the Balmoral Riding to Waitahuna River. Matanra.—The old electorate has been diminished by giving to the Waikaia electorate all north of the old Dunedin road between Waipahi and Mataura rivers, and has been increased on the east by taking from the old Awarua electorate all the country south of Hedgehope and Makarewa rivers to the sea up to the (railway ?) line, being the eastern boundary of block la, Invercarcargil Hundred, and that boundary produced south to the Waihopai River; thence east by that river to the boundary of the riding of Waihopai, and by it to the sea. The boundaries of the new electorate are : Beginning at the mouth of the Mataura River, going easterly along the coast line to Chasland’s Mistake ; thence northerly along the common boundary of Southland and the Clutha counties to the old Dunedin road at Waipahi Bridge ; thence westerly by that road to u point on the Mataura River on the northern boundary of Mataura town district ; thence in a westerly direction to Hedgehope Stream ;' thence south-westerly by that stream and the Makarewa River to the western boundary of block 10, Invercargill Hundred; thence south by that boundary produced to Waihopai River; thence easterly by that river to the western boundary of block 8, Invercargill Hundred ; thence south by that boundary and the western boundaries of blocks 12, 14, 20, and 25 to ocean near Bushy Point; thence easterly by the coast line to the mouth of the Mataura River, the starting point. The townships of Mataura and Mataura Bridge are both included in this electorate. Waikaia is made np of portions of the old electorates of Mataura and Hokonui. From Mataura has been taken the country north of the old Dunedin road between Mataura River on the west, and Waipahi and Pomahaka on the east; and from Hokonui has been taken Gore with the adjacent country south of the Hokonui Range ; also Waikaia and Nokomai. The boundaries of the electorate are : Beginning at_ the southeastern coiner at the Waipahi Bridge on the old Dunedin road ; follow down the Waipahi River to Ponmhaka; thence by that river to its source ; thence by the mountain range round the head of Waikaia River to Lorn Peak; thence south-westerly down the ridge between Mataura and Nokomai rivers lo Mataura River; thcnce by that stream to a point due north of Ship Cone ; thence south to that mountain peak ; thence southerly by Hedgehope Stream to a point west of the Mataura River, about one mile above the Mataura township; thence e> 81-.B 1- . from Hedgehope to Mataura River; and thence by the Dunedin road to Waipain Bridge, the starting point. Awarua (old electorate) has been diminished by giving to Mataura all east of the western boundary of block 6, Invercargill Hundred ; produced southwards to the Waihopai River, and easterly by that river to the western boundary of block 411, Invercargill Hundred, and by that boundary and the western boundaries of blocks 23, 9, 10; and 14 to the ocean ; also by giving to Hokonui Wallacetown and all the country south of the Riverton railway line from Makarewa to Waimataku. There has been added the Borough of North Invercargill. The boundaries of the new electorate on the mainland are : Beginning on the ooast-liuc near Bushy Point; along the western boundaries of blocks 15, 10, 9, 23, and 7 to Waihopai River ; thence westerly by that river to a point due south from and in line with the western boundary of block 10, Invercargill Hundred; thence north by that line to Makarewa River ; thence by that river to Oreti, and by that river to its mouth ; thence around by the north end of the New River estuary to the mouth of the Waihopai; thence around the northern and eastern boundaries of the Borough of Gladstone; thence by the western and southern boundaries of the Borough of Invercargill to the New River estuary, and by it to the ocean and to Bushy Point, the starting point. This electorate also includes Stewart Island and the islands in Foveaux Strait. The Boroughs of North Invercargill, South Invercargill, and Campbelltown are also in the Awarna electorate. The Invercargill old electorate is diminished by giving to Awarua electorate the Borough of North Invercargill. The new electorate therefore contains the boroughs of Invercargill East, Invercargill Aveual, and Gladstone. Hokonui (old electorate) is diminished by giving to Waikaia the Borough of Gore and the country adjacent thereto ; also Waikaia and Nokomai, and by giving to the_ Wakatipuelectorate Kingston Hundred, Kingston, and Halfway Bay. It has been increased by getting from the old electorate of Awarua, Wallacetown and the country south of Riverton, the railway contained between Waimatuku River on the west and Oreti and Makarewa on the east. The boundaries of the new electorate are: Beginning at the mouth of the Oreti River; follow up that river to the junction of Makarewa ; thence by that river and Hedgehope Stream to its source ; thence by a right line to Ship Cone ; thenoe due north to Otamiti Stream ; thence easterly to Mataura River ; thence by that river to its source in Eyr Peak ; thence westerly by Jane Peak to Hummock Peak; thence west to the Oreti River \ thence southerly by that river andi the boundary line between the counties of Walls oe and Southland to the ocean at the mouth of Waimatuku j thence by the coast-line to the mouth of the Oreti, the starting point. Wakatipu.—The old electorate has been increased by the addition from Hokonui of Kingston Hundred, Kingston, Halfway Bay, and Cowlin Bay. The Mataura River is the southern boundary of the new Wakatipu electorate, down to the end of the ridge forming the watershed between the Mataura and Nokomai rivers. This electorate is otherwise unchanged, Wallace.—This electorate comprehends the County of Wallace, as before.

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Evening Star, Issue 7254, 4 July 1887, Page 3

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THE NEW ELECTORATES. Evening Star, Issue 7254, 4 July 1887, Page 3

THE NEW ELECTORATES. Evening Star, Issue 7254, 4 July 1887, Page 3