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The amount of revenue oolleetod at the Custom-Kiii-o on grinds cleared to-day for consumption was L 1.128 8s sd.


Mr R. B. Martin, under instructions from the Sohool Commissioners of Otago, offered for loase by auction, at the Crown Lands Office, at noon to-day, tho following seclions for a term of fourteen years. The results were as follows :

Sec. 67, b. 8, North Harbor and Blueskln, 133 aores at 6d per acre, to Mr A. Reynolds. See 1 of 10, b. 2, North Harbor and Blueskln, 40 acres at 3s 9d per acre, to Mr W. M'RoMe. Sto. 25, b. 4, walkoua'ti, 33 aores 27 perches at 2s 6d per acre, to Mr J. Butters. Sec. 64, b. 8, Dunedin and East Taieri, 40 aores 27 perches, at 10s per acre, to Mr W. West. Part of sec. 17, irregular block, West Taieri, 40 acres at 24s per acre, to Mr J. Duff. Seo. 18, b. 1, Otago Peninsula, 32 aores 3 roods 10 perches at 12s per acre, to Mr J. Waugh. Seo 2of 16, hj. 1, Maungatua, 40 acres at 13s per acre, to Mr E. Hodge. See 2 of 20, b. 2, Maungatua, 40 acres, withdrawn Seo 1 of 63, b. 4, Maungatua, 40 ac-es at 10s per acre, to Mr J. Allan. Seo. 1 of 19, b. 1, Table Hill, 38 acres 1 rood, 36 perches at 4i por aore, to J. Sutherland. Seo. 2 of 19, b. 1, Table Hill, 40 aores at 4s por acre, to Mr J. Sutherland. PASTORAL LBABEB. Sec. 6, b. 1, Mokoreta, 1,437 acres at 6d per aoro, to Mr D. M'Rae. Scos. 7, 8, and 10, b. 10, Wyndham, 1,409 aores at 6d i or acre, to Mr T. Golden STOCK AND STATION REPORT. Mr Donald Stronach (on behalf of the Now Zealand Loan and' Mercantile Agenoy Company, Limited) reports for the week endod April 27 as follows : Fat Cattle—2ol head were yarded, the greater portion of whioh wore good to prime quality, tho balanoa light weights, fair to good. This numbor was in excess of trade r quirements, and, as is always the case when an over-supply is forward, competition was only moderately active, prices realised not reaching within 10s to 15s per head of last week's, conhidering quality and weight. Best bullocks brought L 6 10s to L 8 10s; four extra prime and splendidlyfinished, L 8 15s to L 10; ordinary to good, L 4 6s to L 8 ss; and cows in proportion. Fat Sheep —2,416 were penned. Of these about 350 were morinoep, good, useful mutton ; the balance croes-breds, mostly ewes, medium to prlmo heavy weights. Tho few wothora penned were excellent quality. Competition was rauoh brisker for the latter, the former being also in rather better demand. Buyers for boiling down were again Id the market and helped to steady prices tomcwhat, and, as compared with last, were at tho commencement of the sales rather higher, although towards tho close biddings eased off considerably. Bst cross-bred wethors brought 7s 8d to 8s 3d ; four puns extra prime, 9s 6d to 9s 9d ; medium, 6s to 7s; best cross-bred owes, 0s to 7s 6J ; ordinary, 4s 3d to 5s 9d ; merino wethers, 3s od to 3s Hd. We so'd o:i account of Messrs Ross Bros., Meadowbank, CO. prime crossred wethers, at 9iCdi Mr William Te ford, Otanomom:, 111 do owes, at fis 3d; Mr S. C. Oilchrisf, O.maru, 112 do do, at 7s 6d; Mr Peter Hunter, Wart-pa. 40 do do. at 6s Od; Mr D. It. Johnston, Wingatui, 83 mixed do, at 4s 4d to 4s (Id. Fat Lambs.—2io wore penned, which, under moderate o .mpeti'ion, sold at from 5.1 to 7s ftl. We sold on account of Mr D. 11. Johnston, Wintatui, 28 at 6s 0J Pi.s. bacon pigs. Tho demand today was exceedingly weak, and prices for all sorts lo\yer. Suckers brought 8-< Od ; porkers, 19s 0d to 2Ss 6d ; baconers, 80s to 4'2s. Store Cattle.—The demand is only imderately active. Well-bred, large-framed, quiet bullocks, in forward c udition, are always saleable at prices comparing favorably with those obtained for fit. Mixed mobs, however (except in small lots, which occasiona'ly sell fairly well at the iturnside saleyards) arc not so easily disposed of at a satisfactory price. Storo Sheep.—Tho demand for these at Loiilngdown prices is still fairly active, and numbers changing hands for this purpose; but them is sca'ccly as much inqulr/ for young 9tock, and very few transactions in this description to be recorded. Wool.—We aro in receipt of tho following telegram fiom our London ott>ce,dated closed to-day at the level of last Bales, excepting I ne grc->sy cross-bred, which has advtnccd $d per In.; coarpe do, cross-brtd market firm; greasy merino maintains the February averago; greasy merino, lamba, had advanced Jd por lb since cloi-e of last sales; faulty hin' s has declined Jd to Id per lb The sales comprise about 220,000 bales; 25,000 bales have been he'd over for future disposal; 120,000 bales have been sent to the Continent; 1,438 taken for America." Sheepskins.—At our regular weekly salo on Monday we submitted a large catalogue consisting of stition dry skins and butchers.' green skiiiß. Nearly all the representatives of tho trado were in attendance, but notwithstanding the satiffictory reports of the closing of tho late series of wool tales in London, particularly as regards, cross-bred wool, aleo considering the extra growth of wool, pricos reali-ed both this and lost week show no improvement on thono obtained a month since. No doubt buyers of &ki"B 'or shipment, owing to the broken weather, find it difficult to dry quickly enough to make rem for further purchases; honce the want of more aativo competition Country dry cross-breds (inferior to medium) brought 9d to 2s Od; good to best do, 3* 3d to 4s 7d ; dry merinoea, 9d to 4s 3J; green croßSbreds, Is lid, 2s 2d, 2s sd, 2) Bd, 2s lOd, 3s; do merinoea, 1b Od, Is 7d, Is 8d ; lambskins, Is 9d, 2s, 2s 3d, 2s Bd, 2s 8d lUbbit-skins.—Business In this line in tbo meantime is almost at a stands: ill owing to the want of supplies. There is a good demand, hut only a very few offerod, and these are taken up frcoly at satisfactory prices, considering quality and condition. We expect to see good competition for all lots exposed to public auction this season Hides. - This market continues firm at late rates. A good domand exists for shipment. Local requirements are also up to the average, and supplies are scarcely equal to 'he demand. There are no aocumuhtionß of stocks, all coming forward being easily placed at for slippy aud I ulls, ljii to 2d; light, 2}d to 2Jd ; medium, 2Jdto 3jd ; heavy, and in good condition, free from cuts and offal, 33d to 4}d per lb. Tallow.—A moderate demand exists for local requirement, but owing t° the unsatisfactory tone of the London market buyors for shipment are not operating, except at prices iu sympathy with Home rates. We quoto for inferior and mixed, 10s to 13s; medium to good, 14s to 15s; best mutton, 18s to 18s. Renderers ask more, but vory little business is dono at over the latter figure Rough tat is in fair demand; inferior, 6s to 7s; medium, 8s to Q.i ; good to best, 10s to lis per owt-a shade moro for fresh, clean caul fat. Grain.—Wheat: The market shows a little moro animation, and olthough prices can hardly bo said to have improved very much a better inquiry exists, and sales are easier mado. AH classes are in fair request, and a decidedly healthier tone prevails. We ! quote prime milling, velvet, and Tuscan at Ss 8d to 3s 9d; for extra ohoioo, a shade over; our good to beet, Ss 7d to 3a 8d; medium, Ss 3d to 3s 6d. Fowls' wheat is in very good demand, and realises, (according to sample) from 2s 6d to 8s Id, ex store, bags weighed in —Oats: A considerable quantity of these has changed hands during the week, but, owing to suitable freights not being obtainable, buyers are unable to take delivery of purchases as speedily as could be deßircd, and this also has the effeot of weakening the demind. Consignments are" coming forward in large volume, nearly all going. into store. The demand is only moderately active, short, stout, bright oats being the only binds inquired for, and last week s quotations oould hardly be obtained for these, unless I exceptionally good Feed oats of every description are lower, and, if discolored, are unsaleable, exoep', at very unsatisfactory prices. We quote bright heavy milling, Is 7d to Is 8d; short bright feed, Is 6d to Is 6Jd ; medium, Is 6d to Is 6d ; Inferior and discolored, Is 8d t5 Is 6d \ex store, "bags weighed in).— Barley: The supply at present is very limited. Both malting and milling Is In request. Good samples of malting would fetoh up to last week'a quotations. Owing to the price of oats being so low there is no demand for feed. We quote prime malting 3s lQd to 4s; medium, 3s 6d to 8s 9d ; milling, 8s to 8s 3d; feed, nominal, 2s 0d to 2s 9d (ex store). Ryegrass Seed.—The market for this seed continue* exceedingly dull. Small lots of farmers* undressed are being occasionally disposed of at Very low prices, but no sales of any oonsequence taking place. Undressed lots range from 2s to 2s 9d; maohine-dreseed, guaranteed off old pasture, 8s 8d to 8s 6d (bags extra). —Cocksfoot Seed; There is no improvement In the demand; quotations nominal. THE LONDON MARKETS. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company have received the following oablegram from their London office, dated the 28-h inst : •The wheat maiket is steadier,; growing orops backward. Viotorlan (to arrive stoamer) is worth (o i.f) 34a 6d par 4801b (March-April bill of lading); do firon ship), 858 6d (April bill of lading); other quotations unchanged.. The leather market is unchanged The frozen meat is quiet and stocks heavy. Auckland mutton is worth 4Jd per lb; Canterbury, 4fd per lb; Auokland lamb, 6d. Piime New Zealand lambs are worth, per carcass, Cd per lb."

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Evening Star, Issue 7198, 28 April 1887, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 7198, 28 April 1887, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 7198, 28 April 1887, Page 3